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375 Cards in this Set

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what usually supplies sa node
what usually supplies av node
what is right dominant heart
inf portion of heart served by rca
what supplies right ventricle
what supplies posteromedial papillary m of mitral valve
what part of septum does lad serve
ant 2/3
most common area of occlusion in heart
dilation of left atrium can lead to
dysphagia, hoarseness
what part of septum carries most of the conduction bundles
ant 2/3
from ascending to descending aorta, what is the order of the branching vessels
BCS (brachiocephalic, l carotid, l subclavian)
reynolds number
density * diameter * velocity / viscosity
effect of changing radius vs velocity in reynolds number
radius has a bigger effect than velocity
what can increase pulse pressure
increasing stroke volume
effect of extracellular sodium on contractility
decreased sodium means less contractility cuz na/ca pump can't work as well
how does digoxin raise intracellular calcium
blocking na/k pump results in increased intracellular sodium means na/ca pump works better
what physiologic factors can decrease contractility
hypoxia, acidosis
what increases mvo2
increased afterload, increase contractility, increase hr, increase heart size
what tissue has the highest rate of oxygen extraction
what does preload correspond to
ventricular EDV / RAP
venodilator vs vasodilator - preload vs afterlolad
venodilator decreases preload, vasodilator decreases afterload
normal EF
tension equation
T = P*r/w
what factors can increase viscosity
polycythemia, hyperprotein states, hereditary spherocytosis
effect of the following on cardiac and vascular curves: blood volume, anaphylaxis, exercise, AV shunt, hemorrhage
blood volume will alter the mean systemic pressure, anaphylaxis will decrease mean systemic pressure (increased perm) & shift VR curve CW & shift CO curve up, exercise and AV shunt will shift CO up & CW rot of VR, hemorrage decreases mean systemic pressure & shifts CO down & rotates VR CCW
what can change the mean systemic pressure (i.e. x intercept of VR curve)
increased BV and decreased venous compliance increases mean systemic pressure
effect of TPR on VR and CO
increased TPR shifts VR down (more blood in arteries) and shifts CO down
draw the flow diagram for cardiac cycle and label the points with valve closure/opening
when is s3 normal
pregnancy and children
draw the venous pulse curve and label a c v x y
what is wide splitting associated with
RV empties slower - could be due to pulmonary hypertension or stenosis, or rbbb
does wide splitting change with expiration/inspiration
what causes fixed splitting
flow from left heart to right heart through asd increases amount of time it takes RV to empty
when is paradoxical splitting seen
LV empties slower - aortic stenosis, lbbb
what do you hear on paradoxical splitting
on inspiration, the p2 and a2 come close together, eliminating the split
describe the following maneuvers on preload and afterload: handgrip, inspiration vs expiration, standing vs sqat, valsalva vs rlease, lying down during pregnancy
describe where the following is best heard: AS, AR, PR, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, PS, asd, vsd, MR, MS, TR, TS
describe "shape" of MR/TR
name causes of MR
ischemic heart dz, MVP, LV dilation, IE, papillary mm rupture, LS, rheumatic fever
what could cause giant c,v- waves on venous pulse
what is the shape of VSD-related heart murmur (ie during what type, and shape)
shape of MVP
midsystolic click followed by late systolic crescendo
what causes midsystolic click in MVP
sudden tensing of cordae tendinae
most common cause of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
what substance is increased in the valve of MVP
dermatan sulfate
venous pulse findings in tricuspid stenosis
big a wave
functional regurgitaiton
regurg due to physical dilation of valve ring
head bobbing and bounding pulses
what is austin flint murmur
mitral regurg from anterior leaf of mitral valve 2* to ar
what is best position to hear aortic regurg
sitting, leaning forward
opening of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic channels vs cardiomyocyte sarcoplasmic channels
skeletal muscle is mechanically linked opening, whereas cardiocyte is calcium activated
describe channel permeabilities from phase 0-4 of ventricular contraction
describe channel conductances for a node
what is the effect of adenosine on rate of depolarization and heart rate
slows and decreases
what is the resting potential for potassium, sodium and calcium
rank these in terms of speed of conduction: atria, av, purkinje, ventricles
purkinje > atria > ventricles> av
what is normal PR interval
normal QRS interval
what is U wave caused by
hypokalemia, bradykardia
ST elevation in all leads suspicious for
what predisposes to torsades de points
qt prolong
describe findings of congenital long qt
defect in na or k channel + sensineural deafness
rank pacemakers in terms of automaticity: sa, purkinje, his, ventricles, av
what ectopic circuit responsible for wpw syndrome
bundle of kent
tx for wpw
procainamide, amniodarone
chads2 for afib
chf, htn, age, dm, stroke*2
which has faster beat: afib or aflutter
tx for aflutter
1a, 1c, 3
tx for afib
review rules for ekg interpretation
which mobitz is infranodal
which mobitz is in danger of complications
2, risk of 3* heart block
what dz can result in 3* heart block
lyme dz
what center in brain is responsible for increasing sympathetic activity in response to decreased bp
nucleus tractus solitarius
effect of ANP on renal arterioles? What is this mediated by
constricts efferent, dilates afferent. Cgmp
what is the major contributor to aldosterone escape
aortic arch vs carotid baroreceptors -- differences
aortic arch only responds to INCREASE BP, whereas carotid response to both. Aortic arch uses cn10, cartodi uses cn9
central vs peripheral chemoreceptors
peripheral measures o2, co2, and ph. Central responds just to pH and co2.
