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213 Cards in this Set

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Functions of blood

1.distribution of

O2 nutrients metabolic waste and hormones

2. Regulation

Body temp oh adequate fluid volume

3. Protection

Blood loss

Infection thro antibodies wbc proteins

Blood composition

55% plasma

45% formed elements

Protein in blood

Albumin 54

Globulins 38

Fibrinogen 7

Adjusts blood

Kidney lungs liver








Wbc in order of abundance






Which is complete rbc or wbc

Wbc are complete

Rbc have no nuclei organelles or mitochondria


Percent of blood volume that is red blood cells

Hydration changes in production and disease affect hematocrit

Hemoglobin structure

2 alpha and 2 beta chain. Carry 4 o2 iron in heme.


O2 to lungs

Bright red


O2 unloading tissue

Dark red


Co2 load tissue

Purplish dark


Blood cell formation

Red bone marrow of skeleton

Liver spleen; thymus for fetus

Hemocytoblasts or hematopoietic stem cells

Gives rise to all formed elements

Becomes any cell

Chosen by protein or growth factor

Growth factors that determine hemocytoblasts succession




Tissue hypoxia

Not enough o2 in blood


Formation of red blood cells

Pernicious anemia

Anemia from lack of intrinsic factor so you can't absorb b12


Stimulus for erytrhopoiesis

From kidney in response to hypoxia

(Kidney is responsible for fluid lvls and blood lvls

Effects of epo

More rapid maturation of bone marrow cells

Increased circulating reticulocyte count in 1 or 2 days

How rbc is destroyed

Heme and globin are separated

Heme is degraded to bilirubin and globin is metabolized into amino acid


Low o2 carrying capacity

Sign not disease

Symptoms are tired sob pale light headed chills and easily bruised

Hemolytic anemia

Blood cells breaking apart

Aplastic anemia

Can be caused by meds

Destruction of bone marrow

Causes of anemia

1. Insufficient erythrocytes

2. Low hemoglobin contact

3.abnormal hemoglobim


Absent of faulty globin chain

Rbc thin and delicate and deficient in hemoglobin

Mostly meditarian

Sickle cell anemia

Defect In gene code for abnormal hemoglobin

Sickle called in low o2 situations

Fragile clump and block small blood vessels

Common subsaharan African descent


Excess of rbc

Results from bone marrow cancer

Leukocytes move

Move in amoid motion

Leave capillaries via diapedeis and move thro tissue spaces by amoid motion

Granulocyte characteristics

Cytoplasmic granulyte

Lobed nuclei


Shorter lived then rbc


Most numerous

Polymorphonuclie leukocytes

Multilobed nucleus

Very phagocytic "bacteria slayer"


Red staining bilobed nuclei

Digest parasitic worms that are too phagosize



Histamine dilated allergic reactions

Large purplish black granules contain histamine acts of vasodilation attracts other wbcs to infected sites

Are last cells when out of blood stream

Agranulocytes characteristics

Large dark purple circular nuclei with thin rim of blue cytoplasm


Mostly lymphoid tissue

2 types

T cells act against virus infected cells and tumors

B cells give via to plasma cells antibodies


Largest leukocyte kidney beans nuclei

Leave circulation enter tissue and turns into macrophages

Very phagocytic


Produce and

Stimulated by chemical messengers from bone marrow and mature wbcs


Colony stimulating factors

Leukocytes come from

Bone marrow



Abnormally low wbc count


Overproduction of wbc


Lots of immature wbc

Platelets from

Small fragments of megakaryocyte


Growth factor for thrombocyte


Platelets production from red bone marrow. Megakaryoblasts undergo endimitosis to make huge cell to break off. It is largest cell in body


Fast series of reactions for stoppage of bleeding

1. Vascular spasm which is vasoconstriction

2. Platelets plug formation

3. Coagulation

Vascular spasm

Vasoconstriction of damaged blood cell triggered by direct injury

Chemicals released by endothelial cells and platelets

Pain reflexes

Platelets plug formation

Positive feedback cycle

At site of blood vessel injury platelets

Stick to exposed collagen fibers (von willebrand factor)

Sweel become spiked and sticky and release chemical messengers

Adp causes more platelets to stick and release their contents

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter for constriction

Thromboxane a2 glues platelets together

Regulation of platelet phase

Aggregation limited to injury since normal endothial cells secrete prostacyclin to inhibit aggregation. Also has circulation enzyme that break down adp


