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40 Cards in this Set

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axon hillock

juncture of soma (cell body) and axon


branching extension of a neuron's cell membrane; greatly increases the cell's surface area; collects information from other cells


comprehensive map of all structural connectivity (the physical wiring) in an organism's nervous system

ependymal cell

glial cell that makes and secretes CSF; found on the walls of the brain's ventricles


star-shaped glial cell that provides structural support to CNS neurons and transports substances between neurons and blood vessels

blood-brain barrier

tight junctions between the cells that compose blood vessels in the brain, providing a barrier to the entry of an array of substances, including toxins, into the brain


glial cells that originate in the blood, aid in cell repair, and scavenge debris in the nervous system


glial coating that surrounds axons in the central and peripheral nervous systems; prevents adjacent neurons from short-circuiting


glial cells in the CNS that myelinate axons

Schwann cell

glial cell in the PNS that myelinates sensory and motor axons

resting potential

electrical charge across the insulating cell membrane in the absence of stimulation; a store of potential energy produced by a greater negative charge on the intracellular side relative to the extracellular side

graded potential

small voltage fluctuation across the cell membrane

action potential

large, brief reversal in the polarity of an axon membrane

threshold potential

voltage on a neural membrane at which an action potential is triggered by the opening of sodium and potassium voltage-sensitive channels; about -50 mV relative to extracellular surround (also called threshold limit)

absolutely refractory

the state of an axon in the repolarizing period, during which a new action potential cannot be elicited (with some exceptions), because gate 2 of sodium channels, which are not voltage sensitive, are closed

relatively refractory

the state of an axon in the later phase of an action potential during which increased electrical current is required to produce another action potential; a phase during which potassium channels are still open

node of Ranvier

the part of an axon that is not covered by myelin

saltatory conduction

fast propagation of an action potential at successive nodes of Ranvier (saltatory means leaping)

EPSP (excitatory postsynaptic potential)

brief depolarization of a neuron membrane in response to stimulation, making the neuron more likely to produce an action potential

IPSP (inhibitory postsynaptic potential)

brief hyperpolarization of a neuron membrane in response to stimulation, making the neuron less likely to produce an action potential

synaptic vesicle

membranous compartment that encloses a quantum of neurotransmitter

synaptic cleft

gap separating the neuronal presynaptic membrane from the post synaptic membrane

histamine (H)

neurotransmitter that controls arousal and waking; can cause the constriction of smooth muscles; when activated in allergic reactions, constricts airway and contributes to asthma

glutamate (Glu)

amino acid neurotransmitter; typically excites neurons

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)

amino acid neurotransmitter; typically inhibits neurons


class of lipid neurotransmitters, including anandamide and 2-AG, synthesized at the postsynaptic membrane to act on receptors at the presynaptic membrane; affects appetite, pain, sleep, mood, memory, anxiety, and the stress response

ionotropic receptor

embedded membrane protein; acts as a binding site for a neurotransmitter and a pore that regulates ion flow to directly and rapidly change membrane voltage

metabotropic receptor

embedded membrane protein with a binding site for a neurotransmitter linked to a G protein; can affect other receptors or act with second messengers to affect other cellular processes, including opening a pore

G protein

guanyl nucleotide-biding protein coupled to a metabotropic receptor; when activated, binds to other proteins


self-receptor in a neuronal membrane; that is, it responds to the same transmitter released by the neuron


substance that enhances synapse function


substance that blocks synapse function

monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor

antidepressant drug that blocks the enzyme monoamine oxidase from degrading such neurotransmitters as DA, NE, and 5-HT

tricyclic antidepressant

first-generation antidepressant; its chemical structure, characterized by three rings, blocks 5-HT reuptake transporter proteins

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)

tricyclic antidepressant drug that blocks 5-HT reuptake into the presynaptic terminal

mood stabilizer

drug for treating bipolar disorder; mutes the intensity of one pole of the disorder, thus making the other pole less likely to recur

disinhibition theory

explanation holding that alcohol has a selective depressant effect on the brain's frontal cortex, which controls judgment, while sparing subcortical structures responsible for more instinctual behaviors, such as desire

wanting-and-liking theory

explanation holding that when a drug is associated with certain cues, the cues themselves elicit desire for the drug (also called incentive sensitization theory)


one of a group of steroid hormones, such as cortisol, secreted in times of stress; important in protein and carbohydrate metabolism

organizational hypothesis

proposal that hormonal action during development alters tissue differentiation; for example, testosterone masculinizes the brain