what mediates cushings reachtion
central chemoreceptor
why might you see a triad of hypertension, bradycardia and depressed respiration in a person
increased ICP leads to cerebral ischemia which stimulates central chemoreceptor, which leads to activation of nucleus tractus solitarius, and then that causes hypertension, which then causes baroreceptor to promote reflex bradiacardia
what organ has the greates share of cardiac CO
which organ has the highest proportion of blood given its size
how can increased oxygen be delivered to heart
increased coronary blood flow
what is the normal systolic & diastolic pressure in the LV
<130, < 10
what is the normal systolic & diastolic pressure in the RV
<25, <5
what does PCWP a good estimate for
left atrial pressure, atrial pressures, diastolic ventricular pressures
when might the pcwp > lv edp
mitral or pulmonic stenosis
what are the major regulators of cardiac blood flow
metabolites - adenosine
major regulator of brain blood flow
metabolites - co2
major regulator of blood flow to kidney
myogenic, tuberoglomerular feedback
major regulator of muscle blood flow
metabolites - lactate, adenosine, k
major regulator of blood flow to skin
what does the main oncotic pressure come from
what type of edema will lymphatic blockage cause
nonpitting cuz it's the interstitial oncotic pressure that's increased
where willl you find sinusoidal capillaries
bm, spleen, liver
where will you find fenestrated capillaries
mcc of early cyanosis
how prevalent is patent foramen ovale
what is required for a person w/ tricuspid atresia survive
asd, vsd
what is total anomalous pulmonary venous return
lungs empty into right heart without other defects
what heart defect is most assoc/ w/ fas
asd, vsd
how to distinguish asd vs vsd based on o2 levels
asd - o2 steps up in RA, vsd - o2 steps upin RV, pda - o2 steps up only in pulm art
what maneuver helps to improve oxygenation in tetrology
squatting (increased tpr)
what anatomic defect causes tetrology of fallot
anterosuperior displacement of the infundibular septum
what dzz are assoc/ w/ vsd
corrected transposition, tetrology, cru du chat, fas
what is aorta connected to in transposition
where can a murmur be heard in postductal coarc
b/w shoulder blades
renin levels in person w/ coarc
incresaed, dec blood flow to kidney
most common cause of cyanosis in lower extremeties
reversed PDA (eisenmenger) dumping blood distal to subclavian
what is the collateral circulation w/ coarc
anterior intercostal (from IT) -> post intercostal (from aorta), superior epigsstric (from IT) to inferior epigastric (external iliac)
what is epstein's abnormality
maternal lithium use leads to atrialization of RV (cuz tricuspid leaflets are displaced onto RV -- therefore also TR). Dilation of RA can result in WPW.