Set of reactions in which blood is transformed from liquid to gel

Reinforces the platelet plug sith fibrin threads

Remember about coagulation

Factor x complexes with ca2 pf3 and factor v

Form prothrombin activator

Phase 1 coagulation

2 pathways to prothrombin activator. Each pathway cascades toward factor x. Factor x complexes with calcium pf3 and factor v to form prothrombin activator. The intrinsic pathway is triggered by negatively charged surfaces and uses factors present within blood

The extrinsic pathway is triggered by exposure to tissue tf or factor 3

Phase 2 coagulation

Prothrombin catalyzed into thrombin

Phase 3 coagulation

Thrombin which converts soluble fibrinogen into fibrin. Fibrin strands form structural basis of clot and causes plasma to become gel like. Thrombin activates factor xiii which crosslinks fibrin and strengthens and stabilizes the clot

Clot retraction

Actin and myosin in platelets contract

Platelets pull on fibrin strands squeezing serum from clot

Clot repair

Pdgf(platelet derived growth factor) division of smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts

Vascular endothelial growth factor that endothelial cells to multipy


Begins with 2 days

Plasminogens converts to plasmin by tissue plasminogens activator factor x11 and thrombin

Plasmin digest fibrin

Factors limiting clot growth or formation

2 mechanisms

Swift remove and dilution of clotting formation

Inhibition of Activates clotting factor

Inhibition of clotting factors

Most thrombin is bound to fibrin threads and prevented from acting elsewhere

Antithrimbin 3 protein c and heparin inactivated thrombin and procogulate.

Heparin another anticoagulant also inhibit thrombin activity

Thromboembolytic disorders

Undesirable clot formation

Bleeding disorders

Abnormalities that prevent normal clot formation


Clot that develops and persists In an unbroken blood vessel


A thrombus freely floating in the blood stream

Cerebral emboli

Can cause stroke

Pulmonary emboli

Impair the ability of the body to obtain oxygen

Embolus is prevented by





Deficient number of circulating platelets

Due to suppression or destruction of bone marrow

Impaired liver function

Inability to synthesize coagulants


Heredity bleeding disorders

Hemophilia a most common type deficiency of factor v11

Hemophilia b deficiency of factor ix

Hemophilia c mild type deficiency of factor x1

Blood typing

Serum containing anti a or anti b agglutinins is added to blood

Aggkutination will occur bw the agglutinins and the corresponding agglutinins

Positive aggtination

Type ab

Agglutinogen a and b with both serum.

So anti a and anti b will clump

Type a

Agglutinogen a

Agglutinates with anti a

Type b

Contains agglutinogen b

Agglutinates with anti b

Type o

Contains no agglutinogen

Does not clump

Layers of heart wall

1. Epicardium thin transparent

2. Myocardium spiral bundled of cardiac muscle cells

3. Endocardium continuous with endothial lining of blood vessels

Coronary sulcus

Atriioventricular groove

Encircled the junction of atria and ventricles a

Right vs left

Left cuz it pumps to the left. Oxygenated

Body pumps right deoxygenated

Semiluner valve

Prevents backflow into ventricles when ventricles relax

Blood return

1.Blood returns fills right atria, forcing atriioventricular valves to open 2. Right ventricles fill atriioventricular valves are open. 3. Atria contract forcing remaining blood in ventricule. Av valves open ventricles contract atrioventricular valve close while papillary muscle contract and chordae tindineae tighten. 4. Av valves close ventricles contract blood is pushed up semilunar valve forcing them open.

5. Semilunar valves close. Blood flows back from artery closing semilunar valve

Pathway of blood.

