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48 Cards in this Set

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3 general functions of blood

transportation, regulation, protection

Blood is made up of 55% _______ and 45% ______ _________ .

plasma, formed elements

Of the blood cells:

55% are _____ blood cells

0.5% are ______ blood cells

0.5% are _________

red, white, platelets

What is hematopoiesis?

blood cell formation

What controls when more red and more white blood cells are made?

controlled by negative feedback loops; regulated by number of RBCs and platelets in circulation, number of WBCs based on response to invading pathogens

Function of red blood cells

transport oxygen through the blood

Scientific term for red blood cells


Function of platelets

needed for blood clotting

Scientific term for platelets


General function of all white blood cells

combat invaders by immune responses

Scientific term for white blood cells



first to site of infection; phagocytize bacteria


take longer but arrive in large numbers; phagocytize bacteria


release histamine, heparin, and serotonin to inhibit blood clotting and increase allergic reactions


kill parasites; rare in blood


attack and kill viruses

What substances are transported in blood plasma?

water, oxygen, hormones

What is the primary function of hemoglobin in red blood cells and what element in hemoglobin allows for this function?

carry oxygen, iron

Antigens and antibodies present in Type A blood

A antigen, Anti-B antibodies

Antigens and antibodies present in Type B blood

B antigen, Anti-A antibodies

Antigens and antibodies present in Type AB blood

A & B antigens, no antibodies

Antigens and antibodies present in Type O blood

no antigens, Anti-A & Anti-B antibodies

Type O blood is considered the universal donor because the blood contains what?

both A and B antigens in their blood plasma

Why is type AB blood considered the universal receptor? Why is type O blood considered the universal donor?

AB blood contains both A and B antigens, O blood contains both Anti-A and Anti-B antigens

Main organ or the cardiovascular system that pumps blood is called what?


What is the protective membrane surrounding the heart?

Fibrous Pericardium

What is the pulmonary circuit and what side of the heart is involved with this circuit?

brings blood to and from the lungs, right side

What is the systemic circuit and what side of the heart is involved with this circuit?

brings blood to and from all body tissues, left side

What part of the heart separates the right ventricle from the left ventricle?


What is the function of the papillary muscles and chordae tendineae?

muscles and tendons that hold the heart valves in place

The _______ and ______________ carry deoxygenated blood from the upper and lower body to the right atrium.

superior and inferior vena cava

2 top chambers of the heart? 2 bottom chambers of the heart?

right and left atrium- top

right and left ventricles- bottom

The left atrium does what?

receives blood from the lungs

Valve between right atrium and right ventricle? Valve between left atrium and left ventricle? These valves prevent ______ of blood into the atria.

Tricuspid, Bicuspid, backflow

The ___________ semilunar valve is between the right ventricle and the pulmonary _______, which take blood to the ______ to pick up oxygen and drop off carbon dioxide. The ______ semilunar valve is between the left ventricle and _______, which takes blood to the rest of the body.

Pulmonary, veins, lungs, aortic, aorta

Contraction of the right ventricle forces blood into the what?

Pulmonary arteries

Which ventricle requires thicker, more muscular walls and why?

left ventricle because the systemic circuit requires high resistance to blood flow

Correct order of blood flow through the heart- word bank: right atrium, pulmonary veins, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle, aorta, inferior/superior vena cava

inferior.superior vena cava, right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary veins, left atrium, left ventricle, aorta

3 main types of blood vessels and their function

Arteries- blood away from the heart

veins- blood to the heart

capillaries- exchange gases between blood and tissue cells

Put blood vessels in correct order- word bank: Blood leaves the heart, blood flows back to the heart, venules, capillaries, arteries, veins, arterioles

blood leaves the heart, blood flows back to the heart, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins

What creates the "lub dub" sound of the heartbeat?

closing of bicuspid and tricuspid valves, closing of the pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves

cardiac cycle consists of the _____ and ______ of the heart. The two _____ (chambers) contract first followed by the two _____.

contraction, relaxation, diastole, systolic

What is blood pressure?

measurement of force that blood exerts against the inner walls of arteries

What is systolic pressure?

peak of ventricular contraction

What is diastolic pressure?

relaxation of ventricles

How is blood pressure written?


function of an electrocardiogram

records the electrical activity of the heart

P wave

QRS complex

T wave

atria contract, ventricles contract, ventricles relax