what cardiac abormalities are associated w/: 22q11, down, rubella, turner, marfan, maternal diabetes
renin levels in 1* htn
low (cuz increased cardiac output)
complications of htn
atherosclerosis, lvh, stroke, chf, renal fail, retinopathy, aortic dissection
which diurectics are best at electrolyte loss
mechanism of sodium related htn
enters resistance cells and opens calcium channels increasing tpr
what is arcus senilis
lipid deposits in cornea usualy with age
pathology of monkeberg
MEDIAL calcification
where (in body) is calcification in monkeberg
usualyy radial or ulnar
is intima involved in monkeberg
where do fibrous plaques and atheromas usually form
intima of arteries
hyaline arteriolosclerosis of kindey can lead to what appearance
shrunken, cobblestoned grainy leather
what type of arteries does atherosclerosis occur in
elastic and medium
what factors are responsible for smooth muscle migration in atherosclerosis
pdgf and tgfbeta
describe the order of these events in atherosclerosis: smooth muscle, fibrous plaques, endothelial injury, fatty streaks, macrophage and ldl accumulation, foam cell formation
why might atherosclerosis cause htn
if its in renal a
what are the most likely sites of atherosclerosis
what is a good way to detect plaque disruption
What infection is a risk factor for atherosclerosis
chlamydia pneumoniae
why are rates of aortic dissection increased in pregnancy
inreased plasma volume leads to hypertensive state
what histological change is associated with aortic dissection
cystic medial necrosis
mediastinal widening on cxr
aortic dissection
what is type B aortic dissection
distal to subclavian
why might aortic dissection have absent pulses
compression of subclavian a
ekg changes in stable vs unstable vs prinzmetal angina
st elevation for prinzmetal (cuz its transmural), others are dpression
what is sudden cardiac death (acute coronary syndrome, not hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) associated with
what causes sudden cardiac death
what gender has more prinzmetal
explain why an aneurysm is likely to expand
increasing radius increases tension
sx of aaa
sudden onset of left flank pain + hypotension + pulsatile mass
why are women likely to get CAD at a higher age
estrogen increases hdls
what are the most prevalent sites of occlusion in the coronaries
how long does it take to lose contractily after occlusion? Irreversible injury?
60s, 30min
what causes contraction bands
reperfusion injury causes hypercontraction in dying myocytes
when do neutrophils start to migrate in mi
4 hours
when is the greatist risk for arrythmia in mi
first 4 days
when is greatest risk for free wall ruupture in mi
when is greatest risk for papillary muscle rupture in mi
when is greatest risk for IV septal rupture
when is loss of nuclei and striations most prominent in mi
2-4 days
what is hyperemia and when is it seen in mi
2-4d, dilated blood vessels due to inflamation
when are you likely to see pale heart with tetrazolium stain in mi
first day
why is there a greater risk for rupture in 5-10d
cuz macrophages have digested important structural components
know the histology of mi
when are you likely to see yellow-brown heart in mi
by 10 days
when is greatest risk for ventricular aneurysm
venous thrombus vs arterial thrombus
arterial is mostly platelets and atherosclerosis (i.e. coagulation). Kill the platelet action w/ aspirin. Venous thrombus is mostly rbcs and fibrin "red" more coagulation. Use heparin and warfarin to kill
are mural thrombi red or white
what are lines of zohn
alternating laters of clotting factors and rbcs on thrombus
what is the main dx for mi
ekg in first 6h
when does cardiac troponin rise
after 4h, lasts 7-10 d
what is characteristic ekg finding of pulmonary embolism
anteroseptal vs anterior vs anterolateral mi ekg findings
v1-v2; v1-v4; v4-v6
why is posteromedial papillary m likely to rupture
rca thrombus serves it
postinfarct pericarditis vs dressler
both are fibrinous pericarditis; but dressler is autoimmune and is several weeks post whereas postinfarct is 3-5d post MI
when would ckmb likely to reappear if reinfarct
what is ischemic preconditioning
what is myocardial stunning
what is hibernating mycardium
what factors are elevated in hibernating mycoardium
what is ventricular remodeling
causes of dilated cardiomyopathy
alcohol, beriberi, cox, cocaine, chagas, doxorubicin, hemochromatosis, peripartum
mutations in dystrophin or mitochondrial genes can lead to what type of cardiomyopathy
eccentric vs concentric hypertrophy
dilated vs hypertrophic
disoriented tangled mycoardium
hypertrophic cardiomyoapthy
how is the murmur in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy different from as
outflow tract obstruction is removed by increasing preload (not true of AS)
inheritance of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
what dz is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy assoc w
cause of death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
abnormal condunction due to disordered condunction bundles
which has pmi dislocation. Which has icnreased pmi
dilated. Hypertrophic
tx for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
antiarrythmic 2 or 4
what gene is oft mutated in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
beta myosin heavy chain
effect of digitalis on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
