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95 Cards in this Set

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1) The genetic makeup of an individual is the:
A) genotype.
B) sex cells.
C) gene pool.
D) phenotype.
E) mutation

2) Modern geologists estimate that the age of Earth is about:
A) 4.5 trillion years.
B) 450,000 years.
C) 4.5 billion years.
D) 4.5 million years.
E) 4,500 years.
4.5 billion years.
3) Which of the following can evolve?
A) individuals
B) populations
C) communities
D) genes
4) Inheritable mutations in the genes of an individual arise due to:
A) random chance.
B) vigorous exercise or effort.
C) environmental change.
D) artificial selection.
E) other species in the environment.
random chance.
5) Populations that were once considered separate species are sometimes reassigned to the same species because:
A) they have evolved to look the same.
B) they have evolved to look different from each other.
C) it was discovered that they can produce viable and fertile offspring.
D) they are no longer capable of interbreeding.
E) they have been found to be genetically identical.
it was discovered that they can produce viable and fertile offspring.
6) Which of the following is found in RNA but NOT in DNA?
A) thymine
B) phosphate groups
C) deoxyribose
D) uracil
E) adenine

7) All of the following may be found in a DNA nucleotide EXCEPT:
A) adenine.
B) phospholipid.
C) thymine.
D) deoxyribose.


8) A population is defined as:
A) all individuals of the same species located throughout the world
B) all individuals of all species located in a given country.
C) all individuals of the same species located in a given geographic region.
D) those individuals of the same species that have an identical genetic makeup.
E) all individuals of all species located throughout the world.

all individuals of the same species located in a given geographic region.

9) The process by which allele frequencies are altered in a population due to chance is called:
A) assortative evolution.
B) random evolution.
C) genetic drift.
D) random mutation.
E) fitness.

genetic drift.
10) In DNA, phosphate binds to:
A) deoxyribose.
B) adenine.
C) ribose.
D) other phosphate molecules.
11) What type of allele produces its effects in only homozygous individuals?
A) diploid
B) dominant
C) recessive
D) haploid
12) Which of the following statements about mutations is TRUE?
A) Mutations are caused by natural selection.
B) Mutations are almost always better for the organism.
C) Mutations occur at random and are by chance.
D) Mutations have no effect on the survival and reproduction of an organism.
E) Mutations almost always leave the organism worse off than before.
Mutations occur at random and are by chance.
13) Semiconservative DNA replication means that:
A) only half of the DNA is replicated.
B) each new DNA molecule has half the DNA from the old one.
C) the old DNA is completely broken down.
D) A pairs with T and G pairs with C.
E) the old DNA remains completely intact.
each new DNA molecule has half the DNA from the old one.
14) One theory holds that the first self-replicating molecules were:
B) amino acids.
C) lipids.
D) carbohydrates.
15) In DNA, phosphate groups bond to:
A) adenine.
B) other phosphate groups.
C) ribose.
D) pyrimidine bases.
E) deoxyribose.
16) What compounds were used in Miller and Urey's experiment to simulate the atmosphere of early Earth?
A) ammonia, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide
B) water, ammonia, hydrogen, and methane
C) water, oxygen, hydrogen, and methane
D) water, oxygen, ammonia, and methane
E) oxygen, ammonia, hydrogen, and methane
water, ammonia, hydrogen, and methane
17) Gregor Mendel concluded that each pea has two units for each trait, and each gamete contains one unit. Mendel's "units" are now called:
A) transcription factors.
B) alleles.
C) characters.
D) genes.
18) Mutations:
A) limit the potential for evolution.
B) arise due to environmental pressures.
C) are caused by natural selection.
D) can be helpful, neutral, or harmful to individuals.
can be helpful, neutral, or harmful to individuals.
19) The first multicellular eukaryotic fossils were:
A) cyanobacteria.
B) amphibians.
C) reptiles.
D) fungi.
E) algae.
20) If the quantities of the four bases in a DNA molecule are measured, we find that:
A) A = G and C = T.
B) A = C and G = T.
C) T = A and C = G.
D) no two bases are equal in amount.
E) all bases are equal in amount.
T = A and C = G.
21) All of the following are found in DNA EXCEPT:
A) thymine.
B) a phospholipid group.
C) a phosphate group.
D) deoxyribose.
E) guanine.
a phospholipid group.
22) Evolution can be defined as:
A) an individual changing into another species.
B) one species diverging into two species.
C) a change in the phenotype of an individual over his or her lifetime.
