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97 Cards in this Set

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____________ is one or more factors that the scientist varies during the experiment.
Independent variable
______________ is a feature that the scientist measures in order to determine if it cchanges in response to the independnet variables.
Dependent variable
Caffeine made the heart beat of the Daphnia _______ while alcohol made the heart beat ________.
speed up; slow up
A __________ is a sample where the independent variables are omitted.
control sample
___________ are results of an experiment are valid only if they are consistent when the experiment is repeated.
The _______ sample size the more consistent the results will be.
In Lab 1, The Daphnia is a ___________.
water flea
_______ and ______ are equal to a meter.
Liter, gram
In Lab 2, to determine the weight of objects in grams you will use a ________________.
triple beam balance
In Lab 2, a _____________ is used which means that to accurately deliver 5 ml all fluid must be expelled from the pipet.
blowout pipet
The ___________ can easily be seen in glass containers and it curves upward at the edges.
meniscus of the fluid
____________ of a microscope is the capabilitty to enlarge an image by using lenses.
The compund microscope uses what two types of lenses?
1. eyepiece lense
2. objective lenses
In a compound microscope,the eyepiece lenses are ___ magnification and are ___________.
10; constant
In a compound microscope, the objective lenses consist of three lenses. Name them and their magnifications.
Low power (4X)
Medium power (10X)
High power (40X)
The ____________ is calculated by multiplying the strength of the two lenses (oscular and objective lenses)
The resolution or __________ of your microscope is very important and is widely variable among microscopes.
resolving power
We use the ___________microscopes that are moncular which means they have one eyepiece.
A.O. (American Optical)
Moving the ____________ left or right changes the intensity of the light.
iris diaphragm rocker-lever
The ___________ is used to improve the image.
fine focusing knob
The ___________ is used to move the low objective close to the slide.
coarse focusing knob
What are the two major types of prokaryotic cells?
Bacteria and cyanobacteria
What are the three common bacterial shapes?
rod, cocci, and spirilla
Eukaryoyes have a _________ which prokaryotes do not have.
Plant cells have a ________ and ________ which animal cells do not have.
cell wall, chrloplasts
Gram positive stain ________ while gram negative stain _____.
purple; pink
Cyanobacteria are also called __________.
blue green algae
Eukaryotic cells include what?
humans, plants, animals, fungi, and protists.
Some protists ingest their own food which mean they are __________.
The __________ is a protist that uses cilia for locomotion.
In Lab 3, the Tetrahymena uses _________ to move.
In Lab 3, Amoeba uses _________ to move.
Erythrocytes are ________ and have no nucleus.
red blood cells
Leucocytes are _____________ and their nucleus is easy to see.
white blood cells
In Lab 3, what are the two types of white blood cells?
neutrophils and lymphocytes
The neutrophils have a ____________ nucleus.
The lymphocytes are smaller than the neutrophils and have a _________ nucleus.
In Lab 3, while observing the Elodea in the center of the cell was a ___________a and green spheres called _________ which move by a process called ___________.
central vacoule, chrloplasts, cyclosis
In Lab 3, we had to measure the length of the ______________.
onion epidermal cells
An __________ uses an elestron source to view an image.
electron microscope
What are the two basic types of electron microscopes?
scanning and transmission
A _____________ is used to view the surface of cells.
scanning electron microscope
A ____________ is used mainly to view the interior of the thinly sectioned cells such that membranes, organelles, and other features can be studied.
transmission electron microscope
Paramecium, Tetrahymena, and Amoeba are all ____________.
In Lab 4 it was discovered that as temperature increaes the molecules move faster. Why?
Because they have more kinetic energy
In Lab 4, _____________ was used to see the effect of temperature on the rate of simple diffusion.
potassium permanganate
In Lab 4, the instructors added _____ and _____ to the diffusion bomb.
HCL and NH3
How does molecular weight of a compound affect the rate of diffusion?
The smaller a compound is the faster it will move and vice versa
In Lab 4, to see how Brownian works what was used?
Lampblack and detergent
In Lab 4, to discover how plasmolysis works an ________ was put in a hypotonic and hypertonic solution.
___________ is the random movement of molecules and atoms resulting from their own kinetic energy.
Molecular activity
__________ is when comparing 2 solutions, it is the solution that has the lower concentration of solute particles.
__________ is when comparing 2 solutions, it is the solution that has the higher concentration of solute particles.
___________ is the tendency of water to move across a selectively permeable membrane.
Osmotic potential
___________ is the pressure that the fluid contents of a plant cell exerts against the inside of the cell wall.
Turgor pressure
__________ is the solute concentration.
In Lab 5, the enzyme used is _________________.
catechol oxidase
In Lab 5 ____________ was used to see if it could replace catechol.
