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629 Cards in this Set

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Cystic Fibrosis
Peds hemoptysis, rectal prolapse
black necrotic lesion
Peds diarrhea SZ
Narcotics SZ
Guilian Barre diarrhea
Campylobacter paralysis
hairs that irritate skin, eyes
Aortic dissection
right >left coronary artery involved
Normal post-void residual
< 50ml
AAA rupture risk
> 5cm
Epidemic HUS
E coli O157:H7 or shigella
Prostatitis tx
Cipro 500 BID x 30d
delta wave: short PR, delayed QRS upstroke
FB good prognosis
early pliability, nl sensation CLEAR blebs
Immed Post Partum SZ
Amniotic Fluid embolism
A-a gradient
150 - (PaCO2/0.8) - PaO2
Pleural effusion vol to see on CXR
↓Ca Chvostek sign
upper lip twitch c tap of face CN VII
↓Ca Trrousseau sign
hand spasm c BP cuff
↑Ca tx
fluids, furosemide; NO HCTZ
Pilon Fx
comm, intra-artic of distal tibia
Acute Interstital Nephritis-causing drugs
PCN, NSAIDs, sulfa, dilantin, diuretic, also inf, imm
Anterior epistaxis (90%)
Kisselbach plexus
Posterior Epistaxis
Sphenopalatine artery
Battle sign
mastoid ecchymosis
Monocular diplopia
lens disloc
PCP: steroid use
PO2 < 70; A-a > 35
hyper and hypo thermia
6 P's of ischemia
pain, pallor, pulseless, paresthesia, paralysis, poik (↓temp)
ASA tox
resp alk; met acid
Electric shock
AC worse than DC, 10% dysrhythmia: VF most common
Boring, tearing HA
Cluster HA
Throbbing HA
Potassium in MI
5x risk of VF if K<4.0
Most common non-EtOH alcohol
Chronic orbital cellulitis
T. capitus
Oral griseo; selenium decreases infectivity
Hamman's crunch
Stener lesion
Skiers thumb: APL tendon between split UCL
Microcytic anemia
Lead tox, Fe def, sideroblastic, thalassemia
Patella Fx
transverse most common; vertical on sunrise views
HIV & meningitis
Cryptococcus; India ink 80% sens: send Ag
Osborn/J wave
hypothermia: junction of QRS and ST
LGIB etiols
Diverticulosis, angiodysplasia, tumors,polyps, rhoids, UGI, A-EF
UGIBleed etiols
PUD, esoph, M-W, gast, varices, stress ulcers, AVM, malig
Ca, tics,Sig volv, Cecal volv, Intuss, Ogilvie
Adhesions, CA, hernia, Crohn, volv, Intuss, stricture, GS ileus, FB
Diarrhea that mimics Appy
Yersinia (campylo)
Diarrhea: pet turtles, chicks, lizards
Diarrhea within 6 hrs
Ham/potatos salad: S. aureus; Fried rice:Bacillus cereus.
Rice water diarrhea
seafood: vibrio Tx; fluids, cipro or bactrim
Diarrhea and 3rd world travel
E. histolytica. Bloody. Flagyl then iodoquinol
Sandpaper rash
SSSS, scarlet fever
Pain immed after eating
Gastric ulcer
Pain better c food, worse later (middle of night)
Duodenal ulcer
Bowel Obst, <2yo
Intuss. Bloody stool, severe pain
Non-bilious, projectile vomiting
pyloric stenosis
string sign; no mec by DOL#2, aganglionic
Painful vision loss
Painless vision loss
CRAO, CRVO, retinal detach, vitreous hem
Arsenic Tx
dimercaparol, BAL
MS changes, ataxia, nystagmus. Tx: Thiamine, Mg
OM viral etiol
Palpable purpura on buttocks and legs
Chronic cough
B. pertussis. Tx: erythro
Posterior elbow dislocation complications
Most common: ulnar nerve; most serious: brachial artery
Young man: dry cauliflower warts
C. accuminatum (HPV)
weeping warts, foul odor
C. lata (syphillis)
KBT test
detects > 5ml hem (to determine need for additional Rhogam
Apt test
to differentiate fetal from maternal blood in neonatal GI bld
Pericardial effusion volume to see on cxr
250 ml
fever, anemia, low plts, ↑Cr, neuro sx, schistocytes. NO plt tx.
late: U-P insuff; early: head compression; variable: cord compression
Most common bacteria in diarrhea
HCO3, ADH inhibitors, dialysis, folate (breaks down folic acid)
Cental Cord synd
most common; hyper ext in eld; M>>S, U>L, D>P. Sacral sparing
Almonds, fish, glue, garlic, rotten eggs
CN, zinc, toluene, OPP, H2S
Earliest cardiac marker
myoglobin: detect at 2h, peak at 5h, gone by 12h
Peds C-spine
pseudosublux at C2-3 (50%), C3-4 (15%)
sympatho vs anticholinergic
symp: diaphoresis and nl bowel sounds; antichol: dry skin, no BS
cholinergic syndrome sx
diarrhea, urin, miosis, bronchorrhea, brady, emesis, lac, sal
cholinergic agents
OPP,carbamates, sarin, pilocarpine, cytocybe/inocybe mushrooms
anticholinergic agents
antipsych, scopo, mus relaxer, gi antispas, antihist, jimson, deadly nightshade
OsmOL gap
methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, ethylene glycol and diuretics(glyc, man, sorb)
Mees' lines
white lines onnails in chronic Arsenic tox
HBO for CO
neuro/psych abn, CV instability, CO>25, CO>15 in preg
Chronic toluene abuse
distal renal tubular acidosis
Hemodialysis in MeOH or EG OD
acidosis, renal compromise, visual changes or level > 20 of either
Hemodialysis in ASA OD
>100, coma, renal/lver fail, non-card pulm edema, severe acid/base, rising levels
hallucinations, euphoria, violence in mild; severe: rigidity, SZ, fever, coma
Cocaine chest pain
O2, benz, CCB; NO Bblockers (unopposed alpha: HTN and coronary spasm)
Multi-dose charcoal
ASA, phenobarb, theo, tegretol
Urine Alk
ASA, phenobarb, formic acid(MeOH)
Hemodialysis in OD
Li, ASA, Alcohols, metformin, VPA, phenobarb
Alcohols that cause AGMA
MeOH, EG only (all alcohols cause AG)
SSRI SX Serotonin syndrome
Fever, sweats, AMS, tremor, increased reflexes. Rare: SZ, CV tox
SSRI antidote
Cyprohepatidine - oral only
excessive symp activity (AMS, mydriasis, Inc T, HR, BP, rigid, SZ, coma
Antidepressant & SZ
Welbutrin (bupropion)
Anticholinergic Tx
benzos, physostigmine; avoid Bblockers, sedatives c antichol (benadryl, haldol)
Immediate reversal of Coumadin
Prothombin complex concentrate and Recomb VIIa
up to 3w later; causes thrombotic events
VPA tox
elevated ammonia level, HD OK, not in other Sz med ODs
BB and CCB OD Tx
atropine, pressors, Ca(if no dig tox), HD glucagon, Insulin & glucose
Bidirectional VT
Dig tox
Dig tox tachydysrhythmias
Tx: phenytoin, lido
Digibind indications
K>5 in acute; Vent dysrhythmias, Brady unresp to tx, Massive OD
Horner, narcs, cholinergics, clonidine, barbs,
Sulfonylurea OD (glip, glyb)
Octreotde, diazoxide
Narcotics without miosis
