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39 Cards in this Set

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Two gametes (sex cells) combine during

Sexual reproduction

What is one function of Mitosis?

to equally divide replicated chromosomes into daughter cells

Sperm cells of the Russian dwarf hamster contain 14 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are found in a normal body cell of the Russian dwarf hamster?


A cell with 20 chromosomes undergoes MITOSIS. What will be the end result?

2 daughter cells will be reated and each daughter cell will have 20 chromosomes

What is one function of MEIOSIS?

to create gametes for reproduction

The allele for green pod color (G) is dominant over the allele for yellow pod color (g). What is the genotype for a plant with yellow pods?


Assume that in humans, brown eyes (B) is dominant over blue eyes (b). The mother’s genotype is bb and the father’s is Bb. What are the predicted frequencies of eye color of the children of these parents?

1/2 brown eyes and 1/2 blue eyes

Down syndrome, a genetic disorder caused by an extra 21st chromosome, is caused by ____

multiple alleles

Assume that in humans, brown eyes (B) is dominant over blue eyes (b). The mother’s genotype is bb and the father’s is Bb. What are the predicted frequencies of eye color of the children of these parents?

1/2 brown eyes and 1/2 blue eyes

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that causes serious respiratory problems. Brad and Janet are healthy adults with three children. Two of the children appear to be healthy and one child has cystic fibrosis. The normal allele is represented as C. The disease-causing allele is represented as c. What is Brad’s genotype? What is Janet’s genotype?

Brad = Cc; Janet = Cc

If an organism has two identical alleles for a single trait, for that trait the organism is considered


In humans the gene for polydactyly (having extra fingers or toes) is dominant over the gene for the normal number of digits. If parents who are both homozygous dominant for polydactyly have four children, how many of these children would most likely have extra fingers or toes?


In a certain species of bird, the allele for red feathers (R) is dominant over the allele for green feathers (r). When a heterozygous red-feathered bird is mated with a green-feathered bird, what percentage of the offspring is likely to possess the red feather trait?


A cross between two plants that have pink flowers produced offspring that have red, pink, or white flowers. Which is the most likely explanation for these results?

The allele for flower color shows incomplete dominance

If an individual has two recessive alleles for the same trait, the individual is said to be ____ .

homozygous for the trait

In a Punnett Square, the letters in each box represent what?

one possible genotypic outcome for the offspring

A female guinea pig that is homozygous dominant for black fur color is mated with a male homozygous for white fur. If they had a litter of 8 offspring, what color fur would their offspring have?

All 8 offspring would have black fur.

Tay-Sachs disease is an autosomal recessive disorder. A child is born that is determined to have the disorder, however his parents appear normal. What has probably happened?

Both parents carried the allele for the disorder.

The offspring of sexual reproduction ,,,,

Receives half of its genetic material from each parent.

The offspring of asexual reproduction....

Receives all of its genetic material from one parent.

The typical sex chromosomes of a male human are


Mitosis or Meiosis? Homologous chromosomes pair up along the equator?


Mitosis or Meiosis? Associated with growth and repair of tissues.


Mitosis or Meiosis? Daughter cells are not identical to the parent cell.


Mitosis or Meiosis? Associated with sexual reproduction.


Mitosis or Meiosis? Skin cells would reproduce through this process.


This is an example of a gamete.

Sperm cell

An unfertilized egg is what type of cell?


Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a bacterium that contains a gene that results in the production of a natural pesticide that kills insects. Genetic engineers have successfully inserted this Bt gene into the DNA of some corn varieties, allowing the corn to produce its own pesticide. If a genetically modified corn cell reproduces through mitosis, what is the probability that the daughter cells will contain the inserted gene?

100% of the daughter cells will contain the inserted gene.

When there are two identical alleles for a trait


When there are two different alleles for a trait


This trait is NOT expressed in a hybrid


The actual genetic makeup of an organism; represented by alleles


Describes the physical appearance of an organism


What is the correct relationship between an allele and a gene?

genes are the physical form of allele combinations

Reproductive cells, such as sperm and egg cells, are called


Brown eyes is dominant over blue eyes in humans. What is the likelihood of two blue-eyed parents having a brown -eyed child?


You need to be able to identify these on a diagram

Parts of a nucleotide: sugar, phosphate, base. And be able to circle all three parts to represent a nucleotide.

In the cells of most organisms, DNA is contained in the ____ .
