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22 Cards in this Set

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All of the hamstring muscles are innervated by the sciatic nerve EXCEPT

Short head of biceps femoris

Which of the following will most effectively work the hip extensors in a closed chain manner?

Standing Lunges

The best position to stretch the tensor fascia late muscle is which of the following

Hip adduction and extension

If a patient lifts his left foot off the ground and the left hip drops, which hip abductors need strengthening?

Right hip abductors

Your patient has been in bed for months and has developed lateral hip rotator contractures .The muscles you need to strengthen to improve the hip alignment are the

Gluteus Minimus

A hip joint pathology characterized by lateral knee pain, often due to poor footwear or running on uneven surfaces is which of the following?

Iliotibal band syndrome

Your patient has a crush injury to the sciatic nerve. You would expect to see weakness in any of the following muscles except

Biceps Femoris

Which muscle originates on the ischium and pubis and inserts on the entire linea aspera and adductor tubercle?

Adductor Magnus

The pectineus is a prime mover in which hip motion?


The gluteus minimus is a prime mover in which hip motion?

Medial Rotation

The sartorial functions in a combination of which hip motion

Flexion, abduction and lateral rotation

Which one joint muscle extends the hip

Gluteus Maximus

Which muscle is not a prime mover in hip flexion?

Biceps Femoris

Which muscle has its distal attachment on the peers anserine with the gracilis


A person who has had a hip replacement surgery will have a surgical incision on the lateral surface of the hip. The hip muscle grow most likely to need strengthening after this procedure is the

Hip Abductors

The bony landmark of the femur medially located and posteriorly on the proximal end is called the

Lesser trochanter

The ligament at the hip that lies within the capsule and contributes to the bloody supply to the femoral head is called the

Ligamentum Teres

Trauma to the femoral nerve could impair any of the following muscles EXCEPT the

Gluteus Maximus

Most of the hip adductors are innervated by which of the following nerves?

Obturator nerve

Which muscle originates on the posterior sacrum and ilium and inserts just distal to the greater trochanter

Gluteus Maximus

Which muscle originates on the pubis and inserts on the medial proximal tibia


The muscle that originates on the iliac fossa and lateral surfaces of T12 through L5 and inserts on trochanter is the
