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211 Cards in this Set

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The water molecule has the ability to dissolve many substances. What characteristic makes it such a versatile solvent?
The water molecule is polar
If three molecules of a fatty acid, each having the formula C16H22O2, were joined to a molecule of glycerol (C3H8O3), the resulting molecule would have the formula ...
C51 H68 O6
Which of the following is true of the fatty acid C16H22O2?

It is hydrophilic.
It is unsaturated.
It is a polymer.
It is saturated
It is unsaturated
Why are most organic molecules based on the carbon atom?
Carbon can form covalent bonds with four other atoms; therefore, organic molecules can be very complex
Which level of protein structure is ultimately responsible for the shape of a protein?
Acid rain affects the pH of freshwater streams and creeks far more than it does the saltwater marsh creeks. What might account for this difference?
the presence of pH buffers in saltwater marshes
What is the highest level of protein structure exhibited by the functional hemoglobin molecule, a molecule composed of four separate protein chains?
Quaternary structure is seen only in those proteins that combine with other proteins to achieve their full functionality
Which of the following complex carbohydrates is a form of stored energy in plants?
Which of the following lipid molecules is NOT a steroid?

stearic acid
Stearic acid is a type of fatty acid, not a steroid.
Which of the following have the carboxyl (carboxylic acid) functional group as part of their chemical structure?

A amino acids
B fatty acids
C acid rain
both A & B
all of the above
both A & B
A chemical "buffer" ...
is utilized in living systems to maintain correct pH.

can absorb a H+ when the solution becomes too acidic.

can donate a H+ when the solution becomes too basic.

All of the above are correct.
All of the above are correct.

Correct. Buffers maintain correct pH by either donating or absorbing excess H+ when the solution becomes too basic or too acidic
Which of the following is NOT part of a nucleotide's molecular structure?

a sugar
a buffer
a nitrogenous base
a phosphate
a buffer
Which of the following terms refers to a sequence of amino acids coiling into a helix or folding into pleats as a result of electrochemical bonding and repulsion forces operating on the amino acids?

tertiary structure
quaternary structure
primary structure
secondary structure
secondary structure
Of the following numbers, which would indicate the highest concentration of H+?

pH 14
pH 10
pH 1
pH 7
pH 4
pH 1

The pH scale is based on the inverse logarithm of the H+ concentration; thus, the lower the pH, the higher the H+ concentration
Hydrophilic molecules are attracted to water because ...
they have atoms with charges on them.
Which of the major types of biological molecules does NOT consist of monomers and polymers?

nucleic acids
Answer: lipids

Although some lipids are created by the combination of similar molecules (triglycerides), others are not (steroids).
When amino acids are joined together to form a polypeptide chain, a waste molecule is given off as a result of this chemical reaction. What is this "waste" molecule?

nucleic acid
Answer: water

One -H and one -OH are removed and combined to form one molecule of water.
Why are phospholipids said to have a "dual nature"?
Answer:because they are part hydrophilic and part hydrophobic

Because they have both natures, they can exist at the border between these two conditions
Nucleotides are used for several functions in cells. Which of the following is NOT a correct function for a nucleotide?

used to build deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

used as a chemical carrier of energy

used to build plant cell walls

used to build ribonucleic acid (RNA)
used to build plant cell walls
Near an ocean or other large body of water, air temperatures do not vary as much with the seasons as they do in the middle of a continent. This tendency of water to resist changes in temperature is the result of water's

low specific heat
low density
high density
high specific heat
being a good solvent
high specific heat
A frog survives a freezing-cold winter on the bottom of a pond because

Water has a low specific heat.

Ice, which floats on water, insulates the water beneath it.

The surface tension of water protects the frog's body.

The cells of a frog's body cannot freeze.

All of these are factors.
Ice, which floats on water, insulates the water beneath it.
Janine has dry skin, so she uses body oil every morning. The oil seals in some of the water on her skin, so that it doesn't get as dry. This is possible because oils:
are hydrophobic
Detergent added to water disrupts the network of hydrogen bonds between water molecules. One way entomologists (biologists who study insects) trap bees for population surveys is to place a tray of sugar water in the field to which they add a few drops of detergent. The bees are attracted to the sugar water and they land on its surface. Why do these investigators bother adding detergent when they know its sugar that bees are attracted to?

