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147 Cards in this Set

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Animals without backbones

Is Invertebrates a taxonomic group

No they are not, Just a group

What is most species of invertebrates (ecological habitat)

Marine and aquatic

Common name for Porfieria



Stinging inverts (Jelly Fishes)


Flat worms


Thread like


Little ring


Claw bearer

Jeffrey Gabriel Seth Murat is always studies.


Slow step


Jointed foot


Spiny skin


With a cord

Tissues of Porifera

no true tissues (no nerves or muscles)

Because the cells that makes up the sponge are semi independent from one another so they don't form permanent connections

Porifera- Marine or Freshwater

Primarily marine but there are some fresh water

Feeding of Porifera

Suspension feeders

They trap particles that passes through the internal channel of their body

Reproduction and Sexuality of Porifera

Asexual reproduction by fragmentation

and Hermaphroditic

What are choanocytes and where are they found?

specialized cell in sponges that uses a flagellum to move a steady current of water through the sponge

Have little collar cells that actually traps the food

specialized cell in sponges that uses a flagellum to move a steady current of water through the sponge

Have little collar cells that actually traps the food

collar cells

Little extensions on choanocytes that actually traps the food and pass it to the Amoebocytes 

Little extensions on choanocytes that actually traps the food and pass it to the Amoebocytes


Makes up most of the body of the sponge and do the digestive work of the sponge




Makes up most of the body of the sponge and do the digestive work of the sponge


Where water enters the epidermis through channels formed by porocytes

Where water enters the epidermis through channels formed by porocytes


a gelatinous region between the two layers of cells of a sponge

a gelatinous region between the two layers of cells of a sponge


Transport nutrients to other cells of the sponge body and also produce materials for skeletal fibers (Spicules)

What class is the phylum of Grantia and it's class?


(class Calcarea)

Class Hexactinellida

Phylum: Porifera

Euplectella, Glass rope sponge

Phylum: Porifera

Euplectella, Glass rope sponge

Class Demospongae

Spongie Sponge

Yellow Barrel Sponge 


Jeffrey Gabriel Seth Murat is the smartest person I know. He's super smart and wants to be a dentist when he grows up.  Hes planning on going to Loma Linda to continue studying in hopes becomin...

Spongie Sponge

Made up up collagen fiber

Exp: Yellow Barrel Sponge

(Most common sponge that are harvest)

Phylum Cnidaria

10,000 species

Jelly fishes

Simple body plan with two forms which are Polyp or Madussa

Phylum Cnideria -Central cavities and opening

single central gastrula cavity and single opening

So both mouth and anus at the same opening

Is phylum Cnidaria tripoblastic or diploblastic


Tissues of phylum Cnideria

Does have true tissues


stinging cell on a cnidarian's tentacle

stinging cell on a cnidarian's tentacle

Muscles, nerves and Movements present or absent in Cnideria's?

Muscles - Very simple, made of bundles of contractile microfilaments

Movements controlled by a nerve net around the gator cavity (no brain)

Sensory receptors feed into nerve net allowing stimulus/response (do not see just light and dark)

What are the classes of Cnideria (jelly fishes)

Hydrozoa - hydras, Obeila, some corals

Scyphozoa - (Jellies and nettles)

Cubozoa - (Box jellies, sea wasps)

Anthozoa - sea anemones and corals, sea fans


Sky=scy, High=hydro

Ant=anthr, cube-cubozoa


Phylum Cnideria

Mostly Marine and some fresh

Polyp and Madusa (mainly Madusa)



Swimming Jelly fish and sea nettles

Both stages

Polyp Very stage reduce so

Madusa stage up to 2m (big)



All Marine


Sea anemones

Planktonic stage that is different than Madussa


Box Jellies

Madussa (no Polyps)

Most dangerous species of Jelly fishes

they have complex eyes

Exp: Sea wasps (dangerous) - from movie 7pounds

Which class in Cnideria that have complex eyes


Fertilization for cinderia


reproduction for most Cnideria happens during


Velella velella

Most common Jelly fish 

Not dangerous 

Most common Jelly fish

Not dangerous

Sea Wasps

Phylum Cubozoa

Very dangerous

Orange cup coral

Calcium carbonate

on the coast of california


Tiny algae type lives in bodies of Cnidarian


Bilaterally symmetrical

Remember bilaterally symmetrical


Body cavities that is bounded on al sides by mesoderm

More advance 


Body cavities that is bounded on al sides by mesoderm

More advance



Body cavity line on one side by mesoderm and the other side by endoderm (gut)

Body cavity line on one side by mesoderm and the other side by endoderm (gut)