propoxyphene (darvon), pentazocine (talwin), demerol
Narcotics and SZ
propoxyphene, demerol
Narcotic and wide-complex
Liver tx in tylenol OD
pH < 7.3, INR > 7, Cr > 3.4, Grade3 or 4 Liver failure
Fe tox
Sx w/i 6h, severe= hep failure, +/- on xray,
tx: deferoxamine
comp: yersinia
OPP vs carbamates
OPP irreversible bond to cholinesterae; both tx c atropine, 2-PAM
CN tox
Kit; amyl nit, sod nit, sod thio (only sod thio if ?CO); TX: hydroxycobalamin
Mushroom and SZ
Gyrometra; tx: pyridoxine (like INH OD)
Cholinergic Killer B's
bradycardia, bronchorrhea, bronchospasm
Bite and SZ
black widow, brown recluse
Scorpion bite and pancreatitis
Tityus trinitatus
Bark scorpion
Centuroides (AZ) roving eye movements, muscle spasm, xs secretions
Octopus bites
tetrodotoxin: flaccid paralysis
Roseola infantum
High fever (SZ ) x 3days without URI; then sudden rash upon decreased temp
Erythema infectiosum
slapped cheek
Scarlet fever
GAS; sandpaper rash
grayish tonsillar pseudomembrane
temp, myalgias, dysphagia, painful ulcers that spare ging and ard palte
Thrombosed hemorrhoids tx time
Excise within 48hrs, no point afterwards
Peds retinal hemorrhage
shaken baby; also normal birth in 50% for up to 1 month
T1 miscarriage causes
>50% genetic, mostly trisomy, mostly tri 16
ConVEX St elevation
acute MI (concave - pericarditis, most specific for pericarditis is dec PR)
Jones Fx
> 1.5cm from bse of 5th or distal to cuboid; SL splint, NWB, usually surgery
gonococcal arthritis
F>M, G-stain pos> Cx, rare GU sx, rarely need surgery; tx: 3Ceph
DCS I: m-s, skin, lymphatics (shoulders, elbows); DCS II: all others N2
Kidney stones Calcium
2/3 of all; HyperCa: hyperpara, milk-alkali, lax abuse, sarcoid, Crohn's/UC
Kidney stones MAP
aka stuvite (20%) UTIs due to Proteus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas
Kidney stones Uric Acid
gout; radiolucent - not seen on plain films
Kidney stones Cystine
least common; hypercytinuria an inborn error of metabolism
Anion gap
Na-Cl-HCO3; unmeasured anion in normal = albumin
Oligoclonal bands
Multiple sclerosis
prog weakness > one limb & global dec reflex; CSF: inc protein, nl WBC
CT dye risks
atopy, CAD, Bblockers, prior event; not shellfish
Sickle Cell Aplastic Crisis
low H/H, retic<2%; usually post-infectious and cause 5% of SC deaths
Anal fissures
>90% midline except in Crohn's
Crohn's v UC
toxix megacolo, rectal invol: UC; perianal comp, EN in women: Crohn's
LBO causes
1- Ca 2- Volvulus 3-diverticulitis
McMurray test
medial meniscus
Pertussis complications
common: effects of severe cough; worst: apnea in infants; rare SZ, CA dissect
Kawasaki tx
high dose ASA
palp purp on buttocks, abd pain, jt pain, hematuria; ileoileal intuss
Cecal Volvulus
25%; plain films dx <50%; classic = dil cec in LUQ; late 50's; tx: surg
Ischemic colitis
50% misDx as InfBD; Classic xray=thumbprinting 20%;tx: supportive
Hep A
No chronic carriers; Sx in 5% kids, 75% adults;
Hep E
worse in preg; worse later in preg
Nocturnal diarrhea
Crohn's disease
OM bacteria
1- Strep pneumoniae 2- Moraxella catarhalis; viruses 1/6
Narrowest part of pedi airway
Cricoid cartilage
Tinea versiocolor
seb areas: trunk, arms, neck; gris NOT effective; recur common;
Thyroid storm
Stach, GC helpful
Maisonneuve Fx imaging
stress x-rays of ankle to r/o instability
Central Venous Thrombosis
Sx: HA; freq present late;Dx: MRI; Tx: heparin, even c bleed; F>M (bcp, preg); FOCAL sz
B Pertussis
GNCB; Tx: macolides only effective 1-2w, but decreases infecivity
Hep viral carriers
A- none; B- <5%; C- 80-90%
Hep C
IVDA, blood tx, esp outside US
Viral Hep and Fulminant failure
least common: Hep C; Most ommon Hep B+D coinfection
Uncal herniation
CNIII compressed -> parasymp paralysis -> mydriasis
tonsillar herniation
posterior fossa increased pressure -> cardiopulm failure
Gonococal urethritis
GN IC diplos; always symptomatic (1/4 not in chlam)
Cerebral edema
vasogenic: white matter, dysfunction of endothel/BBB; Cytotox: ischemia
AAA risk factors
FH (20x), age>50, PVD, Htn, other aneurysms
Peds cyanotic heart disease
Truncus art, TGV, tricuspid atresia, ToF, TAPVR; central cyanosis (periph=dehydration or hypothermia)
Anxiety d/o tx
SSRI, benzo for breakthrough, Bblocker for performance anxiety
Penetrating abd trauma injuries
1- SB 2-liver 3-LB
Preg u/s: snowstorm
complte molar pregnancy
amebic liver abscess
fecal-oral; E. hist; lab: inc alk phos #1, then bili, rare inc bili; tx: flagyl
malar after sun, fever, sym arth; #1 sens test: ANA; #1 spec test anti-Sm
1-cough, 2- Wt loss; night sweats, cp, sob, hemopt
Headache prophylaxis
Tension: amitriptyline; migraine: propranolol; cluster: verapimil
Corrected Na = ?
Na + 1.6(Glu-100)/100
Cardiac Contusion test
best= EKG; enzymes not helpful
Older Male alcoholic Pneuumonia
Pre-school pneumonia (6m-5y)
#1 RSV; #1 bact= strep pneuma
Pneumonia 5-15 yrs
Yersinia enterocolitica
ileocecitis mimics appy, sx > 2w, mostly kids, complications = polyarthritis, EN
HyperCalcemia EKG
#1= QTc short, ST depression, Wide T, brady
Retropharyngeal Abscess
Supine; kids (nodes) > adults (trauma); #1=Staph; rare C1-2 separation
soft-tissue neck spaces
C-2 > 7mm (all); C-6 >14mm (kids), 22mm (adults)
Mult Sclerosis tx
High dose IV Steroids; resistance develops; baclofen for spasticity
Pregnancy N/V tx
Vitamin B6
Appy in kids
<3yo: 90% perf; teens 15%; <2 usually diffuse pain; 15% 'liths
Post viral polyarthritis
Rheumatic fever; complications = conduction/vavle problems
Bronchiololitis Rx
O2; ribavirin only in premies or kids c congential heart/lung
Alcohol Dehydrogenase affinity
Ethanol>Methanol> EG
MeOH Tox
40%: 1 Tsp (adults) may be fatal; 1 tspn - blindness
Thoracic Aortic Dissection
Stanford - involves ascending +/- desc tx: surgery
GAS, red, painful, demarcated, lymphatics, #1 legs, #2 face
Postpartum Endometritis Risks
#1 C/S; young, low S-E, PROM, prolonged labor, mult exams
Lung abscess risks
altered MS; poor dentition
PALPABLE purpura
HSP, cryoglobulinemia, CT disorders, viral hep, Hairy cell leukemia
Haldol advantages
no antichol or hypotensive effects
