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100 Cards in this Set

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How do the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems work together?
a. essential to body movement
b. deliver oxygen
c. deliver nutrients
d. remove Wastes from body tissues
All of the Above
What does the Respiratory System do?
Adds Oxygen and removes Carbon Dioxide from the blood.
What does the Circulatory system do?
Transports CO2, O2 and nutrients to and from the body tissues.
"It circulates everything!"
How many Chambers and pumps does the heart have
4 chambers
2 pumps ( One right and One left)
The right Atrium and right Ventricle form the right pump.

What happens here?
Collects blood returning from the tissues and moving it from through the lungs
The Left Atrium and left Ventricle form the left pump.

What happens here?
Blood is received from the lungs and moves it through the tissues of the body and back to the right side of the heart.
List the Order of Blood Flow.
Vena Cava, Left Ventricle, Right Atrium, Left Atrium, Aorta, Right Ventricle, Pulmonary Artery, Lungs, Pulmonary Vein
Vena Cava,
Right Atrium,
Right Ventricle,
Pulmonary Artery,
Pulmonary Vein
Left Atrium
Left Ventricle
Flows from Right to left
How much blood circulates in the typical adult every minute at rest?
5 litres of blood circulate every minute at rest and up to six or seven times a minute during maximal exercise.
It is the function of the ____________ to force blood out of the heart through the aorta and send it under pressure to all parts of the body.
Left Ventricle
________________ is the result of Blood being pumped out of the ventricles, exerting force against the arterial walls.
Blood Pressure (BP)
_________ is the pressure exerted on the walls of the arteries as the heart contracts, representing peak pressure in the system.
Systolic Pressure
Peak = Top number
__________ is the pressure exerted on the walls of the arteries as the heart relaxes and fills again, representing the lowest pressure in the arteries.
Diastolic Pressure
Lowest = Bottom Number
What is the formula to calculate Cardiac Output?
Q = SV x HR
How many times the heart beats and how much blood it ejects per beat.
__________ is the amount of blood that the left Ventricle ejects in one beat.
Stroke Volume (SV)
__________ is the amount of blood that the heart ejects in 1 minute.
Cardiac Output (Q)
___________ refers to the mechanical process of moving air in and out of the lungs.
______________ refers to the way gases are exchanged in the lungs.
When we inhale air through the mouth and the nose, what percentage of that is Oxygen (O2)?
What are the tiny air sacs at the end of the Bronchioles branches?

The Alveolar sacs are microscopic, thin-walled elastic where gas is exchanged.
Respiratory Anatomy
What can be measured by in maximum volume of Oxygen (O2) per minute in litres?
VO2 Max

Reflects the ability to integrate the responses from various systems that are required to support increased activity.
What does EPOC stand for?
Excess Post- Exercise Oxygen Consumption
- Used for ATP and CP replenishment
- Re-synthesis of lactic acid to glycogen
- reloading oxygen to the blood.
What are the 4 energy Systems used during exercise?
ATP-CP ( Anaerobic)
Glycolytic ( Anaerobic)
Oxidative ( Aerobic)
Fatty Acid Oxidation ( Aerobic)
What are the Primary uses for each of the energy systems (seconds/minutes)?
ATP-CP ( 1 to 10s)
Glycolytic ( 10s to 2-3min)
Oxidative ( 2+ min)
Fatty Acid Oxidation ( 2+min)
What is the Rate of ATP Production for each energy system?
ATP-CP ( 1 ATP/unit of CP)
Glycolytic ( 2-3 ATP/unit of CP)
Oxidative ( 38 ATP/unit of CP)
Fatty Acid Oxidation (100 ATP/unit of CP)
At rest, ventilation is approximately ____ litres per minute. In the first minute of exercise, it can increase to approximately ___ litres per minute, and after 2 minutes, when the person reaches steady-state exercise, it can rise to approximately __ litres per minute.
10 Litres
45 Litres
60 litres
What does FITT stand for?
What is the HRmax for a 35 year old female?
HRmax = 220 - AGE
HRmax = 220 - 35
HRmax = 185 bpm
What is the target HR for a 35 year old female whose an advanced fitness client with a RHR of 70?
Target HR = (220-AGE) x percent

