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88 Cards in this Set

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Name a character that distinguishes an animal (metazoan) form other organisms.

animals ingest their food

Name a morphological character that distinguishes a parazoan from a eumetazoan.

Parazoans are sessile while eumetazoans are motile.

Name the three layers found in a developing bilatarian.




Which tissue type literally moves you?


Name a function of coelom.

The coelom cushions the organs.

With decreasing adult animal size, is asexual reproduction more or less likely?

less likely

What is the molecular basis of evolution?

The mutation of DNA to form new traits.

What morphological feature likely evolved in several different animal clades (i.e. convergent evolution)?

The ability to fly.

Which gene is used to determine the species of (bar-code) animals?

Cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) gene

What are the four components of barcoding projects?

The specimens

laboratory analysis


data analysis

What is an advantage of using barcoding to identify a species compared to using morphology?

You can visualize the differences using barcoding.

Did Carl Linneaus set out to determine the evolution of organism when he developed biological taxonomy?


In a cladogram, where are the extant species found and the extinct (last common ancestor) when the root is at the left and the "leaves" are at the right?

They are found on the left with the root.

What character occurs at the branch point/node of parazoans and eumetazoans?

Tissue-level organization

Is the molecular-based phylogeny presented in lecture likely to be the same 10 years form now?


What cell in a sponge is primarily involved in nutrition?


In a sponge, does digestion occur intracellularly like in protozoans or extracellularly like in you?


If you placed food coloring around the outside and base of a hungry sponge, where would it go?

It would go inside the sponge.

What is the term for the middle layer of the sponge wall and what layer is it homologous to in a triploblastic animal?

The middle layer is called the mesohyl and it is homologous to ectoderm.

Paul Porifera from Pottsville PA wanted to start a sponge farm for raising syconoid-shaped sponges that look like pots. How could he quickly "seed" his farm starting from just one sponge?

He could break a sponge up into pieces so each piece would begin to grow a new sponge.

Paul wants to be able to sell his Pottsville sponge pots for use as a pad for scouring pots. What class/clade of sponge should he use for his enterprise?

Calcarea or Hexactinellida

If I give you a gemmule, what could you raise it to be?

A freshwater sponge.

What does a placozoan use to move along a surface?

They use cilia.

What cellular organelle produces the cyst in a cnidocyte?

The golgi.

If current evolutionary theory is correct and cnidarians evolved after poriferans and placozoans but before other animals, what did the early cnidarians eat?


What cell layer/type expresses striated muscle like myosin in cnidarians?

Epitheliomuscular cells

What layer in the body wall of a cnidarian is homologous to the mesoderm of a triploblastic animal?

The mesoglea.

When comparing the anatomical axes of a cnidarian to a bilateral animal like you, which axis is most similar to your anterior axis?

The oral axis is most similar to our anterior axis.

In which body form of a cnidarian are you likely to find more sensory nerves for light and gravity?

The medusa.

Which class/clade of cnidarians exists in a polyp form only?


For Obelia sp. which metagenic form reproduces asexually and which reproduces sexually?

Asexually: polyp

Sexually: medusa

Of poriferans, cnidarians, and ctenophores, which is closest to being triploblastic?


What cell of a ctenophore is homologous to the cnidocyte of a cnidarian?


How do ctenophores move about in water?

They use cilia

Ctenophores can extend and retract their tentacles as well as move them about. Which protein do you think is enriched in the "middle layer" of the tentacles?


State three characteristics that all animals have in common.

Multicultural, usually with specialized tissues, ingest food, diploid life cycle.

Explain the colonial flagellate hypothesis about the origin of animals.

Animals are descended form an ancestor that resembled a hollow spherical colony of flagellated cells. Individual cells became specialized for reproduction. Two tissue layers arose by invagination.

Compare radial and bilateral symmetry, and provide examples of animals that exemplify each.

Radial symmetry: body organized circularly; examples: cnidarians and ctenophores. Bilateral symmetry: have right and left halves; examples: most other animals.

List two differences between deuterostomes and protostomes.

Deuterostomes: blastopore forms form gut; Protostomes: blastopore becomes mouth, spiral cleavage, coelom forms from mesoderm.