D) a change in the genetic makeup of an organism over time.
E) a change in the genetic makeup of a population over time.
a change in the genetic makeup of a population over time.
23) According to the law of segregation, in an organism with the genotype Aa:
A) all the gametes have gene a.
B) 1/4 of the gametes have A and 3/4 have a.
C) half the gametes have A and half have a.
D) all the gametes have gene A.
E) 3/4 of the gametes have A and 1/4 have a.
half the gametes have A and half have a.
24) One species of fish feeds in the muddy bottom of a lake. A second species eats insects that land on the water surface. This is an example of:
A) geographic isolation.
B) ecological isolation.
C) behavioral isolation.
D) mechanical incompatibility.
E) temporal isolation.
ecological isolation.
25) Who wrote On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection?
A) Darwin
B) Mendel
C) Lamarck
D) Malthus
E) Smith
26) Shrews have been documented to travel across frozen lakes and establish populations on previously uninhabited islands. This is an example of:
A) genetic drift.
B) the founder effect.
C) a population bottleneck.
D) assortative mating.
E) coevolution.
the founder effect.
27) In many species of fireflies, males flash light from their abdomens to attract females. Each species has a different flashing pattern. This is an example of:
A) temporal isolation.
B) ecological isolation.
C) geographic isolation.
D) behavioral isolation
E) mechanical incompatibility.
behavioral isolation
28) Multicellularity enables organisms to:
A) be photosynthetic.
B) reproduce more efficiently.
C) be big.
D) be fast.
E) undergo aerobic respiration.
be big.
29) The first terrestrial animals were probably:
A) amphibians.
B) dinosaurs.
C) reptiles.
D) arthropods.
E) mammals.
30) What is the total number of different possible combinations of bases in a codon?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 64
D) 20
31) The physical manifestation of an organism's genes is its:
A) phenotype.
B) environment.
C) genetic code.
D) number of chromosomes.
E) genotype.
32) Darwin realized that most species produce many more offspring than is necessary to maintain a constant population. The "excess" individuals in a population:
A) migrate to another location.
B) mutate and are able to adapt to new environments.
C) die before they can reproduce.
D) evolve to become new species.
die before they can reproduce.
33) Imagine that one of the original four mice that escape from a research lab is blind due to a genetic defect. If the mice breed and most of the mice born in subsequent generations are blind from birth, this is most likely a case of:
A) natural selection.
B) artificial selection.
C) the founder effect.
D) selective mutation.
E) an equilibrium population.
the founder effect.
34) Two populations of flowers look identical but are pollinated by different pollinators?one by a night-flying hummingbird moth, the other by honeybees. These two flowers represent:
A) identical gene pools.
B) the same species using different pollinators.
C) groups within the same species.
D) identical evolutionary paths.
E) different species.
different species.
35) If we cross two pea plants, each heterozygous for yellow seed color genes, the expected ratio of yellow:green among the offspring will be:
A) 100% green.
B) 25% yellow:75% green.
C) 75% yellow:25% green.
D) 100% yellow.
E) 50% yellow:50% green.
75% yellow:25% green.
36) Fossils include rocks and sediments that:
A) bear the impressions or shapes of preserved organisms.
B) have been shaped by people to resemble plants or animals.
C) have been shaped by wind and water to resemble lifelike forms.
D) all of the above.
bear the impressions or shapes of preserved organisms.
37) Habitat loss, natural catastrophes, and/or excessive harvesting of a species often result in:
A) increased gene flow.
B) increased mutation rates.
C) increased fitness of individuals.
D) artificial selection.
E) population bottlenecks.
population bottlenecks.
38) Which of the following is the correct sequence of stages in mitotic cell division?
A) anaphase-telophase-prophase-metaphase
B) telophase-anaphase-prophase-metaphase
C) prophase-metaphase-anaphase-telophase
D) metaphase-prophase-anaphase-telophase
39) The modern-day group of vertebrates that bridges the evolutionary gap between land-dwelling and water-dwelling organisms is:
A) reptiles.
B) whales and dolphins.
C) amphibians.
D) aquatic birds.
E) fish.
40) RNA molecules that function as enzymes:
A) form primitive cells.
B) degrade proteins.
C) are called ribozymes.
D) developed from protein-based enzymes.
E) duplicate lipid molecules.
are called ribozymes.
41) What is the relationship among DNA, a gene, and a chromosome?
A) A chromosome contains hundreds of genes, which are composed of DNA.
