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73 Cards in this Set

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What are some human activities affecting many streams and rivers?

pollution, dams, invasive species, recreational activities

Which of the following is an important role fungi play?

All of the above are important roles

Which of the following is an example of directional selection?

There is an increase in antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.

In Alabama, what plant do you commonly see that is classified as an invasive species?


The figure below shows the growth curves of two populations of Paramecium, P. aurelia (darker line) and P. caudatum (light grey line).

The top graph illustrates the data when GF Gause grew the paramecium in separate cultures (different petri dishes).

The bottom graph illustrates the data when GF Gause combined the cultures and grew the paramecium in the same habitat (the same petri dish).

From the data, GF Gause concluded that ______.

P. aurelia is the superior competitor in this habitat

What can be inferred from natural selection?

Favorable traits accumulate over time.

In some zoos, rare crosses between a male lion and a female tiger have produced offspring called ligers.

Male ligers are sterile but some female ligers are fertile.

In the wild, lion and tiger ranges do not naturally overlap, making a cross unlikely. The production of sterile male ligers is an example of ________.

a post-zygotic barrier

A population of lizards live on a farm.

On the farm is a green field with a brown wooden fence surrounding it.

The blue birds love to eat lizards.

An illness develops in the lizard population and no lizards on the farm survive. If the blue birds cannot find an alternative food source _________.

They will die.

Ecologists have noted that the next generation of Adelie penguins did not hatch. What is the cause of this?

Unseasonable snow storms drown the eggs.

Which of these is a community?

all of the organisms living in your home

Who studied interspecific competition in two closely related species?

G.F. Gause

What two observations did Charles Darwin start with to help him develop his theory of evolution?

A. Species compete to adapt to their environment.

B. There is variation among individuals.

C. Organisms tend to produce excessive numbers of offspring.

D. Change occurs at a slow steady rate.

B and C only

Which of the following actions increase your carbon footprint?

eating more beef

The competitive exclusion principle states that two species can coexist in a community if their niches are identical. (True or False?)


Species Richness is the total number of different species in a community. (True or False?)


A poisonous dart frog is brightly colored is an example of __________.

warning coloration

The Sahara Desert and the Negev Desert belong to the same _______.


The mark-and-recapture technique is utilized to estimate ________.

Population density

Which of these would be considered a biotic component of your environment?

your friend

The greatest threat to biodiversity comes from ________.

habitat destruction

Which of the following describes allopatric speciation?

A population of frogs is separated by a dam. Through time the populations evolve into distinct species.

Which of the following is a behavioral response to environmental variability?

migrating to a different location

A new mutation that happens to be beneficial can increase in frequency in a bacterial population very rapidly.

If a single individual in the population harbors a mutation that renders it resistant to an antibiotic, there may be millions of resistant bacteria a few hours after antibiotic treatment. The new mutant bacteria would be an example of:

natural selection

Mice eat grain stored in a barn.

The mice are consumed by snakes, which themselves are consumed by hawks.

What trophic level is the snake?

secondary consumer

Improved housing, technology, nutrition, and medicine has led to the human population to grow following an exponential growth curve. (True or False?)


A tick has what type of relationship with a dog?


A population of lizards live on a farm.

On the farm is a green field with a brown wooden fence surrounding it.

The blue birds love to eat lizards.

For a bird to eat the lizard, it must be able to "see" its prey.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Brown lizards living in the grassy area will be preyed upon more.

Sustainable development ___________.

involves all of the above.

What actions can you take to help conserve and protect our environment?

all of the above

Which of the following is in the correct sequential order?

A better breed of corn is created through artificial selection, a tadpole is cloned, a test tube baby is born, Dolly is born

Color-blindness is an example of _______

an X-linked gene

HIV requires an enzyme called _________ to convert its RNA genome to a DNA version.

reverse transcriptase

What is the expected phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation from a true-breeding monohybrid cross?