increased vacuum created by relaxation of contracted heart results in outflow obstruction
causes of restrictive cardiomyopathy
sarcoid, amyloid, radiation, endocardial fibroelastosis, loffler's syndrome, hemochromatosis
mcc of restrictive cardiomyopathy in children
endocardial fibroelastosis
ekg changes in restrictive cardiomyopathy
low voltage ekg w/ st-t wave chagnes
complications of myocarditis
dilated cardiomyoatphy
causes of myocarditis
cox, echo, influenza
what maneuver can help releive pericarditis
sitting, leaning forward
cxr findings of pulmonary edema related to chf
kerley's lines (lines perpendicular to pleural edge that are parallel to one another or straight lines in upper lung that course diagnonal to hilum(
what are types of high output failure
septic shock, thiamine deficiency, hyperthyroidism, avm shunt, decreased viscosity
tx for acute coronary syndrome
morphine, o2, nitrates, aspirin (MONA) also bb, statin and ace
sx of bacterial endocarditis
systemic sx from emboli and IC (roth spot, osler ode, janeway lesion, nail bed hemorrhage), anemia. Be careful of the IC question missed a qbank question cuz o fit
what type of pericarditis seen with IE
most common bacterial in tricuspid IE
saureus, pseud, candida
what congenital issue can inc risk of ie
ANY congenital heart defect
pt has new murmur, fever, splinter hemorrhage and pos blood culture. Does he have ie
need multiple blood cultures
why is vancomycin oft used to treat IE
cuz saureus is usually mrsa
what type of bacteria seen in subacute ie
viridians (sanguis)
why are valves that are injured more likely to get ie
deposition of fibrin and platelets leads to ie
ie and colon cancer
s bovis
ie and prosthetic valves
s epidermis
what is marantic endocarditis
hypercoag state leads to deposition, embolization
know the pictures for ie
libman sacks vs other endocarditis
depositions on both sides of valves
libman sacks likes to hit what valve
what are the jones criteria
joints, pancarditis, nodules, erythema marginatum, syndenham
early deaths in rheumatic fever due to
late deaths in rheumatic fever due to
what labs might be high in rheumatic heart dz
aso titers and dnase b
what are aschoff bodies
granuloma w/ anitschkow cells (activated histiocytes) seen in rheymatic heart dz
what is the likelihood of rheumatic heart dz following nephrogenic s pyogenes
ddx of polyarthritis in children
jra, rubella, rheumatic fever, henoch scholein
hypersensitivity in rheumatic heart dz
beat to beat variation in qrs of ekg
neck vein distention on inpsiration
what heart chambers will have the highest diastolic pressure during tamponade
it's all equal
when might you see a depressed systolic pulse during inspiration
happens normally but exaggerated in obstructive lung dz incl sleep apnea, croup, tamponade
treek barking of aorta
pericardial effusion vs restrictive pericarditis
muffled heart sounds in effusion, pericardial knock (heart hitting pericardium) in restrictive
what dzz can cause serous pericarditis
autoimmune, virus, uremia
most common 1* cardiac tumor in adults
can atrial myxomas embolize
kussmaul's sign
increase in jvd on inspiration
what can be used to tx raynaud
wegener's vs goodpasture
goodpasture only affects lung. Wegeners affects upper airway also
what are things that can cause perforation of nasal septum
wegeners (saddle nose), cocaine
can someone w/ wegener's get an earache
how to tx wegeners
cyclophosphamide and CS
increased marker in microscopic polyangiitis
synchrony of lesions of microscopic polyangitis, henoch schonlein, PAN
PAN lesions are of different stages
granulomatous vasculitis
wegeners, churg strauss, takayasu, temoral arteritis
vasculitis that affects small vessels
raynaud, wegeners, sturge-weber, henoch schonlein
vasculitis that affects large vessels
takayasu and temporal arteritis
which vasculitis is associated with glaucoma
sturge weber
which vasculitis is associated with asthma and peripheral neuropathy
churg strauss
which vasculitis is associated with eosinophilia
churg strauss
what is cryoblobulinemia associated with
hcv, mpgn1, mm
name some infectious vasculitis
rocky mountain spotted fever. Disseminated meningococcemia. Syphilis. Mucormycosis
triad of henoch schonlein
skin, joints, gi
what vasculitis is associated with iga nephropathy
henoch schonlein
what vasculitis is associated with melena
henoch schonlein and pan
segmental thrombosis of medium vessels
vasculitis associated with peeling of palms and soles
tx for kawasaki
self limiting, maybe iv ig NO STEROIDS
vasculaitis associated with coronary aneurysms in children
vasculitis that involves renal and visceral vessels and avoids lungs
vasculitis assoc w hbv
tx for pan
cyclophosphamide and CS
ocular disturbances, arthritis and weak upper pulse
jaw claudication and unilateral headache with elevated esr
temporal arteritis
what is temporal arteritis assoc/ w/
polymyalgia rheumatica
polymyalgia rheumatica vs polymyositis
both are mucle weakness, but polymyositis has increased ck
progression of strawberry hemangioma
grows w child then regresses
who does cherry hemangioma occur in
what is pyogenic granuloma and where does it occur and in who
capillary hemagnioma that can ulcerate, assoc/ w/ trauma and preg. Oft in gums
cystic hygroma
lymphangioma of neck w/ turners
glomus tumur - what does it arise from, where?
