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118 Cards in this Set

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What are the three basic components of the circulatory system

Heart, blood, blood vessels

what are the three types of blood vessels

Arteries, capillaries, veins

Function of arteries

Function of arteries

Carry blood away from the heart

What are capillaries

Smallest blood vessels.
The site of exchange of molecules between blood and tissue fluid

The function of veins

The function of veins

Carry blood to the heart

Function of VenULES

Function of VenULES

Collect and drain blood into veins

Function of Arterioles

Function of Arterioles

Arteries that deliver blood to capillaries

how many layers does a blood vessel have

tunica intima, tunica media , Tunica externa .

What is tunica intima composed of

Simple squamous epithelium

What is tunica media composed of

Sheets of smooth muscle

What is Tunica Externa composed of

Connective tissue

What is the lumen

Central blood filled space of a vessel

Identify A

Tunica intima

Identify C

Tunica media

Identify D

Tunica externa

What has a thicker tunica media and a narrower lumen


What has a thicker Tunica externa


What has more elastic and collagen fibers


What has a larger lumens and valves


What is the largest type of artery

elastic arteries

what is the diameter of an elastic artery

From 2.5 centimeters to 1 centimeter

What part of the heart is an elastic artery

The aorta and its major branches

What are elastic arteries sometimes called

Conducting arteries

Function of elastic arteries

High elastin content dampens surge of blood pressure

What is the diameter of muscular arteries

ranges from 1 centimeter to .03 millimeters

Muscular artery

In muscular arteries is the tunica media thick or thin


What is the unique feature of muscular arteries

Internal and external elastic laminae

what are the smallest blood vessels


How do red blood cells travel through capillaries

Single file

How does blood travel in and out of the capillaries

Director fusion,
through intercellular clef,
through fenestrations (pores)

what is the function of capillaries lungs

Oxygen enters blood carbon dockside leave blood

what Is the function of capillaries in small intestines

Receive digested nutrients

Function of the capillary in the endocrine glands

Pick up hormones

what is the function of capillaries in the kidneys

removal of nitrogenous wastes

How many types of capillaries are there

3 (continuous, fenestrated, sinusoids)

What are the three types of capillaries

Continuous, fenestrated, sinusoids.

Describe a sinusoid capillary

▶wide and leaky capillaries found in some organs.
▶usually fenestrated
▶have large diameters
▶ intracellular clefts are wide open

Where are sinusoid capillaries found

Bone marrow, liver, spleen, and lymphoid tissue

What are capillary beds

Interconnected network of vessels running through tissues

What does a Capillary Bed consist of

Collateral arteries feeding an arteriole


Arteriovenous Anastomoses



Collateral arteries feeding an arteriole


Arteriovenous Anastomoses



what regulates the flow of blood to tissues

Precapillary Sphincters

Precapillary Sphincters

Function of Veins

Conduct blood from capillaries toward the heart 

Conduct blood from capillaries toward the heart

In Vains, is blood pressure higher or lower than in arteries

Blood Pressure is much lower in veins

Blood Pressure is much lower in veins

what are the smallest venules called

Postcapillary Venules

Postcapillary Venules

Venules join to form what?



WHich has valves to prevent backflow of blood, Arteries or Veins



what does Systemic Circulation consist of

Blood Vessels that extend to and from the heart, delivering oxygen and nutrients to body tissues and picking up carbondioxide and waste products.

Blood Vessels that extend to and from the heart, delivering oxygen and nutrients to body tissues and picking up carbondioxide and waste products.

Ascending Aorta

Ascending Aorta

Aortic Arch

Aortic Arch

Descending Aorta 

Descending Aorta

what region can the Thoracic Aorta be found in

what region can the Thoracic Aorta be found in

the region T5-T12

the region T5-T12

where does the Abdominal Aorta end

where does the Abdominal Aorta end

At L4

At L4

What does the Descending Aorta Divide into

right and left Common Iliac Arteries

right and left Common Iliac Arteries

Vertebral artery

Vertebral artery

Internal carotid artery

Internal carotid artery


External carotid artery

External carotid artery

Common carotid artery

Common carotid artery

Subclavian artery

Subclavian artery

Axillary artery

Axillary artery

What are the branches of the external carotid artery

Superficial temporal artery, maxillary artery, occipital artery, facial artery.

Superficial temporal artery

Superficial temporal artery

Maxillary artery

Maxillary artery

Occipital artery

Occipital artery

Facial artery

Facial artery

Brachiocephalic trunk

Brachiocephalic trunk

What is the largest artery of the body



What are the only branches of the ascending aorta

What are the only branches of the ascending aorta

Right and left coronary arteries

Right and left coronary arteries

What is the first branch of the aortic arch

What is the first branch of the aortic arch

Brachiocephalic trunk

Brachiocephalic trunk

The common carotid artery on each side divides to form what?

internal and external carotid artery

internal and external carotid artery

Identify E

Identify E

Anterior Cerebral Artery

Anterior Cerebral Artery

Within the Cranium what does each internal carotid artery divide into?