They want to wash off any bee that's gathered.

Bees will sink into water with fewer hydrogen bonds, and so cannot escape.

Water without hydrogen bonds is toxic to bees and therefore makes an effective trap.

The detergent works with sugar to make the trays more attractive.

Water without hydrogen bonds is a much more effective bee attractant.
Bees will sink into water with fewer hydrogen bonds, and so cannot escape.
When you eat starch such as spaghetti, an enzyme in your mouth breaks it down to maltose. Eventually, the maltose enters your small intestine, where it is broken down to glucose, which you can absorb into your bloodstream.
The starch is a _____,
the maltose is a _____,
and the glucose is a(n)_____.
polysaccharide disaccharide monosaccharide
In some vintage science fiction movies space travelers find themselves on a planet orbiting a distant star in which there are curious forms of life based on silicon instead of carbon. Although the story clearly is sci-fi, there is an aura of plausibility in the choice of silicon, an atom with 14 protons, in place of carbon as this alien life-form's central atom. This is because silicon:
has 4 electrons in its outer-most shell.
The myoglobin protein, which carries oxygen in muscle cells, has only the first three levels of protein structure. In other words, it lacks a quaternary level. From this you can conclude that myoglobin

lacks hydrogen bonds

is made of only one polypeptide chain

is made of nucleic acids

is a fiber

is not helical or pleated
is made of only one polypeptide chain
You received your genetic information from your parents in the form of DNA. This DNA carried the instructions for making
John is lactose intolerant. The -ose ending indicates that John cannot digest a certain
Which of the following is formed by the sharing of electrons between two atoms that do not differ in electronegativities?

an isotope

an ionic bond

a hydrogen bond

a nonpolar covalent bond

a polar covalent bond
a nonpolar covalent bond
Which of the following is the bond formed between the oxygen atom and the two hydrogen atoms in a molecule of water?

ionic bonds


hydrogen bonds

polar covalent bonds
polar covalent bonds
The drawings of atoms in your text are actually based on the "planetary model" of what an atom looks like. If a three-dimensional model of an atom could be constructed that was as big as the room you are sitting in, most of the atom's volume would be occupied by

empty space.

the protons.

the neutrons.

the electrons.
empty space.

Atoms have a very compact nucleus with tiny electrons orbiting at relatively long distances away from the center.
In an atom that has not undergone any type of chemical reaction, the number of electrons
is always equal to the number of protons.
The primary reason that atoms form chemical bonds is so they can ...(
move into a more stable energy state.
Protons and neutrons are said to have a mass of approximately 1 dalton each. Recall that electrons are thought to have virtually no mass. Therefore, a hydrogen atom (with an atomic number of 1) would have a mass of approximately 1 dalton, and an oxygen atom (with an atomic number of 8) would have a mass of approximately 16 daltons. How much mass would one molecule of water have?
18 daltons

Correct. Matter is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction. When atoms are combined in chemical bonds, the mass of each atom is conserved in the molecule.
Look carefully at the following chemical equation. What is incorrect about this equation? 3 C + 16 H -----> 3 CH4
There are 16 H on the left side of the equation and only 12 H on the right side of the equation.
Nitric oxide is a common type of "free radical" found in human cells. Free radicals are defined as ...
a molecule that contains an atom that has an unpaired electron.
When you pour salt into water and stir, the salt will disappear. Which of the following statements is true concerning this phenomenon?

Water is a good solute for salt.

Water is a good solvent for polar molecules.

Salt is insoluble in water.

Salt is a good solvent for water.
Water is a good solvent for polar molecules.
Before the nature of atoms was known, many men (known as alchemists) tried to turn iron into gold. However, none of them ever succeeded. If you could truly turn iron into gold, how would you do it?

by inserting protons into the nuclei of the iron atoms

by adding additional neutrons to the nuclei of the iron atoms

by melting the iron and mixing it with melted silver

by allowing the iron to undergo a chemical reaction with oxygen
by inserting protons into the nuclei of the iron atoms
When a water molecule is formed ...

two atoms of hydrogen share electrons with an oxygen atom.

two covalent bonds are formed between one oxygen and two hydrogens.

the oxygen atom takes on a partial negative charge and the hydrogen atoms take on a partial positive charge.