Lack body cavities 

Lack body cavities


Phylum: bilateria

Molecular-defined clade

Have Lophophore as adult with Trochophore Larva

Phylum: bilateria

Molecular-defined clade

Have Lophophore as adult with Trochophore Larva


In Phylum Lophotrochozoa

Adult stage

Why is Lophotrochozoa Molecularly defined

Because not all members of it's clade have Lophophore and Trochophore traits

Life cycle of Cnideria

Both Madusa and polyp

Both Madusa and polyp

Phylum Platyhelminthes body cavity




Free Living & Parasitic

remember "Bèt la plat"

What are Muscles, nerve and gastrovascular cavity opening of Platyhelminthes

More complex (have mesoderm) with true muscles, gastrovascular cavity with one opening

Are Platyhelminthes Diploblastic or triploblastic


Everything after the sponges and jelly fishes are ... Same as humans

What are the four classes of Platyhelminthes (Flatworms)

4 Classes –






respiratory and circulatory systems

Phylum: Platyhelminthes (Flatworms)

No Respiratory or circulatory system (all through their skins)

Turbellaria Sex and Reproduction

Hermaphroditic and reproduce both Sexually and asexually

Planarians (Dugesia)

A specie of Platyhelminthes 

A specie of Turbellaria

What is the body of Platyhelminthes

Body dorsoventrally flattened

How does Planarians (Dugesia) move?

Move by cilia on slime trail

Turbellaria Marine or terestrial

Almost all Marine (few species of freshwater)

What is another name for the class Trematoda


Are they parasitic or free living?

Live primarily as internal parasites

Life cycle, Asexual or sexual ...

Complex life cycles with alternating sexual and asexual stages. When Larvae enters host, it reproduce sexually then the fertilize eggs exit through feces while the adult stays.

the fertilize egg then reproduce asexually in the snail and then leave the snail in the water and later infect another Human being and the process repeat

What is one specie of trematodes that causes disease and what disease that it cause?

Schistosomia (Blood flukes) causes schistosomiasis mansomi

Another name for class Cestoidea


Are Cestoidea free living or parasitic


Think cest sounds like cyst which is a medical condition

Tape worms can be caught by what

eating uncook meat

What is one species of Cestoidea

Taenia Scolex (tape worm)

what phylum are rotifers in



Where does rotifers live

Freshwater, Marine and damp soil habitat

Does rotifers have an organ system and how is it?

they have a specialized organ system

What does rotifers have that is unique

Complete digestive tract

Does Rotifers have a circulatory system?

yes, fluid filled the pseudocoelom and acts as ci.. system

How many openings does rotifers have

2 -mouth and Anus in one alimentary canal

what is alimentary canal and what phylum is it found in

It is a a digestive tube in rotifers that have two openings, a mouth and an anus

remember " a line"

how does rotifers feed

They have a crown of cilia that draws a vortex of water and pass it through the pharynx that grinds up food and pass it to the alimentary canal

remember (row)

what is the reproduction of rotifers

Parthogenesis ( asexual reproduction with only females

Phylum Nemertea digestive system and circulatory system

complete digestive system and

Closed circulatory system, blood moved by muscles surrounding vessels

Phylum Mollusca habitat

mainly Marine some aquatic or terrestrial

what is unique about the Phylum Mollusca

Most of them have hard shell made with calcium carbonate and the first terrestrial

what are some common names in Phylum Mollusca

shellfish, snails, slugs, squids and


What is the Larvae planktonic called in marine Mollusks?


How many classes does the Phylum Mollusca have ?

8 classes

Class Polyplecophora

from Phylum Mollusca

What is he ecological habitat of

Polyplecophora (Chitons)

Entirely Marine

What is the body structure of Polyplecophora (Chitons)





-Radula present or absent

-Grazer present or absent

Shell composed of eight plates, mantle sometimes covering shell.

Foot used for locomotion

Head reduced

Radula present

Grazers Present

What are chitons

From class Polyplecophora

have 8 shell plates

all marine

What are the classes of Mallusca









What phylum is Class Gastropoda


What are common species of Gastropoda

Snails, Slugs, Limpets,sea hares

what is Radula

It is the feeding organ in the mouth of Malusca

(Looks like a chainsaw)

Class Bivalvia

What phylum

From Phylum Malusca

Scallops, Clams, muscles etc

Tridacna Squamosa

Giant Clam

Class Cephalopoda

Phylum Malusca

Squids, Octopuses, Nautilus and ammonites

Class of Cephalopoda

Brian, nervous system, sensory organs and circulatory system and eyes

Well developed brain & nervous system, advanced sensory organs, closed circulatory system and well developed eyes

(crop guzards)

Blue ring octopus

Class cephalopoda

Very poisonous 

Class cephalopoda

Very poisonous

Phylum Annelida aka...

