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74 Cards in this Set

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What kind of skin covers the palpebrae externally? How is this type of skin characterized?
Thin skin - relatively thin stratesfied squameous epithelium, dermis, fine hairs, sweat and sepaceous glands
ID these structures in a section of skin
A - Sweat gland
B - Secaceous gland
C - hair follicle
T or F:
Bulbar conjunctiva is continuous with the corneal epithelium
T or F:
Palpebral conjunctiva can be stratefied columnar.
ID the structure indicated by the yellow X.
Where does this structure open?
Tarsal gland (meibomian gland)
Opens on the cunjunctival part of the eyelid margin.
What are the three layers of a tear film and what is the composition of each?
Superficial - lipids
Middle - aqueous
Inner - mucoid
Which region secretes the superficial tear film layer and what is the function of this layer?
Tarsal glands and ciliary glands.
Limits evaporation & provides binding effect for tear film
Which region secretes the middle tear film layer and what is the function of this layer?
Lacrimal and superficial gland of 3rd eyelid.
Flushes foreign material and lubricates surfaces.
Which region secretes the inner mucoid tear film layer and what is the function of this layer?
Conjunctival cells.
Binds film to cornea
What are the three tunics of the eye?
What structures comprise the outermost layer of the eye?
Fibrous layer - cornea and sclera
What structures comprise the middle layer of the eye?
Vascular layer - Choroid, iris, tapetum lucidum, and ciliary body
What structures comprise the innermost layer of the eye?
Retina and optic disc
T or F:
The cornea is avascular, anervous, and receives its dissolved O2 from the tear film.
False! It is avascular and does receive its O2 from the tear film but it is HIGHLY innervated
What are the layers of the cornea?
Anterior corneal epithelium
Anterior limiting membrane
Corneal stroma
Posterior limiting membrane
Posterior corneal epithelium
Hint - there are 5
ID these corneal layers
What is the eponymous name for B and D?
A - Anterior corneal epithelium
B - Anterior limiting membrane (Bowman's membrane)
C - Corneal stroma
D - Posterior limiting membrane (Descemet's membrane)
E - Posterior corneal epithelium
T or F:
The anterior limiting membrane of the cornea is only present in certain species.
Present in birds, humans, giraffes, and some cetaceans.
What is the histology of the Corneal stroma? What substance makes up this material?
Dense regular CT of collagen fibers.
Which corneal layer is the strongest barrier between the anterior chamber and the outside? What substance tests for a breach of this layer?
Descemet's membrane
Flourescin dye testing
Which corneal membrane maintains corneal transparency? How does it do this?
Posterior corneal epithelium pumps water out and provides nutrients to substantia propria
When is the cornea vascularized?
During repair processes
Of these four animals, which is the most sensitive to eye injury? The least sensitive to eye injury?
Horse, Cow, Cat, Dog
Horse most sensitive
Cow least sensitive
T or F:
The dog develops more neovascularization than the cat upon corneal injury.
What is the transition zone between the cornea and the sclera called?
T or F:
The limbus is avascular like the cornea.
False! The limbus is highly vascular.
What are the three layers of the sclera? What is the bony part of the sclera called in owls and hawks?
Lasmina fusca
Sclera proper
Scleral ossicles
Which scleral layer provides nutrition to the sclera?
Episclera (and vascular tunic)
What is the scleral area where the optic nerve exits called?
Area cribosa
ID these three regions of the eye. Which tunic of the eye do these comprise?
A - Choroid
B - Ciliary Body
C - Iris
A + B + C = Uvea
Que son estas punctas nigras en este ojo de caballo?
Iridic granules (corpora nigra)
T or F:
The epithelium of the iris is vascular and nervous.
While the iris does have a vascular and nervous part, it has NO TRUE EPITHELIUM
What is the pupillary shape in a dog? Pig? Cat? Herbivore?
Dog and pig - round
Cat - vertical
Herbivore - horizontally ovoid
What are the two tunics of the iris?
Vascular tunic (anterior stroma)
Nervous tunic (pars iridica retinae)
ID these regions of the Iris. Which region contains the pupillary muscles?
A - Pars iridica retinae
B - Anterior stroma (contains muscles)
What structure allows for the change in shape of the lens?
Ciliary body and processes
Which structures form the blood/aqueous barrier?
Ciliary body and pars ciliaris retinae (ciliary processes)
What innervates the ciliary muscle? What does contraction of this muscle do? What type of stimulation causes this?
