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37 Cards in this Set

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the science that studies how characteristics get passed from parent to offspring
genetic factors
the general guideline of traits determined by a person's DNA
environmental factors
those 'nonbiological' factors that are involved in a person's surroundings such as the nature of the person;s parents, the person's friends, and the person;s behavioral choices
spiritual factors
the factors in a person's life that are determined by the quality of his or her relationship with God
a section of DNA that codes for the production of a protein or a portion of protein, thereby causing a trait
messenger RNA
the RN that performs transcription
a three-nucleotide base sequence on tRNA
a sequence of three nucleotide bases on mRNA that refers to a specific type of amino acid
DNA coiled around and supported by proteins, found in the nucleus of the cell
a process of asexual reproduction in eukaryotic cells
the time intercal between cellular reproduction
the region that joins two sister chromatids
mother cell
a cell ready to begin reproduction, containing duplicated DNA and centrioles
the figure produced when the chromosomes of a species during metaphase are arranged according to their homologous pairs
diploid cell
a cell with chromosomes that come in homologous pairs
haploid cell
a cell that has only one representative of each chromosome pair
diploid number (2n)
the total number of chromosomes in a diploid cell
haploid number (n)
the number of homologous pairs in a diploid cell
the process by which a diploid (2n) cell forms gametes (n)
haploid cells (n) produced by diploid cells (2n) for the purpose of sexual reproduction
a non-cellular infectious agent that has two characteristics: 1) it has genetic material (RNA or DNA) inside a protective protein coat. 2) it cannot reproduce on its own
specialized proteins that aid in destroying infectious agents
a weakend or inactive version of a pathogen that stimulates the body's production of antibodies which can aid in destroying the pathogen
explain the DNA and RNA codes relationships
guanine and cytosine combine.
adenine and thynine combine.
adenine in DNA = uracil in RNA
thynine in DNA = adenine in RNA
1 amino acid is how many nucleotide bases and codons?
3 nucleotide bases & 1 codon.
what is the only code that has antocodons?
DNA is ______
RNA is ______
DNA = transcription
RNA = translation
protein synthesis is occuring in the ribosome. is this part of translation or transcription
if you look under a microscope and see distinct chromosome in a cell is the cell in interphase?
no. chromosomes only go into their condensed form during reproduction
what are the 4 stages of mitosis
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase
the diploid number of a cell is 16. what is the haploid number
the haploid number of a cell is 9. what is the diploid number
difference between a gamete and an animal cell
gamete is a haploid. animal cells are diploids
which is closer to mitosis: meiosis I or meiosis II
meiosis II
a single cell has seven pairs of chromosomes and goes through meiosis. how many cells result at the end? hoy many chromosomes exit in each cell? are chromosomes in each cell duplicate or not?
the seven PAIRS became HAPLOIDS with seven DUPLICATED chromosomes. THERE ARE TWO CELLS. they are haploid so they have ONE CHROMOSOMES FROM EAHC PAIR. the chromosomes are DUPLICATED .
what is the difference between a polar body and an egg
polar body is non-functional. eggs are
lyctic pathway is...?
the way in which viruses reproduce. by killing the cells of the host.