3 dominant to 1 recessive

If a person has two copies of a gene that are the same, the person is said to be ___________


Which of the following choices best defines "recombinant DNA technology"?

combining genes from different species

Viruses _______________________

only a and b are correct

(a. sit on the fence between life and nonlife

b. use either DNA or RNA as their genetic material)

The scientific study of heredity is called _______________.


Which of the following are potential problems with Genetically Modified (GM) crops and food?

all of the above

Which of Mendel's laws is represented by the following statement: Alleles of each homologous pair separate independently during gamete formation?

Law of independent assortment

Who is credited with determining the structure of DNA?

Watson and Crick

The impact of a single gene on more than one characteristic is an example of ____________ inheritance.


A ___________ is used to determine the genotype of an unknown animal.


In giraffes, long necks (N) are dominant to short necks (n). What is the phenotype of Nn?

long necked

DNA technology has revolutionized forensic science. Several unsolved cases have been solved with this type of evidence, and some convicted persons have been exonerated with DNA evidence.

What is the type of technology shown in the image?

Gel Eletrophoresis

What is the name of the biotechnology instrument used to make multiple copies of a DNA sample?

polymerase chain reaction

Transcription converts the information stored in _______ to _______.

DNA . . . RNA

Different forms of the same gene are referred to as ___________.


In eukaryotic cells, Translation occurs in the nucleus and Transcription occurs in the cytoplasm. (True or False?)


Introduced species can have important effects on biological communities by __________.

doing all of the above

Which of the following is NOT a plant defense mechanism against herbivory?

cryptic coloration

In some zoos, rare crosses between a male lion and a female tiger have produced offspring called ligers.

Male ligers are sterile but some female ligers are fertile.

In the wild, lion and tiger ranges do not naturally overlap, making a cross unlikely.

The natural differences in the ranges of wild tigers and lions is an example of _______?

habitat isolation

After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, radiation levels were much higher in the wolves (carnivores) that ate the caribou and other mammals than in the caribou (herbivores) or the tundra plants and lichens that made up the caribou diet. This is an example of:

biological magnification

A Flounder look like the sea floor is an example of ___________________.


In a population that is following an exponential growth pattern, what shape does the population's growth curve most closely resemble?


A nonpoisonous king snake looks like a poisonous coral snake is an example of _______.


In the food chain: grass --> antelope --> wolves --> bears. The grass would be an example of a/an ______.


Microevolution involves changes in allele frequencies within populations. (True or False?)


Humans ___________________.

all of the above are correct

Selection that shifts a population curve in favor of some extreme phenotype

directional selection

People select the trait that survives and reproduces the next generation

artificial selection

Selection that maintains variation for a particular trait within a narrow range

stabilizing selection

Who is the author of "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"

Charles Darwin

Hedgehogs and porcupines both have quills. These features are examples of what type of defense mechanism?

mechanical defense

Community ecology is concerned with evolutionary adaptations that enable individual organisms to meet the challenges posed by their abiotic environments. (True or False?)


The third greatest threat to biodiversity comes from:


A mutation in the lizards occurs so that some of them lose their tails to escape their predator. Which of the following statements is correct?

lizards that do lose their tails when attacked will probably become more prevalent in the population

In lakes and ponds, communities of plants, algae, and animals are distributed according to ______

1) Depth of Water

2) Distance from shore

Conservation Biology seeks to understand and counter the loss of biodiversity. (True or False?)


Biodiversity is considered important because:

The loss of biodiversity could limit new discoveries such as medicines and food

The top level of a food chain is the 3rd level. Why is there almost never any 4th level consumers?

There is not enough energy available to sustain a 4th level

What is NOT used to determine relationships among organisms?

Hybrid sterility tests

(Fossil evidence, molecular evidence, anatomical records, and comparative anatomy ARE used)

Correct sequence for the Animal Classification System utilized by scientists:

Domain, Kingdom, Class, Order, Genus, Species

The correct classification sequence for the human race:

Eukarya, Animalia, Vertebrata, Primates, Homo, Sapiens