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45 Cards in this Set

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Two primary purposes of the CV system?
1) Facilitate exchange of substances and energy between cells and external environment
2) Removal of metabolites
By what mechanism does the heart pump the blood?
Pressure my nigga
Cardiac output must = ?
3 "pump variables?"
1) Cardiac output
2) Stroke volume
3) Frequency
Of the 3 pump variables which tends to stay fairly consistent?
Cardiac output ~ 5l/min for a 70kg male
Location of the SA node?
Superior right atrium
Location of AV node?
Kind of between the right atrium, right ventricle and left ventricle.
Out of all the conduction pathways which has the highest and the lowest intrinsic rate?
SA node = highest
Purkinje fibers = lowest
Intrinsic rate of the SA node?
~ 100bpm
Intrinsic rate of the AV node?
40 - 60 BPM
Intrinsic rate of the Purkinje Fibers?
30-40 BPM
Portion of the nervous system responsible for slowing heart rate?
Parasympathetic via the Vagus nerve with release of ACh.
Bundle of HIS sends current where?
Apex and surface of heart
Shortest time of depolarization?
AV node = .05 m/sec
Longest time of depolarization?
Purkinje Fibers = 4.0 m/sec
List the sequence of firing of the Atrial muscle, the Purkinje Fibers and the Ventricle
1) Atrial muscle < 200ms
2) Purkinje muscle <300ms
3) Ventricular muscle ~ 300ms
Which has the larger hyperpolarization between the SA node and the AV node?
SA node
Depolarization of muscles/fibers faster or slower than nodes?
Faster (virtually no slope)
Apx depolarization threshold for nodes?
Apx depolarization threshold for muscles/fibers?
Steep depolarization of cardiac muscle is d/t?
Na coming into the cell
Transient repolarization is driven by?
Ca coming in
Plateau is driven by?
Ca (Coming in less???)
Repolarization is driven by?
K+ leaving cell
Resting potential is driven by?
Lean current
Primary difference between the AP of the ventricular muscle and the SA node?
The depolarization of the SA node (phase 0) is driven by Ca and not Na (as it is in the muscle)
Which has the faster funny current, parasymp or symp?
Factors that increase SA node firing rate?
1) Symp stimulation
2) Muscarinic receptor antagonist
3) B agonists
4) Hyopkalemia
5) Hyperthyroidism
Factors that decrease SA node firing rate?
1) Parasymp stim
2) Muscarinic receptor agonists
3) B-blockers
4) Hyperkalemia
5) Na and Ca channel blockers
Component of cardiac cycle that includes: Ventricular relaxing, ventricular filling and atrial contraction?
Component of cardiac cycle that includes: Ventricular contraction and ventricular ejection?
Apx how much time of the cardiac cycle is spent in diastole at a HR of 75?
Apx how much time of the cardiac cycle is spent in systole at a HR of 75?
Where is a pulmonary catheter typically inserted?
Jugular V.
2 cardiac output equations?
1) CO (L/min) = HR (beats/min) x SV (L/beat)
2) CO (L/min) = (MAP [mmHg] - CVP [mmHg])/ SVR (RU)
System Vascular Resistance = Resistance to blood flow by all systemic vasculature EXCEPT pulmonary vasculature
Central Venous Pressure = Describes the BP in the Thoracic Vena Cava - important b/c it determines the filling of the right ventrical
Methods to measure CO in humans?
1) EKG / Doppler US
2) Angiography / Radionuclide Angio
4) Thermodilution / dye dilution
5) Fick method
Doppler uses US to determine...
Direction and Velocity of flow.
Tricuspid valve sits where?
Between R atrium and ventrical
Mitral valve sits where?
Between the L atrium and ventrical
MUGA scane?
Multi-unit Gate Aquisition
- Uses a GAMA scanner
- Measures resting cardiac performance
- Radioactively tagged blood
Two purposes served by Echo + Thermodilution
1) Measures change in temp in different chambers and vessels
2) Measures flow
Stroke Volume
Ejection fraction = ?
SV/LVEDV (norm >= 55%)