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41 Cards in this Set

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Transfer RNA functions in...
Carrying amino acids to the correct site on the mRNA.
According to current ideas about the DNA genetic code, every possible triplet codes only for some amino acid. TorF
Though a gene codes for the sequence of nucleotides and ultimately for all aspects of a protein's structure it codes directly only for the?
primary structure
Some amino acids are specified by several "synonymous" codons. TorF
As proteins are being synthesized, tRNA molecules are constantly being released from the site of amino acid incorporation. What happens to these tRNA molecules?
They pick up another amino acid of the same type that they had before
Many of the compounds of the Kreb's Cycle and Glycolysis are used to make fatty acids and other important compounds. TorF
A certain gene codes for a polypeptide that is 126 amino acids long. The portion of the gene that codes for this polypeptide is probably how many nucleotides long?
How many possible codes are there from the universal genetic code?
An intron is...?
A RNA sequence that is edited from/cut out of a RNA transcript before translation.
Leaves turn color in the Fall because ____ as days get cooler and shorter.
rate of chlorophyll production decreases
Chemical energy formed from light energy that chlorophyll trapped in the ___ and now is used to make sugar in the ___.
light reaction, dark reaction
Photons having the most energy travel as the longer wavelengths have less energy (yellow-red light). TorF
The different kinds of pigments allow more efficient light absorption by the plant because all of the pigments absorb the same kind/wavelength of light. TorF
Chlorophyll uses magnesium as a needed nutrient because magnesium in part of the chlorophyll molecule. TorF
Why can you walk through a forest without having to fight your way through tall grasses and bushes?
Trees shade out grasses and bushes
Stomata open and close in relation to day length and water conditions. TorF
The purpose of splitting water to release oxygen is to provide electrons to replace those used to reduced NADP to NADPH. TorF
The cells that control the amount of water, CO2, and O2 that enters and leaves the leaf are called?
Guard cells
Tropical plants are often C-4 plants that can carry out photosynthesis at lower temperatures and lower concentrations of carbon dioxide than C-3 plants.
Corn arose in the tropics and therefore is a ____ plant.
The P700 chlorophyll will not use wave lengths of light greater than 700 nm, while the P680 chlorophyll will not use wave lenghts of light greater than 680 nm because there is too littl energy in the longer wave lengths. TorF
The product of cyclic photophosphorylation is ____ and no ____.
The high energy direct products of noncyclic photophosphorylation are ____ and ____.
The products of the light reactions necessary to drive the dark reaction/Calvin cycle are ____.
ATP is produced in photosystem II, while NADPH is produced in photosystem I. TorF
The dark reactions of photosynthesis take place in the ____ of the chloroplast whereas the light reactions take place in the ____.
stroma, thylakoids
The molecular oxygen that is evolved/released during photosynthesis comesw from ____ that has had a ____ stripped from it.
water, electron
Crops are planted in the spring because of the days are getting longer and colder. TorF
The many cells in the mesophyll in a ____ leaf are usually arranged in to a ring around the bundle sheath, while those of a ____ plant are not so arranged.
C-4, C-3
In a C4 plant, carbon dioxide is first fixed/combined with a compound called ____ where as in C-3 plants carbon dioxide is first fixed/combined with a compound called ____.
Under conditions of high light intensity, intense heat, and dryness, a C-3 plant would ____ because both oxygen and carbon dioxide is being used.
Suppose you are studying a plant that is an unusual yellow color. Which color of light would it not use for photosynthesis?
At night CAM plants like cactus fix carbon dioxide with PEPA (C-3) and store it as oxaloacetic acid (C-4) and then fix carbon dioxide again with RiBCO in day light. TorF
How many ATPs (including from NADPH) does it take to make one glucose molecule?
During the cell cycle the three organelles other than the nucleus, that have the ability to deivide would be ____, ____, and ____.
Centriole, chloroplasts, mitochondria
When the chromosomes are lined up along the equator with the members of homologous pairs side by side (synapsed) rather than in different places along the equator, this stage is ____
First metaphase, meiosis
In meiosis and mitosis when the chromosomes are migrating to opposite poles of the cell, this phase is called ____
Synapsis of chromatids of a pair of chromosomes actually occurs during the ____, but is first seen during ____.
G-2, first prophase
How many chromatids would you expect to find in a cell whose diploid chromosome number is 10 at that stage in the meiotic or mitotic cycle when the nuclear membrane first disappears?
Identical twins are esentially close of each other because they are genetically identical in every way, while fraternal twins are not identical. TorF
When two homologous chromosome (DNA) replicate or duplicate themselves each to form two identical chromatids, and then the identical chromatids migrate together to opposite ends of the cell. This is called ____.
Reductional division, meiosis