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21 Cards in this Set

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Evolution States that?
Heritable change is occurring in some line of descent
Evolution Does?
Explains life’s Diversity
Evolution Doesn’t?
Explain how life began
1. Aristotle
Chain of Being
2. Hutton
Developed Uniformitarianism
3. Cuvier (2)
-Compared living species with fossils
4. Lamarck (3)
-Origin of Species
-Unknown Fluida
-Enviornment Changes phenotype not genotype
5. Darwin (2)
-Darwin's Theory: A population can change over time when individuals differ in one or more heritable traits that are responsible for differences in the ability to survive and reproduce.
-Descent with Modification
6. Lyell(2)
- Lyell's Principles of Geology
-theory of Uniformity
7. Wallace (2)
-Father of biogeography
-Naturalist who promoted Darwin to present ideas in paper
8. Malthus
-Natural Selection
-Prinicple of poulation
1. Ind. Members of a pop. are diff.
2. every member is competing for resources
3. Those that can obtain resources survive and reproduce
Chain of Being
- all species were created in one place at one time
-each organism is distinct from all the rest
Process of erosion & sedimentation produce changes on earth
Catastrophes occurred and survivors repopulated
Unknown ‘fluida’
Life was created long ago in a simple state and has just improved
Theory of Uniformity
Subtle, repetitive processes of change had shaped Earth
Principle of Superposition
-Layers closest to the top were younger.
-Bottom layers held older fossils.
Descent w/ Modification
Gradual change from an ancestral form
Natural Selection
Differences in reproduction among individuals of a population vary in shared traits
Aritificial Selection
Human Select Trait
Evolution & Population (4)
1.Populations Evolve
2.Biological evolution only changes population
3. Traits in population vary among indivduals
4. Evolution is change in frequency of traits.