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15 Cards in this Set

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Digoxin common name is ?
What is the common maintenance dose of Dig
125 to 250 mcg PO
What are normal potassium levels?
3.5 to 5.0
What potentiates dig toxicity?
Nursing implication of dig
Take apical pulse for one full minute
Signs of dig toxicity
Visual disturbance - light looks yellow
What is atropine sulfate used for?
Anti dysrythmic - used to treat bradycardia
What is lidocaine hcl used for?
Used to treat tachycardia, PVCs. It is an anti dysrhythmic
What is the trade name for procainamide?
Pronestyl - used to treat PVCs - antidysrhythmic
What is the antidote for digoxin toxicity?
Digoxin Immune Fab
memory aid
it makes a DIFference
What is the trade name for quinidine?
Quiniglute - Used to treat PVCS, atrial flutter, it is an antidysrhythmic
What is the trade name for propanolol?
Inderol - beta blocker and anti dysrhythmic
memory aid - piece of PI - & both end in ol
Nadalol's trade name?
Corgard - beta blocker and anti dysrhythmic
memory aid - Nada's heart is guarded
Side effects of anti dysrhythmics?
Nausea vomiting diaharrea or constipation dry mouth blurred vision, dizziness
Nursing intervention for antidysrhythmics?
Monitor BP and P before giving hold if pulse < 60 or > 120 and if BP < 100 systolic