neutropenia, mech ventilation, CF
Prinzmetal's Angina
CA vasospasm, may be better c exercise, hx/tx as angina
Drugs causing lupus-like syndrome
INH, hydralizine, procainamide
Warm ischemia times
6hrs 10%, 12 hrs 90% permanent damage
Primary Liver CA
AFP>500; most c Hep B
TCA OD wide complex tachy tx
HCO3, most anti-arrythmics don't help (lido) or worsen (procainamide)
SAH tx
SZ meds, lower BP, nimodipine
Kidney stone composition frequency
Calcium, struvite, UA, cystine
Alcoholic pneumonias
#1 Strep; inc risk of Klebsiella; TX unchanged: 3GCeph + mac/FQ
Calcium tx in Hyperkalemia
ok in Dig tox but dilute; lasts 30-60 min
SPS in hyperkalemia complications
volume overload: colonic necrosis and ischemic colitis, esp c enema
Raynaud's color sequence
white (dec flow), blue (initial reflow c cyanosis), red (hyperemia)
Peds painless rectal bleeding
Scabies and head live tx
Permethrin; alt: scabies(lindane transderma tox) lice (malthion need 8hrs )
Ethylene glycol Urine tests
Crystals and flourecence present in 50% (confirms, doesn't r/o)
Fever, HA, ocular paralysis
Cavernous sinus thrombosis; Staph/strep; tx abx, surg, hep; high mortality
AV node blood supply
1- RCA 2- left circ
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis
AGMA, nl OG, BHB (false neg u/a ketone)
Osler nodes, Janeway, splinter hemorrhage
Cord prolapse tx
C/S; trend, knee to chest, elevate presenting, fill bladder
golden deposits from Copper IO fb
teardrop pupil; congenital iris ring defect
Seidel test
streaming flourescein due to ant chamber leakage
shimmering iris: posterior lens dislocation
double pupil from blunt trauma
Optic neuritis
pain, vision loss, color problems; 25% get MS
Gout in women
rare before menopause; risks:diuretics, renal insufficiency
Hemi-inattention stroke
non-dom (usually right) parietal infarct
Pontine hemorrhage
mimics narc OD
Lateral medullary syndrome
PICA infarct
Locked-in Syndrome
basilar artery infarct
Pseudobulbar palsy
affects lower CNs: dysphagia, -arthria, -phonie; no visual sx
musc>nic, death from hypertherm; SZ: kids>adults; skin, mucosa early, CNS gI late
Biliary CA
#1- GB; rare mets; almost all h/o stones; porcelain GB
Rheumatic Fever EKG
prolonged PR
Pressure gun injuries tx
OR debridement; no digital block (compartment syndome risk)
Rhabdo dx
most sens=CK, most spec=MB (short T1/2); Dip+Mic- 50%
Rhabdo etiol
Gemfibrozil, 10% of High Voltage, Flu,Legionella, HIV, Coxsackie
Rhabdo electrolye abnormailty
HypoCalcemia; avoid Ca due to assoc HyperPO4 -> precip
Mushroom - amATOxin
liver toxicicty
Mushroom - COPrine
Mushroom - gyromitrin
Mushroom - ibotenic Acid
Mushroom - muscarine
Mushroom - oREllanine
CRAO risks
Htn, DM, AF, SLE
ICH Htn Tx
labetalol and/or Nicardipine
M.A.T. associations
COPD, CHF, hypokalemia, hypocalcemai
False-positive nitrazine test
blood, semen, xs cerv mucus, T. vaginitis
Magnesium toxicity tx
Fever, ST, gray pseudomembrane
C. Diptheria; tx: macrolides, horse anti-toxin, immunization
Viral causes of encephalitis
#1 - enteroviruses( coxsackie); most severe - herpes
Hirudin risks/benefits
more bleeding, less thrombocytopenia than heparin/lovenox
Goodpasture's Syndrome
glomerulonephritis, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, anti-basement membrane ab
Ventilation in asthmatics
high flow, short insp times, long exp times, low vol, Plateau pressure <35
Primary aDreNal insufficiency
↓Na, ↑K, ↓glu
hyperpigmentation due to inc ACTH
Adult epiglottitis tx
3GCeph, humidified O2; No steroids nor racemic epi
Rash on wrists and ankles
#1 cause of alt death; periph cyanosis, worse at night, tx: descent, O2, nifedipine, morphine, furosemide
Traveler's diarhhea etiols
1- ETEC, 2- Shigella, 3- viral, 4- protozoa
MI criteria in LBBB
1- Concord ST elevation >1mm; ST dep V1-3; Discord ST elevation >5mm
EBV Pharyngitis complications
Common: rash c amp/amox, asympt ↑LFTs; rare: splenic rupt, Hemolytic anemia, enceph
Nephrotic Syndrome
Proteinuria, fluid overload (periorbital), Htn, thrombophilia, micro hematuria
Clozapine side effect
Haldol mechanism/effect
anti-dopamine D2 (sedation); α-1 blocker (orthostatic hypotension); antihist; no lowering of SZ threshhold
Ethylene Glycol OD Tx
ethanol, fomepizole, pyridoxine, thiamine temporize. Definitive= hemodialysis.
Anterior Circulation Ischemia
hemiparesis/sensory loss (ant cerb art); Transient Monoc blindness (ophthalm art); aphasia and hemiparesis (MCA); all are branches of carotid
Post Circulation ischemia
ataxia, vertigo, N/V
Extrapulmonary TB
painLESS (cerv) adenopathy, pericarditis, meningigitis (↑↑prot), spine (Pott's disease, ant wedge Fx), bilat adrenals
Radiation exposure in Pregnancy
5 Rads safe (10 Rads inc risk of childhood CA, not malformations); periph xrays <5mrad; Ct abd 2.6 Rad; highest risk: 2-7weeks
Painless hematuria Dx
Childrren: glomnerulonephritis; old men: bladder CA; others: UTI
Meningitis tx >50yo
Ceftriaxone (S. pneumo), Vanco (resistant S. pneumo); Ampicillin (listeria); dexamethasone
Pulmonary Contusion complications
Atelectasis, pneumonia
B>W, F>M, 20-40;presenting Sx: fatigue, fever, anorexia, pulm; Skin sx (25%) EN, lupus pernio; Symmetric, laarge-joint arthralgias
painFUL ulcer with tender unilat LN; H ducreyi (GNB); tx: zith or ceftriaxone
Wellen's Sydrome EKG
Prox LAD angina; deeply inverted T waves anteriorly
Pericarditis EKG
ConCAVE ST elevation, STach, PR depression
Left Circ lesion EKG
lateral (I,L, V5-6) and posterior (V1-2) findings
Right sided CAD EKG
Inferior or Posterior (V1-2)
tick-born, spirochete from rabbits. Sx:skin ulcers, painful nodes; O-P, lung, ocular less. Tx: streptomycin IM
Conjunctivitis Findings
Dendrites (HSV), pseudodendrites/facial rash (VZV), contact lens (Pseudomonas)
#1 fish-related poisoning; N/V/D, neuro: distal/perioral paresthesias, cold allodyna. Sx x 1-2w. Rare: cholinergic.
O-P Dysphagia
#1 - CVA; #2 - poly-/dermatomyositis. 2/3 of MG pts have it. Liquids worse than solids. Sx intermittant.
Brown Recluse Tx
supportive only, even hemorrhagic vesicles. No dapsone.