All of the above are correct.
All of the above are correct.

Shared pairs of electrons form covalent bonds. If one atom is more electronegative than the other, then a polar covalent bond is formed.
The identity of a chemical element is determined by ...
the number of protons in the nucleus
Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen that contains three subatomic particles in its nucleus. The three particles are ...
one proton and two neutrons.

Tritium is only one of the isotopes of hydrogen; Deuterium is the other, with one proton and one neutron.
Salt molecules dissolve in water because ...
they have atoms with charges on them.
The primary elements that are used to build the human body are ...
carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
If an atom has an atomic number of 7, how many electrons would be in the atom's outer shell?
In the formation of a salt molecule (NaCl) ...

Cl loses one outer-shell electron and becomes a positive Cl ion.

Na loses its outer-shell electron and becomes a positive Na ion.

Na gains an outer-shell electron to become a negative Na ion.

Cl gains an outer-shell electron and becomes a positive Cl ion.
Na loses its outer-shell electron and becomes a positive Na ion.
Some molecules are known as "signals" because they signal the beginning of certain cellular functions. In order for a signal to do its job though, it must bind to a specific "receptor" on the cell's surface. What is the most critical factor in signal/receptor binding?
The shapes of both the signal and the receptor are critical.
The following is the chemical formula for the molecule carbon dioxide: O=C=O. The two lines that connect each oxygen atom to the one carbon atom represent ...
two shared pairs of electrons.
Free radicals are potentially damaging atoms or molecules that are created in our cells during metabolic processes. They initiate damage to our bodies by ...

damaging the mitochondria in our cells, which may result in the aging of our bodies.

irritating and scarring artery walls, causing artery-clogging fatty deposits to develop.

producing mutations in our DNA, which can lead to cancer.

All of the above are correct.
All of the above are correct.
Carbon is an element with an atomic number of 6. Based on this information, which of the following statements is true? (More than one may be true.)

a. Carbon can be broken down into simpler component substances.

b. Carbon cannot be broken down into simpler component substances.

c. Each carbon atom will always have 6 neutrons.

d. Each carbon atom will always have 6 protons.

e. Protons + electrons = 6

f. Both b and d are true.
f. Both b and d are true.
Suppose that you are reviewing for a test, and some fellow students say that the equation for photosynthesis is 6CO2 + H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2. How would you reply?

The CO2 is held together by ionic bonds.

There are 12 carbons in sugar.

A hydrogen bond holds the two hydrogens to the oxygen in the water molecule.

They are right.

The way this equation is written violates the law of the conservation of matter.
The way this equation is written violates the law of the conservation of matter.
Neon used to be called an inert gas because it.
has a filled outer shell
Oxygen and hydrogen differ in their electronegativity. Thus
They can share electrons, but unequally.
A molecule that does not have a net electrical charge at one end as opposed to the other is:
a nonpolar molecule
You add sugar to black coffee, and the sugar dissolves. Thus the coffee is the _____ and the sugar is the _____.
solvent … solute
The two strands of a DNA molecule are held together because large numbers of hydrogens that are covalently bonded to oxygen or nitrogen in one strand are weakly attracted to oxygens or nitrogens in the opposite strand. Therefore the two strands of DNA are held together by
hydrogen bonds
While baking cookies for a friend, you're having a hard time keeping your roommate from eating them because the smell is driving her wild. She is able to smell the cookies because the molecules wafting from them
have a shape that allows them to bind to receptors in her nose
Which of the following statements concerning prokaryotes and eukaryotes is probably valid?

Prokaryotes lack DNA, while eukaryotes possess DNA.

The nuclei of eukaryotes are descended from prokaryotes.

Prokaryotes are not a very successful group of living organisms, while eukaryotes have been very successful.

Mitochondria are about the same size as a prokaryotic cell.

Prokaryotes are all unicellular, while eukaryotes are all multicellular.
Mitochondria are about the same size as a prokaryotic cell.
Which of the following cell structures is NOT an extension of the cell's cytoskeleton?




