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166 Cards in this Set

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The individuals who listen to a public speech.
A creative process used for generating a large number of ideas.
The degree to which an audience trusts and believes in a speaker
The primary function of a speech.
General Purpose
The three commonly agreed upon general purposes are...
to inform, to persuade, and to entertain.
The goal or objective a speaker hopes to achieve in speaking to a particular audience.
Specific Purpose
A single declarative sentence that focuses the audience's attention on the central point of a speech.
Thesis Statement
the classical arts of invention, organization, style, memory, and delivery.
Canons of rhetoric
The creative process by which the substance of a speech is generated
A forecast of the main points of a speech
The key ideas that support the thesis statement of a speech
main points
Transitional statements that bridge main points
A mode of presentation that involves writing out a speech completely and reading it to the audience
manuscript delivery
A mode of presentation in which a speech is written out and committed to memory before being presented to the audience without the use of notes
memorized delivery
a spontaneous, unrehearsed method of presenting a speech
impromptu delivery
a mode of presentation that combines careful presentation with spontaneous speaking. the speaker generally uses brief notes rather than a full manuscript or an outline.
extemporaneous delivery
The degree to which your voice is high or low
the extent of the pitch, from low to high, that lies within your vocal capacity
The characteristic pattern of your volume, pitch and range
The rate at which you produce sounds, or how quickly or slowly you speak
The distinctness with which you make individual sounds
a wordless system of communication
nonverbal behavior
the physical surroundings as you speak and the physical distance separating you from your audience
area of audience in which speaker and audience members can make eye contact
zone of interaction
a nonverbal symbol that can be substituted for a word
nonverbal symbols used to visualize what is being spoken
nonverbal behaviors that influence the speech transaction and the type of feedback received from the audience
nonverbal behaviors used to cope with nervousness; for example, self-touching or grasping sides of lectern with hands
self-adapting behaviors
interpretations we develop for particular experiences
occurs when two people share agreement in their interpretation of an experience of event.
shared meaning
involuntary expressions of emotion and are usually nonverbal rather than verbal cues
voluntary expressions that stand for or represent something else
people who send and receive messages
anything that happened to us in the past
feelings such as sadness, surprise and curiosity
emotional meanings
ideas that must be encoded into symbols before they are sent
the process of selecting symbols to stand for or represent cognitions
__________ are composed of signs and symbols that travel along a ___________
can interfere with the communication anywhere in the channel and tends to produce ambiguity
any concrete interference with the process of communication
physical noise
any internal interference with listening such as a bias against the speaker or a dislike for the subject
pyschological noise
After the message passages through the channel, it is _______, meaning that the receiver selects meanings to attach to the signs and symbols.
includes information about how the message was received
In this form of sharing, two parties each give up something they would rather not part with to get something valuable from the other person
contractual shared meaning
when parties agree about basic objectives and values
consensual shared meaning
Occurs when there is little overlap between a sender's intent and a receiver's interpretation.
a concious process wherein the communicator specifies the goals that he or she wants to accomplish, learns about the audience and its position regarding the goals, and then selects communication tactics that will move the audience closer to those goals
strategic communication
a term that refers to the objectives or goals that you want to accomplish
these are designed to move the audience towards the intended goal
communication tactics
involves a person's ability to correctly interpret and remember the content of another person's messages
recall listening
The first of "recall listenings" four processes, it means that you hear and process the message that another communicates
The second of recall listening's four processes, involves a listener's ability to focus on the message and direct his or her attention toward it without distraction
third of recall listening's four processes, means assigning an interpretation to the message
assigning meaning
last of recall listening's four processes, the ability to store and recall the major themes of a conversation for use in later decision making
_______________ involves an attitude of acceptance for what others haveto say, especially responding positively to emotions, and providing feedback that makes people feel as if their concerns have been addressed
empathetic listening
A response that accepts the content level of the conversation, and it accepts the experience or emotion the person presents
this type of confirmation involves looking at the speaker, making frequent eye contact, and other nonverbal acknowledgement
direct recognition
this confirmation means the listen offers verbal agreement with or praise for the speaker's content
agreeing with the content
this confirmation accepts the other person's feelings as reasonable and legitimate