Young adult c trigeminal neuralgia
Consider MS, esp if recurrent or other neuro Sx
Priapism tx
Corpora cavernos aspiration
Backblows for FB
pedi only
Posterior MI EKG
posterior leads most accurate; V1-2 most specific ant leads; sx opposite anterior MI: ST depression, R waves (not Q), upright T (not inverted)
Jones Criteriua for Rheumatic Fever
2maj polyarth, EM, chorea, carditis, subQ nodules; or 1 maj + 2 minor ( arthralgias, fever, ↑ESR or CRP, ↑PR)
Thoracic outlet syndrome
#1 Ulnar nerve
Prophylaxis for AMS
Acetazolamide, dexamethasone
allodynia, burning, bone scan/xray abn, change in sweat/temp/hair/color
Vertical or Rotatory nystagmus
Descending paralysis
Botulism (with CN abnormalities and parasymp blockage)
Central Cord Syndrome
Upper > lower motor weakness
dysphagia; LES spasm & absence of esoph peristalsis;
solids worse than liquids; raise arms/ straighten back
Schatzki's ring
stricture at dist esophagus in 15%; presenting sx: acute obstruction
Benzo side effects in Status epilepticus
1- hypotension; 2- hypoventilation
Status epilepticus - adult etiols
1- subtherapeutic med levels; 2- CVA
Highest electrical resistance
Bones, tendons, fat
Heparin/LMWH pharmacol
Heparin inactivates thrombin (Factor II); LMWH inhibits factor Xa
young, female, psych, unilateral
Tx: NSAIDs, muscle relaxers, soft food
Facial Droop types
complete (lower motor neuron (pons/brainstem)), incomplete - spares forehead (cortical)
descending paralysis, bulbar first. No sensory changes. Antichol (mydriasis) differentiates from MG,Sx 6-48 hrs p ingestion
Valve prophylaxis
dental, brochoscopy, ERCP, cystoscopy
BP in ischemic stroke
tx at 220/120; tPA goal 185/115; nipride, labetalol, enalapril
Oculogyric crisis
form of dystonia, eyes look upward, worse c emotional state; tx: benadryl or benztropine 1mg IM
Cerebellar infarcts
vertigo, HA, N/V, truncal ataxia, dysarthria, ipsilateral defects; risk: drop attach (vert-basilar insuff)
Pulsus paradoxus
nl=10 mmHg; audible heart sounds without paplable pulse; asthma PTX
Lipase false positives
GU/DU , severe renal insufficiency, bowel obstruction; remains ↑ 8-14d (amy 5-7)
Gastric volvulus
#1 - HH in old; or cong diaphragm defect in <1yo; long axis; abd pain , vom, dist, can't pass NGT (sometimes NGT reduces); infarct only 25%
CPPD. 1- idio others:hyperpara, hemochrom, hypomag, hypothyroid
GI Bleed drugs
Continuopus PPI ('prazoles); octreotide for variceal hemorrhage
Vomiting 'lytes
hypochloremic, hypokalemic met acidosis
Polyarteritis Nodosa
mononeuritis multiplex, mes ischemia, skin changes
Takayasu's Arteritis
coronary ischemia
early: URI; later: glomerulonephritis
Behcet's Disease
recurrent oral and genital ulcers; rare: hypopyon is pathognomonic
PCP + sulfa allergy
primaquine and clinda(CAP) PO; pentamidine IV/inhaled
Aortic trauma
usually descending; tx: surgery, bp/hr control (Bblockers)
OB terms
lie: position within uterus; presentation: fetal part at mat pelvis; position rot pos of occiput/sacrum; station rel to ischial spines
Diarrhea etiols
viral (norovirus includes Norwalk); campylobacter in those seeking tx
HIV Crypo diarrhea tx
Pyogenic liver abscess
less common than amebic; seen c biliary infections, polymicrob,
Traumatic iritis
painful, red (perilimbic/ciliary flush), consticted. Tx: cycloplegics, 'roids; better in 1w
Postpartum hemorrhage etiols
1- Uterine atony, 2- tears, 3-RPoC
U/A Casts
white = pyelo or other inflamm; red=GN; transitional usually nl; pH=5-8 except RTA, UTI
DIP arthritis
OA; RA:symmetric, UE, females, c-spine; 15% RF neg
Status epilepticus defintion
any SZ > 5 minutes
Afib/flutter tx
rate control to < 100, anticoag if > 48 hrs unless no clot on cardiac echo
Neck mass dx
80% in kids benign; 80% of non-thyroid in adults CA; ear pain, OM ↑risk of CA
Sausage-shaped digits
Reiter's syndrome
Abductected, Ext Rotated Hip in Neonate
Arthritis + Cardiac Rub
RA joints
OA joints
Blindess causes in US
1- age-related macular degeneration
Follicular cysts
usually asymptomatic; else: pelvic pain, urinary freq/constipation if large; don't rupture
Corpus Luteum cysts
may bleed, then rupture
Theca lutein sycsts
rare, bilat, associated with prolonged ovarian stimulation
Dermoid cysts
benign ovarian teratomas; but may transform to malig esp if >40yo
Ovarina fibroma
most common benign solid neoplasm; may get very large
CXR in aspiration
1- obstructive emphysema; atelectasis, pneumonia
Painless abd mass in neonates
Neuroblastoma (adrenal), Wilm's tumor (renal)
HSV encephalitits
temporal lobe; HSV-1 in adults (2, maternal in neonates); Cx usually neg; tx: acyclovir
Tylenol tox markers
increased tylenol level, AST
Non-reducible dorsal PIP dislocations
Volar plate entrament
Jersey finger
FDP avulsion at DIP; 75% = ring finger
Trigeminal neuralgia
spont remission; neuro referral & MRI: 3% have MS, 10% IC lesion; 30% need ablation; tx: carbamazepine 100 bid
carbamazepine, dapsone, phenobarb, quinine, theo. ?dig, dilantin, amitriptyline, ASA
Dig Fab indications
HyperKalemia, Ventricular dysrhythmias, unstable SVTs, co-ingest of other carditox; relative: lg ingestion, high level
Viral prodrome, then rash on wrists and ankles
RMSF; tx doxy, chloamphenicol
DIC labs
Decrease: pt/ptt, fibrinogen, plts; increase FSP
Fat embolism
s/p long bone fx; resp distress, AMS, temp, petechiae
palpable purpura on thighs/buttocks, arthralgias (ankle), abd pain, GN; ileoileal intus, worse in adults due to GN
Hypothyroid (myxedema) Sx
hypothermia, delayed DTR relaxation, carpal tunnel, periorbital edema
HHS (vs DKA)
bigger fluid and K deficit; more thrombo-emb events due to increased viscocity
COHb T1/2
RA: 6hrs; 100% 02: 90 min; HBO: 30 min
Ranson's 5 early criteria
Glu>200; age>55, LDH>350; AST>250; WBC>16K
Carpal tunnel associtaions
DM, hypothroidism, pregnancy, RA
Calcium Ox kidney stone risks
Hyperparathyroid, milk-alkali, laxative abuse, sarcoid (Ca); Inflamm bowel disease (oxalate)
Strep Pharyngitis Criteria
fever, NO cough, ANTERIOR cervical adenopathy, exudative tonsillitis; 0/4 - 2.5% +strep; 4/4 56%
non-toxic, nl VS, usually Staph aureus, ESR & CRP very sensitive, early xray not, MRI>CT
95% peds; Adults: 75% CA; Triad (pain, vom, bloody stools) only 33%; U/S best non-invasive; air enema dx & tx c less comp than Ba
Aplastic anemia causing drug
Chloramphenicol complication
Meningiococcemia complication
Bilateral Adrenal infarction (W-F syndrome)
Acute Cholangitis Sx
Charcot's triad: fever, RUQ pain, jaudice (low BP and AMS = Reynold's Pentad: G- sepsis)
Gingival hyperplasia drugs
phenytoin, CCBs; not dose dependent, worse c poor oral hygiene (<50% of phenytoin pts)
Intussusception in ADULTS
small bowel, almost all c lead point (75% malig; inflamm, Meckel's); Dx c CT scan; most are partial obstructions c CC abd pain
Inherited hypercoagulable disorders
Suspect in PE <40yo, +FH, recurrent PE. #1- Factor V Leiden; >> plasimonogen deficency, Protein S deficiency
Lateral canthotomy
retrobulbar hematoma
Risks for contrast-induced ATN
Pre-existing renal disease, DM, hypovolemia, MM, age
Abruptio Placentae risks