All of the above ARE extensions of the cell's cytoskeleton.
All of the above ARE extensions of the cell's cytoskeleton.
Which of these organisms usually requires oxygen to live?



both prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Answer: eukaryotes

Most eukaryotes have mitochondria that use oxygen to support metabolism (the extraction of energy from food.)
Which were probably the first living cells to appear on Earth?
Which of these organisms can be unicellular?



both prokaryotes and eukaryotes
both prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Which of the following best summarizes the movement of a protein molecule from the time it is formed until it is secreted from the cell?
ribosome --> rough ER --> Golgi body --> transport
vesicle --> plasma membrane

ribosome --> smooth ER --> nucleoli --> transport vesicle --> plasma membrane

rough ER --> ribosome --> transport vesicle --> mitochondria --> plasma membrane

ribosome --> rough ER --> mitochondria --> Golgi body --> transport vesicle --> plasma membrane
ribosome --> rough ER --> Golgi body --> transport vesicle --> plasma membrane
Many antibiotics kill bacteria because they hamper the function of prokaryotic ribosomes. Which of the following cellular processes is directly altered by antibiotics?

synthesis of proteins

intracellular digestion

production of mRNA

tagging of proteins with molecular markers
synthesis of proteins
The cells of the pancreas secrete large amounts of insulin into the bloodstream. Where are these proteins synthesized?
rough ER
The membrane of which organelle is perforated with pores that regulate the passage of large molecules such as mRNA?
Which organelles are very prevalent in cells that secrete steroid sex hormones such as cells of the ovaries and testes?
smooth ER
The primary function of the nucleolus is to ...
protect the DNA and produce ribosomes
The organelle that is responsible for sorting and shipping proteins to the appropriate places in the cell is the ...
Golgi apparatus.

Along with sorting and shipping, the Golgi also modifies proteins, making them functional.
The organelle responsible for energy production is the ...

Correct. The mitochondria are responsible for taking food and oxygen and producing ATP
Which of the following organelles is NOT found in plant cells?

rough endoplasmic reticulum



Which of the following cell structures is NOT found in animal cells?


smooth endoplasmic

cell wall

Which of the following organelles contains digestive enzymes?




What is the primary reason that most cells are small?
to maximize the surface-area-to-volume ratio
Which of these molecules is a product of photosynthesis that occurs inside plant chloroplasts?




carbon dioxide
Which of these cytoskeletal filaments is primarily responsible for anchoring the organelles inside the cell's cytoplasm?


intermediate filaments


intermediate filaments
In the following list, which is the smallest structure?

plant cell



Jerome has strep throat, a bacterial infection. The cause of the infection is
prokaryotic cells
Where would you expect to find a cytoskeleton?
throughout the cytosol
Suppose Dr. Hyde found a cell that had many mitochondria, a nucleus, a cell wall made of cellulose, and an endoplasmic reticulum, as well as many other parts. He might assume that he has found
a plant cell
Cells in the pancreas manufacture large amounts of protein. Which of these would you expect to find a large amount of, or number of, in pancreatic cells?

rough endoplasmic reticulum

smooth endoplasmic reticulum



plasma membrane
rough endoplasmic reticulum
Heart muscle cells have a number of gap junctions connecting them to their adjoining cells. From this you can conclude that heart muscle cells
communicate frequently
Which is the correct ranking of these “small” things, from smallest to largest? (Use typical sizes.)

bacteria < atoms < amino acids < proteins < animal cells

animal cells < atoms < bacteria < proteins < amino acids

bacteria < animal cells < atoms < amino acids < proteins

atoms < proteins < amino acids < animal cells < bacteria infection

atoms < amino acids < proteins < bacteria < animal cells
atoms < amino acids < proteins < bacteria < animal cells
Cells need large amounts of ribosomal RNA to make proteins. The ribosomal RNA is made in a specialized structure known as _____, which is found in _____.
the nucleolus … the nucleus
Many antibiotics work by blocking the function of ribosomes. Therefore, these antibiotics will:

block protein synthesis

prevent the movement of proteins through nuclear pores

make the two nuclear membranes fuse into one

block DNA synthesis

block RNA synthesis
block protein synthesis
___________are compounds with the same chemical formula but different structures.
a Monossaccharide is a ?