B) A chromosome contains hundreds of genes, which are composed of protein.
C) A gene contains hundreds of chromosomes, which are composed of protein.
D) A gene contains hundreds of chromosomes, which are composed of DNA.
E) A gene is composed of DNA, but it has no relationship to a chromosome.
A chromosome contains hundreds of genes, which are composed of DNA.
42) How many bases are in a codon?
A) 64
B) 3
C) 20
D) 4
43) Mutations are important because they:
A) usually provide an individual with increased reproductive rates.
B) provide variation that can result in evolutionary change.
C) are always beneficial in the individuals affected by them.
D) occur in response to environmental demands.
provide variation that can result in evolutionary change.
44) Each of your body cells:
A) is genetically identical to all others.
B) changes genetically as you grow and develop.
C) contains unique genetic information.
D) contains only the genetic information needed for that type of cell.
is genetically identical to all others.
45) The genetic code is:
A) used during the translation of DNA to mRNA.
B) read in sets of three bases called codons.
C) different in different organisms.
E) 46)
read in sets of three bases called codons.
46) If, in a heterozygous individual, only one allele is expressed in the phenotype, that allele is:
A) recessive.
B) normal.
C) potent.
D) dominant.
E) haploid.
47) Probably the greatest advantage for the original multicellular organisms was their ability to:
A) use more oxygen.
B) photosynthesize.
C) increase their metabolism.
D) increase their food intake.
E) avoid predators.
avoid predators.
48) What is the ratio of phenotypes in the offspring produced by the cross Aa x Aa? Assume complete dominance for the trait.
A) 25% dominant:75% recessive
B) 100% recessive
C) 100% dominance
D) 50% dominant:50% recessive
E) 75% dominant:25% recessive
75% dominant:25% recessive
49) The sequence of nitrogen-containing bases on one strand of DNA most directly determines the sequence of:
A) bases in a protein molecule.
B) fatty acids in a fat molecule.
C) amino acids in a protein molecule.
D) sugars in a polysaccharide molecule.
amino acids in a protein molecule.
50) If the early Earth's atmosphere contained little or no O2, then where did most of the O2 in our modern atmosphere come from?
A) respiration
B) the oxidation of metals
C) the splitting of water vapor by sunlight
D) the breakdown of carbon dioxide
E) photosynthesis
51) Which of the following is MOST likely to experience genetic drift?
A) a population of bears that is growing by thousands of individuals each year
B) a population of endangered birds that includes only five individuals
C) a plant species that has spread to many different habitats all around the world
D) a population of common rodents that includes millions of individuals
E) a species of insect that occurs all across North America
a population of endangered birds that includes only five individuals
52) If the sequence of bases in a section of DNA is TAGGCTAA, what is the corresponding sequence of bases in mRNA?
53) In the context of evolution, equilibrium means:
A) no individuals move into or out of the population.
B) no change in population size.
C) equal numbers of males and females.
D) equal numbers of all alleles.
E) no change in allele frequency.
no change in allele frequency.
54) By the early 1950s, many biologists realized that the key to understanding inheritance lay in the structure of:
A) enzymes.
B) chromosomes.
C) protein.
D) ribosomes.
55) The Kaibab squirrel lives on the north side of the Grand Canyon, and the Abert squirrel lives on the south side. Even though these two populations are only miles apart, their gene pools are kept isolated by:
A) temporal isolation.
B) mechanical incompatibility.
C) geographic isolation.
D) hybrid infertility.
E) ecological isolation.
geographic isolation.
56) When a cell divides via asexual reproduction:
A) each daughter cell receives a nearly perfect copy of the parent cell's genetic information.
B) each daughter cell receives the same amount of genetic information that was in the parent cell, but it has been altered.
C) the genetic information is randomly parceled out to the daughter cells.
D) each daughter cell receives exactly half the genetic information in the parent cell.
each daughter cell receives a nearly perfect copy of the parent cell's genetic information.
57) A change in the genetic makeup of a population is called:
A) evolution.
B) natural selection.
C) uniformitarianism.
D) artificial selection.
58) The first multicellular terrestrial organisms were:
A) amphibians.
B) insects.
C) plants.
D) reptiles.
E) fungi.
59) Genetic inheritance is based on the "blueprint" of:
A) mRNA.
C) enzymes.
D) proteins.
60) The interaction of genes and environment produces a specific:
A) gene pool.
B) phenotype.
C) allele.
D) population.
E) genotype.