1- Pre-eclampsia
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy tx
SJS/TEN drug causes
sulfonamides, anticonvulsants
Cluster HA
Symp ( ptosis, miosis) and parasymp ( rhinorrhea, lacrimation)
HyperCalcemic crisis
Ca > 14, AMS, polyuria, dehydration; tx: fluids, pamidronate/bisphosphates, loop diuretics no (HCTZ), steroids in malig
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Triad: AMS, ataxia, urinary incontinence. Hydrocepphalus, normal CSF pressure
Aortic Stenosis progression
usually congen bicuspid SX: 1- Angina, 2- Syncope, 3- CHF; TX: surgery
Arthritis + renal stones
Periph (versus central) vertigo
severe N/V, aufitory Sx, Nystagmus: no direction change, fatigues
Central (versus periph) vertigo
severe ataxia, nystagmus: +change of direction, vertical
Judet view x-ray
Basilar Skull Fx's location
anterior (CSF rhinorrhea, racoon eyes); middle (Hemotmp, Battle's, otorrhea, CN VII palsy, hearing loss); posterior (CN IX, X (swallowing , airway))
Adenopthy; Koplik's; Febroile SZ; Pastia's Lines
Roseola (German measles); measles; roseola infantum (exanthem subitum); scarlet fever
Rheumatic Fever Sx (major)
Polyarthritis(#1), carditis(#2), chorea, erythema MARGINATUM, subcut nodules; Minor: arthralgia, FEVER, ESR/CRP, PR interval
Specific valve involvement
Mitral - RHD #1; Tricuspid - IVDA; Pulmonic - none; Aortic - congenital, cacific, RHD #2
Parasite and Sx
T. Cruzi(chagas-cmp); T saginata(beef tapeworm-G/E); T trichura(whipworm-G/E c Fe-def anemia); L braziliensis-skin ulcers
T. solium (pork tapeworm)
neurocysticercosis: ring-enhancing cysts, inc ICP; SZ; Tx: praziquantel, steroids, neurosurg
Propranolol OD
worst B-blocker; SZ, coma, brady, AVBlock, hypotension, hyperK, renal failure; hypoglycemia in kids; tx: atropine, glucagon, insulin, glucose
Malrotation c midgut volvulus
toxic-appearing, sudden onset bilious vomiting in week #1; double bubble (pylorus separting stomach from duodenum
Osmotic Demyeliantion Syndrome
alcoholics/chronic mal; 1-6d s/p tx of chronic hyponatremia; Sx: AMS, pseudobulbar palsies, spastic quadraparesis; no tx
ring -enhancing lesion on CT; tx:sulfadiazine, pyrimethamine, leucovorin; steroids if severe; no surgery
Hand splint position
wrist 30; MCPs 90; IPs extended
Septic Arthritis WBC
fat, black, male, teen; hypothyroidism; loss of int rotation, atrophy, shortened leg
Adynamic ileus causes
post-op; hypokalemia; uremia
Troponin I
starts 3-6h; peaks12-24h; baseline 7d; highly specific at 6h; highly sensitive at 12
Abx in damaged/prosthetic valves
dental; rigid bronch; ERCP; cysto
Non-midline anal fissures
Crohn's (#1) leukemia, HIV, TB, syphilis
Facial rash: perioral &nasolabial sparing
Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) parvovirus B19
Bilateral facial nerve palsies
Lyme (#1), MG, lymphoma,sarcoidosis, brainstem tumor, GBS
Diabetic neurop CN III v PCOM aneurysm
Both have CN III (ptosis, loss of superior and medial eye movement; PCOM aneurysm involves parasym as well, has pupil effects
E coli o157:H7
undercooked hamburger; causes HUS (kids), TTP (adults); NO Abx: increases risk of HUS
Diarrhea, febrile SZ
Diarrhea + cafeteria food, turtles, eggs
Salmonella (osteo in SCD)
Diarrhea: frothy, foul-smllling, borbor, floating, backpacker
Campylobacter v Giardia
both "backpackers" camp: 2-6 d, bloody, mimics IBD, appy, erythro (peds) FQ adult; Giardia: 1-4w, foul, float, frothy, flagyl
heat stabile toxin; dark fish c poor refrig, peppery taste; histamine-like, w/I 30 min; tx: antihistamine; suspect if mult pts c allergic rxn
fish ingest dinoflag contianing toxins; weakness, perioral/hands/feet paresthesias, hot/cold rev; worse c EtOH; Tx: mannitol, amitript, diphen
Rectal prolapse v int 'rhoids v Intus
Prolapse: circular folds; Int 'rhoids: spokes on a wheel; Intuss: space between protruding rectum and anus
heat labile neurotoxin; short onset (30 min): bulbar sx(earliset-diplopia; descending paralysis, anticholinergic. Infants: honey, floppy, constipation, feeble cry
Tumor Lysis syndrome
Hyper- -uricemia, -phosphatemia, -kalemia; HYPOcalcemia
Adolescent menorrhagia
#1 hered: vWD; Tx, mild: IN/IV desmopressin; severe: Cryoprecipitate; OC's too
tetanus, strychnine; tx: benzos
Risk of AVN
femoral head, talus, scaphoid, capitate
Toddler fx
distal tib; prox fib suspicious for abuse
Max lido doses
5mg/kg; 7mg/kg c epi; Lido 1% = 10mg/ml
Pneumonic Plague
Asia/India/ W. US; Yersinia pestis; hemoptysis, resp failure, shock; CXR: lobar pneumonia + effusion; tx: strept, gent, doxy, cipro, or CAM
ESRD Narcotics
No demerol: SZ risk
Ischemic CMP/CHF tx
B-blockers, ACEI, spironolactone; NO CCBs
LOW anion gap
MM, waldenstrom's, bromide, LI; low albumin
Vom/Diarrhea 'lytes
Vom: hypochloremic alkalosis; Diarrhea: hyperchloremic acidosis (normal AG)
Calcium EKG
inverse to QT length
Hyper Ca
kid stones, Fx's. anorexia, vom, constipation, fatigue, psych
Hyper CA; DI
MTX drug interactions
folate (PNV) may decrease MTX effectiveness; fatal interacton c ASA/NSAIDs
abd pain, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia
MAOI meds
Bad: amphetamine, reserpine, guanethidine, TCA, Meperidine, etc. OK: morphine
Severe HTN in kids
Renal: chronic GN, chronic pyelo, renal art stenois; CV: Coarctation of aorta
Peds CHF
Sweating c PO; poor feeds, poor wt gain, weak cry
Tet spell tx
knee-to-chest, O2, morphine 0.1-0.2 mg/kg
Post-MI Pericarditis v. Dressler's
2-4 days after transmural MI(20%; less after tPA) , +/- friction rub, EKG changes masked by evolving MI, Inc risk of dysrhyth, CHF; tx: ASA; Hep OK
Wide-complex tachy in WPW
Procainamide, amiodarone
Hypertrophic CMP
50% hered; LV enlarged -> diastolic dysfunction; sudden death, typical younf, after exertion; No BB or NTG
Dilated CMP
all 4 chambers; systolic dysfunction, low output; CHF, angina
Congenital Prolonged QT
FH of exercise induced syncope, sudden death, +/- deafness
PACs, PVCs. PSVT > prolonged QT; inferior St depressions; inc risk of WPW
dec intubation, no mortality difference;decreased pre- and after-load
Cardiac mmanifestations of Lyme
bundle branch or heart block; may present as syncope from brady from 3red degree
Cocaine MI
Most sx w/I 1 hr; no adverse effects after 12 hrs in ER; CP associated SX: SOB>sweat>nausea; tachycardia only 16%
Commotio cordis
sudden VF arrest after blow to chest
Lung CA
#1 = adenocarcinoma; best chemo resp: small cell; Central Mass and SVC (squam, small) Periph (adeno, large); Cavitation (squam, large)
Chlorpromazine (fda), metoclopramide
Iraq, sandfly, chronic ulcer; refer to ID/derm for bx, sodium stibogluconate
Cluster HA
Knife-like (also in Trigem Neuralgia) rhinorrea, lacrimation, miosis, ptosis; men, suddden severe, unilat intraoc pain; O2
Increased risk of ICH c tPA for stroke
Increased stroke severity, signs of infarction (hypodensity or mass effect) on CT
Magnet on AICD
won't defib; still paces if brady
Fetal radiatin exposure
2-8 weeks organogensis; 8-15 weeks neuro development. Threshhold = 10 rad for teratogenesis
Kawasaki Sx, Dx
