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35 Cards in this Set

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Name each lobe in the brain
Tan - Frontal lobe
Pink - Parietal Lobe
Green - Temporal Lobe
Blue - Occipital Lobe
What view is this?
Name the artery supply to each area.
Lateral View
Blue - Anterior Cerebral Artery
Pink - Middle Cerebral Artery
Green - Posterior Cerebral Artery
What view is this?
Name the artery supply to each area.
Medial View
Blue - Anterior Cerebral Artery
Pink - Middle Cerebral Artery
Green - Posterior Cerebral Artery
Name each artery.
A - Anteiror Communicating Artery
B - Anteriror Cerebral Artery (ACA)
C - Posterior Cerebral Artery (PCA)
D - Superior Cerebellar Artery
E - Basal Artery
F - Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery
G - Vertebral Artery
H - Posterior Communicating Arery
I - Middle Cereberal Artery
J - Internal Carotid Artery
Latel each cortex.
A - Pre-Frontal Association Cortex
B - Pre-Motor Cortex
C - Primary Motor Cortex
D - Primary Somatic Sensory Cortex
E - Association Cortex
F - Wernicke's Area
G - Auditory Cortex
I - Broca's Area
What deficits are caused by RIGHT hemisphere damage? List 4 and name lobes of brain accociated with the deficits.
1. Agnosias (Parietal, Temporal &amp; Occipital <PTO>)
2. Unilateral Neglect (Inferior parietal lobe &amp; superior temporal lobe) **Could be LEFT but not common**
3. Complex perceptual functions (Parietal, Temporal &amp; Occipital <PTO>).
4. Constructional praxis (Parietal, Frontal, and possible subcortical areas)
What deficits are caused by LEFT hemisphere damage? List 7 and name lobes of brain associated with the deficits.
1. Apraxia (Parietal, Frontal & possible subcortical area)
2. Language (Temporal & Frontal)
3. Wernickes' Aphasia (Posterior part of superior temporal lobe)
4. Broca's Aphasia (Posterior part of inferior frontal lobe).
5. Agraphia
6. Alexia (Occipital & Parietal)
7. Acalculia (Temporal & Parietal)
What is Agnosia?
Perceptual deficit without sensory deficit.
Damage to RIGHT hemisphere.
What is Alexia?
Inability to understand language = Dyslexia.
Damagel to LEFT hemisphere.
What is Cmplex parceptual Function?
1. Figure Ground .
2. Form Discrimination
3. Spatial Relations.
4. Topogrphical Orientation
5. Body Scheme Awareness
6. Right/left Descrimination
All Damage to RIGHT hemisphere.
What is Apraxia?
Loss of the ability to execute or carry out learned purposeful movements, despite having the desire and the physical ability to perform the movements.
Damage to LEFT hemisphere except Constructional Apraxia (RIGTH hemisphere).
What is Alexia?
Inability in reading the printed work.
Could be acquired or developmental.
Also know as Dyslexia.
Damage to LEFT hemisphere.
What is Receptive Aphasia?
Wernicke's Aphasia.
Deficit in comprehension of language.
Expression of language is also affected.
Damage to LEFT hemisphere.
What is Expressive Aphasia?
Broca's Aphasia.
Can comprehend th language but not able to transform to speech.
Damage to LEFT hemisphere.
What is Agraphia?
Loss of writing ability in absence of abnomality of a limb.
Damage to LEFT hemisphere.
List function of LEFT Occipital lobe. List 5.
1. Perception of shapes & colors (feature).
2. Reading.
3. Face recognition (feature).
4. Depth perception.
5. Visual attention.
List function of RIGHT Occipital lobe. List 6.
1. Perception of shapes (global).
2. Color perception.
3. Nonverbal pattern recognition.
4. face recognition (holistic).
5. Visual attention.
6. Mental rotation.
List function of LEFT Temporal lobe. List 4.
1. Speech perception & comprehension.
2. Processing of temporal aspects of aural signals, common & proper noun retrieval.
3. Retrieval of verbal information.
4. Verbal memory.
List function of RIGHT Temporal lobe. List 4.
1. Perception & comprehension of nnverbal sounds, music timbre, prosody.
2. Comprehension of emotional meanings of nonverbal stimuli.
3. Retrieval of nonverbal information.
4. Nonverbal memory.
List function of LEFT Parietal lobe? List 2.
1. Tectile object recognition.
2. Verbatim repetition.
List functions of RIGHT Parietal lobe? List 5.
1. Tactile object recognition.
2. Mapping of physical & emotional states.
3. Placement of oneself in space.
4. Self awareness.
5. Body schema.
List functions of LEFT Frontal lobe? List 3.
1. Speech output.
2. Verbal intellectrual capacities.
3. Verbal fluency.
List functions of RIGHT Frontal lobe? List 2.
1. Prosodic output.
2. Nonverbal intellectual capacities.
List perception/cognition performed in LEFT hemisphere.
Processing & producing language.
List perception/cognition performed in RIGHT hemisphere. List 4.
1. Processing & producing nonverbal stimuli (complex shapes, sounds, speech inflectio).
2. Visual-spatial-perception.
3. Drawitn inferences.
4. Integrating information.
List information processing performed in LEFT hemisphere.
Linear & sequential.
List information processing performed in RIGHT hemisphere.
Simulataneous & holistic.
List cognitive style performed in LEFT hemisphere.
Observing & analyzing details.
List cognitive style performed in RIGHT hemisphere.
1. Grasping overall organizaion or gestalt.
2. Sees patterns.
List academic skills performed in LEFT hemisphere. List 2.
1. Reading = word recognition, sound-symbol relationships, reading comprehension.
2. Performing mathematical calculations.
List academic skills performed in RIGHT hemisphere. List 2.
1. Mathematical reasoning/judgment.
2. Alignment of numbers in calculations.
List motor function performed in LEFT hemisphere. List 2.
1. Movement sequencing.
2. Performing movements or gestures on command.
List motor function performed in RIGHT hemisphere.
Sustaining a movement or posture.
List emotion performed in LEFT hemisphere.
Expression of positive emotion.
List emotion performed in RIGHT hemisphere. List 2.
1. Expression of negative emotion.
2. Perception of emotions.