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33 Cards in this Set

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Inhibit protein synthesis

1. Corynebacterium diphtheria

2. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

3. Shigella spp.

4. Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)

Toxin in corynebacterium diphtheria

Diphtheria toxin

Diphtheria toxin - Mechanism of Action?

Inactivate elongation factor (EF-2)

Manifestation of the toxin with corynebacterium diphtheria infection?

Pharyngitis with pseudomembranes in throat and severe lymphadenopathy (bull neck)

Toxin found in pseudomonas aeruginosa?

Exotoxin A

Mechanism of Action of Exotoxin A?

Inactivate elongation factor (EF-2)

Manifestation of the toxin with pseudomonas aeuriginosa infection?

Host cell death

Toxin found in Shigella spp.?

Shiga toxin (ST)

Mechanism of action of shiga toxin (ST)?

Inactivate 60S ribosome by removing adenine from rRNA

Manifestation of the toxin in shigella spp. infection?

GI mucosal damage - dysentery; ST also enhances cytokine release, causing hemolytic uremic syndrome

Which exotoxin in found in enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)?

Shiga-like toxin (SLT)

What is the mechanism of action of shiga-like toxin?

Inactivate 60S ribosome by removing adenine from rRNA

What is the manifestation of the toxin in EHEC?

SLT enhances cytokine release, causing HUS (prototypically in EHEC serotype O157:H7). Unlike shigella, EHEC does not invade host cell

What are the bugs with exotoxins that increase fluid secretion?

1. Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)

2. Bacillus anthracis

3. Vibrio cholerae

What are the toxins found in enterotoxigenic e coli (EHEC)?

Heat labile toxin (LT) and Heat-stable toxin (ST)

What is the mechanism of action of Heat-labile toxin (LT)?

Overactivates adenylate cyclase (Increases cAMP) - Increases Cl- secretion in the gut and H2O efflux

What is the mechanism of action of Heat-Stable toxin (ST)?

Over activates guanylate cyclase (increases cGMP) - decreases resorption of NaCl and H2O in gut

Manifestation of the toxin in ETEC?

Watery diarrhea: labile in the Air (Adenylate cyclase), stable on the Ground (Guanylate cyclase)

What is the toxin found in bacillus anthracis?

Edema toxin

What is the mechanism of action of edema toxin?

Mimics adenylate cyclase enzyme (Increases cAMP)

What is the manifestation of the toxin (edema toxin) in Bacillus anthracis infection?

Likely responsible for characteristic edematous borders of black eschar in cutaneous anthrax

What is the toxin found in Vibrio Cholerae infection?

Cholera toxin

What is the mechanism of action of cholera toxin?

Over activates adenylate cyclase (increases cAMP) by permanently activating Gs - Increases Cl- secretion in gut and H2O efflux

How does the cholera toxin manifests?

Voluminous "rice water" diarrhea

Bon Appétit

What is the toxin found in Bortadella Pertusis?

Pertussis toxin

What is the mechanism of action of the pertussis toxin?

Overactivates adenylate cyclase (increases cAMP) by disabling Gi, impairing phagocytosis to permit survival of microbe

How does the pertussis toxin manifest?

Whopping cough - child coughs on expiration and "whoops" on inspiration (toxin may not actually be a cause of cough; can cause 100-day cough in adults)

Which buys have exotoxins that inhibit release of NTs?

1. Clostridium tetani

2. Clostridium botulinum

Which exotoxin is found in Clostridium tetani?


Which exotoxin is found in Clostridium botulinum?

Botulinum toxin

What is the mechanism of action of both tetanospasmin and botulinum toxin?

Both are proteases that cleave SNARE (solute NSF attachment protein receptor), a set of proteins required for NT release via vesicular fusion

How does the tetanospasmin toxin manifest?

Spastic paralysis, risus sardonic, and lockjaw; toxin prevents release of inhibitory (GABA and glycine) NTs from Renshaw cells in spinal cord

How does the Botulinum toxin manifest?

Flaccid paralysis, floppy baby; toxin prevents release of stimulatory (ACh) signals at NMJ - flaccid paralysis