Fever x 5d + 4/5 bilat conj, oral mucosa(red lips, strawberry tongue, red o-p), hands and feet (ery, edema, desq), rash(perineal), (unilateral) cerv LN;
Kawasaki Comp, Tx
Coronary aneurysm (dec risk c IVIG 2g/kg, and ASA 100m/k divided qid
Kawasaki v scarlet fever
conjunctivitis rare in scarlet fever
Measles v kawasaki
kawasaki has minimal resp sx
fever, cough, coryza, conj precede rash by 2-4 days; koplik spots
sloughing, associated c PCN, Sulfa, dilantin; +MM involvement; death from infection, hypovol/'lyte disturbances
Chicken Pox v Small Pox
Chicken pox: lesions in different stages; rash trunk/scalp first, then extremities; Small pox face/extremities first, then trunk
EM vs Urticaria
Both better c antihistamines; only urticaria better c epi
Herpes Zoster prodrome
1-5d before rash: HA, photophobia, malaise, abnormal skin sensations; rarely fever
Purpura characteristics
symmetrical LEs -HSP; Pressure/minor trauma (ITP); distal, then spread centrally -RMSF; bulla/infarctions -DIC; necrotizing ecchymosis - warfarin vasculopathy
Decub Ulcers
I non-blanchign erythema (padding/posotioning); II epiderm/dermis (local debride, w->d dsg); III subcut like II, + adjunctives; IV deep fascia/musce/bone (surg)
Erythema Infectiosom
Fifth disease, slapped cheek c circumoral, eyelid sparing, school aged, 1-2 days later: rash on trunk/limbs central clearing
concurrent conjunctivitis, straberry tongue (lg papillae), periph edema/erythema; fever and rash at same time
Scarlet fever
F, ST, HA, vom, abd pain; rash 1-2 days later starts neck/axillae/groin; sandpaper feel; pastia's lines in AC fossa and axialllae, circumoral pallor, GABHS
Roseola infantum/exanthema subitum
well-appearing infant, high temp (? Febrile SZ), then rash on neck, trunk, buttocks c defervescence, HHV-6
Symptomatic Hyponatremia tx
Vol (L) of hypertonic saline = 4*0.6(kg)/(513-Na); approx 400-450 ml over 2 hrs
Cerebral edema in kids c DKA
low init PCO2; bicarb use; hign BUN; no relation to glu, Na, insulin bolus
Anion gap
Na-Cl-HCO3; nl <=12
Osmol gap
2*Na + Glu/18 + BUN/2.8 +
Thyroid storm tx order
Propranolol (esmolol in COPD)- blocks effects, PTU-blocks synthesis, Iodine (Li if allergic)-blocks release, dexamethasone
Adreanl Crisis tx
Fluids, glucose, dexamethansone(better than hydrocort: no CST effect), later:fludrocotisone
Hypothyroidism-inducing meds
Li, amiodarone, Iodine and contrast, sulfonamides
No ketosis, no acidosis, higher BS, assoc c NIDDM, more gradual onset, higher Na, more volume loss, higher mortality
Bite prophylaxis in PCN allergic
Cefotaxime or Ceftriaxone (dogs and cats); Clinda AND bactrim (humans)
Heat stroke tx
ER - evaporative; field - ice water immersion
Hypothermia cutoffs
definition: below 35°C; shivering stops below 32°C, pupils fixed and dilated below 30°C
Insect bite: target rash, hypertension
Black widow; tx: opioids, benzos; IV NTG/nipride if necessary; antivenin if no horse serum allergy
AKA pit viper, crotaladae (coral snakes=elapidae); Sx: local tissue destruction, coagulopathy, neuro sx(metallic taste) tx: antivenin
Hereditary angioedema
not IgE mediated; only Epi helps (subQ or neb); nonpruritic, but painful
Otitis externa tx
ofloxacin ok in perf, kids; no others; suspensions better than solutions; avoid neomycin, polymixin, acetic acid
inc risk in SCD; complicaton: glaucoma; tx: topocal Bblockers and A-agonists, IV mannitol, carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (not in sickler: increases IO sickling)
Sinusitis complications
Cavernous sinus thrombosis; orbital/periorbital cellulitis; Pott's Puffy Tumor; Subdural empyema, meningitis
Unilateral Neck mass etiol
Kids (benign: hemangioma, congenital cysts, LNs); Young adults: Mono, congenital, Hodgkin's, Lymphoma; Older adults: Sq cell mets to nodes, other CA (75%)
chlorhex rinse; debridement; flagyl, soft, protein-rich diet; herpesgingivostomatitis: smaller, vesic lesoons, less bleeding, more systemic, no interdental pap involved
Malignant otitis externa
Elderly, diabetic, HIV; granualtion tissue on the floor of the canal; Pseudomonas>aspergillus>>staph, strep. (HIV: usually not pseudomonas, worse prog)
Pentad: low plts, MAHA, renal impair, neuro impair, fever; precip: preg (T2), HIV, lupus; INR normal (no fibrin: unlike DIC); Tx: Plasma exchange, NO plts, support
Basophilic stippling
lead poisoning
Hypersegmented PMNs
Vit B12 & folate deficiency
Multisystems, bleeding, thrombosis
DIC, TTP, HUS: all have schistocytes
Both: anemia, MAHA; HUS: kids, predom renal sx, suportive tx, good prog; TTP: adults, low plts, predom CNS Sx, Tx: plasmapheresis, 'roids, poor prog
ITP vs TTP tx
ITP: IVIG, 'roIds; TTP: exchange Transfusions, sTeroids
kids c MAHA, RF, usually precip by bloody diarrhea; vasulitis c abd pain, palp, purp and hematuria, precip by URI - may cause bloody diarrhea
Splenic seq vs Aplastic crisis
Splenic seq: elevated retics; Aplastic: low retic
G6PD deficiency
10% black males; triggers cause hemolytic crisis, 'Heinz bodies" (RBCs c precip HgB); Triggers: infection, fava beans, macrobid, pyridium, dapsone, sulfa, malarials
Shoes, sausages; Cyanosis: Oxidized iron in HgB doesn't bind O2; nitrates/ites, benzocaine, sulfa, dapsone, pyridium; Pox=85%; chocolate; left shift; tx: IV methylene blue
Hemophilia A
Classic hemophilia; Factor VIII, delayed bleeding after trauma; Tx: Factor VIII units = wt/2*% desired (100: nose, GI, CNS, else 50); VIIa if inhibitors
Hemophilia B
christmas disease, Factor IX; Factor IX units = wt*desired (100: nose, GI, CNS, else 50); VIIa if inhibitors
Prolonged PT
Liver disease, Vit K deficienccy, warfarin
Prolonged aPTT
Hem A, Hem B, vWD, heparin
Von Willebrand Disease
inadequate vWFactor: Inc BT, nl plt, PT, PTT(or sl prolonged PTT); Type I: dec vWF; II: dysfunctional; III: none
vWD Tx
DDAVP (I) releases vWF and VIII from vasc endo cells (all others from liver); Factor VIII conc c vWF (II, III, serious bleed); Cryoprecip if no other (infectious risk)
Anaphylaxis in pt on B-blockers
add glucagon to tx; reverses B-blockade that makes epi less effective
Reiter's Syndrome
arthritis (lover's heel, sausage digits), urethritis, conjunctivitis; typically WM, 15-35, 2-6wks after chlamydia, shigella, salmonella,campy; tx supportive
Ankylosing Spondylitis
young males, chronic back pain, sacro-iliitis
familial; black women; fever, rash (after sun), arthritis (MCP, PIP), multiple other Sx; Tx; Steroids
West Nile Virus
most asympt; flu-like, c rare: enceph, menin, acute flaccid paralysis (assymet, prog, dec reflexes, bowel/bladder, but no sens), long-term seq; LP: asceptic men
Strongyloides stercoralis
enters skin (pruritis, eryth rash); migrates to intestine; Fatal hyperinfection when immunocompromised: HIV, riods, etc
vesicles on palms, soles, buttocks; ulcerating vesicles anterior mouth, not lips; Coxsackie A16; comp: orchitis, myocarditis, puln edema, ascept men
Unpateurized milk/cheese
Listeria; tx: ampicillin
Raw seafood
Vibrio; may cause severe septicemia in IC, especially liver disease; Tx:doxy, ceftaz, cefotoxime, FQs. (Norwalk also c seafood; tx: supportive)
