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62 Cards in this Set

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Contrast X-Ray Techniques
inolve injecting into one compartment of the body a substance that absorbs X-rays either less than or more than the surrounding tissue. The injected substance heightens the contrast between the compartment and the surrounding tissue during X-Ray photography
Cerebral Angiography
Infuses radio-opaque dye into a cerebral artery to visualize the cerebral circulatry system during X-ray phtography.
Most useful for locaizing vascualar damage
Computed Tomography (CT)
cometer assisted X-Ray procedure that can be used to visualize the brain and other internal structrues of the living body.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
procedure in which high resolution images are constructed from the measurement of waves that hydrogen atoms emit when they are activated by radio-frequency waves in a magnetic field.
Provides clearer images of the brain magnetic field.
provides cleareer images of the brain that does CT.
Spatial Resolution
the ability to detect differences in spatial location.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
brain imaging technique that has been widely used in biopsychological research because it provides images of brain activity rather that brain structure.
2-deoxyglucose (2-DG)
Common version of PET.
Injected into the patient's carotid artery. Cannot be metabolized ; it therefore accumulates in active neuronsuntil it is gradually broken down.
functional MRI (fMRI)
Produce images of the increase in oxygen flow in the blood to activate areas of the brain.
4 advantages over PET 1.nothing has to be injected. 2. provides both structural and functional info in the same image. 3. spatial resolution is better. 4. can produce 3D images of activy over the entire brain.
magnetoencephalogramhy (MEG)
measures changes in magnetic fields on the surface of the scalp that are produce by changes in uderly patters of neural activity. Better temporal resolution the fMRI. (record fast changes in neural activity)
electroencephalography (EEG)
measure of the gross electrical activity of the brain. The scalp EEG signal reflects the sum of electrical events throughout the head. SP & PSP.
Trans cranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
a technique for disrupting the activity in an area of the cortex by creating a magnetic field under a coil positioned next to the skull
alpha waves
regular, 9 - 12 -per-second, high-amplitude waves that are associated with relaxed wakefulness.
Event-Related Potentials (ERPs)
EEG waves that accompany certain psychological events than they are in the background EEG signal.
Sensory Evoked Potential
The change in the cortical EEG signal is that elicited by the momentary presentation of a sensory stimulus.
Signal Averaging.
A method used to reduce the noise of the background EEG. A computer identifies the millivolt value of each of the 1,000 titraces at their starting points, and then caclulates the mean.
P300 Wave
positive wave that occurs about 300 milliseconds after a momentary stimulus that has meaning for the subject.
Far-field potentials.
Small waves that are portions of an evoked potential recorded in the first few milliseconds after a stimulus are not influenced by the meaning of the stimulus for the subject.
usual procedure for measuring muscle tension. Recorded between 2 electrodes taped to the surface of the skin over the muslce of interest.
the electrophysiological technique for recording eye movements. Based on the fact that there is a steady potential difference between the front (positive) and back (negative) of the eyeball.
Skin Conductance Level (SCL)
The SCL is a measure of the background level of skin conductance that is associated with a particular situation.
Skin Conductance Response (SCR)
A measure of the transient changes in skin conductance that are associated with discrete experiences.
the electrical signal that's associated with each heartbeat can be recorded through electrodes placed on the chest. The average resting heart rate of a healthy adult is about 70 beats a minute.
A chronic blood pressure of more than 140/90 mmHg is viewed as a serious health hazard. Normal BP is 130/70.
the various techniques for measuring changes in the volume of blood in a particular part of the body.
Stereotaxic Atlas
used to locate brain structures in much the same way that a geographic atlas is used to locate geographic landmarks.The brain has 3 dimensions.
the point on the top of the skull where 2 of the major sutures (seams in the skull) intersect.
Stereotaxic instrument
2 parts: a head holder which firmly h holds each subjects brain in the prescribed position and orientation. and an Electrode holder which holds the device to be inserted.
When a lesion is made in an area of cortical tissue that's accessible to the eyes and instruments of the surgeon, aspiration is frequently used. The cortical tissue is drawn off by suction through a fine-tipped glass pipette. Peel off layers of cortical tissue from the surface of the brain.
Cryogenic Blockade
Alternative to destructive lesions.neurons near the tip are cooled until they stop firing. eliminates the contribution of a particular area of the brain to the ongoing behavior of the subject.
fin, hollow tube that has been stereotaxically implanted in the brain
Neurotoxins(neural poisons
can be injected into selective lesions and that have an affinity for certain components of the nervous system.
coated with a photographic emulsion, stored in the dark for a few days, and then developed much like film.
