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53 Cards in this Set

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How do you convert z scores to x (raw) scores?

raw score = mean + (z score)(standard deviation)

How do you convert x (raw) scores to z scores?

z score = raw score - mean / standard deviation

What are the probabilities associated with z score = 1, 2, 3?

68%, 95%, 99.7%

What is central tendency, dispersion, and shape, and what do they have to do with distributions?

CT = mean, median, mode, DISPERSION = variance, SD, range, SHAPE =

What is the formula for standard deviation and variance, in regard to samples and population?

S = Square root ( slkjt )

As n goes up, variability goes..?


Why are larger samples preferable to smaller samples? (Law of Large Numbers)

Flaws in observation are overlooked in larger samples and results may be obtained faster and more accurately

The mean, median and mode in positively skewed distribution:

Mean > Median > Mode

The mean, median, and mode in negatively skewed distribution:

Mean < Median < Mode

Describe the characteristics of a normal curve.

Possess clear central tendency, have only one peak, exhibit tapering tails, be symmetric around the mean, bell-shaped

Describe the five major objectives of using research in business.

1. exploration, 2. description, 3. explanation, 4. prediction, 5. influence

Describe the three measures of central tendency.

Mean, median, mode

How do box plots use medians, quartiles, maximum, and minimum scores?

Plots min, max, and first three quartiles

Describe the empirical approach to probability.


Describe the classical approach to probability.


Describe the subjective approach to probability.


What is the "mean deviation"?

It uses the absolute values of the deviation scores.

How can standard deviation by estimated?


What are "not unusual", "unusual", "outliers", and "extreme outliers" scores?

Z is less than 2, Z is between 2 and 3, Z is between 3 and 4, Z is 4 and above

Describe the Central Limit Theorem (three propositions).

P.1: If n is large enough, the mean of the distribution will approach mean of pop. P.2: If n is large enough, sampling distribution of means will be approx normal, regardless of shape of the pop. P.3: Standard deviation of sampling distribution = SD / square root (sample size). As n increases, SEM decreases.

Describe the sampling distribution of sample means.


How is the SD different from the SEM? How are they similar?

Idk lol

What is a point estimate? An interval estimate?

Point estimate is a specific estimation, but less likely to be right. Interval provides a range and more likely to include population parameter.

Calculate a confidence interval.

What is meant by a "critical z" or "critical value"?

Idk lol

What are the five steps for hypothesis testing?

1. identify research problem 2. identify decision rule 3. calculations 4. make decision 5. conclusion

What is the difference between 1 vs 2 tailed tests? How do we decide when to use each?


What are Type 1 and Type 2 errors? How is alpha related to Type 1, and beta related to Type 2?


Identify 7 methodologies from a description of a study!

1. Confidence int 2. t-test (2 means) 3. One-way ANOVA (more than 2 means) 4. Two-way ANOVA (2 IVs) 5. Correlational methodologies 6. Simple and multiple regression 7. Chi square

What is meant by a heuristic? What are the pros and cons? (109)


Describe the "Linda the bank teller" example. What does this say about people's perceptions of conjunction probability?


Describe the nuclear war scenario (page 112).


Describe the quote by Tversky and Kahneman on page 111.


Describe the "law of small numbers".


What is a "hot hand" or "shooting streak"?


What is meant by "neglecting the base"?


What is meant by "regression to the mean"?


Contrast clinical versus actuarial predictions.


What is the availability heuristic? (109)


Describe the point being made by being killed by a shark vs by falling airplane parts, as well as being killed by violent vs. disease-based process?


Describe the "imaginative study", denial and vividness.


Describe the "legal significance of guacamole".


Describe the "game show problem" and Table 12.1. (132)


Describe the notion of "confusion of the inverse". (132)


Contrast simple probability with conditional probability. (133)


Contrast conjunctive and disjunctive events. (135)


Describe what is meant by conservative and anti conservative in decision making. (138)


Describe 3 recommendations to reduce biases in probability and risk estimation. (143)


Describe "synchronicity"-- how does it relate to the main points? (155)


How would you answer: Do people tend to see meaningful patterns in random arrangements of stimuli? Can peeps behave randomly? (156)


What is "lucky" an empirical fact and when is it superstition? (156-57)


Describe Fischhoff and Slovic study that looked at people's estimations about their own ability to predict the stock market.


What is the analogy between hypothesis tests and confidence intervals?

idk lol