List three ways in which cnidarians are more complex than sponges.

Sponges are multicellular with no symmetry and no digestive cavity. Cnidarians have true tissues, are radially symmetrical and have a gastrovascular cavity.

Summaraize how a sponge obtains nutrients.

Interior of sponges has canals lined with flagellated cells called choanocytes. Flagella produce water current that carries food particles that are filtered out.

Describe the medusa and polyp body forms of a cnidarian.

Polyps have mouths directed upward. Medusae are bell-shaped with tentacles around the opening of the bell and mouth directed downward.

Explain how a cnidarian, such as a jellyfish, stings its prey.

Stinging cells call cnidocytes have a fluid-filled capsule called a nematocyst in which a hollow threadlike structure is coiled and is discharged when stimulated. Some trap prey; others contain paralyzing toxins.

List the characteristics that unite the flatworms, molluscs, and annelids.

They all have bilateral symmetry, three tissue layers, and protostome development.

Compare the features of the flatworm, mollusc, and annelid body cavity, digestive tract, and circulatory system.

Annelids and molluscs have a complete digestive tract, a true coelom, and a circulatory system (closed in annelids and open in molluscs). Flatworms have a gastrovascular cavity with only one opening, no coelom, and no circulatory system.

List three phyla that feed the lophophores.

Bryozoa, Phoronida, Brachiopoda.

Name two ways in which the roundworms are anatomically similar to the arthropods.

Roundworms and arthropods are protostomes that molt.

List two ways that crustaceans are adapted to an aquatic life and insects are adapted to living on land.

Crustaceans breathe by gills and have swimmerets. Insects breathe by tracheae, and they may have wings.

Describe the features chelicerates have in common.

The first pair of appendages is the chelicerae (modified fangs), and the second pair is the pedipalps (hold, taste, chew food). They have a cephalothorax and abdomen.

Explain why echinoderms and chordates are now considered to be closely related.

Both echinoderms and chordates follow a deuterostome pattern of development and molecular data indicates they are closely related.

Delineate the evidence that supports the evolution of echinoderms from bilaterally symmetrical animals.

The larval stage is bilaterally symmetrical.

Describe the location and function of skin gills, tube feet, and the stomach.

Skin gills are tiny, finger like extensions of the skin that project through body wall that are used for respiration.Tube feet are a part of the water vascular system on the oral surface and are used in locomotion, feeding, gas exchange, and sensory reception. The stomach is located int he central disc and has two parts. The cardiac stomach can be inverted and extended into bivalves where it secretes digestive enzymes. Partly digested food is taken into the pyloric stomach inside the sea star where digestion continues.

Explain the functions of the water vascular system in sea stars.

The water vascular system functions in locomotion, feeding, gas exchange, and sensory reception.

Are bilaterians triploblastic or diploblastic?


During embryonic development, what are two general features that differ between a protostome and a deuterostome?

The anus forms first in the deuterostome and the mouth forms first in the protostome.

Given that free-living platyhelminths have incomplete digestive system and lack a circulatory system, how is their digestive system designed to allow nutrients to be distributed throughout the body?

Their digestive system is branched throughout the body.

What is the basic (simple) design of an excretory system?

Balances the salt levels in the body.

What is a survival advantage of an animal being an hermaphrodite?

It does not matter what gender the animal is to reproduce.

How do free-living platyhelminths move along a surface?

They use muscles derived from the mesoderm, and use ciliated cells.

Why does the skin of a parasitic flatworm, such as a tapeworm, change when it invades its intermediate or terminal host?

They change skin to better suit their new environment at different life stages.

Big Bob Bass of Boggs, PA was fishing in a well-stocked pond. He caught a lovely large-mouth bass, but noticed it was a bit lethargic. He examined the gills and noted some spots on them. He rushed to his Buick and removed his hand dissecting microscope from the trunk. He examined the gill spots with his microscope and noted that they were small flat worms firmly attacked to the gill by little hooks. What clade of Platyhelminthes was he likely looking at?


