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29 Cards in this Set

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What are the long-term regulatory changes that adjust blood flow? (2)

- Change in physical size of CV

- Increase in number of blood vessels

What term is used for the growth of new blood vessels?


What percentage of blood is in the venous system?


What two characteristics help veins act as blood reservoir?

- Physical size

- High compliance

Can veins constrict?

Yes (as per SNS)

What is the condition of varicose veins?

venous valves become incompetent and blood thus backs up and engorges veins

What effect does skeletal muscle movement have on the pressure inside veins?

Drops it

What effect does respiration have on abdominal and thoracic venous return?

Increases pressure in abs while decreasing thoracic venous pressure

Does blood flow to the brain change during exercise?


In what blood vessel is flow the slowest?


What equation helps define diffusion rate of capillaries?

Qx = Px A (Cpx-Cifx)

Qx = diffusion rate

A = area

Px = permeability coefficient

Cpx = concentration of a substance in plasma

Cifx = conc of substance in interstitial fluid

How is the capillary exchange of lipids and water regulated?

By changing number of capillaries

How is blood flow regulated in capillary beds?

Contraction and dilation of capillary sphincters

How do capillary beds differ in different tissue?

Space between clefts are adjusted for variable diffusion rates

What relationship does blood flow have with nutrient/waste exchange rate?

Slower the flow, the greater the exchange

How is glucose exchange increased in tissue that has increased demand? (3)

- Capillary recruitment

- Steeper concentration gradients

- Increased blood flow

What mediates the movement of ionic solutes like Na across the capillary?

Simple diffusion through the intracellular clefts

What are the major proteins in plasma that determine plasma oncotic pressure? (3)

Which has the greatest impact?

- Albumin

- Globulins

- Fibrinogen

Albumin has the greatest impact

What effect does arteriole vasoconstriction have on capillary hydrostatic pressure?

Does this lead to net filtration or absorption?

Decreases it


What effect does arteriole vasodilation have on capillary hydrostatic pressure?

Does this lead to net filtration or absorption?

Increases it


What effect does CHF have on plasma hydrostatic pressure?

Plasma oncotic pressure?

Plasma hydrostatic pressure increases

Plasma oncotic pressure decreases

What effect does dehydration have on plasma hydrostatic pressure?

Plasma oncotic pressure?

Plasma hydrostatic pressure does not change

Plasma oncotic pressure increases (less water in blood)

What percentage of fluid goes through the lymphatic system?


What is the difference between contraction of vascular smooth muscle versus striated muscle? (3)

- Smooth muscle contracts slower than striated muscle

- It has a greater shortening degree than skeletal muscle

- The duration of contraction of smooth muscle can be much longer

How is smooth muscle able to maintain a sustained contraction for much longer time than striated muscle?

The Actin/myosin can be locked into the cross-bridge state by active calcium-calmodulin myosin light-chain kinase

What additional mechanism can cause myosin to produce greater force in smooth muscle contractions?

Inhibition of myosin phosphatase by rho kinase leads to enhanced myosin sensitivity to calcium

How do smooth muscle cells allow for relaxation?

Sequestering calcium or pumping it out of the cell

What does NO activate?

soluble guanylate cyclase to increase cGMP

Which blood vessel has the most resistance?
