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20 Cards in this Set

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What do polypeptides form?
What is the pathway of DNA expression?
DNA -> RNA -> polypeptide -> protein
Transcription = DNA -> RNA

Single strand of RNA made using DNA as template:

DNA unzips

RNA molecule is made based on DNA template
RNA base sequence made to complement the DNA base sequence
Follows base pairing rules: 
A-U and G-C
(remember RNA has U instead of T)
Translation = RNA -> polypeptide
Amino acids assembled into polypeptide based on sequence of codons along RNA molecule

A ribosome “reads” codons along the RNA molecule
And attaches amino acids together based on the sequence of codons
String of amino acids make up a polypeptide
(Which later is used to make a protein)

Translation ends when stop codon is reached
A codon
A triplet of bases codes for the production of specific amino acids.
sequence of codons that codes for a particular polypeptide
3 Kinds of major RNA
Messenger RNA
Ribosomal RNA
Transfer RNA
3 steps in polypeptide synthesis
RNA components bind to a ribosome
-RNA read initiation codon(AUG) & get first amino acid (methionine)
codons read & used to add new amino acids to growing polypeptide
translation ends when stop is reached:
-Ribosome releases complete polypeptide
-Ribosome& RNA come apart
codes for starting translation
3 stop codons
stop polypeptide synthesis
Is there Redundancy in the genetic code?
yes each amino acid can be made from more than one codon
Is there ambiguity in the genetic code?
no each codon codes for only one amino acid
Types of mutations
Insertion or deletion of a nucleotide from a sequence- usually lethal

Substitution of one nucleotide for another

Mutations create new genes
How are Genes Regulated
Proper regulation of gene expression is critical for an organism’s development and health

Gene expression = gene activation to make proteins needed for cellular functions

Expression can change over time

Environment can regulate expression

Regulation can occur at several steps during expression
An overview of information flow in a cell
From gene transcription to chemical reactions catalyzed by enzymes
DNA is expressed as polypeptides which make proteins and provide the molecular basis for phenoypic traits
Binary Fission
Prokaryotes reproduce asexually.