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67 Cards in this Set

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True or false: Influenza also causes the stomach flu


True or false: Two H1N1 viruses will have the same RNA genome sequence


Who had the highest mortality rate in the 1918 flue pandemic?

Young adults

What is the major drawback to the flu vaccine?

It does not provide long-term immunity

What is the cause of the common cold?

It can be caused by 200 different viruses

What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?

HIV infections can lead to AIDS

Are yellow nodules a sign of HIV?


Who can become infected with HIV?

Anyone without genetic immunity

How can HIV be transmitted?

Sexual contact, needle sharing, from mother to fetus, breast milk

One or many ways?

What is the effect of male circumcision on HIV transmission?

Decreases risk of becoming infected by 50%

What is the average cost to treat an AIDS patient for one year?

> $35,000

Why is the whole world terrified of Ebola?

The mortality rate sometimes reaches 90%

What condition does Ebola cause?

Failure of blood to clot

What was the cause of the first outbreak of Zaire Ebola in 1995?

Ebola-contaminated needles that were reused

How could you determine which animal is the reservoir for the Ebolavirus?

Test animals for antibodies to Ebola

How is Zika spread?

Mosquitos and sexual contact

Zika virus infection during pregnancy is known to cause ___ in a fetus


True or false: All forms of birth control can prevent the transmission of Zika


Which branch of the immune system involves recognizing specific microbes?


What physical factor doesn't protect epithelial surfaces?

Gastric juices

1. Earwax

2. Urine

3. Vaginal secretions

4. Gastric juices

5. Vomiting and diarrhea

How could an eosinophil kill a parasitic worm?

c. By releasing peroxide into the worm

High levels of neutrophils in the blood would most likely indicate:

An acute bacterial infection

Phagocytosis is part of the body's:

Second line of defense

Which line of defense?

If you have a fever, should you take a pain-reliever like tylenol?

Maybe, depends on how high of a fever

How does opsonization protect us from infections?

By promoting phagocytosis

True or false: Interferons cannot treat cells that are already infected by a virus


What is not found on the outside of bacteria?


1. Glycocalyx

2. Capsid

3. Fimbria

4. Flagellum

The adaptive immune system is acquired through:

Both infections and vaccination

TNF-alpha and interferon are:

Types of cytokines

Which disease involves a cytokine storm?

The 1918 flu

How long do maternal antibodies provide protection to a baby?

6 months

How many different antigens can be recognized by all the B-cell receptors in the human body?

A quadrillion (10^15)

Which class of antibody provides the best protection from the polio virus (which replicates in the intestine)?


True or False: Exposure to many antigens is necessary for humans to have such a diversity of antibody receptors


How do T-cells recognize specific antigens?

T-cells have specific receptors

What is the role of T-helper cells in HIV infections?

T-helper cells decrease in number over time in HIV+ individuals

What happens to them in a person with HIV?

Why was variolation prohibited in England?

The high mortality rate from people getting smallpox after variolation

First form of vaccination

How many vaccines are recommended for a child to have had by the time they are 6 months old?


What is an example of passive immunization?

Receiving antiserum for a snakebite

What is the major problem with inactivated vaccines?

Many are antigenically weak

What type of vaccine is the current flu shot?


What is an antibiotic?

Antimicrobial agents produced naturally by organisms

What kind of antimicrobial drug should you be prescribed for a specific infection?

A narrow-spectrum as long as you know what is causing the infection

What is a major limitation of penicillin?

Only cells that are forming new cell walls are sensitive to it

B-lactamase production is an example of which type of resistance?

Inactivation of the drug

Where do the antibiotic resistant colonies come from?

Acquisition of resistance genes before exposure to the drug

How can we figure out if a microbe causes a particular disease?

Isolate a pure culture of the microbe from a sick animal and inoculate a healthy animal

Why do bacteria have glycocalyx?

Protection from phagocytosis

Of yeast, Candida albicans, and tapeworms, which (if any or all) are eukaryotes?


Which is an example of an anabolic reaction?

Making a protein in a ribosome

Glycolysis produces pyruvic acid. What does a microbe do with pyruvic acid?

Electron transport chain, fermentation, and anaerobic respiration

What is most likely to be contaminating your yogurt?


What is happening during the stationary phase of cell growth?

The numbers of dead bacteria and new bacteria are equal

What is a highly effective chemical method of controlling microbial growth?

Ethylene oxide gas

How can we use bacteria as factories to produce a toxin that kills insects?

Place the DNA sequence of interest into a plasmid and insert it into a bacterium

What kind of microbe would you use to eat through old tires that you want to get rid of?


True or false: Viruses with high mortality rates spread quickly from person to person


Necrotizing fasciitis is most often caused by:

Infection of a wound with Streptococcus pyogenes

How can we measure how easily a disease spreads between people?

Determine the basic reproduction number (R0)

Someone with latent TB will show which signs and symptoms?


1. cough and pain in chest

2. caseous lesions in their lungs

3. fever and muscle pain

4. vomiting and abdominal pain

5. none

Why was chlamydia originally thought to be a virus?

It lives inside host cells and requires host's ATP

A patient with yellow, dry, crumbling nails is uneffected by antibiotics. What is the diagnosis?

An infection by a dermatophyte

Explain why the ability of Plasmodium to infest new hosts depends on its ability to tell time

Plasmodium gametocytes must be present in the hosts blood when mosquitos are biting

Someone comes in with tapeworm cysts in their brain. Explain how they could have prevented this

Avoid contact with feces containing tapeworm eggs

Reversion is a problem with which type of vaccine?


What presents the greatest challenge in drug design?


How do neutrophils act as first responders for our immune system?

They ingest pathogens and perform extracellular killing