In Lab 6 if bromthymol blue is __________ no CO2 is present, if it is ___________ some CO2 is present, if it is ___________ much CO2 is present.
blue, green, yellow
In Lab 7 to see the separation of plant pigments ___________ was used.
pet ether
In Lab 7 pigments willmigrate at different distances up the chromatography paper based on their ______________ and _______________.
solubility on the solvent and how much a particular pigment tends to absorb to the paper.
In Lab 7 which pigment was most soluble in pet ether?
In Lab 7 which pigment absorbed the paper?
chrolophyll a
A ____________ is an instrument with a prism that can break white light into its spectrum colors.
In Lab 7 why do you not see all the colors?
Because the filter shows colors that are reflected back and the colors senn on the spectrum are the reject colors.
How is photolysis important?
O2 is produced from water and water now gives the leftover electrons to chlorophyll a to replace those that were lost.
In Lab 7 the ___________ provides a source of CO2 for the plant.
sodium bicarbonate
In Lab 7 to show the storage of starch in leaves __________ was used.
Where is the starch stored in a leaf?
Near the chlorphyll/chlorplasts where sugar is made.
In Lab 3, ________ was the blue grren algae/cyanobacteria used.
Aerobic respiration uses oxygen and produces ______ ATPS while anaerobic respiration does not use osygen and produces ____ ATPS.
38, 2
In Lab 6, why did the temperature change in the thermos containing beans?
Because ATP is a byproduct of heat.
In Lab 3, ________ was the blue grren algae/cyanobacteria used.
Aerobic respiration uses oxygen and produces ______ ATPS while anaerobic respiration does not use osygen and produces ____ ATPS.
38, 2
In Lab 6, why did the temperature change in the thermos containing beans?
Because ATP is a byproduct of heat.
In Lab 8, we studied mitosis in plant cells by looking at ____________. Most of the cells we looked at were in interphase.
an onion root tip
In Lab 8, we learned that a ____________ is a cell that has condensed DNA that s visible as chromosomes.
mitotic cell
In Lab 8, how did we prepare and stain the onion cells for the study of mitosis?
We removed an entire root by snapping it off near the onion. Then we obtained a clean slide and cut off 2 mm of the root tip onto the slide. Then we covered the root tip with 3 drops of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and then we warmed it for 3 minutes over the alcohol lamp. Then we removed slide from flame and let it cool and then we covered the root tip with 0.5% aqueous toluidine blue. Repeat this again but warm it for 5 minutes and then after that locate mitotic cells.
In Lab 8, what structure did the toluidine blue stain?
It stains the nucleus; chromosomes in particular.
In Lab 8, what segment of the root is not suitable or preparing a specimen of mitotic cells?
the main part of the root
In Lab 8, to see mitosis in animal cells we used a _______________.
whitefish embryo; was used b/c embryos undergo vey rapid growth by repeated mitotic divisions.
In Lab 8, we discovered that animal cells and plant cells differ in 2 ways with respect to mitosis. What are they?
Animal cells have centrioles but do not have a cell plate like plants
In Lab 9, we learned that meiosis is sometimes called _______________.
reduction division
In Lab 9, when we simulated meosis I and II by using chromosome models (beads) what were the colors represented for the motehr and father?
In Lab 9, we learned that a homologous pair is a ___________.
In Lab 9, we learned that in crossing over the areas that interwine and break are called __________.
In Lab 9, we studied meiosis and fertilization by looking at a ____________ which has a high reproductive rate.
nematode (ascaris lumbricodes)
In Lab 9, when we studied meoisis and fertilization we looked at 3 slides. What were they called?
sperm entrance, maturation, and pronuclei stage.
In Lab 10, we studied the monohybrid cross by using _________________.
tobacco seedlings
In Lab 10, we studied the dihybrid cross by using _________.
In Lab 10, when we played the AU Critter game the body shape and leg lenght are inherited by ___________ and eye number is inherited by ___________.
complete, incomplete
In Lab 11, we learned that _________________ is a technique that separates proteins based on their size, isoelectric pont, and electrical charge.
gel electrophoresis of proteins
In Lab 11, the gel that is used is called ___________.
In Lab 11, we learnd that a ___________ is a protein that carries oxygen in the bloodstream.
In Lab 11, what did we learn was the difference between a normal hemoglobin and a sickle cell hemoglobin?
A normal hemoglobin has the amino acid glutamic acid but sickle cell hemoglobin has valine. Thus there is a change in the primary structure of the protein (one amino acid substiitution).
In Lab 11, to see DNA we used a _____________.
In Lab 12, we used _______, _______, and _______ beads to determine natural selection and the bottleneck effect.
red, white, and pink