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81 Cards in this Set

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Carpal or Carpus

Other names for wrist

Deep concave ; Ventral (anterior)

Arrangement of the bones in the wrist forms a _________ groove on the ________ aspect of the wrist

Flexor Retinaculum

The deep concave groove of the wrist is roofed over by what structure?


Largest bone in the proximal row of the wrist





What are the bones of the proximal row of the wrist?


Crescent shaped bone of the wrist


Most medial bone in the proximal row


What bone is anterior to the triquetrum?





What are the bones in the distal row of the wrist?


This bone forms a saddle joint with the first metacarpal allowing the great mobility of the thumb


This bones sits in the concavity created by the scaphoid and lunate


This is the central and largest carpal bone


This is the most medial carpal bone in the distal row

Flexor Retinaculum

This is a thickening of the deep fascia in the anterior portion of the wrist region

Flexor retinaculum

This converts the concave anterior surface of the wrist into carpal tunnel

Transvers carpal ligament

The other name of flexor retinaculum

Palmar aponeurosis

The distal border of the flexor retinaculum is attached to what structure?

Pisiform bone and the hook of hamate

What is the attachment of the flexor retinaculum in the medial side?

Scaphoid tubercle and trapezium

What is the attachment of the flexor retinaculum in the lateral side?

Extensor retinaculum

This is a thickening of the deep fascia in the posterior portion of the wrist region

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

Ulnar Nerve

Ulnar Artery

Palmar cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve

Palmaris Longus Tendon

Palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve

What are the structure that pass superficially (on top) the carpal tunnel? Enumerate from medial to lateral.

Flexor digitorum superficialis tendons and (deeper) tendons of flexor digutorum profundus

Median Nerve

Flexor Policis Longus Tendon

Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendon

What are the structures passing deep (within) the carpal tunnel? Enumerate from medial to lateral.

Dorsal cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve

Basilic vein

Cephalic vein

Superficial branch of the radial nerve

What are the structures passing superficially the extensor retinaculum? From medial to lateral

Extensor carpi ulnaris tendon

Extensor digiti minimi

Extensor digitorum and extensor indicis tendon

Extensor policis longus tendon

Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis tendons

Abductor policis longus and extensor policis brevis tendons

What are the structures that pass deep the extensor retinaculum?

From medial to lateral

Median Nerve

The long flexor tendons to the fingers and thumb pass through the tunnel and are accompanied by what structure?

Tunnel of Guyon

What is the other name for Ulnar Canal?

Ulnar Canal

This is a longitudinal canal which allows the passage of ulnar nerve and ulnar artery from the wrist to the hands

Transverse Carpal Ligament

What structure forms the floor of the ulnar canal?

Volar/Anterior Carpal Ligament

What structure forms the roof of the ulnar canal?

Pisiform Bone and Pisohamate Ligament

What structure forms the medial border of the ulnar canal?

Hook of Hammate

What structure forms the lateral border of the ulnar canal?

Ulnar Artery

This artery lies deep to most of the flexor muscles in the forearm

Flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum superficialis

Distally, the ulnar artery lies between these 2 structures.

Pisiform bone

At the wrist, the ulnar artery crosses superficial to the flexor retinaculum just lateral to what structure?

Common interosseous artery of the ulnar artery

This artery brings nutrients to the radius and ulna

Common interosseus artery

This artery supplies the adjascent muscles in the anterior and posterior compartments

Radial Artery

This artery lies on anterior surface of the radius between the brachioradialis tendon and flexor carpi radialis muscle in distal forearm

Superficial Palmar Branch of Radial Artery

This arterial branch arises just superior to the wrist and enters the hand and joins the ulnar artery to complete the superficial palmar branch

Cubital fossa at the level of the neck of radius

The radial artery begins where?

Cephalic Vein

This vein can be seen on the lateral side of the dorsal venous arch on the back of the hand and runs on the lateral border of the forearm

Basilic Vein

This vein can be seen on the medial side of dorsal venous arch on the back of the hand and runs on the medial border of the forearm


Musculocutaneous nerve arises from what vertebral level?

Skin of the anterior and lateral aspect of the forearm down as far as the thumb

The lateral cutaneous branch of the musculocutaneous nerve supplies what structures?

Medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm (medial antebrachial nerve)

This nerve arises from C8-T1 and from the medial cord of the brachial plexus which runs down and divide into volar and dorsal branches

Medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm

This nerve runs down the ulnar side of the arm and divides into a volar and dorsal ulnar branch

Median Nerve

This nerve arises from C5-T1 and lies behind the tendon of the palmaris longus

Palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve

This nerve crosses the superficial side of the flexor retinaculum and supply the skin on the lateral part of the palm


The ulnar nerve arises from what nerve roots?

Palmar cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve

This nerve cross superficial to flexor retinaculum and supply the skin over the medial part of the palm

Radial nerve

The only motor nerve that supplies the muscles of the posterior compartment of the arm and forearm

Radial nerve

This nerve descends superficial to the extensor retinaculum

Dorsal digital branch of the radial nerve

This nerve supplies the lateral 2/3rds of the dorsum of the hand

Dorsal digital branches of the radial nerve

This nerve supplies the posterior surface over the proximal phalanges and lateral 3 and 1/2 fingers

Synovial ellipsoid joint

What type of joint is the wrist joint?

Radiocarpal joint

Other name of wrist joint




What carpal bones articulate in the radiocarpal joint?

Anterior interosseus nerve and deep branch of the radial nerve

Nerve supply of the wrist joint


What movement is not possible by the wrist joint?

Flexor carpi ulnaris

This flexes and adducts the wrist and hand

Flexor carpi radialis

Flexes and abducts the wrist and hand

Palmaris Longus

This structure only flexes the hand

Extensor carpi ulnaris

Extends and adducts the wrist

Extensor carpi radialis longus/brevis

Extends and abducts the wrist

Posterior cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve

This structure is medial to the wrist joint

Radial Artery

This structure is lateral to the wrist joint

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Compression and necrosis of the median nerve will result to what condition?

Phalen's Test

Test to detect carpal tunnel syndrome

Intraarticular steroid injection

Decompression by surgical release

Treatment options for carpal-tunnel syndrome

Anatomic snuffbox

Triangular skin depression on the posterolateral side of the wrist

Tendon of the extensor pollicis longus

Medial border of the anatomic snuffbox

Tendons of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis

Lateral border of anatomic snuffbox


What bone can be easily palpated in the anatomic snuffbox?

Colle's fracture

Dinner fork deformity

Colle's fracture

Fall onto an outstretched arm with extended wrist will result to this condition

Colle's fracture

This happens when a force drives the distal fragment posteriorly and superiorly

Smith's fracture

This happens when the distal fragment is displaced anteriorly

Smith's fracture

Fall onto an outstretched arm with a flexed wrist will result to this condition

Smith's fracture

Reversed Colle's Fracture

Scaphoid bone fracture

Lunate bone dislocation

Fall onto an outstretched hand, with your weight landing on your palm will result to these conditions

Scaphoid bone fracture

What condition has the following signs and symptoms?

Pain along the anatomic snuffbox

Thumb and lateral wrist pain that worsens upon pincer grip movements or extension of the thumb

Screw fixation

Treatment for lunate bone dislocation