Monomer or Polymer

example glucose, fructose
A polysaccharide is a ?

Monomer or Polymer

example starch, glycogen
an Amino acid is a?

Monomer or Polymer

Example arginine, leucine
A polypeptide or protein is a?

Monomer or Polymer

example A- and B- chains of insulin and insulin itself
A nucleotide is a?

Monomer or Polymer

sugar, phosphate
a Nucleic acid is a?

Monomer or a Polymer

example : DNA ,RNA
the thin layer of protein and fat that surrounds the cell. The cell membrane is semipermeable, allowing some substances to pass into the cell and blocking others.
cell membrane
(also called the "microtubule organizing center") a small body located near the nucleus - it has a dense center and radiating tubules. The centrosomes is where microtubules are made. During cell division (mitosis), the centrosome divides and the two parts move to opposite sides of the dividing cell. The centriole is the dense center of the centrosome
the jellylike material outside the cell nucleus in which the organelles are located.
a flattened, layered, sac-like organelle that looks like a stack of pancakes and is located near the nucleus. It produces the membranes that surround the lysosomes.
Golgi body (also called the Golgi apparatus or golgi complex)

The Golgi body packages proteins and carbohydrates into membrane-bound vesicles for "export" from the cell.
(also called cell vesicles) round organelles surrounded by a membrane and containing digestive enzymes. This is where the digestion of cell nutrients takes place
spherical to rod-shaped organelles with a double membrane. The inner membrane is infolded many times, forming a series of projections (called cristae).

The mitochondrion converts the energy stored in glucose into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for the cell.
the membrane that surrounds the nucleus
nuclear membrane
it is where ribosomal RNA is produced. Some cells have more than one nucleolus.

an organelle within the nucleus -
spherical body containing many organelles, including the nucleolus. The nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell (by controlling protein synthesis) and contains DNA (in chromosomes).

The nucleus is surrounded by the nuclear membrane.
small organelles composed of RNA-rich cytoplasmic granules that are sites of protein synthesis
a vast system of interconnected, membranous, infolded and convoluted sacks that are located in the cell's cytoplasm
rough endoplasmic reticulum - (rough ER)

(the ER is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane). Rough ER is covered with ribosomes that give it a rough appearance. Rough ER transports materials through the cell and produces proteins in sacks called cisternae (which are sent to the Golgi body, or inserted into the cell membrane).
a vast system of interconnected, membranous, infolded and convoluted tubes that are located in the cell's cytoplasm
smooth endoplasmic reticulum - (smooth ER)

the ER is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane). The space within the ER is called the ER lumen. Smooth ER transports materials through the cell. It contains enzymes and produces and digests lipids (fats) and membrane proteins; smooth ER buds off from rough ER, moving the newly-made proteins and lipids to the Golgi body, lysosomes, and membran
fluid-filled, membrane-surrounded cavities inside a cell. it fills with food being digested and waste material that is on its way out of the cell.
any time an OH is added to a hydrocarbon what type of substance is formed ?
A group of atoms that confers a special property on a carbon base model
Functional group
Functional group

Carboxyl (-COOH)

Fatty acids, amino acids
Functional Group

Hydroxyl (-OH)

Alcohols, carbohydrates
Functional Group

Amino (-NH2)

Amino Acids
Functional Group

Phosphate (-PO4)

take a monosaccharide like glucose combine it with another monosaccharide like fructose and you have?
A disaccharide called sucrose

commonly known as sugar
If you put many monosaccharides together what do you get?
A polysaccharide such as starch
A polysaccharide such as starch is an example of ?
A polymer - A large molecule made of many simular or identical sub-units
If a Monomer is....

A monosaccharide( ex. glucose, fructose)

The Polymer would be...
A polysaccharide ( starch, Glycogen, Cellulose)
If a Monomer is....

An amino Acid (arginine, Leucine)

The Polymer would be...
A polypeptide or protein (A- and B- insulin are polypeptides and insulin is a protien
If a Monomer is....

