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76 Cards in this Set

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Location and action:

Cutaneus Trunci
Trunk superficial just below skin

twitches skin over scapula and trunk
just below skin
Location and action:

Trapezius (cervical part)
Shoulder, back and neck, superficial

shrug- elevates scapula cranially and dorsally
streches from neck to scapula
Location and action:

Trapezius (thoracic part)
Shoulder, back and neck, superficial

elevates scapula
Location and action:

Latissimus Dorsi
Lateral, covers rib cage, superficial

draws limb caudally, assists in lateral flexion, digging
The Latissimus Dorsi stretches from the humerus to the ________ _______
Thoracolumbar fascia/ spinous processes
name either tendon or bone
Location and action:

Cutaneous platysma
back of neck to lower part of face, superficial

facial expressions
The brachiocephalicus has two parts called ______________ and _____________

named for where they insert
Location and action:

Upper arm superficial

extends shoulder, advances forelimb
name hints at location
Location and action:

neck, superficial

draws head to side (lateral flexion of neck)
stretches from shoulder/withers to neck
Location and action:

lateral neck, part runs under brachiocephalicus

draws neck to the side (lateral flexion of neck)
Omo means shoulder
transverse means...
Name two muscles that cause lateral flexion of the neck
Brachiocephalicus (cleidocervicalis) and omotranversarious, also sternocephalicus and longissimus
would need to attach to both shoulder and neck
Location and action:

Superficial Pectoral
Ventromedial chest superficial

adducts the arm, extends the shoulder
from sternum to humerus
movement of the limb toward the midline
Name the two parts of the superficial pectoral
descending and transverse
named for direction of muscle
Location and action:
Deep Pectoral
ventromedial chest, deep

adducts the arm, supports trunk
aka ascending pectoral
Location and action:

Serratus Ventralis
beneath scapula

supports trunk, depresses scapula
shaped like serrated wing
Name three parts of the Rhombiodeus
Capitis- attaches to occiput

Cervicis- attaches to vertebrae in neck (T1-T3)

Thoracis- attaches to vert. in thorax
(sort of) named by where they originate
Location and action:

shoulder, deep

all parts act to elevate scapula and forelimb, pull scapula to trunk
under trap
Location and action:

Deltoideus (two heads)
Shoulder, superficial

Spinous head- flexes shoulder

Acromial- assists spinous, stablizes joint
named for where they attach to the scapula
The delts attach to processes of the ________.
bone in shoulder
Name the four heads of the Triceps Brachii
1) Long
2) Lateral
3) Accessory
4) Medial
All heads of the Triceps Brachii attach to the elbow. Which one also attaches to the shoulder?
Location and action:

Triceps Brachii
caudal upper arm lateral

all heads: extends elbow
long head: also flexes shoulder
insert at olecranon tuberosity
Location and action:

shoulder, deep

extends shoulder, stablizes joint
-where is the supraspinatus fossa?

- muscle is under deltoid
Location and action:

shoulder, superficial

flexes, abducts, laterally rotates shoulder, stablizes joint
one busy muscle
Location and action:

Teres Minor
shoulder, deep

flexes and laterally rotates shoulder
does some similar actions to the infraspinatus
Location and action:

Teres Major
caudal shoulder, deep

flexes and medially rotates shoulder
rotates opposite to Teres minor
Location and action:

shoulder, deep

adduct, extend and stabilize the shoulder joint, Rotates arm medially

action: "Put your right arm in"
What two joints does the Biceps Brachii span?
elbow and shoulder
upper arm
Location and action:

Biceps Brachii
cranial upper arm

extends shoulder and flexes elbow
biceps spans two joints, has two actions

actions might occur while dog is pointing.
Location and action:

cranial upper arm

flexes elbow
similar to biceps but only spans one joint
Location and action:

Extensor Carpi Radialis
cranial/dorsal forearm

extends carpus
named for both location and action
Location and action:

Common digital extensor
cranial/lateral forearm

extends toes (II through V) and carpals
named for both location and action
Location and action:

Ulnaris Lateralis
forearm lateral

extends carpus
similar in action to Extensor Carpi Radialis
Location and action:

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (2 heads)
caudal forearm

ulnar head and humeral head, both flex carpus
named for both location and action
Location and action:

Superficial Digital Flexor
caudal forearm superficial

flexes carpus and digits
does more than flex digits
Location and action:

