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25 Cards in this Set

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The formed elements of the blood are suspended in a pale, some-what yellow fluid known as "serum."
False, plasma
Those proteins that contribute to the viscosity of the blood and help maintain a consistent pH in the blood are known as "globulin" proteins.
False, albumin
The gamma globulins are well known as "antigen" molecules, which are produced in the immune system
False, antibody
Red blood cells have no nucleus or organelles; instead they are filled with the red pigment "hemoglobin."
The red blood cell appears as a "biconvex" disk.
False, biconcave
When red blood cells are suspended in solutions that contain excessive amounts of solute, the cells "swell" in a process called crenation.
False, shrink
When red blood cells are placed in a solution that contains no solute, they tend to burst in a process called "hemolysis."
Red blood cell formation goes on in the red bone marrow by a process called "lymphopoiesis."
False, erythropoieses
The hemoglobin molecule consists of "four" chains of polypeptides.
When carbon monoxide enters red blood cells it binds "weakly" to the hemoglobin molecule.
Red blood cells circulate in the bloodstream for approximately "320" day.
False, 120
Bilirubin is a pigment produced from the hemoglobin of red blood cells and excreted by the "liver" to the bile
The hormone "erythropoietin" regulates and stimulates the development of red blood cells in the bone marrow.
Failure of the body to synthesize one or more polypeptide chains of hemoglobin results in a condition known as "pernicious anemia."
False, thalassemia
Eosinophils, basophils, and neutrophils are all types of white blood cells known as "agranulocytes."
False, granulocytes
Because the nucleus of a "lymphocyte" occurs in two to five lobes, the cell is known as a polymorphonuclear cell.
False, neutrophil
Basophils are among the "most" numerous of all the white blood cells in the circulation.
False, least
T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes are the important cells of the body's "endocrine" system.
False, immune
The important phagocytes of the body include neutrophils, macrophages, and "lymphocytes."
False, monocytes
Leukopenia is a "higher" than normal count of white blood cells in the body.
False, lower
In the intrinsic pathway of blood clotting, "sodium" ions are required for at least one of the chemical conversions.
False, calcium
A blood clot that moves from one body location to another is known as a "thrombus."
False, embolus
A person whose blood type is AB may donate blood to a person whose blood type is "O."
False, AB
A person having blood type O is known as the universal "recipient."
False, donor
When a male who is Rh-positive and a female who is Rh-negative have a child, there is a chance their baby will develop "thalassemia."
False, hemolytic disease of the newborn