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48 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following would be data a scientist included in a scientific report about a deer study?

A - the number of Cougars in each square kilometer

B - the number of Deer in each square kilometer

C - how many flies are in the area

D - how many mosquitos are in the area

B - the number of Deer in each square kilometer

To measure the depth of a swimming pool, what unit of measurement would you use?

A - m

B - mm

C - van

D- km

A - m

What refers to how one cell divides into two new cells that have DNA that is identical to the original cell?


What part of the skeletal system includes the skull, rib cage, and vertebral column?

Axial skeletal system

What part of the skeletal system includes the skull, rib cage, and vertebral column?

Axial skeletal system

You observe a unicellular organism under the microscope. It moves on it's own and is observed feeding on something in the water it is in. What kingdom does this organism belong to?

Protist kingdom

What process allows a cell to maintain the amount of water inside the cell?


Who studied pea plants and is recognized as the scientist who discovered genetic traits?

Gregor Mendel

Which term refers to the length of life an organism is alive from birth to death?

Life Span

Nathan and Sally are expecting a baby girl. They want to know if she will have blue eyes like Nathan’s or brown eyes like Sally’s. Sally’s genotype is heterogeneous. What are the chances that their girl will have blue eyes?

50% or 1/2

Which of these units is a measure of mass in the metric system?

A - cubic centimeter

B - liter

C - meter

D - gram

D - Gram

The sunflower always seems to be facing sunlight. What characteristic of living things is being done?


Nathan and Sally are expecting a baby girl. They want to know if she will have blue eyes like Nathan’s or brown eyes like Sally’s. Sally’s genotype is heterogeneous. What are the chances that their girl will have blue eyes?

50% or 1/2

Which step of the scientific method is most commonly associated with using equipment such as scales and beakers?


Your mom brought home a cantaloupe from the store. You measured the mass and found that it was 950g. How many milligrams is the cantaloupe?


You have researched and collected data on how whales migrate in the Pacific Ocean. What would be the most appropriate method to demonstrate this information?


Scott decided to plant a garden. He was digging a row to plant corn seeds, and the package of corn seeds instructed him to bury the seeds 5–6 cm deep. The package also said that cornrows should be 0.5 m apart from each other. Scott’s ruler only measures in millimeters (mm). How deep should he dig the corn and how far apart should he place the rows?

50–60 mm deep, 500 mm apart

While on a hike, you saw antlers on the ground. What part of the scientific method did you perform when you saw the antlers?


You have been asked to measure the water in a goldfish bowl. Which base metric unit would be most appropriate to use for this measurement?


After an elephant eats, its body creates waste. What process allows the elephant to release waste from its body?


Which of the following observations is evidence of the cell theory?

A - The object closes its eyes and appears to sleep

B - The object seems to move

C - The object has cells shown under a microscope

D - The object breathes.

C - The object has cells shown under a microscope.

What type of tissue carries messages from the brain to the body?


Which term means an organism is unable to make its own food?


Which of these living things is an autotroph?

A - human

B - fungi

C - tree

D - animal

C - tree

Binomial nomenclature, which gives every organism a unique name, uses which two classifications?

genus and species

David has type B blood, homogenous; Julie has type AB blood. What are the possible blood types for their children?

Type B or Type AB Blood

The proton charge is opposite of another subatomic particle and therefore attracts it. Which particle does the proton attract?

An Electron

Where is a synarthroses joint found in the body?


Which part of a cell surrounds the nucleus?

nuclear membrane

Which of the following is an example of an organ in the human body?

A - the circulatory system

B - the muscle cells

C - the heart

D -the ears

C - The Heart

In a key, if “walks on four legs” is a description, what would be the best opposite description?

does not walk on four legs

You find a multicellular organism that can make its own food. This organism contains chlorophyll. Which kingdom does this organism belong in?


Which action requires use of the appendicular skeleton?

A - raising your shoulders

B - writing a letter

C - wiggling your ear

D - bending over at the waist

B - Writing a Letter

Dave and Lane are working on a science project in which they are given pictures of animals and told to put them into categories. Lane wants to give each animal two names to help identify them. In history, who else classified animals using two names?

Carolus Linnaeus

Marie thinks she found a new organism. It has only one cell, but she can see it has a nucleus. What kingdom would this organism be in?


John and Hillary have six children—all boys. They are expecting again and really want a girl. What are their chances of having a girl?


Plants are able to make their own food. They use carbon dioxide and water in this process. Which of these terms identifies this food-making process?


Which of these terms refers to the looking and seeing part of the scientific method?


You measure the growth of a plant stem over several weeks. At the end of your experiment, you find the plant stem has become 200mm longer. How many centimeters is this change of stem length?

20 cm

Which cell organelle is responsible for making proteins?


Sally is doing a scientific experiment with jelly beans. She made a prediction that each jelly bean would have the same mass. Which step of the scientific method did Sally do when she made her prediction?


Which scientist used an experiment to prove flies come from eggs laid by other flies and not from rotting meat?

Francesco Redi

A softball pitcher can circle her arm around smoothly because of which type of joint?


Which scientist analyzed data about pea plants and determined the data could be organized into squares to predict possible offspring genetic traits?

Reginald Punnett

You do an experiment and count the number of times a ball continues to bounce after you drop it. Which part of your experiment refers to the number you counted?


Which of the following refers to the chemical changes in animals where oxygen is used to break food down into energy and give off carbon dioxide?


What is the primary source of energy for all living things?


Which term refers to the two-name system of scientific naming?

binomial nomenclature