Flexor Carpi Radialis
forearm medial

flexes carpus
named for action
Location and action:

Deep Digital Flexor
Caudal forearm deep

flexes carpus and digits
sim to Superficial digital flexor, except deeper
Location, action, and species:

runs from humerus to metacarpals

circumduction of forearms

for climbing, not in dogs
Location and action:

dorsolateral neck deep

extends head, lateral flexion of head, rotation of head, raises head and neck, stabilizes T1
under cervical part of brachiocephalicus

goes from back to occiput and temporal bone
Latissimus dorsi
Name the orange muscle on the thorax
cervical and thoracic
Name the purple muscle at base of the neck (dorsal)

What is the blue muscle running down the neck to the leg?
Deep pectoral
What is the bright orange muscle at the underside of the thorax?
spinous and acromial heads
Which muscle is the arrow pointing to?
What is the partially hidden yellow muscle?
runs across neck
Deltoid, specifically acromial head
Identify muscle 2
Triceps, extends shoulder and flexes elbow
Identify muscle 7 and give its action
4 heads
brachiocephalicus, specifically cleidocervicalis

draws head to side
Identify muscle part (one part of a two-part muscle) and give action

draws head and neck to the side
Identify muscle and give action
between sternum and side of head

pulls tongue and larynx caudally
Identify muscle and give action
Attaches to the hyoid apparatus
External oblique

flexes and moves spine laterally, compresses abdomen, supports viscera
Identify muscle and give actions.
This group of muscles are often referred to as ____________ .
based on how they act on the carpals and digits
Identify 92 and give action

extends shoulder, stabilizes joint
originates on the upper side of the scapula, inserts at humerous
Identify 70 and give action

draws head and neck to side
named for where it attaches
Identify 87 and give action

flexes neck to side
name means "shoulder" "transverse"
Identify 88 and give action
Superficial Pectoral(descending and transverse portions)

adducts the arm
extends the shoulder
2 actions
Identify 89 and give action
Deep Pectoral

adducts the arm
supports trunk
2 actions
Identify 65 and give action

extends head, laterally flexes head, rotates head, raises head and neck, stabilizes t1
goes from back to top/side of head (one either side of head). If one side contracted, what would happen?
Identify 79 and give action
External Oblique

flexes and moves spine laterally, compresses abdomen, supports viscera
Identify 73 & 74 and give action
Serratus Ventralis (see deep view below scapula)

Supports trunk, depresses scapula
Identify 84, 85, & 86 and give action
Romboideus (84-Capital, 85-Cervcis, 86-Thoracis)

elevates scapula and forelimb, pulls scapula to trunk
head/neck to top of scapula
Identify 69 and give action
Scalenus (2 parts)

aids in inhalation by drawing ribs cranially
from cervical spine to cranial ribs
Identify 75 and give action
External intercostals

draws ribs cranially in inhalation
similar action to scalene muscle, though very short
Identify 60 and give action

draws thyroid cartilage of larynx caudally
1st costal cartilage to thyroid cartilage
Identify 93 and give action

flexes, abducts and laterally rotates shoulder, stabilizes joint
named for where it attaches on the scapula
Identify 94 and give action
Teres Minor

flexes and laterally rotates shoulder
action hint: runs from ventral scapula, out from under the infraspinatus, and and wraps around to front of humerus
Identify 95 and give action
Teres Major

flexes and medially rotates shoulder
action hint: runs from caudal angle of scapula, behind scapula, to wrap around front of humerus
Identify 101 and give action
Superficial pectoral muscles

adducts the arm, extends shoulder
Identify 102 and give action
Deep Pectoral

adducts arm, supports trunk
aka ascending
Identify 109 and give action
Biceps Brachii

extends shoulder, flexes elbow
spans two joints
Identify 98 and give action

draws head and neck to side
Identify 103 & 104 (2 parts of same muscle) and give actions
draws head to side

extends shoulder, advances forelimb
103 would be used to look at you while heeling

104 would be used when beginning to walk forward
Identify the pink muscle shown in the front and side view. Give action.

flexes elbow
attaches from one part of arm to another
Identify 43 and give action

extends shoulder, stabilizes joint
Named for where it attaches to scapula
Identify 97 and give action

draws thyroid cartilage of larynx caudally