Falciparum is worst: Lact acid, hypogly, pul edema, DIC; Cerebral Malaria (20% mort); Blackwater fever (hemol ->ARF); Tx: Quinidine+Doxy, Exchange Tx
filarial, River Blindness, black flies; skin nodules, lg numbers of larva -> eye; Tx prednisone (prevents tox from worm death) & Ivermectin
sports teams, jail; TX: bactrim, rifampin
Relapsing fever
borreliosis, tick-borne spirochete; eschar at site, then F/C, myalgias, arthralgias;
Tx: doxy or erythro x 10 days
summer, northease, ixodes ticks, malaria-like protozoan invades RBC -> HA. Maltese cross on smear, severe in splenectomy; Tx: quinine+clinda; Ex TX
Ottawa Knee rules
Xray if any of: can't walk 4 steps(regardless of limping), can't flex at least 90 deg, tender fibular head, age 55+ (valid for ages 2 and up
Ottawa Ankle rules
Xray if any of: can't walk 4 both at time of inj and in ER, tenderness along posterior distal 6cm of tib, fib, or tips of lat or medial malleolus
Carpal tunnel
Pain, paresthesia, weakness in median dist; thenar atrophy, Tinel ( tapping on median n), Phalen (hyperflexion of wrists back-to-back )
Gonococcal tenosynovitis
Teen girls; several wks after sexual exposure; wrist, hand, ankle
Felon in fish handler or IC
Aeromonas hydrophilia (gram neg) tx: FQ
Psoriatic arthritis
usually PIP, DIP; sometimes SI joint
Back pain instructions
Activity as tolerated; NSAIDs relaxers scheduled, not PRN; PT delayed several weeks
Rhabdo tx
fluids: if CK > 6000, acidemia, dehydration or underlying renal disease: urine alk after volume restored; loop diuretics, mannitol (Ca if hyperkkalemic)
Soft-tissue calcifications
skin-popping, underlying fx, dermatomyosisits (rash and prox muscle weakness); myositis ossificans (arm, thigh, periph @metaphysis) v osteosarcoma centrally @ epiph)
CT v GRE MRI in acute stroke
equivalent for identifying acute hemorrhage; MRI better for detecting hemorrhage in ischemic CVAs
Upper and lower motor neurons: extremity weakness, dysarth/phagia, spasticity, hyperreflexia; normal sensation
Tick paralysis
female dermacentor tick; ascending: mimics GBS, but no sensory sx
Familial periodic paralysis
extremity weakness; no CN, sensory, or mentation changes
Abs to Ach receptor; bulbar, facial, proximal weakness; no sensory sx
MCA infarct
most common; contralateral motor/sensory: F, A>L; Aphasia if dominant hemi; neglect, dysarth in non-dom (left is dom in R and 80% of L), homonymous hemianopsia
Basilar artery infarct
severe quad, coma, locked-in (pons) - upward gaze only
Carotid dissection
sudden ALOC, contralateral motor and sensory
Lacunar infarcts
isolated motor OR sensory; associated c Htn
Post Cerebral Art infarct
Predom visual: HH; minimal motor abnormailities; no aphasia; severe sensory; memory loss, hallucinations
PICA (lat medullary) infarct (X=P/T)
Wallenberg S.: Ipsi CN V (face: P/T, corneal reflex); Descending Symps (ipsi Horner)l Lat Spino-Thal (Contra extremity P/T); Vestib (nystagmus)
Anterior Cerebral Artery infarct
Contralat L>F,A ; minimal sensory; altered judgement
Vertebrobasilar infarct (X=M)
ipsi CN c contra weakness; drop attacks
F>>M, dry eyes, dry mouth; multiorgan problems; similar to SLE, RA
Pseudotumor Cerebrii (Idio Intracran Htn)
dec CSF uptake; fat, young, F; HA, vision changes, N/V, dizzy; CN VI, pappiledema; CT: small vents, big cisterna magna; LP: inc pressure; Tx: diamox, LPs
Haldol, droperidol; cause drug-induced Parkinson's aka EPS, dystonia due to dopamine block, xs cholinergic
Parkinson's drugs
levo-dopa (precursor); carbidopa (enzyme inhibotor); dopamine agonists (bromocriptine, pergolide); MAO-B inhibitor (selegiline); antichol (benztropine)
SAH etiol
saccular (berry) aneurysm
Simple febrile SZ
<15 min; 6m-5y; one/24hrs; well-appearing c normal neuro after post ictal; recurrence risks: age<12-18m, short duration of fever, lower fever, Fam hx
Febrile SZ LP indications
<12-18mos; irritable,lethargic, dec feeding pre-ictal; post-postictal AMS; menineal s/s; current /recent Abx; focal sx; Sz > 15 min; 2 or more SZ/24h
Empiric meningitis therapy
3GCeph + Vanco (+ampicillin in young and old)
Drugs in breastfeeding women
Bad: ergotamine (V/D/SZ in baby); Good: Morphine (very low concentrations in breast milk)
Trichomonas vaginalis
profuse, frothy, yellow-green d/c; flagellated parasite; Exam: vag walls erythem, edematous, tender; Dx: seen on wet mount; Tx: metronidazole
Emergency contraception side effects
Minimize by using progestin-only
Molar pregnancy
Sx: T1, T2 bleeding; size, HCG> dates; pass "grape-like cluster"; hyperemesis, hyperthyroid, pre-eclampsia, PE; US: "snowstorm"; complete mole: inc risk of malig
both c "LP"; TTP: neuro, renal sx, nl antithrombin III, 50% occur earlier than 24wks; tx: pheresis, roids, antiplt meds; HELLP: inc LDH, RUQ pain, almost always T3, Tx: Mg, roids, delivery
schistocytes, increased LDH, bilirubin
Positive direct Coombs
hemolysis caused by immune process
Contrast-induced renal insufficiency
ATN; Protective: fluids, HCO3, NAC(2d before!); inc Cr in 3d, recovery by 10-14d
Contrast & Metformin
renal insuff -> inc metformin levels -> inc risk of DKA; hold for 48 hrs
Post-transplant renal failure
Increased cyclosporine level: drug-induced nephrotox; normal level: acute rejection (tenderness at graft site, increased BP, Cr, wt, edema,
Balanitis - Balanoposthitis
inflammation of glans; inflammation of glans and foreskin
Cloudy fluid, abd pain, fever; Dx: >100 WBC, 50%neutrophils, or positive gram stain
Peds UTI presentation
neonate - sepsis work up; pre-school - abd pain, vom, no diarrhea, enuresis, accidents; school-age: like adults
Renal failure: Ca - PO4
RF -> dec PO4 excretion -> Inc PO4 levels; Ca x PO4 > 72 causes systemic calcifications: pseudogout, finger/toes/cardipulm vasc; tx: PO4-binding gel, low Ca dialysate
Priapism drugs
Cause priapism: trazodone(#1), hydralizine, CCb, chlorpromazine, SSRIs (venlafexaine -Effexor), ED tx (inj, PO); TX: terbutaline subcut, sudafed, alpha ag inj
Dialysis shunt complications
#1 - Clot, infection, steal syndrome, hemorrhage (tx: protamine .01mg/U heparin or 1:1 for enoxaparin, DDAVP stimulates plts, fluids, blood prn)
Testicular torsion
peak = 13yo; inc risk c bell-clapper deformity (tunica vag doesn't fix the testis normally; elevated; absent cremaster; no relief c elevation (prehn sign: epidid)
Conversion disorder
Women, lower class, M>S, La Belle Indifference NOT sens or spec; no insight; wide differential (SLE, MS, hyperthyroidism);
Wernicke's Syndrome
Confusion, ataxia, ocullomotor, TX: lg doses of thiamine
begins in adolescence, personality d/o's (O-C); low wt, fear of overweight, absence of 3 menses; rarer than bulimia
strict dieting, binge eating, purging, excessive exercise, fasting, overconcern c body shape
Wells PE Criteria
Sx of DVT; HR>100; Immob or surgery w/I 4 wks; h/o previous DVT or PE; hemoptysis; malig w/I 6 mos or palliation
PE EKG findings
tachy, RAD, p-pulmonale, RBBB, S1Q3T3, TWI V1-4
PE CXR findings
common, non-specific: elevated diaphragm; less common, nore specific: Hampton's hump (pleural-based wedge), Westernark (dec vascularity distal to PE)
False-positive D-dimer test
