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71 Cards in this Set

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Lists the steps from DNA → PROTEIN
DNA → (transcription) → mRNA →
(translation) → PROTEINS
How do Genetic Disease Happen (2)
Cengenital: present at birth
Herediatary: passed on genetically from parent
to offspring
is what the genetics are, what the DNA code is
(our genome encodes a particular allele)
is the observable outcome of the code
(blue eyes, brown eyes)
5 types of genetic abnormalities
1. Somatic DNA mutations
2. Mitochondrial DNA mutations
3. Chromosomal Defects
4. Single gene mutations
5. Multifactoral disorders
How do we analyze whole chromosomes?
Sources of chromosomes: 5 steps
1. lymphocytes, amniotic fluid, bone marrow
2. cells are encouraged to enter mitosis
3. chromosomes are separated from the cells
4. suspension is put on slide and giemsa stained
5. makes bands on chromosome that are used to define regions
Karyotyping Analysis:
How do you identify regions with mutations: (4)
1. Chromosome number
2. Short or long arm: p or q
3. Group that the band is in: numbers
4. Number of band in the group
How common are major abnormalities:
______ % of human conceptions
______ % of spontaneous abortions
(_____% of pregnancies)
You need to lose about 4000 _____ to make it visible
(that's a lot of genetic material)
A type of deletion called Ring Chromosomes -
breakages occur at both ends and the broken ends fuse (like string into ring/circle)
Balanced: (2)
-reciprocal transfer of segments between chromosomes
-CML translocation 9-22
Robertsonian: (2)
-one very large and one very small
-long arm of one and short arm of another
Breaks and moving around occur in
the same chromosome
Paracentric -
same side of the centromere
Pericentric -
opposite sides of the centromere
Aneuploidy -
-not a multiple of 23
-Trisomy: extra chromosome
-Monosomy: loss of a pair
Polyploidy -
-additional whole haploid set
-69 instead of 46
Prenatal Testing for Genetic Disorders:
Screening examples: (2)
-blood tests
Prenatal Testing for Genetic Disorder:
Diagnosis examples: (3)
(chromosome testing)
-Chorionic Villus Sampling:
material from placenta
-Amniocentesis: amniotic fluid
-Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling:
umbilical cord blood
Example of a syndrome for Autosomal Trisomy:
Down's Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
Down's Syndrome is most common
_______ disorder with ratio _____ in USA
-Down's Syndrome occurs more likely in
-______% have trisomy 21
women who are 35 or older
Cause of Down's Syndrome is ______ ________
meiotic nondisjunction
Down's Syndrome Major Clinical Symptoms: (9)
-visible symp: face, hands, long bones
-eye disease, -sleep apnea, -hearing loss
-cardiovascular: 40% have congenital defects
-Hematology: 10-20x risk of develop. leukemia
-Immune: ↑ susceptibility to infection
-CNS: reduced IQ, Alzheimer's like symp. in 40s
-Reduced life expectancy: late 40s
Klinefelter's Syndrome:
-May have...
-Contributing factors: (2)
-extra X chromosome in phenotypic male
-Nondisjunction leads to XXY
-May have more than one extra X
-Contrib. Factors: Advanced maternal age,
Radiation of either parent
Clinical Features of Klinefelter's Syndrome:

-Hypogonadism: too little testosteron,
under developed genitals
-↑ leg length, disportionately
-wide pelvis
-reduced facial/body hair
-Gynecomastia (risk breast cancer ↑)

Single Gene Defects:
_____ known defects that cause disease
Single Gene Defects are either
______ or _______
______ or _______
autosomal or sex-linked
dominant or recessive
Frequency of Autosomal Dominant
~2-9:1000 births
What do you see in Autosomal Dominant (5)
-parent affected
-↑ severity if homozygous
-phenotype is expressed at same rate in males & females
-see mutant phenotype in very generation
-both heterozygotes and homozygotes express
the mutant phenotype
Penetrance -
Proportion of individuals carrying a variant of a gene that express the associated trait

Incomplete Penetrance -
Individual with dominant mutant genotype presents a normal phenotype
An example of Autosomal Dominant:

