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167 Cards in this Set

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Living systems are the ____ ____ chemical systems on earth

Most complex

Life is constrained by the properties of ___ and ___

Chemistry, physics

Science is becoming more


___ unifies much of natural science ?


Name the 7 characteristics of all living organisms.

1. Cellular organization

2. Ordered complexity

3. Sensitivity

4. Growth, development, reproduction

5. Energy utilization

6. Homeostasis

7. Evolutionary adaptation

Living systems show ___

Hierarchical organization

Hierarchical organization- cellular organization level ____

• atoms, molecules, organelles, cells

A cell is the ___

Basic unit of life

Hierarchical organization- organismal level ___

• tissues, organs, organ system

What's the order of the population level?

Population, species, community, ecosystem, biosphere

____ is an emergent property


Earth is an ecosystem called the ____


Science aims to understand the natural world by ___ and ___

Observation, reasoning

Science begins with ____, therefore, much of science is purely ____.

Observations, descriptive

What's the two reasonings of science ?

Deductive and inductive

Uses general principles to make specific reasoning

Deductive reasoning

Uses specific observations to develop general conclusions

Inductive reasoning

Scientists use a ___ ___ to gain understanding of the natural world.

Systematic approach

What are the steps of a systematic approach ?

1. Observation

2. Hypothesis formation

3. Prediction

4. Experimentation

5. Conclusion

What is a hypothesis ?

A possible explanation for an observation

A hypothesis must be ___ to determine its validity. A hypothesis allows for __ to be made.

Tested, predictions

Test the ___. Must test only ___ ___ at a time. Consists of a ___ and ___ experiment.

Hypothesis, one, test, controlled

___ should make predictions


___ provide a way to test the validity of hypotheses


Hypothesis must be __ if the experiment produces results inconsistent with the predictions


To break a complex process down to its simpler parts?


What are the four factors for models in science ?

1.way to organize thought

2. Parts provided by reductionist approach

3. Model shows how they fit together

4. Suggest experiments to test the model

•Is a body of interconnected concepts

•Is supported by much experimental evidence and scientific reasoning

•expresses ideas of most certainty

• Compare to general meaning of theory

–Implies a lack of knowledge or a guess

Scientific theory

Is intended to extend the boundaries of what we know

Basic research

May involve food additives or drugs, Foundation provided by basic research.

Applied research

Name Charles Darwins book

Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

Name Charles Darwins book

Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

What island did Darwin go to?

Galapagos island

What did Darwin study?

Thomas Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population

What did Darwin study?

Thomas Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population

Populations of plants and animals increase ___


What did Darwin study?

Thomas Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population

Populations o plants and animals increase ___


Humans can only increase their food supply ____


What did Darwin study?

Thomas Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population

Populations o plants and animals increase ___


Humans can only increase their food supply ____


Why do populations of species remain constant?

Death limits population numbers

What did Darwin study?

Thomas Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population

Populations of plants and animals increase ___


Humans can only increase their food supply ____


Why do populations of species remain constant?

Death limits population numbers

How old is earth?

4.5 billion years

What did Darwin study?

Thomas Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population

Populations o plants and animals increase ___


Humans can only increase their food supply ____


Why do populations of species remain constant?

Death limits population numbers

How old is earth?

4.5 billion years

All share the same basic array of limbs

Vertebrate forelimbs

What did Darwin study?

Thomas Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population

Populations o plants and animals increase ___


Humans can only increase their food supply ____


Why do populations of species remain constant?

Death limits population numbers

How old is earth?

4.5 billion years

All share the same basic array of limbs

Vertebrate forelimbs

Same evolutionary origin but now differ in structure and function

Mechanism for heredity

What did Darwin study?

Thomas Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population

Populations o plants and animals increase ___


Humans can only increase their food supply ____


Why do populations of species remain constant?

Death limits population numbers

How old is earth?

4.5 billion years

All share the same basic array of limbs

Vertebrate forelimbs

Same evolutionary origin but now differ in structure and function

Mechanism for heredity

Structures of different origin, used for the same purpose


•all organisms are composed of cells

• cells are the basic unit of life

• all cells come from preexisting cells

Cell theory

What did Darwin study?

Thomas Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population

Populations o plants and animals increase ___


Humans can only increase their food supply ____


Why do populations of species remain constant?

Death limits population numbers

How old is earth?

4.5 billion years

All share the same basic array of limbs

Vertebrate forelimbs

Same evolutionary origin but now differ in structure and function

Mechanism for heredity

Structures of different origin, used for the same purpose


•all organisms are composed of cells

• cells are the basic unit of life

• all cells come from preexisting cells

Cell theory

Discrete unit of information


What did Darwin study?