endorsing emotions/experiences
type of confirmation where we validate another's experience or emotional reactions but disagree with the content of the message
this signals a lack of empathetic listening and denies a person's experiences or feelings and the other's feelings of self worth
disconfirmation includes __________ through impersonal language and nonverbal distancing cues such as avoiding eye contact or walking away
avoiding involvement
________ are not clearly connected to what the first person said and indicate a failure to listen
tangential or irrelevant remarks
this indicates a lack of concern for or awareness of other person's feelings
this occurs when someone disparages a speaker or the speaker's feelings
the relative position- above, below, beside- that people occupy vis a vis one another
involves a variety of communications, including threats, promises, negotiations, orders, coalition formation, and a host of other strategies to influence others and fulfill self and organizational interests
overt politics
process by which employees decide which issues to raise in public, what arguments to present, which battles to fights, and how to fight them
hidden politics
displaying traits that are rewarded by the organization. it involves conforming to organizational norms
impression management
____________ people have a sense of perspective, the ability to tolerate and accept life's many setbacks without becoming overly frustrated or resentful
emotional mature
means having the technical knowledge needed to effieciently solve routine problems
showing competence
an individual with some tenure in the organization who is willing to serve as advisor, friend, observed, giver of feedback, helper, reacher, and sounding board to a newer member
someone willing to be guided by the knowledge accumulated by mentor
mentee or protege
an invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from reaching the highest levels of management
glass ceiling
reasons for glass ceiling
stereotypes white males may have, and preference for similarity
a select association of proteges or cliques the superiors most trusted employees
this status takes place during the newcomers first few weeks
includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
sexual harrassment
sexual harassment has been characterized as an expression of _____________ coupled with the ____________
gender discrimination, abuse of organizational power
_________________ such as sexual jokes, lewd comments, and excessive commentary about bodily appearance are forms of harrassment
verbal commentaries
____________ includes propositions for sex, especially those that involve promise of reward or punishment
verbal negotiation
unwanted groping, inappropriate touching
physical manhandling
the use of physical force
physical assault
_______________ include filing grievances, or lawsuits to get sexual harrassment to stop
formal solutions
___________ involve face to face communication with the harrasser
informal solutions
Addressing sexual harrassment must achieve these three goals,
stop harassment, maintain employment, manage his or her own psychological and emotional well being
this represents avoidance, useful if the victim views harrassers motives as innocent
nonassertive message
represents the desire of a person to present and positive and approved image to others
allows the victim to stand up for personal rights in a clear and direct way without violating another person's rights
assertive message
attempts to "reconcile being assertive with being liked and maintaing rapport" the message is assertive but includes an empathy component that may reduce the desire of the harasser to retaliate
assertive-empathetic message
includes features that protect the image of the harasser and express liking for the job or the present relationship while refusing to accept harrassment
rhetorical multifunctional message
tells the harrasser to cease activity and states that the victim will proceed with a formal grievance if the harrasser doesnt stop
a coercive message that ridicules or intimidates the harasser
aggressive message
_________ turns the tables on the harasser in public, within earshot of family or coworkers, thereby embarrassing the harasser
overt manipulation
in this stage, job canidates secure an interview by doing research, making a resume, and writing a cover letter
pre-interview stage
a one page description of your skills, education, and work experience.
three parts of the resume
headings, leads, and descriptions
the category of a resume under which specific information is classified, flags signal individual areas of accomplishment
consist of the first information on each new ling under the heading of a resume and should include the most important information for any individual entry.
include all the information that follows the lead on a resume
should be viewed as your chance to explain and highlight how your abilities, skills, and experiences listed on your resume fit the job requirements.
cover letter
this annual excercise is usually conducted by the employees immediate supervisor for the purpose of evaluating the employee's previous performance and setting goals for the coming year
performance appraisal interview
held annually, often at the beginning of the organization's fiscal year, so that both mangager and employee can work together to establish performance goals for theupcoming year.
performance planning interview
a formal method of role taking that is useful for larger audiences, speaker can adjust the topic, presentation mode, and persuasive appeals prior to the presentation
audience analysis
first step in audience analysis involves ________________, including occasion, audience size, organizational culture, environment, and time considerations.