Right atrium to tricuspid valve to right ventricle

Right ventricles to pulmonary semilunar valve to pulmonary trunk to pulmonary arteries to lungs

Lungs to pulmonary veins to left atrium

Left atrium to bicuspid valve yo left ventricle

Left ventricle to aortic semilunar valve to aorta to system circulation

Pulmonary circuit side of heart

Right side carry blood to and from lungs

Short low pressured circulation

Systemic circuit side of heart

Carry blood to and from body tissue

Left side of heart

Much resistance and long pathway

Coronary circulation

Blood supply to heart itself

Angina pectoris

Thoracic pain caused by deficiency in blood delivered to the myocardium

Cells are weakened by lack of o2

Myocardial infarction

Heart attack

Prolonged coronary blockage

Non contractions scar tissue

Cardiac muscle

Striated short fat branched and interconnected connective tissue

Numerous large mitochondrian

Intercalated discs are junctions between cells anchor cardiac cells

Have desmosomes and gap functions

Cardiac muscle contraction

Depolarization of the heart is rhythmic and spontaneous

Defective sa node

Ectopic focus: abnormal pacemaker takes over

If av node takes over there will be a slower rhythm

Defective av node

Partial or total heart block

Few or no impulse from sa node reach ventricles

Defects in the intrinsic conduction system

1. Arrhythmias

2. Uncoordinated atrial and ventricular contraction

3. Fibrillation

Extrinsic innervation of heart

Heartbeat is modified by automatic nervous system

Cardiac center in medulla oblongata sets pace and excited heart with sympathetic neurons. Sa and av nodes heart muscle coronary arteries

Cardioinhibitory center inhibit sa and av nlde


Moniter blood pressure


Moniter blood chemistry


Moniter movement


Composite of all action potentials generated at any given time

P wave

Depolarization of sa node

Qrs complex

Ventricular depolarization

T wave

Ventricular repolarization

Electrocardiogram cycle

P wave - atrial depolarization

P- q interval - time it takes for atrial kick to fill ventricles

Qrs wave- ventricular depolarization and atrial repolarization

S t segment - time it takes to empty the ventricles before they repolarize t wave

Junctional rhythm

The sa node is nonfunctional p saves are absent and heart is paced by the av node at 40 to 60 beats a minute

2nd degree heart block

Some p saves are not conducted thro the av node hence more p then qrs waves are seen.

Ventricular fibrillation

These chaotic gross irregular ecg deflections are seen in acute heart attack or electric shock

Cardiac cycle

All events associated with blood flow thro the heart during one complete heartbeat





First phase of cardiac cycle

Ventricular filling.

Av valves open.

Ventricular filling

Atrial contraction

2nd phase of cardiac cycle ventricular systole

Isovolumetric contraction phase

Ventricular ejection phase

Atria relax

Ventricles contract

3rd phase of cardiac cycle. Isovolumetric relaxation

Ventricules relax

Close sl valves

Early diastole

Cardio out put is heart rate times stroke volume


At rest

Heart rate 75 beats per min

70ml per beat

Cardiac reserve

Difference between resting and maximal cardiac output

3 main factors that affect stroke volume





Degree of stretch of cardiac muscles before they contract


Contraction strength at given muscle length independent of muscle stretch and end diastolic volume

Positive inotropics in contractility

Increase contractility

Calcium influx due to sympathetic stimulation


Negative Intopic agents in contratility

Decrease contractility


Calcium channel blocker


Pressure that must be overcome for ventricles to eject blood

Hypertension increases afterload

Positive chronotropic factors blank heart rate


Negative chronic factors blank heart rate


Chemical regulation of heart rate

1. Hormones

2. Maintain intra- and extracellular ion [calcium and potassium]

Hormones that affect heart rate

Epinephrine from Adrenal mea increase heart rate and contractility

Thyroxine from thyroid gland increase heart rate and enhances the effects of nonephinephrine and ephinephrine


Abnormally fast heart rate


Heart rate slower then 60

Intrinsic cardiac conduction system

A network of non contractile cells

Initiate and distribute impulses to coordinate the depolarization and contraction of the heart

Autorhythmic cells

Unstable resting potentials (pacemaker potential) due to open slow na+ channels

Sequence of excitation

1. Sinoatrial sa node(pacemaker)

2. Atrioventricular av node

3.atrioventricular av bundle

4. Right and left bundle branches

5. Purkinje fibers

Sequence of excitation 1. Sa node

1. Right atrial wall

2. Sets heart pace

Sequence of excitation 2. Av node

Interatrial septum

Smaller diameter fibers few gap junctions

Delays impulses approximately .1 sec so the atria can complete contraction before ventricles begin