A nucleotide (sugar, phosphate,base in combonation)

The Polymer would be...
A nucleic acid ( DNA or RNA)
Maltose is created by ?
the joining of two Glucose molecules this also produces a water molecule.
the poly in saccharides means
starch , glycogen, cellulose, and chitin are all diffrent types of ?
complex carbohydrates
______is a complex carbohydrate found in plants
______is a complex carbohydrate stored in animals
______is a structural complex carbohydrate produced by plants and other organisms
The most abundent complex carbohydrate on earth?
Cellulose is important to people it is our major source of________?
insoluble fiber
Carbohydrates are organic molecules that alway contain___________, _________,And _______________.
Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen
Makes up a large portion of the outer "skin" or cuticle of arthropods
Lipids do not disolve in ______
The most common lipid
Three fatty acids forming with a glycerol form a ?
Triglyceride form __% of all lipid weight in food
_____ is a molecule found in many lipids that is composed of a hydrocarbon chain bonded to a carboxyl group.
Fatty acid
A fatty acid with no double bonds between the carbon atoms of it hydrocarbon chain
Saturated fatty acid
A fatty acid with one double bonds between the carbon atoms of it hydrocarbon chain
Monounsaturated fatty acid
A fatty acid with two or more double bonds between the carbon atoms of it hydrocarbon chain
polyunsaturated fatty acid
Saturated fats tend to be _____ at room temperature while unsaturated fats tend to be _______?
Solid , liquid (oils)
class of lipids that has a central element in their structure, four carbon rings
Cholesterol, testosterone, and estrogen are all forms of

testosterone, and estrogen are forms of hormonal Steroids
The _________ in carrots stores energy
The _________ in cows stores energy
When we eat carrots the starch is broken down into?
When we eat meat the fat is broken down into?
Glycerol and fatty acids
in carbohydrates_________ can be used as an imediate energy source
in Fats _________ can be used as an imediate energy source
Glycerol and Fatty acid
Glucose is stored in the body for future use as______.
which is stored in the liver nad muscles for later use
Glycerol and Fatty acids can be stored in the body for later use by converting to?

which is stored in the fat cells
a ______________ is a charged lipid molecule composed of two fatty acids, glycerol and a phosphate group
most plants whos surface is exposed to the air will have a covering called a _________ composed largely of _____________
Cuticle composed largely of wax
A________ can be defined as a lipid composed of a single fatty acid linked to a long chain alcohol
almost every chemical reaction that takes place in a living thing is enabled by a particular kind of protein called an?
Cells can increase the number or size of some organelles in response to new demands. The amount of one organelle often is increased dramatically in the livers of alcoholics. Based on what you know of organelle function, this organelle is the:
smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
Which of the following are composed of only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen?
An example of an important organic molecule that may contain the —NH2 group is:
an enzyme.
The cytoskeleton of animal cells really is a bit like the skeleton of the whole animal in the way it provides structure to cells. But the cytoskeleton is also like another important part of animals. This is the:
muscular system.
Carbon is such an important molecule for life because:
it can form chemical bonds with a maximum of four other atoms.
Polysaccharides are made up of:
Sugar is an organic molecule because it contains:
carbon and oxygen
Which of the following is/are true of steroids?

a. They exist naturally in humans as hormones.
b. If people inject male steroid hormones, they can build muscle mass, but they can have side effects.
c. Cholesterol is a steroid.
d. A and B are true.
all are true
all are true.
Your cousin eats only rice. Her diet will be very high in which of the following types of biological molecules?




The surface-to-volume ratio of a cube 1 centimeter on a side is 6 (the cube has a surface area of 6 square centimeters, a volume of 1 cubic centimeter). What would be the surface-to-volume ratio of a cube 2 centimeters on a side?
Two organelles that are believed to be remnants of unicellular bacteria are:

mitochondria and ER.

ribosomes and chloroplasts.