Lower THR = (220 - 35) x 55%
Lower THR = 185 x 0.55
Lower THR = 102 bpm

Upper THR = (220 - 35) x 90%
Upper THR = 185 x 0.90
Upper THR = 167bpm
Beginner/Older: 55%-64%
Intermediate: 65%-74%
What is the range for Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)?
Borg Scale 6 - 20
Modified Borg Scale 0 -11
Beginner: 9-12
Intermediate: 12-15
Advanced: 13-16
What are the different Cardiovascular Frequencies (FITT) per week?
Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced
Beginner = 1-3
Intermediate = 3-5
Advanced = 4-6
What are the different Cardiovascular Time (FITT) per week?
Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced
Beginner = 15- 30 minutes
Intermediate = 20 - 45 minutes
Advanced = 40 - 60 minutes
What are the different Strength training Time (FITT) per week?
Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced
B = 12-15reps, 1-3sets, 30s-1min rest
I = 8-12reps, 1-4sets, 30s - 2min rest
A = 1-8 reps, 1-6 sets, 2+ min rest
What are the different Strength training Frequencies (FITT) per week?
Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced
Beginner = 2-3
Intermediate = 3-4
Advanced = 4-6
What are the different Strength training Intensities (FITT) per week?
Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced
B = less than 70% 1RM
I = 70% - 80% 1RM
A = 80% - 100% 1RM
What are the movements of the Knee?
Flexion and Extension
Name 2 exercises and 1 stretch for the Rectus Femoris.
1. Leg Extensions
2. Cable Hip Flexion
1. Hurdler strech
Name 1 exercise and 1 stretch for the Hamstrings.
Exercise: Leg Curls
Stretch: Seated Hip hinge
Name 2 exercises and 1 stretch for the triceps.
1. Barbell Tricep Extensions
2. Tricep dips

1. Elbow bend and push
Name 2 exercises that work the Quads, Hams and Glutes.
Barbell Squats
Dumbbell Lunges
Bonus: Machine leg Press
Name a lower back exercise not for beginners.
Roman chair back extension.
Name exercises for:
A) Obliques
B) Rectus Abdominis
C) Transverse Abdominus
A) Shoulder to Knee Curl-up
B) Reverse Abdominal Curl
C) Elbow Plank
What muscle are you stretching with these exercises:
- Chest Expansion
- Chest Reach-back & turn
What muscle are you working if you'e doing a v-sit?
Transverse abdominus
What muscle(s) are you working if you'e doing a Dumbbell Heel Raise?
Gastrocnemius and Soleus
What muscle(s) are you working if you'e doing a Machine Leg Press?
What is the formula for calculating Heart Rate Reserve (HRR)?
Target HR =
[(HRmax - RHR) x %] + RHR
Target HR should fall within 50% and 85% of HRR when using this Karvonen formula
Calculate the target heart rate training zone for Rod, using the heart rate reserve (HRR) method. Rod is 24 years old, and his resting heart rate is 57 bpm.
Range of 127 to 175 BPM
The Lower target HR:
THR= [(220 – 24) - 57] x 0.50 + 57
THR = [196 - 57] x 0.50 + 57
THR = 139 x .50 + 57
THR = 70 + 57
THR = 127 BPM

The upper target HR:
THR= [(220 – 24) - 57] x 0.85 + 57
THR = [196 - 57] x 0.85 + 57
THR = 139 x .85 + 57
THR = 118 + 57
THR = 175 BPM
What are these benefits of?
-Increased number of aerobic Enzymes
-Increased number and size of mitochondria
- Improved blood delivery
- in creased capillary density
Cardiorespiratory conditioning
Back Spinal Extension (Cobra stretch), Stretches what muslce(s)?
Seated Twist Stretches what muscle(s)?
Lower Back
List me 3 upper back stretches.
- Upper Back Scoop
- Side Reach
- Pole Reach ( Latissimus Dorsi stretch)
What does the "Cat stretch" stretch?
Lower Back
Actually called "Back Spinal Flexion"
The Pronated hand reach - Back turn stretches what muscle(s)?
Name 2 stretches for the shoulders.
Arms behind and open.
Arm straight across.
Name 2 stretches for you neck.
Chin diagonal drop
Arm reach - behind head tilt
The Kneeling Lunge stretches which muscle(s)?
Hip Flexors
Lying Leg cross over stretches the Abductors. Name 2 stretches of the Adductors.
Seated Butterfly
Side Lunge
Lying Knee hug and Seated Figure both stretch which Muscle?
The "Thinker Pose" Stretches which muscle?
Achilles - Soleus
Name a stretch for the Tibialis Anterior.
Toe Drop
Jane is 34 and wants to lose some weight to look sexy in a bikini by her 35th birthday 3 months from now. Use SMART to define her goals.
S - What areas do you want to lose the weight in?
How much weight do you want to lose?
M - Lose 15lbs and 2 inches on waist line.
A - Workout 4 days/week at least 2 with a Personal Trainer, 1 Group exercise class, and 1 day with her friend Pam.
R - Lose 10lbs in 6 weeks and the final 5 in the next 2 weeks for a total of 8 weeks.
T - We have 3 months till her birthday trip to caribbean.
____________ is a receptor located where muscles and their corresponding tendons converge.
The Golgi tendon organ (GTO)

