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15 Cards in this Set

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The basics of business writing



audience oriented
The writing process and the time spent on each


Describe first phase of writing

analyze and anticipate audience and adapt to that audience
Describe second phase of writing

research, organize and composing
Describe third phase of writing

revising for clarity, conciseness, tone and readability.


What to consider when analyzing purpose and audience
indentify purpose

selecting best channel

switching to faster channels

profiling audience

responding to the profile
WHat is the primary puspose of most business message? Secondary?
to inform or to persuade

promote good will
Factors in selecting the best channel
imporatance of message

amount and speed of feedback required

nevessaity of permanent record

cost of channel

degree of formality

confidentiality and sensitivity
Components in adapting to the task and audience
audience benefits

you view

conversational but professional

positive language

courteous language

inclusive language

plain english

familiar words
How can a writer make a message audience oriented and make audience benefits?
profiling the audience

responding to the profile


you view
How does profiling the audience help make a business comm deliver its messages?
you can identify the proper tone language and channel.

after profiling, you can decide whether the receiver will be neutral positive or hostile toward your message.
List three techniques for developing a warm friendly and conversational tone in business messages
avoid overuse of expressions

do not rely on abbreviations

avoid IM abbreviations, slangs

avoid overly formal statements, long sentences, legal terms, third person construction
Why does positive language usually tell more than negative language?
it creates good will, convey more infomation and give more options to receivers
Examples of sexist pronouns and nouns
pronouns:he, his, her, him, she,

nouns: stewardess, fireman, mailman, waitress, waiter
List principles of plain english movement
use active voice with strong verbs

dont be afraid of personal pronouns

bring abstractions back to earth

omit purposeless words

use positive expression

prefer short sentence

remove jargon

keep subject, very and obkect close

keep sentence structure parallel