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22 Cards in this Set

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The restoration of the diploid chromosome number after halving in meiosis is due to
What is a karyotype?
a pictorial display of an individuals chromosomes
What are autosomes?
chromosomes other than sex chromosomes
A synatptonemal complex would be found during
prophase I of meiosis
During the first meiotic division (meiosis I)
homologous chromosomes separate

the chromosome number becomes haploid

crossing over between nonsister chromatids occurs

paternal and maternal chromosomes assort randomly
A cell with a diploid number of 6 could produce gametes with how many different combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes?
The DNA content of a diploid cell is measured in the G1 phase. After meiosis I, the DNA content of one of the two cells produced would be
equal to that of the G1 cell
In most fungi and some protists
the mulitcellular organism is haploid
In the alternation of generations found in plants
the gametophyte generation produces gametes by meiosis
What is likely to be a source of genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms?
crossing over

independent assortment of chromosomes

random fertilization of gametes

What is least likely to be a source of genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms?
replication of DNA during S phase before meiosis I
Meiosis II is similar to mitosis because
sister chromatids separate
Pairs of homologous chromosomes
have genes for the same traits at the same loci
Asexual reproduction of a diploid organism would
produce identical offsrping
In sexually reproducing species with a diploid number of 8, how many different combinations of paternal and maternal chromosomes would be possible in offspring?
How many chromatids are present in metaphase II in a cell undergoing meiosis from an organism in which 2n=24?
What is considered to be a haploid cell?
a daughter cell after meiosis II


daughter cell after mitosis in gametophyte generation of a plant

cell in prophase II
What is not considered to be a haploid cell?
a cell in prophase I
Homologous Chromosomes
behave independently in mitosis

travel together to the metaphase plate in prometaphase of meiosis I

Each parent contributes one set of homologous chromosomes to an offspring

Crossing over between nonsister chromosomes is indicated by the presence of chiasmata
What is not true of Homologous Chromosomes?
They synapse during S phase of meiosis
What describes why or how recombinant chromosomes add to genetic variability?
they randomly orient during metaphase II and the nonequivalent sister chromatids separate in anaphase II

Genetic material from two parents is combined on the same chromosome
A cell in G2 phase before meiosis compared with one of the four cells produced by that meiotic division has
four times as much DNA and twice as many chromosomes.