situational variables
To understand occasion, speaker must first consider the ____________ for the presentation and adapt the message to fit that goal
involves what happens before and after your presentation
Know size of audience so you can present with appropriate (x). The general rule of thumb is that as size increases, so should (x)
the qualities over which an audience has relatively little control, such as age, gender, economic status, education, religion, sexual orientation, or cultural heritage
an audience that attends a presentation of its own free will
voluntary audience
an audience that is required to attend
captive audience
an audience that has a positive attitude toward the topic yet has little specific knowledge
favorable audience
a group that has little knowledge and a negative interpretation of the subject
apathetic audience
an informed audience that is favorable toward the speaker and subject
active audience
an audience that is knowledgeable about the topic, but members disagree with the specific viewpoint the speaker advocates
hostile audience
audiences that include various combinations of the five main audiences
mixed audiences
when a mixed audience has favorable, neutral, and hostile members, speaker needs to choose a _________, or one or two of the audience types represented as the focus of one's persuasive appeals
target audience
the two general purposes common to speaking in business and professional situations to________ and _________
inform, persuade
__________ are determined by superiors, the organization, or the expectations of the audience
When selecting a topic, name the three things that should be considered
personal experience/interest, audience interests, and expecations about the occasion
focuses the speech on one aspect of a larger topic
specific purpose statement
The specific purpose statement states ____________ that the speaker desires. It is related to the general purpose of the speech and may include understanding, or belief or action.
audience outcome
a precise statement of the two to five main ideas in the speech body
main idea statement
You need _________________ such as examples, statistics, and quotations to support your main idea statement
supporting materials
specific instances that illustrate a larger point
collection of individual examples delivered as raw numbers or averages
a direct quoation or paraphrase of witnesses, experts, or other informed people
this involves collecting supporting material for the specific purpose and main idea statements.
can run book searches by title, author, or subject
computerized catalog
paper or electronic databases that list and summarize articles in popular and academic periodicals
periodical indexes and abstracts
this is a set of linked computer networks that began as a federally funded project to maintain military communication during a nuclear war
the internet!
a series of internet linkages used by millions of people around the globe
the World Wide Web!
a series of operating instructions that allows your personal computer to interact with the documents stored on the web
sites on the world wide web created by universities, publishers companies and individuals
web pages
a program that sifts through an enormous index of web pages for key words or phrases
search engine
face to face, telephone, or internet conversations with experts. Typically done at the end of research process so you know the information first
should gain attention, justify topic, clarify credibility and preview main points in the body
main ideas of the speech are here
reviews main ideas and emphasizes the specific purpose statement
this structure follows a time pattern that moves from earliest to latest or first to last
chronological structure
this structure follows a geographical or directional pattern
spatial structure
this structure describes how one event leads to another
cause-effect structure
this structure defines a difficulty and suggests a remedy
problem solution structure
this structure divides a topic into logical categories
topical structure
a full sentence outline of virtually everything the teacher intends to say
preparation outline
when a speaker develops main ideas such that they preview subpoints
an organizational device that should be used throughout the speech
parallel order
means that the same words or phrases are repeated in previews, main ideas, and subpoints
parallel language
these indicate the relationship between subpoints
transitional phrase
an abbreviated version of the preparation outline, this forces speaker to select words and phrases on the spot enabling a more spontaneous presentation than if the speaker read from the prep outline
delivery outline
__________ include underlines for points that require emphasis, two lines (//) for important pauses, or words in the corner that correct common delivery errors such as going too slow, too rapidly, or filling dead space with vocalized pauses
speaking directions
Three things to get a good intro
startling statement or fact, a good quotation, or a story
necessary to inform the audience why the issue is important or relevant
justify the topic
is the audiences perception of the speaker's expertise, trustworthiness, and dynamism
source credibility
this puts the speech back together by tying the end back to the beginning, reviews main ideas and ends with a capstone statement
any pictorial, textual, or graphic image that is presented visually rather than orally
visual aid
Using a(n) ________ is an excellent way to add interest and clarity to your ideas
scale, two-dimensional drawings or three-dimensional constructions that represent very large or very small objects
summarize information and provide reference guide to audience long after presentation
these improve retention and understanding of complex information
these are useful for summarizing statistical information
useful way to show changes in one or more variables
line graph
displays the relationship of various parts to a whole
pie chart
excellent way to make comparisons among magnitudes
bar graph
display the key features of the presentation in words, phrases, and sentences
text visuals
illustrate complicated concepts or processes with the simple shapes, lines, and arrows available on powerpoint presentations
constructed visuals