It’s stimulated when the contraction force in the muscle and the corresponding pull on the tendon reaches a dangerously high level.
What percentage of total daily Calories should be consumed as each of the following?
A. Carbohydrate
B. Fat
C. Protein
A. Carbohydrate: 45%-65%
B. Fat: 20%-35%
C. Protein: 10% - 35%
The required intake of fibre is ____ for Women and ______ for men or 14 grams for every 1000 calories ingested.
25 grams for women
38 grams for men
What are the Water Soluble Vitamins?
Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C
What are the Fat Soluble Vitamins?
A, D, E, and K
The higher the intensity of Exercise, the greater the reliance on:
A) Protein
B) Water
C) Carbohydrate
D) Fat
C. Carbohydrate
Give the Function and 2 exercises for: Biceps
Elbow Flexion, Supination of forearm
1. Standing Barbell Bicep Curls
2. Cable Bicep curls
Give the Function and 2 exercises for: Deltoid
Anterior: Abduction, External Rotation; assists in flexion, Extension, horizontal abduction
1. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Raise
2. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Give the Function and 2 exercises for: Pectoralis Major
Flexion, Adduction, Medial rotation, Horizontal adduction ( Shoulder), Depression and Abduction or Protraction ( Shoulder Girdle)

1. Dumbbell chest Press
2. Push- Up ( hands and toes)
3. Dumbbell Chest Fly
Give the Function and 2 exercises for: Rectus Abdominis
Spinal Flexion, Posterior pelvic tilt
1. Reverse Abdominal Curl
2. Partial Abdominal Curl
Give the Function and 2 exercises for: Latissimus Dorsi
Extension, Adduction, Medial rotation
1. Barbell Lat Row
2. Cable Lat Pull-Downs
Give the Function and 2 exercises for: Erector Spinae
Spinal Extension
1. Prone Back Extension
2. Roman Chair Back Extension
Give the Function and 2 exercises for: Gluteus Maximus
Hip Extension
1. Barbell Squats
2. Dumbbell Lunge
Give the Function and 2 exercises for: Hamstrings
Knee Flexion ( Hip & Knee)
1. Seated Machine Leg Curls
2. Cable Hip Extension
3. Dumbbell stiffed Legged Deadlift
Give the Function and 2 exercises for: Quadriceps
Knee Extension
1. Machine Leg Extension
2. Cable Hip Flexion
Give the Function and 2 exercises for: Gastrocnemius
Knee Flexion (Knee) , Plantar Flexion ( Ankle)
1. Standing Dumbbell Heel Raise
2. Seated Machine Heel Raise
Give the Function and 2 exercises for: Tibialis Anterior
Dorsiflexion, Inversion
1. Toe Raises
2. ( Let me know if you find this in your reading)
When performing a Squat which muscles are being used for each:
A) Hip Extension
B) Knee Extension
C) Ankle Plantar Flexion
a) Gluteus Maximus
b) Quadriceps
c) Gastrocnemius
When performing a Toe Raise which muscles are being used for Ankle Dorsiflexion?
Tibialis anterior
When performing an Arm Curl which muscles are being used for
Elbow Flexion?
When performing a Lat-Pull Down which muscles are being used for each:
A) Shoulder Extension
B) Elbow Flexion
A) Latissimus Dorsi
B) Biceps
When performing a Bench Press which muscles are being used for each:
A) Shoulder Horizontal Adduction
B) Elbow Extension
A) Pectoralis Major
B) Triceps
What movement is happening when Scapula joint is working the Upper Trapezius?
What movement is happening when Shoulder joint is working the Latissimus Dorsi?
Extension, adduction, medial rotation
What movement is happening when Elbow joint is working the Biceps Brachii?
Elbow Flexion, Elbow supination of forearm
What movement is happening when Spinal joint is working the Rectus Abdominus?
Spinal Flexion
What movement is happening when Hip joint is working the Gluteus Medius?
Hip Extension, Abduction
What movement is happening when Hip joint is working the Gluteus Maximus and Hamstrings?
Hip Extension
What movement is happening when Spinal joint is working the internal and external Obliques?
Spinal Rotation
What movement is happening when Knee joint is working the Quadriceps?
Knee Extension
What movement is happening when Ankle joint is working the Gastrocnemius and Soleus?
Plantar flexion
What movement is happening when Ankle joint is working the Tibialis Anterior?
Dorsiflexion, inversion
Muscles are attached to Bones by:
The prime mover for elbow extension is the:
The basic unit of muscle contraction is
the Sacomere
The main responsibility of the PNS is to:
Deliver information about all body parts to the brain for processing
Significant improvement for beginners in the first 6-8 weeks is due to:
Improvements in motor unit recruitment
When the muscle length does not change, the action is
Clients will typically describe their injury based on how the injury feels __________ and the resiling impact of the injury _________.
Clients will typically describe their injury based on how the injury feels SYMPTONS and the resiling impact of the injury SIGNS.