ER and flagella.

mitochondria and chloroplasts.

flagella and ribosomes.
mitochondria and chloroplasts.
Saturated fats are usually found in:

a. a beef steak.

b. canola oil.

c. safflower oil.

d. coconut oil.

e. both A and D
e. both A and D
Which of the following is a characteristic of plant cells and not animal cells?




a central vacuole
a central vacuole only in plant
Which choice is the best description of what is happening?
A RNA copy of the DNA moves into the cytoplasm, where it docks with a ribosome to produce proteins.
You notice that water is running off the feathers of a bird in the rain. The reason is probably that the bird has coated the feathers with ________, which keeps the water out of them.



nucleic acids

You isolate a cell with the following characteristics: (1) no nucleus, (2) no requirement for oxygen, and (3) 2 μm in size. This cell could be:

a. a bacterium.

b. an animal cell.

c. a plant cell.

d. A or B

e. A, B, or C
a bacterium.
The basic building compartments of life on this planet are called:





DNA is made up of:

Mitochondria and chloroplasts are similar to one another in that:

a. both capture the energy of the sun during photosynthesis and store it as sugar.

b. both convert the energy of the sugar into ATP for use by the cell.

c. both are present in all eukaryotic cells.

d. both have their own DNA and are surrounded by a double membrane.
both convert the energy of the sugar into ATP for use by the cell.
One of the main structural ingredients of the eukaryotic plant cell wall is:

a. cellulose.

b. granola.

c. protein.

d. mitochondria.

e. glucose.
The cytoskeleton is composed of:

a. microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.

b. microfilaments, cilia, and intermediate filaments.

c. microfilaments, microtubules, and lysosomes.

d. microfilaments, mitochondria, and intermediate filaments.

e. microtubules, intermediate filaments, and cilia.
microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.
Which of the following are associated with matter and energy transfers in eukaryotic cells?
chloroplasts and mitochondria
Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?
Alpha helixes, in proteins, are an example of:
secondary structure.
Animal cells need oxygen most directly to:

a. produce ATP.

b. produce DNA.

c. secrete enzymes.
produce ATP.
The cytoskeleton is composed of
microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.
Which level of protein structure dictates the shape a protein will take?
Your roommate does not believe that it is possible to turn liquid oil into solid margarine. Which of the following statements would explain to your roommate how it can be done?

Change the double bonds in the fatty acids of the oil into single bonds by adding more hydrogen atoms.

Use more unsaturated fatty acids to make the product.

Reduce the number of fatty acids attached to each glycerol in the oil.

Put a polyunsaturated fat in the refrigerator, because unsaturated fats become solids more readily than do saturated fats.

Add more double bonds to the fatty acids in the oil.
Correct. This would produce fatty acids similar in structure to saturated fatty acids, which are solids.
Change the double bonds in the fatty acids of the oil into single bonds by adding more hydrogen atoms
Proteins are made up of _________.
amino acids
DNA is made up of ____________.
Indicate which of the following choices correctly ranks the given objects in size, from smallest to largest.

a. protein, virus, bacterium, animal cell, frog egg
b. bacterium, virus, protein, animal cell, frog egg
c. virus, protein, bacterium, animal cell, frog egg
d. protein, virus, bacterium, frog egg, animal cell
e. protein, bacterium, virus, animal cell, frog egg
e. protein, bacterium, virus, animal cell, frog egg
Nucleic acids primarily function in ______.

structural support


hereditary information (DNA)

chemical signaling
hereditary information (DNA)

Correct. DNA is the source of hereditary information.
Which choice below correctly matches organelle with function?
a. lysosome — energy generation
b. mitochondria — food generation
c. cytoskeleton — recycling of materials
d. smooth endoplasmic reticulum — lipid production
b. mitochondria — food generation
When amino acids are joined to form a polypeptide chain, a waste molecule is given off as a result of the chemical reaction. What is this waste molecule? (See book section: 3.5 Proteins)
Which of the following about the fatty acid C16H22O2 is true? (See book section: 3.4 Lipids)

It is a polymer.

It is unsaturated.

It is saturated.

It is hydrophilic.
It is unsaturated.

Correct. A 16-carbon fatty acid would have to have 32 hydrogen atoms to be saturated. Remember that carbon always forms four bonds.
Which of the following lipid molecules is a steroid?




