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43 Cards in this Set

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Who was the founder of paleontology (the study of fossils)?

Georges Cuvier.

Who was Lamark? What did he mean by "inheritance of acquired characteristics"?

He hypothesized that evolution occurs and that adaption to the environment is the cause of diversity.

The use and disuse of a structure can bring about inherited change.

What did Darwin base his theory of evolution on?

His study of geology, fossils, and biogeography.

What is the mechanism for evolution?

Natural selection.

What did Malthus state?

He proposed that death and famine are inevitable, because the human population tends to increase faster than the supply of food.

Define fitness.

The reproductive success of an individual relative to other members of the population.

What is convergent evolution?

Similar traits in distantly related lines of descent.

Define biogeography.

Study of life from different places.

Know the difference between vestigial, homologous, and analogous structures.

Vestigial: features that are fully developed in one group of organisms, but nonfunctional in other similar groups.

Homologous: Similar structures by inheritance from a common ancestor.

Analogous: Same function but not constructed similarly. (no common ancestor)

What is the Hox gene?

Shared in animals ranging from worms to humans.

What is a polygenic trait?

They are controlled by more than one pair of alleles located at different gene loci.

Know the differences between directional, stabilizing, and disruptive selection.

Directional: Extreme phenotype is favored and the distribution curve shifts in that direction.

Stabilizing: Intermediate phenotype is favored.

Disruptive: Two or more extreme phenotypes are favored over any intermediate phenotype.

What is the heterozygote advantage?

Only alleles that are expressed are subject to natural selection. In diploid organisms heterozygotes protect the recessive alleles that might otherwise be weeded out.

What is the difference between micro and macro evolution?

Micro-Small scale

Macro-Large scale

Define gene pool.

Various alleles at all the gene loci in all individuals.

What are the conditions of the Hardy-Weinberg principle? What is the result of any of the Hardy-Weinberg conditions are not met?

1. No mutating

2. No gene flow-migration

3. Random mating

4. No genetic drift-All by chance

5. No selection.

Evolution could occur.

What is the difference between bottleneck effect and the founder effect?

Bottleneck: Species suffers a near extinction and only a few survivors go on to produce the next generation.

Founder: Rare alleles occur at a higher frequency in a population isolated from the general population.

What conditions must be met for organisms to be classified as the same species?

1. Same breed

2. Gene Pool

3. Isolated from other species.

Know the postzygotic and prezygotic examples.

Post- After formation

Pre- Before formation.

What is the difference between sympatric and allopatric speciation?

Sympatric- No geographical barrier (plants).

Allopatric- Speciation model based on geographic barrier (mammals).


Traces and remains of past life.

Mass extinction

Disappearance of a large number of species within a relatively short period of time.

Phylogenetic tree

How closely organisms are related.


Enigma- something that exists, but doesn't exist.


Phage-virus that reproduces in a bacterium.

Order of Lytic cycle

1. Attachment

2. Penetration

3. Biosynthesis

4. Maturation

5. Release


Animal virus


RNA animal virus that have a DNA stage.

What is a prion? Diseases caused by prions?

Prions interact with regular proteins, causing them to change shape.

Disease caused by prions- scrapie, mad cow disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Two domains classified as prokaryotes-

Bacteria and Archaea

Different shapes of bacteria

Rods, spheres, and spirals.

What strengthens the outer wall of bacteria?


How do prokaryotes reproduce?

Asexual reproduction (clone itself). Binary fission.

What is an endospore?

Protective coating that covers bacteria. Dehydrates to mummify.

What is a sapotroph?

Chemoheterotrophic bacteria. An organism that feeds on decaying organic matter.

Different symbiotic relationships.

1. Mutualism- Both partners benefit.

2. Commensalistic- one partner benefits and the other is not harmed.

3. Parasitic- One partner benefits the other is harmed.

What is bioremediation? Examples.

Ability of bacteria to break down pollutants exploited (oil spills).

What classifies organisms into the domain of Archaea?

Extreme environments (hot springs, thermal vents, salt basins).

What is the difference between Halophile and thermoacidophile?

Halophile- Salt loving (dead sea).

Thermoacidophile- Healt/Acid loving.

What characteristics to protists have?

Difficult to classify due to diversity.

Big, small, cellular, multicellular, sexually reproduce, asexually reproduce, photosynthesize.

How do ciliate protozoan move?

Ciliates move by cilia paramecium.

How do amoeboids move?

They move using psuedopods.

What are slime molds and water molds classified as?