Cerebral Dialysis
A method of measuring the extracellular concentration of specific neurochemicals in behaving animals.
Technique for locating peptides and other proteins. A procedure for locating particular neuro proteins in the brain by labeling their antibodies with a dye or radioactive element and then exposing slices of brain tissue to the labeled antibodies.
In Situ Hybridization
Technique for locating peptides and proteins in the brain. takes advantage of the fact that all peptides and proteins are transcribed from sequences of nucleotide bases on strands of mRNA.
Gene Knockout Techniques
procedures for creating organisms that lack a particular gene under investigation.
Gene Replacement Techniques.
Replace one gene with another. or replace a gene with one that is identical except for the addition of a few bases that can act as a switch, turning the gene off or on in reponse to particular chemicals.
Behavioral Paradigm
A single set of procedures developed for the investigation of a particular behavioral phenomenon. Each BP normally comprises a method for producing the behavioral phenomenon under investigation and method for objectively measuring it.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
Many neuropsychological assessments begin w/ this. B/c knowing a patients IQ can help the neuropsychologist interpret the results of other testss.
Digit Span
identifies the longest sequence of random digits that can be correctly repeated 50% of the time by the patient. - most people have a digit of 7.
Token Test
Helps screen for language-related deficits."Touch this" "Pick up that"
Sodium Amytal Test
involves injecting the anesthetic sodium amytal into either the left or right carotid artery in the neck. This temporarily anesthetizes the ipsilateral (same-side) hemisphere while leaving the contralateral (opposite-side) hemisphere largely unaffected.
Dichotic Listening Test
sequences of spoken digits are presented to subjects through steo headphones.
Repetition Priming Tests
When patients display severe deficits in explicit memory with no deficits at all in implicit memory. Proven instrumental in the assessment and study of this patter.
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Deals w/ injuries to the frontal lobes. Component of many customizedtest batteries because it is sensitive to the frontal-love damage.Learns what priciple, color, shape, or number, should guide sorting.
Cognitive Neuroscience
1. Each complex cognitive process results from the combined activity of simple cognitive processes (consitutent congnitive processes) 2. Each constituent cognitive process is mediated by neural activity in a particular area of the brain. Goal is to identify the parts of the brain that mediate various constiuent cognitive processes.
Paired-Image subtraction technique
has become one of the key behavioral research methods in cognitive neuroscience research.
Species-Common behaviors
those that are displayed by virtually all members of a species of at least by all those of the same age and sex.
Open-field Test
the subject is placed in a large, barren chamber and it's activity is recorded. Low activity scores and high bolus (pieces of excretement) counts are frequently used as indicators of fearfulness
rarely venture away from the walls of the test chamber and rarely engage in such activities are rearing and grooming.
Colony-Intruder Pardigm
Typical patterns of aggressive and defensive behavior can be observed and measured during combative encounters between the dominant male rat of an established colony and a smaller male intruder.
Elevated plus Maze
a four-armed, plus-sign-shaped maze thats typically mounted 50 cm above the floor.Commonly used to study in rats the anxiety-reducing effects of drugs.
If a female is receptive to sexual behavior, she responds by assuming her posture. She sticks her hindquarter in the air, she bends her back in a U and deflects her tail to the side.
During some mounts, the male inserts his penis into the female's vagina. After intromission, the male dismounts by jumping backwards, the returns a few seconds later to mount and intromit once again.
Lordosis Quotient
The proportion of mounts that elicit Lordosis.
Pavlovian Conditioning Paraidgm
the experimenter pairs an intially neutral stimulus called a conditional stimulus with an unconditional stimulus(a stimulus that elicits an unconditional(reflexive) response.
Operant Conditioning Pardigm
The rate at which a particular voluntary response is emitted is increased by reinforcement or decreased by punishment
Self-Stimulation Pardigm
animals press a lever to deliver electrical stimulation to particular sites in their own brains.
Conditioned Taste Aversion
avoidance response that develops to tastes of food whose consumption has been followed by illness.
Radial Arm maze.
array of arms radiating from a central starting area. Looks like a windmill.
Morris Water maze
used to study the spatial abilities of rats. Rats are placed in circular, featureless pool of cool, milky water, in which the must swim to discover the escape platform.
Conditioned Defensive Burying
rats receive a single aversive stimulus (shock, odor, airblast) from an object mounted on the wall of the chamber just above the floor.