Sequence of excitation 3. Atrioventricular av bundle

Interventricular septum

Only electrical connection between atria and ventricles

Sequence of excitation 4. Right and left bundle branches

2 pathways in the interventricular septum

Carry impulses toward apex of heart

Sequence of excitation 5. Purkinje fibers

Complete pathway into apex and ventricular walls

Sequence of excitation within the heart

1. Sa node generates impulse

2. Impulse pauses .1 sec at av node

3. Av bundle connects atria to the ventricle

4. Bundle branches conduct the impulse thro the ventricular septum

5. Purkinje fibers depolarize the contractile cells of both ventricles

3 layers in vein

Tunica intima

Tunica media

Tunica externa

Elastic arteries

Ex aorta

Large thick walled arteries

Large lumen

No vasoconstriction

Muscular arteries

Distal to elastic arteries

Deliver blood to organs

Active in vasoconstriction


Stabilize their walls and controls permeability

Capillaries everywhere except



Cornea and lens of eye

Continuous capillaries

Abundant in skin and muscles

Right junctions and intracellular clefts

In brain it completes blood brain barrier

Fenestrated capillaries

Some endothelial cells contain fwnestrations

More permeable to continuous capillaries

Function in absorption if filtrate formation in lines intestines and endocrine glands

Sinusoid caoillaries

Fewer tight junctions usually fenestrated

Large lumen

Blood flow sluggish large molecules and blood cells pass thro

Found in liver bone marrow and spleen

Types of vessels

Vascular shunt

True capillaries

Veins vs arteries

Veins habe large likes and are full of venous valves and venous sinuses

Artery has more of a tunica media so smaller lumen

Vascular anastomoses

Interconnection of blood vessels

Blood flow

Volume of blood flowing thro cess organ or entire circulation in a given period

Blood pressure

Force per unit area exerted on wall of blood vessel by blood


Opposition to flow

Measure of amount of friction blood encounters with vessel walls

3 important sources of resistance

Blood viscosity

Total blood vessel length

Blood vessel diameter

If blood pressure increases then blood flow

Speeds up

If resistance increases the blood flow


Systolic pressure

Pressure exerted in aorta during ventricular contraction

Diastolic pressure

Lowest lvl of aortic pressure

Map (mean arterial pressure)

Pressure that propels blood to tissue

Is diastolic pressure plus 1/3 pulse pressure

Venous pressure

Changes lil during cardiac cycle

Low pressure due to cumulative effects of peripheral resistance

Factors aiding venous return

1. Muscular pump

2. Respiratory pump

3. Venoconstriction

Main factors influencing blood pressure

Cardiac output

Peripheral resistance

Blood volume

Baroreceptors locations

Moniter pressure in

Carotid sinuses

Aortic arch

Walls of larger arteries of neck and thoracic

Increased pressure baroreceptors

Increased input to vadomotor

Inhibits vadomotor and cardioaccelerarory centers which caused arterial dilatationand venodilation

Stimulates cardioinhibitory center

Decrease blood pressure

Chemoreceptors reflexes

Detect increase of co2 or drop in ph or o2

Are in aortic arch and larger arteries of neck

Atrial natriuretic peptide anp

Antagonize aldosterone(reclaims salts)

Gets rid of salts

Lowers tonicityby lowering osmosis

Lowers h2o retention

Lowers blood volume

Lowers blood pressure

Kidneys regulate atrial blood pressure by

Renal regulation

1. Direct renal mechanism (independent of hormones)

2. Indirect renal mechanism (renin-angiotension-aldosterone)

Functions of angiotensin 2

Increased blood volume by 1stimulating aldosterone secretion (retain salts) 2causes adh release (retention of water) 3triggers hypothalamic thirst center

Causes vasoconstriction directly increasing blood pressure

Secondary hypertension

Due to identifiable disorder

Obstructed renal arteries

Kidney disease

Endocrine disorders

Orthostatic hypotension

Temporary low bp and dizziness when standing

Chronic hypotension

Hint of poor nutrition and warning signs for Addison disease or hypothyroidism

Acute hypotension

Important sign of circulatory shock


Controlled intrinsically by modifying diameter of local arteries feeding capillaries

Organs regulate own blood flow

2 types

1 metabolic controls

2 myogenic controls

Metabolic controls

Vasodilation of arteries

Relaxation of precapillary sphincters

Occur if decline in tissue o2 or inflammatory chemicals or substances from metaboliccaly active tissues (h+, k+, adenosine, and prostaglandins)