Thomas Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population

Entire set of DNA instructions


Populations o plants and animals increase ___


Humans can only increase their food supply ____


Why do populations of species remain constant?

Death limits population numbers

How old is earth?

4.5 billion years

All share the same basic array of limbs

Vertebrate forelimbs

Same evolutionary origin but now differ in structure and function

Mechanism for heredity

Structures of different origin, used for the same purpose


•all organisms are composed of cells

• cells are the basic unit of life

• all cells come from preexisting cells

Cell theory

Discrete unit of information


Continuity of life depends on ___ ___ of DNA into daughter cells

Faithful copying

Diversity due to ____ changes over time


___ systems are open systems


Constant supply of energy is needed in the ___ ___

Non-equilibrium state

The no equilibrium state has ___ at different levels

Self-organizing properties

Matter has __ and occupies ___

Mass, space

All matter is composed of ___


Understanding the __ of atoms is critical to understanding the nature of ___ molecules

Structure, biological

Atoms are composed of __

Protons neutrons and electrons

Positively charged particles located in the nucleus


Neutral particles located in the nucleus


Negatively charged particles found in orbitals surrounding the nucleus


Single celled prokaryote


Number of protons that equals the number of electrons

Atomic number

Atoms are ___ __

Electrically neutral

Atomic number =

Number of protons

What is an Element ?

Any substance that can't be broken down to any other substance by ordinary chemical means

Refers to amount of substance


Weight ?

Refers to force gravity exerts on substance

What is the sum of protons and neutrons?

The atoms atomic mass

Each proton and neutron has approximately ___ __of mass

1 Dalton

Negatively charged particles are located in the ?


__ atoms have the same number of electrons and protons


Single celled prokaryote


__ are charged particles


More protons than electrons


Fewer protons than electrons


Atoms of a single element that possess different numbers of neutrons


___ isotopes are unstable and emit radiation as the nucleus breaks up


The time it takes for one-half of the atoms in a sample to decay


Key to the chemical behavior of an atom lies in the number and arrangement of its electrons in their orbitals

Electron arrangement

Electrons in discrete orbits

Bohr model

Area around a nucleus where an electron is most likely to be found


No orbital can contain more than __ electrons


Single celled or multicellular eukaryote


Electrons have potential ___ related to their position.


Electrons __ from the nucleus have more energy


During some chemical reactions , electrons can be transferred from one atom to another


Loss of an electron


Gain of an electron


Displays elements according to valence electrons

Periodic table

Number of electrons in outermost energy level

Valence electrons

Has all 8 electrons ?

Inert (nonreactive) elements

Octet rule ?

atoms tend to establish completely full outer energy levels

The periodic table has __ naturally occurring elements


All organisms today descended from a simple creature ____

3.5 BYA

Only __ elements are found in living organisms in substantial amounts


What are the four elements make up 96.3% of the human body weight?

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

Contains CHON

Organic molecules

Groups of atoms held together in a stable association


Molecules containing more than one type of element


Atoms are held together in molecules or compounds by ___ ____

Chemical bonds

Form when atoms share two or more valence electrons

Covalent bonds

Depends on the number of shared electrons

The strength of shared electrons

are composed of more than 2 atoms – may share electrons with 2 or more atoms?

Many biological compounds

Atoms affinity for electrons


Cells are ___ ___ systems

Information processing

Differences in ___ dictate how electrons are distributed in covalent bonds.


Nonpolar covalent bonds =

Equal sharing of electrons

Polar covalent bonds =

Unequal sharing of electrons

Involve the formation or breaking of chemical bonds

Chemical reactions

Shift from one molecule to another without any change in number or identity of atoms


Reactants are ..?

Original molecules

Molecules resulting from reaction


Extent of chemical reaction influenced by..?


2.Concentration of reactants and products


Many reactions are


Life is inextricably tied to


Information in DNA is used to ___ ___ of cellular components.

Direct synthesis

Single most outstanding chemical property of water is...

It's ability to form hydrogen bonds

Formed by the attraction of oppositely charged ions

Ionic bonds

Gain or loss of electrons forms


Electrical attraction of water molecules can disrupt __ __ __ __

Forces holding ions together

Within a water molecule, the bonds between __ and __ are highly polar

Oxygen and hydrogen

Control of ___ ___ leads to different cells/ tissue types

Gene expression

Cells process ___ ___

Environmental information

Cells in multicellular organisms must ___

Coordinate with each other