Anterior and Middle Cerebral Arteries

Anterior and Middle Cerebral Arteries

Identify F

Identify F

Anterior Communicating Artery

Anterior Communicating Artery

What is the name of the short shunt that connects the Right and Left Anterior Cerebral Arteries

What is the name of the short shunt that connects the Right and Left Anterior Cerebral Arteries

Anterior Communicating Artery

Anterior Communicating Artery

Identify D

Identify D

Posterior Communicating Arteries

Posterior Communicating Arteries

What arteries make up the Cerebral Arterial Circle

What arteries make up the Cerebral Arterial Circle

Anterior Communicating Artery, Anterior Cerebral Artery, Posterior Communicating Artery, Posterior Cerebral Artery, Basilar Artery

Anterior Communicating Artery, Anterior Cerebral Artery, Posterior Communicating Artery, Posterior Cerebral Artery, Basilar Artery

function of Hepatic Portal system

function of Hepatic Portal system

Delivers nutrients to the liver for processing

Delivers nutrients to the liver for processing

basilary artery

basilary artery

when vertebral arteries unite, what does that form?

when vertebral arteries unite, what does that form?

Basilary Artery

Basilary Artery

at the base of the cerebrum, the Basilar Artery divides to form what?

at the base of the cerebrum, the Basilar Artery divides to form what?

Posterior Cerebral Artery

Posterior Cerebral Artery

What artery runs through the Axilla, and has branches to the chest wall and shoulder girdle

Axillary Artery

Axillary Artery

At eh inferior edge of the teres major muscle, what does the Axillary Artery become

Brachial Artery

Brachial Artery

Brachial Artery

Brachial Artery

At the elbow the Brachial Artery Divides into what two arteries?

Radial and Ulnar Arteries

Radial and Ulnar Arteries

Radial Artery

Radial Artery

Ulnar Artery

Ulnar Artery

Celiac Trunk

Celiac Trunk

How many branches does the Celiac Trunk have?

3 (Left Gastric Artery, Splenic Artery, Common Hepatic Artery)

3 (Left Gastric Artery, Splenic Artery, Common Hepatic Artery)

What are the 3 branches of the Celiac Trunk

What are the 3 branches of the Celiac Trunk

Left Gastric Artery, Splenic Artery, Common Hepatic Artery

Left Gastric Artery, Splenic Artery, Common Hepatic Artery

What Artery supplies the stomach

Left Gastric Artery

Left Gastric Artery

What Artery supplies the Spleen

Splenic Artery

Splenic Artery

what is the largest branch of the Abdominal Aorta

Superior Mesenteric Artery

Superior Mesenteric Artery

Superior Mesenteric Artery

Superior Mesenteric Artery

what arteries supply the Kidneys

Renal Arteries

Renal Arteries

Identify the artery

Identify the artery

Renal Artery

Gonadal Artery

Gonadal Artery

Inferior Mesenteric Artery

Inferior Mesenteric Artery

Common Iliac Arteries

Common Iliac Arteries

what two branches does the decending aorta divide into

Left and Right Iliac Arteries

Left and Right Iliac Arteries

Internal Iliac Artery

Internal Iliac Artery

External Iliac Artery

External Iliac Artery

Femoral Artery

Femoral Artery

what does the Femoral Arteries divide into

Lateral and Medial Plantar Arteries

Lateral and Medial Plantar Arteries

what arteries provide blood to the sole of the feet

Lateral and Medial Plantar Arteries

Lateral and Medial Plantar Arteries

Common Iliac Veins

Common Iliac Veins

what Veins drain venous blood from the legs and pelvis

Common Iliac Veins

Common Iliac Veins

The Common Iliac Veins are formed by the union of what two vains

Internal Iliac Vein and External Iliac Vein

Internal Iliac Vein and External Iliac Vein

Identify D

Identify D

Anterior Tibial Vein

Anterior Tibial Vein

Identify number 4

Identify number 4

Posterior Tibial Vein

Posterior Tibial Vein

Dorsalis Pedis Vein

Dorsalis Pedis Vein

The posterior tibial vein is formed by the union of what two veins.

The posterior tibial vein is formed by the union of what two veins.

Medial and Lateral Plantar Veins

Medial and Lateral Plantar Veins

Medial Plantar Veins and Lateral Planter veins

Fibular Vein

Fibular Vein

Popliteal Vein

Popliteal Vein

Femoral Vein

Femoral Vein

Great Saphenous Vein

Great Saphenous Vein

what is the largest vein in the body

Great Saphenous Vein

Great Saphenous Vein

Lumbar veins

Lumbar veins