Shrill Robinson of "Cluck Dismally" shot a bear in the bayou. He carried the carcass to the local grade school for parent's day and showed the students how to slaughter a bear. He then took the meat home to cook some for Sigh for dinner. Sigh wants his bear steak rare. Have a chat with Sigh and explain why this is not a good idea - or why this may explain his slender physique.

The bear meat could contain tapeworms and Sigh could have tapeworms himself.

In which parasitic flatworm does asexual reproduction occur in an intermediate host?


How do adult tapeworms survive without a digestive system?

The host does all of the digesting for them.

Of the platyzoa clade which group is a pseudocoelomate?


If you wanted to design a miniature machine less than 2 microns long, what animal would you likely use as a model organism?


What is a commercial use of rotifers?

They are used as fish food for young fish and for municipal waste water treatment.

"Girls rule": Justify this statement biologically in relation to animals and give an example group of organisms that occasionally sexually reproduce and the girls do rule (males are rather hapless haploids).

Some groups of animals are strictly female and use parthenogenetic reproduction only. An example if bdelloidea.

Do you think ovovivipary is a convergent character in animals or derived (this is a biologist way of asking the question of whether reptiles and rotifers have a recent common ancestor - derived; or they are not closely related with both evolving the same character independently)?

Ovovivipary is a convergent character.

How can the lophophore function in respiration?

It is used for gas exchange.

What organ/organ system are you likely to find in a large lophophoran but not a small one?

You are likely to find a cardiovascular system in a large lophophoran, but not in a small one.

One a walk along the beach with your significant other, you find an animal with two shells. Your significant other quickly studies the morphology of the animal and concludes that it is a mollusk because it was two shells. You on the other hand, realize that it could be a brachiopod. How would you determine if the shelled animal is a brachiopod or a true bivalve?

Brachiopods have top and bottom shells while true bivalves have left and right shells.

What character is common to nematodes, tardigrades, and arthropods other than bilateral symmetry and protostome development?

They have cuticles that are shed all at once.

Name the two types of bio-materials that are used to make the skin (cuticle) in the different clades of ecdysozoans.

Collagen and chitin.

Do you think the common ancestor of nematodes and arthropods (assuming that ecdysis is a shared divergent character of the two) had appendages - briefly justify your answer?

No I do not think so because appendages, or jointed appendages more specifically, are a unique characteristic of arthropods. Nematodes do not have appendages, so I think it is unlikely that a common ancestor had appendages.

Is Trichinella spiralis infection from consuming domestic pork common in the US?

No, not anymore.

Do you think that it is fair to the pork industry for Biology textbooks to always have a picture of a pig on the page when they prattle about Trinella spiralis infection?

No because it can be from any game animal or from the soil.

What structure in a parasitic nematode's digestive system is modified to facilitate its infection and feeding on a plant host?

The stylet is used to pierce plant walls.

Is this same structure found in some tardigrades?


If you wanted to impress your significant other on your ability to distinguish the different types of worms (elongate bilaterians without appendages) where could you easily obtain some nematodes to observe microscopically and show off to your sweetie how smart you are?

You could scoop up some soil and find nematode larva in the soil.

If you wanted a microscopic pet that is very robust (can handle cold, dry, radiation, high and low pressure) and can crawl about, what animal would you choose?

A Tardigrade.

What tissue layer lines the coelomic fluid in a coelomate such as an annelid?


In polycheata like the common earthworm, where does most of the gas exchange occur?

They use gills.

What "fluid" gets filtered by metanephridia in annelids?

Coelomic fluid.

How does the organization of the mesoderm-derived muscle differ between an annelid and nematode?

In nematodes the muscle is longitudinal while in annelids it is circularly.

In earthworms, explain how the muscle is arranged and which muscle shortens to increase the diameter of a segment and which one shortens to decrease the length of a segment.

The muscles are arranged longitudinally and circularly. The longitudinal muscle shortens to increase the diameter while the longitudinal muscle shortens to decrease the length.

This same organism that you found on your walk has a "paddle sack" closer to the end that is always leading. What can you infer about the sexual maturity of this animal?

The animal is sexually mature.

During annelid development, where do segments get added to the trochophore larva?

Segments get added between the anus and posterior to the paired belt of cilia.