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64 Cards in this Set

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a photograph taken through a microscope
Light microscope
works by passing visible light through a specimen
the increase in the apparent size of an object
a mesure of the clarity of an image, the ability to show two close objects as separate
cell theory
all living things are composed of cells and that all cells come from other cells
electron microscope
uses a beam of electrons
scanning electron microscope
used to study the detailed architecture of cell surfaces
transmission electron microscope
is used to study the details of internal cell structure
prokaryotic cells
what bacteria and archaea consist of
eukaryotic cells
protists, fungi, plants and animals are composed of
plasma membrane
what all cells are bounded by
tiny structrues that make proteins according to instructions from the genes
nucleoid region
where the DNA of a prokaryotic cell is housed
cell wall
outside the plasma membrane prokaryotes have a rigid chemically complex ___________. The wall protects the cell and maintains its shape
sticky outer coat, protects cell surface, help glue prokaryotes to surfaces
help attach prokaryotes to surfaces
prokaryotic flagella
propel prokaryotic cell through liquid environment
fluid filled region between teh nucleus and plasma membrane
structures inside the cell
cellular metabolism
collective name for the chemical activities within a cell which occur in the fluid spaces within membranous organelles
contains DNA the genetic material of the cell's activities by directing protein synthesis
very long fibers formed by DNA
the individual fiber of chromatin
nuclear envelope
a double membrane perforated with pores that control the flow of materials into and out of the nucleus
produces building blocks of ribosomes which exit the nucleus through the pores
sacs made of membrane which transfer membrane segments and physically connect membranes
endomembrane system
vesicles that work together in the synthesis, storage and export of molecules
endoplasmic reticulum
extensive network fo flattened sacs and tubes, prime example of the direct interrelatedness of parts of the endomembrane system
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
a network of interconnected tubules which lacks attached ribosomes, it synthesises lipids (fatty acids, phospholipids, and steroids)
rough endoplasmic reticulum
has ribosomes, two functions: 1. make more membrane
2. modify proteins that will be transported to other organelles or secreted by the cell
secretory protein
a hormone let out of certain cells that is synthesized in the rough ER
short chains of sugar linked to a polypeptide.
transport vesicle
where the synthesized protein goes to be taken away from the rough er
Golgi apparatus
recieves, modifies products from the er, packages and sends them in transport vesicles
consist of digestive enzymes enclosed in a membranous sac. break down food and release nutrients to the cell
membranous sacs generally larger than vesicles that belong to the endomembrane system
central vacuole
helps plant cell grow by absorbing water, stores vital chemicals or waste products as well.
contractile vacuoles
collect excess water and expel it to the outside.
the photosynthesizing organelles of all photosynthetic eukaryotes
thick fluid in chloroplasts inclosed by the inner membrane.
secretory protein
a hormone let out of certain cells that is synthesized in the rough ER
short chains of sugar linked to a polypeptide.
transport vesicle
where the synthesized protein goes to be taken away from the rough er
Golgi apparatus
recieves, modifies products from the er, packages and sends them in transport vesicles
consist of digestive enzymes enclosed in a membranous sac. break down food and release nutrients to the cell
membranous sacs generally larger than vesicles that belong to the endomembrane system
central vacuole
helps plant cell grow by absorbing water, stores vital chemicals or waste products as well.
contractile vacuoles
collect excess water and expel it to the outside.
the photosynthesizing organelles of all photosynthetic eukaryotes
thick fluid in chloroplasts inclosed by the inner membrane.
chloroplast's solar power packs, sites where chlorophyll traps solar energy
organelles that carry out cellular respiration by converting chem. energy of foods into ATP
intermembrane space
forms a fluid compartment, highly folded where enzyme molecules that make ATP are embedded
mitrochondrial matrix
fluid compartment, many of the chemical reactions of cellular respiration take place
folds in intermembrane space, increase membrane's suface area nd enhance mitochondrion
s ability to produce ATP
numerous appendages that propel protists
longer, not as many as cilia, appendages on protsit that propel them
basal body
has a pattern of nine microtuble triplets, acts as a foundation for microtubule assembly from tubulin subunits withn ciilium or flagellum gro
identical to basal bodies in structure
numerous channels between adjacent plant cells, form a circulatory and communication system conecting the cells in plant tissues.
extracellular matrix
animal cells are embedded (and secrete) in the sticky layer of glocoprotein which holds them together, can have protective functions as well
tight junctions
bind cels very tightly forming a leakproof sheet, sheet of tissue that lines the digestive tract preventing the contents from leaking into surrounding tissues
anchoring junctions
rivet cells together with cytoskeletal fibers, forming strong sheets, common in tissues subject to stretching or mechanical stress, such as skin and heart muscle
gap junctions
channesl similar to plasmodesmata, allow small molecules to flow between neighboring cells