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12 Cards in this Set

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How were Mary and Elizabeth related?

They were cousins.

Where did Elizabeth live?


How did Elizabeth's baby greet Mary?

He leaped.

Where was Jesus born?


Where did Jesus' mother lay Him when He was born?

In a manger.

Who were the first people to hear about the birth of Jesus, and how did they find out?

Shepherds were told by angels.

John the Baptist, who lived in the desert, ate____________ and ___________.

Locusts and honey.

At first, John was mistaken as being the ______________.


What did John tell the people the one who was coming would baptize them with?


What did the wise men give as gifts upon the birth of Jesus?

Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

List 4 things the angel tells Mary about the child she is about to have.

The *angel said quite clearly who Jesus was. These are the words. The angel said that Jesus was:-· Son of the Most High [This means son of God].· To have the *Throne of David.· He will rule for ever.· There is no end to His *kingdom.

List the 4 types of miracles seen in the Bible.

Miracles of nature; Miracles of healing; Miracles of supply; Miracles Over Demon Powers