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52 Cards in this Set

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ID these bones of the horse skull
A - Incisive
B - Nasal
C - Lacrimal
D - Frontal
E - Parietal
ID these ox skull bones
A - Incisive
B - Nasal
C - Lacrimal
D - Frontal
E - Parietal
ID these horse skull parts
A - Maxillary
B - Zygomatic
C - Palatine
D - Temporal (squameous part)
ID these horse skull parts
A - Maxillary
B - Zygomatic
C - Palatine
D - Temporal (squameous part)
ID these ox skull parts
A - Maxillary
B - Zygomatic
C - Palatine
D - Temporal (squameous part)
ID these horse skull parts
A - Sphenoid
B - Temporal (petrous part)
C - Occipital
D - Mandible
ID these ox bones
A - Sphenoid
B - Temporal (petrous part)
C - Occipital
D - Mandible
ID these bumps, holes, and ridges
A - Nuchal crest (horse); Nuchal line (ruminant)
B - External occipital protuberance
C - Foramen magnum
D - Paracondylar (Jugular) Process
Which animal is this skull from? ID the structures.
A - Occipital condyle
B - Hypoglossal foramen
C - Paracondylar (Jugular) process
D - Jugular foramen
E - Muscular process
What is this animal?
ID the rest...
Horse (dead)
A - Frontal bone
B - Zygomatic process of the frontal bone
C - Temporal line
D - Temporal fossa of temporal bone
E - Supraorbital foramen
Which animal? ID the rest...
A - Ethmoid foramen
B - Small alar foramen
C - Orbital fissure
D - Optic canal
E - Foramen rotundum and rostral alar foramen
What animal?
ID the parts...
A - Temporal line
B - Intercornual protuberance
C - Cornual process
D - Supraorbital groove (sulcus)
E - Supraorbital foramen (foramina)
Which animal? ID the rest..
A - Zygomatic process of the frontal bone
B - Retroarticular process
C - Oval foramen
D - Pterygoid process
E - Pterygoid hamulus
Match the following regions with the correct part of the temporal bone (squamous, tympanic, or petrosal):
Mandibular fossa
Tympanic bulla
External acoustic meatus
Zygomatic process of the temporal bone
Mandibular fossa - squamous
Tympanic bulla - tympanic
External acoustic meatus - tympanic
Zygomatic process of the temporal bone - squamous
Match the following regions with the correct part of the temporal bone (squamous, tympanic, or petrosal):
Retroarticular process
Styloid process
Mastoid process
Retroarticular process - Squamous
Styloid process - Petrosal
Mastoid process - Petrosal
Match the following regions with the correct part of the temporal bone (squamous, tympanic, or petrosal):
Retroarticular foramen
Muscular process
Stylomastoid foramen
Retroarticular foramen - Squamous
Muscular process - Tympanic
Stylomastoid foramen - Petrosal
Which animal? ID the parts...
A - Temporal fossa
B - Parietal bone
C - Temporal crest
D - Squamous part of temporal bone
ID these.
To which bone(s) does each structure attach?
A - Mandibular fossa
B - Retroarticular process
C - Retroarticular foramen
D - Zygomatic process of temporal bone
All from squamous part of temporal bone
ID these structures. Which bone(s) are they located upon?
All upon the tympanic temporal bone
A - External acoustic meatus
B - Tympanic bulla
C - Muscular process
ID these structures. To which bone(s) does each attach?
Petrosal temporal bone
A - Styloid process
B - Mastoid process
C - Stylomastoid foramen
ID this structure.
What comes into/out of this?
Foramen lacerum
CN IX, X, and XI
Sympathetic trunk
Internal carotid a.
What bone are A and B part of? What is A a continuation of?
A - Christa galli (continuation of perpendicular bone)
B - Cribiform plate (w/foramina)
A + B = Ethmoid bone
C - Foramen lacerum
A - Infraorbital foramen
B - Facial crest
C - Nasal bone
D - Lacrimal bone
E - Diastema
Which animal? ID the structures...
A - Nasal process of nasal bone
B - Nasoincisive notch
C - Facial tuberosity
D - External lacrimal fossa
ID these thingys
A - Hard palate
B - Horizontal process of palatine bone
C - Palatine process of maxillary bone
D - Palatine process of nasal bone
ID these holes
A - Fossa for lacrimal sac
B - Maxillary foramen
C - Sphenopalatine foramen
D - Caudal palatine foramen
Which animal? ID the parts...
A - Tympano-occipital fissure
B - Sphenopalatine foramen
C - Lacrimal bulla
D - Major palatine foramen
E - Facial tubercle
F -
What are the parts of the palatine bone?
Perpendicular and horizontal parts
What are the parts of the sphenoid bone?
T or F:
The ethmoid foramen is the only foramina of the pterygopalatine fossa not located in the sphenoid bone.
It is actually in the frontal bone.
ID these holes
Which are unique to the horse?
A - Sphenopalatine foramen
B - Ethmoid foramen
C - Caudal alar foramen (horse)
D - Oval notch (horse)
E - Foramen lacerum (horse)
ID these
Which are unique to the ruminants (vs. horse)?
A - Oval foramen (ruminants)
B - Vomer
C - Major palatine foramen
D - Palatine fissure
E - Dental pad (ruminants)
All of these are pointing to holes (except for C):
A - Ethmoid foramen
B - Optic canal
C - Pterygoid crest
D - Oval foramen
E - Foramen orbitorotundum
What exits the foramen orbitorotundum?
Oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nn.
Opthalmic and maxillary divisions of trigeminal n.
Which has a frontal process of the zygomatic bone? Horse, cow, or both?
Which has a zygomatic process of the frontal bone? Horse, cow, or both?
A - Mandibular foramen
B - Coronoid process
C - Condylar process
D - Mandibular notch
E - Masseteric fossa (Ramus of the mandible)
A - Mandibular incisors (in mandibular alveoli)
B - Mental foramen
C - Mandibular symphysis
What ligaments reinforce the TMJ capsule in the horse? In ruminants?
Lateral and caudal ligaments in horse
Only lateral in ruminants
Where does the hyoid apparatus articulate in large animals? Which has a smaller epihyoid bone (horese or cow)?
Articulates at the styloid process (via tympanohyoid cartilage)
Horse has the smaller epihyoid
What do large animals have on their basihyoid that dogs don't?
Lingual process
How does the equid hyoid articulate with the thyroid cartilage?
Thyrohyoid articulates w/rostral cornu
Which has more thoracic vertebrae, the horse or the ox?
Horse! T18 vs. T13
How many sacral segments in the horse? In the ox?
5 in each
Which has the longer tail, the horse or the ox?
Horse Ca 15-21
Ox Ca 18 - 20
Might be either...
ID the holes.
Which vertebrae are these and from which animals?
Atlas. Horse on L and ox on R.
A - Alar foramen
B - Transverse foramen
C - Lateral vertebral foramen
How are the atlas wings oriented in the horse and ox?
Project ventrolaterally and caudally
Which vertebrae are these? Which is horse and which is ox?
ID the parts
Horse on the right; ox on left
A - spinous process
B - Transverse foramen
How do the vertebrae from C3 - C6 in the horse differ from those in the ox?
Ox has larger spinous processes.
Ox has more prominent ventral crest.
How many joint capsules in the equid atlanto-occipital joint? Do they communicate?
Usually don't communicate unless old animal
T or F:
The atlanto-axial joint does not communicate with the atlanto-occipital joint.
What are the landmarks for equid cerebromedullary cistern?
Wings of atlas
Spinous process of atlas
External occipital protuberance