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103 Cards in this Set

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Largest group of organisms. Two hybrids can produce fertile offspring through sexual reproduction.

Individual (organism)

One genome.. One body.


Smallest structural and functional unit of an organism. Has a cytoplasm. Nucleus enclosed in a membrane. Can be eukaryotic or prokaryotic


Set of life sustaining chemical transformations within living cells. Allow it to grow, reproduce, maintain structures and respond to environment.


Variables are regulated in order to have stability and constancy. Example: regulation of temperature, and balance of acidity and alkilinity.


Heredity material humans and most organisms use to pass information onto other generations.


Amino acids on a protein backbone in order to relay info and reproduce in each cell.


Traits that have a functional role in life history of an organism that has been maintained and and evolved through natural selection.


Change in heritable traits of biological populations over generations.

Process of science

Observation, hypothesis, prediction, expirement, and conclusion.

Anecdotal evidence

Based on someones story.

Inductive reasoning

Logical process using multiple premises all believed true or true most of time are combined to have a conclusion.

Peer reviewed

Subjecting author work, research, or ideas to scrutiny of other experts in same field in order to publish in a journal or book.


A supposition or proposal made on the basis of limited evidence in order to start an investigation.


An orderly procedure carried out by with goal of verifying, refuting, or establishing the validity of a hypothesis.

Experimental design

The design of any info gathering exercises where variations are present. Either full control or expirement.


An if , then statement.


Property of applying to an empirical hypothesis. Two components: logical property ( contingency, defeasibility, and falsifiability)


It is possible to conceive an observation or argument which proves a false answer to a question.

Dependent variable

What you measure in the experiment and what is being affected during experiment.

Independent variable

Stands alone. Isn't changed by other variables.

Sample size

The number of observations in a sample.


A set of values of quantitative and qualitative variables.

Statistical significance

Attained when a p value is less than the significance level.


A substance that has no therapeutic effect, used as a control in testing new drugs.

Control group

Group of subjects that resemble the treatment group but don't receive active medication.

Experimental group

The group that receive treatment.

Scientific theory

Well substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested,confirmed through observation and experimentation.


The end of an organism or group of organisms.

Emerging diseases

Infectious disease whose incidence has increased in the past 20 years and could increase in the near future.


A scientist who studies paleontology, ( former life that existed in different geological time period's, fossils)


Layers in a rock bed surface, young, deep, and old.


Remains or impression of a prehistoric organisms preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock.

Acquired characteristics

Non heritable change in a function or structure of a living biotic material caused after birth by disease, injury, accident, deliberate modification, repeated use, disuse,or misuse, or other.

Natural selection

The process where organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. (Charles Darwin)


Traits with a current functional role in the life history of an organism that is maintained and evolved by means of natural selection.


An organism's ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.


The evolutionary process by which new biological species arise.

Artificial selection

The intentional reproduction of individuals in a population that has desirable trait's.

Vestigal structure

Genetically determined structures or attributes that have lost most or all of their ancestral function in a given species,but have been retained through evolution.

Homologous structures

The existence of a shared ancestry between a pair of structures or genes in different species.

Analogous structures

Similar in function but not on structure and evolutionary origin.


Changes in a group of organisms over a very long period of time.

Biological species concept

Groups of interbreeding natural populations that are isolated from other groups (reproductively).

Radioactive dating fossils

Radiometric dating to estimate how long ago rocks formed and to infer the ages of fossils contained within these rocks.


Number of nucleons in the nucleus is the atoms mass number and each isotope of a given element has a different mass number.


Millions of years ago


A scientist who studies paleontology.

Mass extinctions

Deadly events, they open up the planet for new life forms to emerge.

Continental drift

A theory that explains how continents shift position on earth's surface. (Alfred Wegener)


A solid piece of debris from a source such as a astroid or a comet(outer space).


Identifying ,naming, and classifying organisms.

Linnaean system of classification

Hierarchal system, higher in the category, more inclusive.

Linnaean system of classification

Hierarchal system, higher in the category, more inclusive.

Binomial nomenclature

A formal system of naming species of living things by giving each a name composed of two parts (Latin).

Scientific name

Two part name of living things on earth (binomial nomenclature).