Myogenic controls

Keep tissue perfusion constant

Passive stretch promotes increased tone and vasoconstriction

Reduced stretch promotes venodilation and increases blood flow to tissue


Enlarging of existing blood vessels or creating new ones

Hypovolemic shock

Low blood volume due to blood loss

Vascular shock

Inadequate blood flow from changes in extreme dilation

Ex anaphylactic shock

Cardiogenic shock

Inadequate blood flow from heart

Give rise to all Stem cells


Tunica media

Smooth muscle and elastin

Sympathetic vadomotor nerve fibers

Vasoconstriction and vasodilation

Tunica externa

Collagen fibers

Contains nerve fibers lymphatic vessels

Venous veins

Most common in limbs

Venous sinuses

Flattened veins with extremely thin walls

If blood pressure increase then blood flow


Main factors influencing blood pressure

Short term neural and hormonal controls affect blood pressure by

Altering peripheral resistance and cardiac output

Long term renal regulation controls blood pressure by

Altering blood volume

Neural controls maintain map by altering

Vessel diameter so if low blood volume all vessels constricted except those to heart and brain

Baroreceptors reflexes decrease in blood pressure due to

Arterioler venodilation


Decreased cardiac output

If map is low then

Reflex vasoconstriction

Increased co

Increased blood pressure

Hypothalamus influence

Increases blood pressure during stress

Mediated redistribution of blood flow during exercise

Modify material pressure via relays to medulla

What 2 structures in the brain modify arterial pressure via relays to medulla?

Hypothalamus and cerebral cortex

What hormones causes increased blood pressure

Epinephrine and notepinephrine from adrenal gland increase it by increased co and vasoconstriction

Angiotension 2 and high adh levels increase it by vasoconstriction

What hormones causes lower blood pressure

Anp(atrial natriuretic peptide caused decreased blood volume by antagonizing aldosterone

Reduced blood volume and vasodilation

Direct renal mechanism

Alters blood volume independently from hormones

Increased bp or blood volume causes elimination of urine to bring bp down

Decreased bp of blood volume causes kidneys go conserve water so bp rises

Indirect mechanism (renin-angiotrnsion-aldosterone mechanism)

Low arterial blood pressure causes release of renin

Renin catalyzed conversion of angiotensinogen from liver to angiotensin 1

Angiotensin converting enzyme converts angiotensin 1 to angiotensin 2


High blood pressure

140 or 90 or higher

Prolonged hypertension major cause of

Heart failure

Vascular disease

Renal failure



Low blood pressure

Tissue perfusion involved in

Delivery of o2 and nutrients

Removal of wastes

Gas exchange

Absorption if nutrients

Urine formation

Metabolic controls effects

Relaxation of vascular smooth muscle

Release of NO(powerful vasodilator) by endothelial cells


Released from endothelium are potent vasoconstrictors

Active or exercise hyoeremia

Blood flow increases in proportion to metabolic activity

Local control override sympathetic vasoconstriction

Lipid soluble molecules travel how in capillary exchange

Diffuse directly thro endothelial membranes

Water soluble solutes pass thro capillaries by

Clefts and fenestrations

Larger molecules like proteins are exchanged in capillaries by

Actively transported

Circulatory shock

Blood vessels are inadequately filled

Blood cannot circulate normally

Results in inadequate blood flow to meet tissue needs

Atrioventricular valves

Prevent backflow into atria when ventricles contract

Intercalated discs

Junctions between cells anchor cardiac cells


Gap junctions

Cardiac muscle contraction

Intrinsic cardiac conduction system

A network of noncontractile (autorhythmic) cells

Initiate and distribute impulses to coordinate the depolarization and contraction of the heart

Sa node

Right atrial wall

Sets heart pace

Depolarize the fastest

Generates impulses about 75 times a minute

Av node

Interatrial septum

Fewer gap junctions

Delays impulses approximately 0.1 second

Heart sounds

The first sound is the av valves closing which begins the systole

The 2nd sound is the sl valves close

Ventricular filling

Av valves open

80 percent of blood passively flows into ventricles

End diastolic volume edv

Volume of blood in each ventricle at the end of ventricular diastole

Notepinephrine causes the pacemaker to

Fire more rapidly

Also increases contractility

Acetylcholine hyperpolarizes pacemaker cells by

Opening k+ channels

Atrial (Bainbridge) reflex

A sympathetic reflex initiated by increased venous return

Stretch of atrial walls stimulates sa node and activates sympathetic reflexes