Familial hypercholesterolemia:
-LDL receptor defect (LDLR) / can't remove LDL
-Premature atherosclerosis
What do you see in Autosomal Recessive: (4)
-parents may not have mutant phenotype
-parents are at least heterozygous
-penetrance is usually complete
-frequency of mutant phenotype for males
and female is equal
An example of Autosomal Recessive:
Phenylketonuria (PKU):
-defect in enzyme that breaks down phenylalaline
-build up and cause brain damage (can be treated by diet change)
Another example of Autosomal Recessive:
alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency

alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency characteristics (3)
(autosomal recessive)
-AAT suppresses proteases in lungs
-Without functional AAt, emphysema can result
-3 alleles: M,S,Z

List 3 alleles of alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency:
(autosomal recessive)

M: normal
S: produces a lower amount of AAT
Z: results in serious loss of AAT production
Sex Chromosomes are
Problems usually occur on the ____ chromosome.
Therefore what happens in males vs. female
-male: all it takes is 1 copy for expression of the
mutant phenotype
-female: need to be homozygous for the mutant
phenotype to be expressed
- From DAD...
- From Heterozygous MOM...
-all daughters are carriers ; all sons are fine
-50% of sons are affects ; 50% of daughters are carriers
An example of X-liked
Hemophilia A:
-Factor XIII deficiency in coagulation pathway causes bleeding problems
Fragile X Syndrome characterized by
severe mental retardation and some distinctive physical characteristics
Fragile X Syndrome acts like ______ ______
with _____ ______
X-linked dominant ; incomplete penetrance
In Fragile X Syndrome,
Phenotypically normal males can pass it on to
their __________
In Fragile X Syndrome,
Premutation -
the initial change in the genome needs processing
through female meiosis before it is full expressed
In Fragile X Syndrome:
Mutations involves _____ _____ repeats in
_______ untranslated region
CGG triplet ; FMR1
In Fragile X Syndrome:
-Normal # of repeats is ______
-Premutation level is _______ copies
-Gene becomes abnormally _______ = repressed
- ~30 (6-54)
- 60-200 copies
- methylated
In Fragile X Syndrome:
Males are the _____
Females are the ______
In Fragile X Syndrome:
-Problems with Male
-Problems with Female
(later in life)
-have neurodegenerative disease similar to Parkinson's
-have premature ovarian failure
3 other Triple Repeat Disease:
1. Huntington's Disease
2. Myotonic Dystrophy
3. Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
-Four nucleotides are allowed for _____ combinations
-those combinations need to code for
____ amino acids and
stops ____ and starts _____
-20 ; 3 ; 1
Gene Deletions:
Alpha-thalassemia -
number of deletions relates to severity of disease
Gene Deletions: Alpha-thalassemia -
-Normal ____ requires two pairs of __ _____ genes:
-Loss of 2 copies alpha =
-Loss of all copies =
-Hgb ; alpha globin
- HbH disease
- hydrops fetalis
In Partial Gene Deletion, part of the code is deleted but
some protein may still be translated
Whole Codon Deletions:
Good news -
Bad news -
-Doesn't alter the reading frame
-you lose an amino acid → result improper folding
or affect funtion or be just fine
Example of Whole Codon Deletions:
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis -
most common mutation is a deletion of one codon
for phenylalanine in the gene for a
chloride transporter (CFTR)
unequal crossing over between nonhomologous chromosomes results in parts of two genes fusing
Point Mutations
substituion of one base pair for another in dsDNA
We classify DNA nucleotides A,C,G,T into two classes:
1. A and G are purines
2. C and T are pyrimidines (U replace T in RNA)
A purine binds to a _______
pyrimidine (AT, CG)
purine switched for a purine or pyrimidine for pyrimidine
(A for G ; C for T)
Purine to pyrimidine or vice versa
(A for T ; C for G)
So the results of a point mutation in
a base pair substition, that could result in a new amino acid when mRNA is translated
due to degeneracy of the code for amino acids, only 1/3 of these sorts of mutations have this affect
Missense in point mutations
one base substitution results in different
amino acid in final protein
Examples of missense situations:
sickle cell anemia (glutamate to valine)
AAT deficiency (glutamate to lysine)

Nonsense in point mutations
Mutation results in a premature stop codon
-beta thalassemia
Stop Codon Mutations
-stop codon changed to code for an amino acid
-results in protein that is translated on thru a region that should not have been

Frame Shifts
insertion or deletion of a single nucleotide