61) Natural selection is BEST described as:
A) the ability to generate new traits that better suit the species.
B) increasing the perfection of a species.
C) causing the death of a significant proportion of the population.
D) driving the species toward an eventual endpoint in which the species possesses the best possible adaptations for that particular environment.
E) working on the existing variation of traits to favor those better suited to the organism's environment.
working on the existing variation of traits to favor those better suited to the organism's environment.
62) During which phase of mitosis do the centromeres line up along the cell equator?
A) prophase
B) anaphase
C) telophase
D) metaphase
63) Genetic variations in natural populations develop due to:
A) individual activities.
B) changes in diet.
C) environmental catastrophies.
D) random mutations of the DNA.
E) changes in the environment.
random mutations of the DNA.
64) Codominance occurs when:
A) offspring exhibit several different phenotypic expressions of a single trait.
B) expression of two different alleles alternates from one generation to the next.
C) both of the alleles in a heterozygote are expressed phenotypically in an individual.
D) a heterozygote expresses an intermediate phenotype.
both of the alleles in a heterozygote are expressed phenotypically in an individual.
65) Which of the following is the correct structure of a nucleotide?
A) phospholipid-base-sugar
B) base-sugar-base
C) phosphate-sugar-phosphate
D) phosphate-sugar-base
66) The nitrogenous base uracil pairs with:
A) cytosine.
B) thymine.
C) uracil.
D) adenine.
E) guanine.
67) Some RNA molecules have been discovered that can:
A) act as enzymes.
B) duplicate lipid molecules.
C) convert organic molecules to protocells.
D) degrade proteins.
E) form primitive cells.
act as enzymes.
68) The gene pool for a particular gene is made up of:
A) the sum of all the heterozygous individuals in the population.
B) the sum of all the homozygous individuals in the population.
C) all the alleles for a certain trait in a given individual.
D) all the genes that occur in the population.
E) all the genes for a certain trait that occur in the population.
all the genes that occur in the population.
69) For the DNA sequence G-C-C-T-A-T in one polynucleotide chain, the sequence found in the other polynucleotide chain must be:
A) G-C-C-A-T-A.
B) C-G-G-A-U-A.
C) G-C-C-T-A-T.
D) A-T-T-C-G-C.
E) C-G-G-A-T-A.
70) DNA possesses:
A) C, T, A, and G bases.
B) A, U, G, and C bases.
C) both U and T bases.
D) only C and T bases.
E) only A and G bases.
C, T, A, and G bases.
71) The most common cause of extinction is:
A) limited species range.
B) habitat change.
C) interactions with other species.
D) overspecialization.
E) asteroid impacts.
habitat change.
72) In an equilibrium population:
A) natural selection occurs.
B) rates of gene flow are constant.
C) mutation rates do not change.
D) population size cannot change.
E) allele frequencies do not change.
allele frequencies do not change.
73) The two polynucleotide chains in a DNA molecule are attached to each other by:
A) peptide bonds between amino acids.
B) covalent bonds between phosphates and sugars.
C) ionic bonds between "R" groups in amino acids.
D) hydrogen bonds between bases.
E) covalent bonds between carbon atoms.
hydrogen bonds between bases.
74) During cell division, all of the following typically occur EXCEPT:
A) the hereditary information is identical in both parent and daughter cells.
B) each daughter contains half of the cytoplasm from the parent cell.
C) each daughter cell receives half of the hereditary information in the parent cell.
D) two daughter cells are produced from one parent cell.
each daughter cell receives half of the hereditary information in the parent cell.
75) The scientists usually given credit for disproving the theory of spontaneous generation of bacteria are:
A) Cech and Altman.
B) Oparin and Haldane.
C) Tyndall and Pasteur.
D) Miller and Urey.
E) Luis and Walter Alvarez.
Tyndall and Pasteur.
76) When the two gametes that fuse to form a zygote contain different alleles of a given gene, the offspring is:
A) haploid.
B) a new species.
C) homozygous.
D) heterozygous.
E) abnormal.
77) Before the modern era of science, organisms were assigned to species on the basis of:
A) geographic location.
B) the existence of fossils of earlier forms.
C) behavioral similarities.
D) similarities in appearance.
E) their capability of interbreeding.
similarities in appearance.
78) Which of the following can cause evolutionary change in a small population?
A) lack of mutations
B) homozygous individuals
C) genetic drift
D) lack of gene flow
E) all recessive alleles
genetic drift
79) Two different species of pine release their pollen at different times. This is an example of:
A) behavioral isolation.