modified smooth muscle cells of thermoregulating glomus body, under fingernails
bacillary angiomatosis - what causes it
bartonella henselae
lymphangiosarcoma is oft complication of what
post radical mastectomy, persistent lymphedema
what causes kaposis
what antihtn is good for chf
at2 causes modeling and reduced contractility - so ACEi, spironolactone, beta block (if compensated)
what helps to protect against diabetic nephropathy
mechanism of hydralzine
increased cgmp
first line for pregnancy htn
hyralazine and metyhldopa
what is the only anti-HTN that can cause peripheral edema
best drug to tx raynauds
best drug to prevent complications of subarachnoid hemorrhage
what antihtn can cause constipation
bioavailablity of nitroglycerin vs isosorbide dinitrate
isosorbide mononitrate = 100%
what agent is responsible for Monday disease (tachycardia, dizziness, and headache on beginning of workweek)
triald of malig htn
kidney dmg + papilledema + htn
what antihtn can cause hyperglycemia
which antihtn can mask sx of hypoglycemia in diabetics
what antihtn can cause cyanide tox
which antihtn acts on d1 receptors
how do nitrates affect: edv, bp, contractility, hr, ejection time, mvo2
down, down, up, up, down, down
how do bb affect: edv, bp, contractility, hr, ejection time, mvo2
up, down, down, down, up, down
what bb's are ci in angina
pindolol, acebutolol
mechanism of minoxidil
k+ stimulator, treats severe htn
which antihtn can cuase hypertrichosis
mechansim of cilostazol
tox of statins
hepatotox, rhabdotox
mechism of niacin
inhibits adipose lipolysis, reduced hepatic vldl excretion
which antilipid can cause acanthosis nigricans
which antilipid can cause gout
which antilipid increases formation of gallstones
what is the major effect of resins
lowers ldls
which antilipids increase in liver ldlr expression
which antilipids have chance of increased lfts
statin, ezetimibe
which antilipid can cause myositis
which antilipid has strongest effect on tgs
which combination of antilipid increases gallstone
fibrate and resins
which combination of antilipids increases myopathy
statin and fibrate
where does ryanodine act
blocks ryanodine receptor on sarcoplasmic reticulum, decreases intracellular calcium
what is phospholambam
protein that increases intracellular calcium
what type of calcium channels are found in the membrane of cardiomycotes
l-type or nondhp
what is half life of digoxin
excretion of digoxin
what type of arrythmia is digoxin likely to treat
toxicity of digoxin
cholinergic (INCLUDES BLURRY YELLOW VISION), ekg (increases pr, decreases qt- cuz it increases calcium, SCOOPING - scoop shape of st segment), hyperkalemia
contraindications to digoxin
renal failure, hypokalemia, quinidien
tx for digoxin od
1. normalize k,mg 2. lidocaine/pheny 3. anti fab
name some 1a drugs
quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide
name some 1b drugs
lido, mexilitine, tocainide, pheny\
name some 1c drugs
fecainaide, encainide, propafenone
which antiarythmic is best post mi
which antiarythmic is worst post mi
contraindication to class 1 drugs
compared to other drugs, what are class 1 drugs more selective for
selectively depress tissue that is frequently depolarized (i.e. fast tachy)
what class 1 is used as last resort
what drugs can lead to headache and tinnitus
class of drugs that can prolong qt
1a and 3
what class of drugs affects preferentially ischemic tissue
which drugs would have a qrs prolong? if it did not affect qt, what would it be?