Trauma, pregnacy, recent surgery, stroke/MI, infection, new line, Inflammatory disease (SLE etc)
Heparin dose in PE
80U/kg bolus, then 18U/kg/hr or enoxaparin 1mg/kg q12h
CXR: early: lower and periph; late: middle/upper; Associated Cas: Sqamous, adenocarcinoma; mesotheliomas
asbestos-related; not related to tobacco; 50% metastasize
Primary Spont PTX associations
Tall, male, smoker, MVP, Marfan, NOT exertion (#1 In secondary: COPD)
Acute chest syndrome in SCD
CP, T, ↑RR, wheeze/cough, new infiltrate of one complete lung segment; infection (chlamydia, mycoplasma); infarction, fat emboli
CXR in emphysema
hyperinflation, decreased vascular markings, small cardiac silhouette, flat diaphragm,increased retosternal space, bullae
medium airways at segmental level; Viruses (adeno, flu), bacteria (Staph, klebs, pseud, H flu, myco); purulent cough, hemoptysis
Fat embolism
long-bone fx's; can enter systemic circulation; petechial rash on UPPER body; low platelets early; (fat in urine NOT specific); no heparin; steroids
Mediastinal disease
Acute mediastinitis: esoph perf, sternotomy; chronic: TB, histo, sarcoid; Hamman crunch: left lat recumbant; Ba useful for posterior mediatinal eval (esoph…)
Cystic fibrosis
recess, w>b, exocrine abnormal; Early: S Aureus, H flu; Late: Pseudomonas, aspergillus, non-TB myco; CXR: hyperinflation esp RUL; PTX, hemopt, rect prolapse, intuss, decreased Na, Cl, K
Atypical pneumonias by age
<40: Mycoplasma; Elderly: Legionaella
Croup tx
Oral dex = IM, epi nebs: both help; cool mist: no help
Croup vs bronchiolitis
Croup: #1=parainfluenza, upper airway, bark like a seal, steeple sign, tx: dex, epi nebs; Bronchiolitis: #1=RSV, lower airways, retract/flare, tx: O2, racemic epi, no steroids
Primary spont PTX tx
stable: observe if <20%; resorbs at 1-2%/day (3-4x faster c O2)
Post Lung transplant infections
PCP proph c septra; bacterial in first 3 mos; #1 viral = CMV; aspergillus: invasive disease
Asthma deaths
systemic steroids, low S-E, urban, black, female, 15-34, at night
Lung abscess
Immunocompetent: anaerobic; compromised: aerobic (not strep); lower lobe basal segs, upper lobe post segs; anterior: inc CA risk; communicates c bronchiole
Large vessel vasculitis
Tx: prednisone; Giant Cell arteritis: carotid artery: head, face, vision; Takayasu's: aorta: finger ischemia, arm claud
Medium vessel vasculitis
PAN: skin, nephritis, mes isc; Wegener: sinus, pulm, nephritis; Behcet: oral & genital ulcers, eye sx; microscopic polyangitis: pulm, nephriris; tx: cyclophos, pred
Small vessel vasculitis
HSP: palp purp, abd pain, n/v/d, hematuria (pred); Goodpasture: cough, dyspnea, hemopt, GN (pred, cyclophos, plasmapheresis
caused by trauma, infection aspiration, mult drugs; CXR: bilat diffuse infiltrates, heart WNL; tx: low TV (6ml/kg) vent; no steroids
Intubation and asthma
ketamine, propafol bronchodilate; TV= 6-8ml/kg (nl=8-10); RR=8-10/min (nl=10-12); I:E = 1:5; Insp flow rate 80-100 (nl= 60L/min) Pplateau <30
Male breast CA
testicular abnormalities, Klinefelter, FH, nipple d/c, Jewish; not a/w gynecomastia; Most: painless subareolar mass;
Peds pneumonia tx
0-3w amp and gent; 3w-3m erythro/zith; 4m-4y amox; 5-15 ertyth (doxy >8); can sub/use IV cefotaxime & add vanco to all if sick
Adult pneumonis tx
out-pt <60: macro or doxy; >60 or in-pt: (macro&ceph) or FQ; ICU
Hydroflouric acid
rust remover, glass etching, semiconductors; delayed sx = lower conc; pain out of prop; acidosis, hypo-calcemia, -magnesemia (bind to F); hyperlkalemia; Tx: Ca Gluconate
Warfarin effects
blocks Vit K-dependent factors: II, VII, IX,X, and anticoag factors Prot C and S; initial increased thrombogenesis early (Prot C def): skin necrosis (3-8d)
Warfarin interactions
most block coumadin metabolism, increasing INR; exceptions: antacids, antihists, antipsych/anxiety, OCPs, barbs, non-dil anti-SZ
identical to pure benzo, but suddenly awake
benzo/opiod urine screen false negative
lorazepam; fentanyl, meperidine, methadone, propoxyphene, tramadol
lead poisoning; encephalopathy (kids>adults) (inhaltion in industrial); motor, not sensory neuropathy: wrist drop; dx: levels, "basophilic stippling" tx: chelation
Valproic acid lab effects
OD: met acid, hyperNa, hypoCa; therapeutic and OD: elevated NH3
NMS v serotonin syndromesx
both: autonomic instability, rigidity; NMS: slow onset, bradykinesia "lead pipe"; Serotonin: hyperkinesia, worse in LEs, rhabdo; hyperreflexia and clonus can coexist
NMS v serotonin syndrome tx
NMS: , benzos, dantrolene, bromocriptine, paralysis (non-depol: roc, vec); serotonin: cooling, cyprohepatidine
dissociative: blocks aud/visual, painful: analgesia, amnesia, sedation; airway preserved; inc HR, BP; rapid onset, 1.5m/k IV 4-5 IM; atropine to dec secretins, benzos for emergence, transient laryngospasm
Li tox
confusion, tremor, hyperreflexia; DI, not DM; serotonin synd, not NMS; tox precip by RF or dehydration; acute: GI>CNS; chronic: opposite; fluids, HD, no phenytoin (dec excretion of Li)
Cat vs Dog bites
Cats: virulent P multocida; usually not polymicrob, all get abx; dogs: non-virulent, polymicrob, prophylax only hands, DM, ec
Burn classifications
Mod risk in 10-50 yo c partial thickness= 15-25%; 10-20% in <10, >50yo; full thick 2-10%
penetrating trauma; hemisection; ipsi motor, vib/position; contralateral pain/temp
Anterior Cord Syndrome
loss of motor, pain/temp; preservation of vib/position
Cauda equina syndrome
bowel/bladder dysfuntion, perineal anesthesia, variable LE motor/sens
Motor: none, decerbrate, decorticate, withdraw, localize, follow; Verbal: none, moan, nonsense, confused, oriented; Eye: none, pain, verbal, spont
Parkland Burn formula
4ml * %BSA * kg. Give 1/2 in first 8hrs, rest over next 16.
Argyl Robertson pupil
prostitute's pupil (syph); accommodate, but don't react (to light); normal constricts for both
NEXUS C-spine
Low risk: no midline tenderness, alert, not intoxicated, no focal sx, no distracting injury
TBI tx
NO steroids; Maintain BP: fluids OK; Hypervent to 30-35 if other measures fail
Traumatic TM rupture
Blunt: usually anterior, inferior: no f/u; superior/posterior: ENT w/i 24 hrs; no swimming; flying OK
Traumatic Aortic teat CXR
wide mediastinum, obscured aortic knob, apical capping, wide paratracheal stripeesoph displaced to right, inferior displacement of left mainstem; not R1-2 fx
Basilar Skull Fx
most common:: temporal bone, external canal, and TM c dural tear
Types of blood for transfusion
Leukocyte-poor RBCs (previous (non-hemolytic) febrile; Irradiated (neonates, imm-compromised);
IO complications
Prolonged us (>1-2d): cellulitis; D50: osteomyelitis; NaHCO3: sterile bone inflammation
Preferred IO sites
Adults: distal tib, prox to medial malleolus; Peds: anteromedial surface of proximal tibia
Airborne precautions
measles, varicella, TB
Ramsay Hunt
H Zoster infection of geniulate gang; facial pain/paralysis, tinnitus/hearing loss, lesions on TM/canal; Tx: prednisone, antivirals
LP: Increased Protein
Neuromuscular junction diseases
No sensory findings: MG, Eaton-Lam, Botulism, Tick paralysis