Common name

Name based on normal language of everyday life.


Study of diversity of living forms (past and present) and relationships among living things through time. (Evolutionary tree).

Phylogenic tree

Best attempt at a hypothesis for evolutionary relationships.

Root,node,branch, tips

Parts of a tree

Characteristics in all living organisms:

Growth , reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.

How does adaption influence individuals success?

Can gather resources, fight off predators, reproduce, get better mates( it exists because traits died off if individuals with a certain trait died off and didn't pass on genetic material, which ended in death of a gene or trait).

Evolutionv(definition and examples)

The change of heritable traits of biological populations over generations. (Darwin's finches).

Process of science(identify and how it differs from other ways of knowing)

Deductive reasoning-open to changes, nothing is proven,only supported by scientific studies.

Controlled experiment requirements:

Independent variable, dependent variable, control group, and treatment group.

Daily theory

Something small

Anecdotal evidence

Just one's experience, not a study.


Something questioned based off an observation.

Good science

Peer review

Bad science

Popular science


Application of science

Major challenges facing science today?

Bioethics issues


Zoologist, founded paleontology, first to publicly document and state extinction happens due to catastrophe, such as earthquake and floods.

Charles Lyell

Uniformitarianism,idea that earth was shaped and still shaped by forces that take a long time.


Biologist, first to suggest that organisms change over time and that more a complex organisms came from less complex forms.


Economist, population reproduces more individuals than resources available.


Naturalist, independently witnessed and came up with natural selection apart from Darwin but during the same time.

Darwin's study of fossils and biogeography contribution to the development of the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Resemblance of extinct species in fossil records to one's living in the same area and biogeography (Galapagos finches) variations in similar species due to adaptions to their environment

Why is evolution by natural selection a theory and not a hypothesis?

Supported by much evidence and experiments.

Natural selection

Process that evolution takes on a population.

Artificial selection

The process of domesticating organisms.

How do fossil record, biogeography,comparative anatomy, development, and biochemistry show evolutionary change and common descent?

Fossil record-physical evidence. Biogeography- shows patterns in geographic distribution. Comparative anatomy and embryology- growth, development, and body structure of major groups of organisms. Molecular biology- shows variations in these molecules show evolutionary descent.

Directional selection

Allow for one extreme phenotype expression.

Stabilizing selection

Individual with intermediate phenotypes are selected

Disruptive selection

When both extremes of a phenotype are selected.

Why are females more Choosey when it comes to sexual selection?

Female has a larger risk and pay more towards reproduction, wants to make sure they have good genes , and protection and resources.

Mutations and natural selection/evolution?

Mechanism for change in a species.

Genetic drift

Allelic drift...is the change in the frequency of a allele in a population due to random sampling of organisms.

Bottle neck effect

The prevention of a majority of genotypes from passing their genes onto the next generation.

Gene flow

Gene migration, the movement of allele among populations by migration of breeding individual.

Non random mating

Individual select mates based upon expressed phenotypes

Founder effect

Type of genetic drift in which certain alleles occur at a higher frequency in a portion of a population isolated from a larger population (island effect).

Biological species defined/breeding important?

A group of organisms that interbreeds and has viable offspring. It is important because this passes the genetic material along to the next generation and allows the group of organisms to be genetically isolated from other group or species.

What type of organisms does biological species concept not apply?

Bacteria or other organisms that use asexual reproduction.

Geological timescale division

Paleozoic (Cambrian, Ordovician ME, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian ME), mesozoic (Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous), Cenozoic(Tertiary, Quaternary)

How are fossils dated?

Radiometric dating, consistent decay of radioactive elements into more stable elements.

Carolus Linnaeus/Linnaean system of classification/binominal nomenclature?

He created this system because a simple way was needed to name organisms

How has the Linnaean system changed?

There was just two groups, plants and animals, then 5,kingdom system, monera,plant,animal, fungi,and protists. Then there was six kingdom, three domain system, bacteria, archers, and eukayta.

Scientific name

Latin classification name

Common name

What organism is called on a day to day basis.

Allopatric speciation

Origin of new species between populations that are separated geographically.

Sympatric speciation

Origin of new species in populations that overlap geographically.


Place where organism's lives and is able to survive and reproduce.