class 1 (blocking na). 1c will not affect qt
what is the shortest acting bb
which bb may cause dyslipidemia
how to tx bb overdose
name some class 3 blocks
sotalol, ibutilide, bretylium, dofetilide, amniodarone
which class 3 block can cause hypotension
what is treatment of choice for vtach
qbank says amiodarone
what antiarrythmic can cause photodermatitis
what antiarrythmic can cause constipation
what antiarrythmic can result in corneal deposits
effect of ccb on skeletal muscle
nothing cuz in skeltal muscle most ca influx is from intracellular
what antiarrythmic can cause impotence
mechaism of adenosine
increases gK, which hyperpolarizes the cell and decreases calcium
best drug for killing psvt
what blocks effects of adenosine
why will valsalva invoke a baroreceptor response
increased intrathoracic pressure will compress veins and reduce venous return and decreases co and map
dromotorpic effect
increases conduction velocity thru av
what is bowditch staircase
increased hr causes more and more ca to accumulate, which causes more contractility
describe cardiac output in terms of o2 consumption
co = o2 consumption / (arterial o2 - venous o2)
which prostaglandins dilate
which prostaglandins constrict
what is mycotic aneurysm
vessel weakening by pathogen usually bacterial (b fragilis, pseud, salmon)
endarteritis obliterans
destruction of vasa vasorum of aortic arch by syphilis
what is stasis dermatitis
discoloration and hemosiderin around ankle
thrombosis of vein vs not a thrombosis. Phlebothrombosis has no inflammation. Thrombephlebitis is just pain and inflammation in vein cuz of IV cannulation or infection or PANCREATIC HEAD CARCINOMA
sx of thoracic outlet syndrome
arm sleeping, numbness and paresthesia, no pulse when arm stretched to the side and head turned to same side
acute lymphangitis sx
red streak, usually cellulitis from s pyogenes
what is lymphedema
collection of lymph fluid due to blockage of drainage
what is canca
proteinase 3 ab
what is panca
what vascular abormality in fetus can result in increased risk of congential abormality
single umbilical a
watter bottle on cxr
complications of gas embolus
pneumothorax, aseptic necrosis, pulmonary embolus
what cardiac pathologies can embolize
IE, atrial myxoma, marantic endocarditis
resistance to infarction by prior non lethal repititive ischemia
ischemic preconditioning
brief ischemic episodes followed by reperfusion that leads to reversible loss of contractility
myocardial stunning
chronic but reversible loss of contractile function w/ inc tnf and nos caused by persistent ischemia
hibernating myocardium
chronic change in shape of heart as compensation for changes in preload/afterload
ventricular remodeling
2 ways to accentuate s3
1. lateral decubitus 2. exhalation
3 sources of energy for the heart
1. FA oxidation (60%) 2. glucose oxidation 3. glycolysis
where can the posterior descending a branch from in a left dominant heart
what is the order of JVP's
at carter's crossing, vehicles yield (acxvy)
effect of inspiration on heart murmurs
makes right sided heart murmurs louder
effect of hand grip on heart murmurs
increases TPR, so quiets AS and makes MR louder
effect of lying down while on pregnancy
compression of IVC leads to decreased preload and thus less CO
effect of squatting on preload
in the beginning, have increased preload, but after a bit, get increased TPR so less preload (that's why it helps with PDA)
effect of increasing preload on MVP murmur
increased filling time for LV means click moves closer to S2
what can cause a U wave
hypokalemia, bradykardia
what can tx wpw
procainamide, amniodarone
what infectious disorder can result in 3* heart block
lyme dz
effect of anp on renal arterioles? what is the mechanism
constrict efferent, dilate afferent using cgmp.
how is infundibular septum displaced in ToF
anterior and superior
defect where tricuspid leaflets are displaced into RV, resulting in hypoplastic RV and tricuspid murmur
epsteins abnormality
what electrical conduction deficit is common in epsteins abnormality
monday disease caused by drugs
nitrate exposure at workplace
when do you tx with warfarin for afib
irregular heartbeat with no P waves
which antiarrythmic may cause chest pain after being administered
what color are roth spots
white surrounded by red
what kinds of cells may be seen in xanthoma
lipid laden histiocytes (touton giant cells) containing lipids and foamy cytoplasm
what type of necrosis is seen with small vessel vasculitis
fibrinoid necrosis
when do you start to see early coagulation necrosis after MI
after 4 hours. contraction bands seen after 12-24h.