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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of allegory?
The definition of allegory is 'a story in which people, things, and events have a hidden or symbolic message besides the one that is readily seen'
What is the definition of voracious?
The definition of voracious is 'very greedy or eager in some desire or pursuit'
What is the definition of tumultuous?
The definition of tumultuous is 'wild and noisy; uproarious'
What is the definition of primordial?
The definition of primordial is 'existing at or from the beginning; primitive; original'
What is the definition of precarious?
The definition of precarious is 'unsafe, dangerous, risky'
What is the definition of soliloquized?
The definition of soliloquized is 'talk to one self'
What is the definition of weazened/wizened?
The definition of weazened/wizened is 'dried up; withered; shriveled'
What is the definition of conciliated?
The definition of conciliated is 'to win over; make friendly; placate'
What is the definition of insular?
The definition of insular is 'ignorant of or uninterested in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside one's own experience'
What is the definition of metamorphosed?
The definition of metamorphosed is 'to change in form or nature; transform'
What is the definition of fastidiousness?
The definition of fastidiousness is 'not easy to please; very critical'
What is the definition of gaunt?
The definition of gaunt is 'thin and bony; hollow eyed and haggard, as from hunger or illness'
What is the definition of placate?
The definition of placate is 'to stop from being angry; appease; pacify'
What is the definition of vicarious?
The definition of vicarious is 'preformed, exercised, received, or suffered in place of another'
What is the definition of reproof?
The definition of reproof is 'the act of reproving, censuring, or rebuking'
What is the definition of daunted?
The definition of daunted is 'to overcome with fear; intimidate'
What is the definition of dubiously?
The definition of dubiously is 'of uncertain outcome; of doubtful quality or propriety'
What is the definition of insubordination?
The definition of insubordination is 'not submitting to authority; disobedient'
What is the definition of paradox?
The definition of paradox is 'a statement or proposition that seems self contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth; an opinion or statement'
What is the definition of adversary?
The definition of adversary is 'a person, group, or force that opposes or attacks; opponent; enemy; foe'
What is the definition of lugubriously?
The definition of lugubriously is 'looking or sounding sad and dismal'
What is the definition of obdurate?
The definition of obdurate is 'stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action'
What is the definition of gleefully?
The definition of gleefully is 'full of jubilant delight; joyful'
What is the definition of loafing?
The definition of loafing is 'to pass time at leisure; idle'
What is the definition of perpetual?
The definition of perpetual is 'never ending or changing'
What is the definition of copiously?
The definition of copiously is 'abundant in supply or quantity'
What is the definition of innocuously?
The definition of innocuously is 'having no adverse effect; harmless'
What is the definition of jaded?
The definition of jaded is 'tired, bored, or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having too much of something'
What is the definition of salient?
The definition of salient is 'most noticeable or important'
What is the definition of superfluous?
WThe definition of superfluous is 'unnecessary, especially through being more than enough'
What is hte definition of conjuration?
The definition of conjuration is 'an invocation'
What is hte definition of convalescence?
The definition of convalescence is 'a grudual recovery of health and strenght after illness'
What is the definition of extremity?
The definition of extremity is 'dying stage'
What is the definition of plethoric?
The definition of plethoric is 'overabundance'
What is the definition of wiliness?
The definition of wiliness is 'trickiness'
What is the definition of belie?
The definition of belie is 'to tell lies about'
What is the definition of cessation?
The definition of cessation is 'ceasing or stopping'
What is the definition of obliterated?
The definition of obliterated is 'wiped out'
What is the definition of rampant?
The definition of rampant is 'unrestrained; spreading unchecked'
What is hte definiton of vigor?
The definition of vigor is 'active, physical or mental strength'