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41 Cards in this Set

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What is open circulation?
No vessels blood is pumped from heart and flows into tissues
what is the development of a zygote?
1 cells, 2 cells, 4 cells,.......blastula, gastrula
Name the invertebrate phyla
poriferera, arthropada,cnidaria, Platyhelminthes,Nematoda,mollusca, annelida,Echindodermata
What is closed circulation?
blood travels through vessels, and is pumped through the heart
name the 7 classes of vertebrates..
agnatha, chondricthyes, Osteichthyes, amphibia, reptilia, aves, mammals
How many chambers does each class have in the heart
fish-2, amphibians-3,reptiles-3.5,birds-4,mammals-4
What type does each have?
fish-exteral and internal, amphibians-external, reptiles-internal, aves-internal, mammals-internal
Which vertebrates are cold blooded>?
fish amphibians reptiles
Which vertebrates are warm blooded
mammals aves
How do amphibians breathe?
name the 4 tissue types and give examples..
Name the 6 functions of the skeleton
supports body, protects organ, enables movement, regulates calcium and phosphorus, shape, manufactures red blood cells
name parts of bone
periosteum, spongy bone, red and yellow bone marrow, and compact bone
Describe cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.
Cartilage-tough, flexible, connective tissues at the ends of bones. tendons- attached muscles to bones. Ligaments- connective tissues holding two bones together at a joint.
describe osteocytes and ossification
osteocytes are living bone cells found in compound bone. ossification is process by which cartilage is replaced by osteocytes.
what is the difference between red and yellow marrow?
Red is made of blood vessels and fibers and makes red and white blood cells. Yellow marrow consists mostly of fats and is used for energy.
Describe the parts of a muscle
muscle cells are made up of many muscle fibers which are made up of many smaller units, called myofibrils. Myofibrils are separated into sarcomeres by z-lines. These sarcomeres consist of myosin and actin.
3 types of muscle
Skeletal attached to periosteum of bone(voluntary), cardiac muscle makes up heart (involuntary), smooth found in wall of many organs (involuntary)
What are antagonistic muscle pairs?
Pair of muscles, each muscle moves bone in opposite direction of the other
Name parts of skin (6)
Adipose tissue-energy sweat, gland- releases excess water salt and urea, Hair follicle- insulation, Sebaceous Gland- produces sebum, Epidermis- outer layer
Name and describe the 4 chambers of the human heart.
Right atrium and ventricle- deoxygenated, Left atrium and ventricle- oxygenated
Name 4 valves in human heart
A/V valves are tricuspid and bicuspid
Semi-lunar are aorta and pulmonary
Name major veins of the heart
Superior and inferior Vena Cava & pulmonary veins
Describe parts and functions of the blood vessels
Arteries- take blood away, Capillaries- Connect arteries and veins, Veins- Bring blood back to heart
What is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure?
Systolic is when ventricle is contracted, diastolic is when ventricle is not contracted
What are the 3 parts and functions of blood
Plasma- liquid blood, blood solids- carry nutrients and wastes, Platelets- help with clotting
Difference between red(erythrocytes) and white(leukocytes) blood cells
Red- carry nutrients and wastes, White- defend body against pathogens
What is Hemoglobin
Actual transport of oxygen throughout the body
What are the blood types?
A, B, O, AB; Can be rh positive(+) or negetive(-)
What are viruses?
Non living genetic material that need a host cell to replicate. (Obligate intracellular parasite), They have no organelles, outer membrane, and are not living.
Name 5 parts of Lytic Cycle
1. Attachment, 2. Entry, 3. Replication, 4. Assembly, 5. Release
Name parts of Lysogenic cycle
1. Attachment, 2. entry, 3. Integration, 4. Cell multiplication; Can turn VIRULENT under certain stimuli
What are the parts of a bacteriophage?
Capsid, nucleic acid, collar, & Sheath. <-- Capsia, Tail fibers and baseplate
Differences between viruses and bacteria
Bacteria can reproduce on their own while viruses need a host. Bacteria have organelles and viruses don't. Viruses aren't living and Bacteria is a living cell
How are viruses and bacteria similar.
Both don't have a nucleus & both have RNA/DNA.
Give an example of a RETROVIRUS and a non-retrovirus.
RETRO- HIV, Non-retro- Herpes
Describe parts of the respiratory system
Nasal Cavity- filters dust particles, Pharynx- passageway for food and air, Epiglottis- cartilage flap, Larynx- voice box, Trachea- wind pipe (mouth to lungs),Bronchi- two tubes that trachea separates into, Lungs- Site of gas exchange, Alveoli- found in lungs, exchange gasses
What is the diaphragm?
Sheet of muscle that separates lungs from the rest of the abdomen.
Name and describe the 3 types of respiration processes
External- atmosphere and blood, Internal- blood and body cells, Cellular- Process that makes ATP
2 parts of breathing
Inspiration- inhale, Expiration- exhale
Name parts and function of the brain
Cerebrum- Controls complex behaviors, Cerebellum- coordinates movement, Medula, Oblongata- Regulates internal organs (relay station), Optic lobe- Sight, Ol Factory Bulbs- Smell