Segmented Worms (earthworms)

What is the waste system of Phylum Annelida (Segmented Worms )

Waste removed and expelled by metanephridia

What are the classes of Annelida

Polychaeta - Marine seg, worms


Hirudinea -Leeches

metanephridia is found in what phylum and what is it

Phylum annelida and they are mini kidneys

What two classes in Anelida that have tinny legs

Polychaeta - Marine seg, worms


because they both have tiny legs

Nereis (Rag Worm)

Polychaete that is dangerous


Mollecularly based clade

Organisms that molt their exoskeleton.

Phylum Nematoda 900K

Roundworms (Not segmented)

How are Nemotoda and Annelida different

Annelida segmented and Nemotodes are not (round)

Caenorhabditis elegans

The model organism for studies

because they can grow and reproduce rapidly

They have just 1000 cells

Trichinella spiralis

Parasites of nemotodes Lives in muscles)

Ascaris lumbricoides

Worms expelled from human intestines (help in colitus)

What is chaedodermata

It is spiny skin

What are two traits of chordates

Notochord, post anal tail, slits, nerve chord

What is the next primitive of chordates

Lancelets and sea squirts

What phylum have the 90 percents of organisms

Phylum Arthropoda

What are 3 main characteristics of Phylum Arthropoda

- Segmented (head, thorax & abdomen)

– Hard exoskeleton (requires molting)
– Jointed appendages

What may be found in fossil


Arthropod sensory organs,circulatory system and body openings

Extensive cephalization and well-developed sense organs

Open circulatory system with hemolymph (instead of blood)

Gills - for gas exchange (like lungs)

What group is so complicated and big that have sub phylums


What are the sub Phylums for Arthropoda



Subphylum of arthropoda

spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites and horeshoe grab

Mouth part for griding food


Subphylum of arthropoda

millipedes and centipede

Myriad of something = A lot of of something

Poda = legs


subphylum of arthropoda

Insects, springtails)

Hex = 6



crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp

Brown Recluse spider

Cheliceroformes – Class Arachnida

The have 6 eyes in pairs in 3 (venomous)

Ameircan Dog tick

Do not unscew a tick, pull it off gradually

Not causing disease just

Ixodes scapularis

the black- legged or deer tick

causes Lime disease

Find the bacteria that causes lime disease

Myriopoda (Myriad = Many)

Classes Diplopoda & Chilopoda

Class Diplopoda


Vegeterian (safe)

Wormlike, many legs (2 per segment)  


Vegeterian (safe)

Wormlike, many legs (2 per segment)



Pair of antennae on head  Three pair of appendages modified as mouth parts,

jawlike mandibles

One pair of walking legs per segment

Predators, poison claws


Pair of antennae on head Three pair of appendages modified as mouth parts,

jawlike mandibles

One pair of walking legs per segment

Predators, poison claws

Hexapoda – Class Insecta

In all terrestrial environments, some aquatic or marine

Many fly and have 1-2 pairs of wings

What is the circulatory system, digestive system of Class Insecta

Open circulatory system, complex digestive system, Malpighian tubules for excretion

Gas exchange by tracheae, open to air by spiracles

Class Insecta

Open circulatory system, complex digestive system, Malpighian tubules for excretion

Gas exchange by tracheae, open to air by spiracles

Classes of Insecta

Blattodea – roaches



Diptera–flies& mosquitoes

Hemiptera – true bugs

Hymenoptera – bees, ants, wasps

• Isoptera – termites

• Lepidoptera– butterflies & moths

• Odonata–dragonflies&

• Orthoptera–crickets,

grasshoppers, mantids

• Phthiraptera – lice
• Siphonoptera – fleas

Order Blattodea


Exp: Periplaneta americana – American Cocroach 


Exp: Periplaneta americana – American Cocroach

Order Coleoptera


Order Dermaptera


Order Diptera

flies & mosquitoes


flies & mosquitoes

Order Hemiptera

true bugs

Order Hymenoptera

bees, ants, wasps

Order Isoptera


Order Lepidoptera

butterflies & moths

butterflies & moths

Order Odonata

dragonflies & damselflies

Dragonflies -Imcomplete metemorphosis 

dragonflies & damselflies

Dragonflies -Imcomplete metemorphosis

Order Orthoptera


grasshoppers, mantids

Order Phthiraptera


Order Siphonoptera


What gender of mosquitos bite and why

Females, to feed their young