B) mechanical incompatibility.
C) geographic isolation.
D) ecological isolation.
E) temporal isolation.
temporal isolation.
80) Complementary base pairs are held together by:
A) hydrogen bonds.
B) covalent bonds.
C) peptide bonds.
D) ionic bonds.
E) disulfide bonds.
hydrogen bonds.
81) The process of copying genetic information from DNA to RNA is called:
A) replication.
B) transformation.
C) transcription.
D) translation.
82) The oldest fossil organisms presently known have been dated at approximately how many years old?
A) 4.5 billion
B) 1.7 billion
C) more than 4.5 billion
D) less than 1.7 billion
E) 3.5 billion
3.5 billion
83) Both DNA and RNA:
A) are single-stranded molecules.
B) cannot be present in a cell simultaneously.
C) contain phosphate groups.
D) contain the same four types of nitrogen-containing bases.
E) have the same five-carbon sugars.
contain phosphate groups.
84) Fruit fly species all look similar to one another. If you have a male and a female fruit fly, how can you prove that they are the same species, according to the biological species concept?
A) If they mate successfully and their offspring are fertile, they are the same species.
B) Examine them closely with a low-power microscope, comparing their physical characteristics to published species key lists of characteristics.
C) Determine the base sequence of the DNA of their chromosomes.
D) If they can asexually reproduce and their offspring can also successfully asexually reproduce, they are the same species.
E) If they mate when they are put together, they are the same species.
If they mate successfully and their offspring are fertile, they are the same species.
85) All of the following statements about genotypes and phenotypes are true EXCEPT:
A) individuals with the same phenotype might have different genotypes.
B) matings between individuals with dominant phenotypes cannot produce offspring with recessive phenotypes.
C) individuals with the same genotype might have different phenotypes.
D) matings between individuals with recessive phenotypes usually do not produce offspring with dominant phenotypes.
matings between individuals with dominant phenotypes cannot produce offspring with recessive phenotypes.
86) When alleles move into different gametes, this demonstrates:
A) fertilization.
B) independent assortment.
C) dominance.
D) segregation.
E) crossing over.
87) Which of the following statements about stem cells is TRUE?
A) They are able to differentiate into a variety of cell types.
B) They are "perpetual" parent cells that never produce daughter cells.
C) They are found only in embryos and in the bone marrow of adults.
D) They are found only in embryos.
E) They are permanently differentiated and cannot further divide.
They are able to differentiate into a variety of cell types.
88) The biological concept of species requires that:
A) individuals are able to reproduce outside the group.
B) geographic isolation occurs.
C) organisms are morphologically similar.
D) organisms reproduce sexually.
E) only asexual reproduction occurs.
organisms reproduce sexually.
89) Which organism is least likely to survive to reproduce?
A) a shrub that produces a toxin in its flower buds that repels deer
B) a plant that has a sweet flavor before it flowers
C) a dark-furred rodent that comes out only at night
D) a flower that produces a scent that attracts bees
E) a seahorse that mimics the weeds in which it lives
a plant that has a sweet flavor before it flowers
90) In a typical human body cell, how many chromosomes are there?
A) 23
B) 2
C) 1
D) 46
91) Which of the following is noted when comparing DNA and RNA?
A) Thymine pairs with different bases in DNA and RNA.
B) Only DNA has a backbone made up of sugars and phosphates.
C) Adenine pairs with different bases in DNA and RNA.
D) Hydrogen bonding is important only in DNA.
E) No sugar is present in either molecule.
Adenine pairs with different bases in DNA and RNA.
92) Which is the correct series of events in the evolution of life on Earth?
A) aerobic metabolism photosynthesis O2
B) photosynthesis O2 aerobic metabolism
C) O2 aerobic metabolism photosynthesis
D) O2 photosynthesis aerobic metabolism
photosynthesis O2 aerobic metabolism
93) According to the law of segregation:
A) pairs of alleles fuse during the formation of gametes.
B) pairs of alleles separate during the formation of gametes.
C) each individual carries a single copy of each "factor."
D) there is an independent assortment of nonhomologous chromosomes during meiosis.
E) the sex chromosomes of males and females differ.
pairs of alleles separate during the formation of gametes.
94) The earliest fossil organisms resemble modern:
A) eukaryotes.
B) protists.
C) protocells.
D) green algae.
E) prokaryotes.
95) How many consecutive mRNA bases are needed to specify an amino acid?
A) 3
B) 64
C) 20
D) 4