CN III innervates
Contraction RELEASES tension on suspensory ligaments and lens becomes thicker.
Parasympathetic stimulation
What are the layers of the choroid? Which contains the tapetum lucidum?
Large vessel layer
Medium sized vessel layer - contains tapetum lucidum
Hint - there are 4
ID these layers of the ojo
A - Retina
B - Choroid
C - Sclera
A - Sclera
B - Suprachoroidea
C - Large vessel layer
D - Tapetum lucidum (part of medium sized vessel layer)
E - Choriocapillaris
F - Retina
T or F:
The large vessel layer has numerous melanocytes irregardless of the presence of the tapetum lucidum.
Irregardeless isn't a word you dolt!
Other than this word, the statement is actually TRUE!!! :)
What is the name of the membrane between the choriocapillaris and the retinal pigment epithelium?
Bruch's membrane
What are the two types of tapetum lucidum? Which species is each found in?
Fibrous - herbivores
Cellular - carnivores
How are squirrel and llama eyes the same?
Neither has a tepetum lucidum
Which of these has a tapetum lucidum present? What number is it?
A #22
What holds the lens in place? Where do these structures insert?
suspensory ligaments insert on lens capsule
T or F:
The lens has no pigment or blood within it.
What is the lens epithelium morphology?
Squamous to cuboidal centrally; columnar near equator
What is the protein in the lens called?
See the little "Y" in the lens? What is this called?
Suture line
T or F:
Birds have more flexible lenses than whales.
Um. Yeah.
How many layers in the visual retina? Of these layers, how many are neural retinal layers? Which is the odd man out?
10 layers, 9 are neural retinal; Retinal pigmented epithelium is odd man out
What is the blood/retina layer formed by?
Retinal pigmented epithelium
T or F:
The retinal pigmented epithelium is always pigmented.
False, actually! It DOES NOT contain pigment where it is adjacent to tapetum lucidum
ID 19 and 22 in these slides
Is 19 pigmented in both cases?
19 - retinal pigmented epithelium (unpigmented on the right)
22 - Tapetum lucidum
What are the functions of the retinal pigmented epithelium?
Nutrient transport from choroid to outer retina.
Insulate photoreceptors and increase individual sensitivity.
Phagocytose outer segments of photoreceptor cells.
What are A and B?
A - Retinal pigmented epithelium
B - Photoreceptive layer
T or F:
The nuclei for rod and cone cells are located in the photoreceptive layer.
False. Only the dendritic processes are here. Cell bodies are in the outer nuclear layer
What is the light sensitive pigment in a rod? In a cone?
Rod - rhodopsin
Cone - iodopsin
Which photoreceptive cell perceives color? Detects motion?
Color - cone
Motion - rod
T or F:
Rods are more sensitive to light than cones.
True! This is why rods are better in dim light
T or F:
Rods are inactivated by constant bright light.
True again! Cones are for bright light vision.
What is the area of the retina at the center of the vision field? What photoreceptor is most dense here?
Macula (or area centralis) has density of cones
What is so special about the macula in birds and primates that it gets its own name (and what is the name)?
Fovea - area of retina with cones ONLY
What are the sustentacular fibers of the retina?
Muller's fibers
What is found in the outer nuclear layer? In the outer plexiform layer?
Nuclear - rod/cone nuclei
Plexiform - rod/cone axon terminals (synapse on interneurons)
What is found in the inner nuclear layer and inner plexiform layer?
Nuclear - nuclei of interneurons for interneurons and muller's cells
Plexiform - synapses between bipolar interneurons and amacrine cells and dendrites of ganglion cells
What is found in the ganglionic cell layer? In the optic nerve fiber layer?
Ganglion - ganglia, neuroglia, BVs
Optic - axons of ganglion cells coursing to optic disc
What is attached to the inner limiting membrane of the eye?
Vitreous humor
Which cell(s) interconnects photoreceptor cells?
Horizontal cells
Which cell(s) modifies visual stimuli from other retinal cells?
Horizontal and amacrine cells
Which cells serve as interneurons between photoreceptor cells and ganglia of the optic tract?
Bipolar cells
What are the layers of the non-visual retina? How many cell layers in each? Which is more pigmented?
Pars ciliaris retinae and pars iridica retinae
2 cell layers in each
iridica is more pigmented
T or F:
Dogs are pretty much red/green colorblind.