Prokaryotic cells lack:
a. DNA.
b. proteins.
c. internal compartmentalization.
d. ribosomes.
internal compartmentalization.
What maintains cell shape, anchors organelles in place, and moves materials within a cell?
Which of the following are composed of only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen?

a. DNA
b. amino acids
c. phospholipids
d. glucose
Which of the following is a lipid?


a polypeptide


a nucleotide
Sucrose is composed of a molecule of glucose and a molecule of fructose. What type of carbohydrate is sucrose?




fruit sugar

complex carbohydrate
Glycogen is an example of a ____________.




Cells can increase the number or size of some organelles in response to new demands. The amount of one organelle often is increased dramatically in the livers of alcoholics. Based on what you know of organelle function, this organelle is the:
smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
Which cell type can produce proteins?
a. neither prokaryotes nor eukaryotes

b. both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

c. prokaryotes only

d. eukaryotes only
both prokaryotes and eukaryotes
If three molecules of a fatty acid, each having the formula C16H22O2, were joined to a molecule of glycerol (C3H8O3), the resulting molecule would have the formula ______. (See book section: 3.3 The Molecules of Life: Carbohydrates)






Correct. For each chemical reaction linking a fatty acid to a glycerol, a water molecule is lost.
A triglyceride contains ________ fatty acid chains, whereas a phospholipid contains ________ fatty acid chains.
three; two
Which of the following complex carbohydrates is a form of stored energy in plants?





Correct. Starch is the way that plants store the high-energy molecule glucose.
Polysaccharides are made up of:
Glycogen is a polysaccharide used for energy storage by:
The function of the nucleus is to:
contain and replicate the DNA.
Which of the following is the indigestible (at least for humans) glucose polysaccharide that is found in plants?

a. starch

b. chitin

c. cellulose

d. glycogen
Foods that are high in fiber (cellulose) are most likely to be derived from ______.



dairy products


animals fed on grain only

Correct. Plants produce fiber (cellulose).
Which of the following have the carboxyl (carboxylic acid) functional group as part of their chemical structure?

fatty acids only

both amino acids and fatty acids

nucleic acids

amino acids only
both amino acids and fatty acids
Glucose is considered an organic molecule because it contains ______.





Correct. Organic molecules contain carbon
Why are most organic molecules based on the carbon atom?

Carbon has a valence of four and therefore has a strong tendency to form ionic bonds.

Carbon is the source of all fossil fuels.

Carbon is edible, while most other elements are not.

Carbon can form covalent bonds with four other atoms; therefore, organic molecules can be very complex.

Carbon bonds easily with water.
Carbon can form covalent bonds with four other atoms; therefore, organic molecules can be very complex.
The function of ribosomes is to synthesize:
Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

a microtubules – tubulin

b. microfilaments – permanent

c. endomembrane system – cilia

d. intermediate filaments – actin

d. plants.
microtubules – tubulin
Within the cisternae of the RER:

a. proteins get phospholipids added to them.

b. proteins get a side-chain of carbohydrate added to them.

c. proteins assume their tertiary structure.

d. proteins get fatty acids added to them.

e. proteins are synthesized from nucleotides.
c. proteins assume their tertiary structure.
You have isolated a new organism that is 0.5 micrometers in size. This organism is most likely:

a. a plant cell.

b. a bacterium.

c. a virus.

d. an animal cell.

e. This organism could be any of the above.
b. a bacterium.
Butter, which is made from milk fat, tends to be harder at room temperature than most margarines. If you wanted to make a "softer" butter at cool room temperature, you should consider:
a. adding more than three fatty acid chains to the triglycerides.

b. creating more double bonds in the fatty acid chains.

c. making the fatty acid chains longer.

d. saturating the fatty acid chains.

e. making fatty acid chains with fewer kinks.
b. creating more double bonds in the fatty acid chains.
Mitochondria require which of the following in order to function?

a. carbon dioxide
b. ATP
c. oxygen
d. water
Which of the following is evidence that mitochondria may have at one time been independently living bacteria?
a. The sequence of mitochondrial DNA is very similar to that of bacterial DNA.
b. Mitochondria can live and reproduce outside cells in the laboratory.
c. Bacteria, like mitochondria, have internal membranes.
d. Mitochondria can produce their own food.
a. The sequence of mitochondrial DNA is very similar to that of bacterial DNA.