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34 Cards in this Set

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1. how a gene becomes a trait – steps, what proteins do in your body, why protein shape is important
Transcription -> Translation

the shape of the protein molecule is what allows it to do its unique job
Definition of genetics, gene, allele, homologous chromosomes, homozygous, heterozygous, dominant, recessive, genotype, phenotype
Genetics: the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms
Gene:Segment of DNA
Allele:One of a number of alternative forms of the same gene occupying a given position on a chromosome
Homozygous: Having one dominant or non-dominant parts of a trait
Heterozygous: Having both dominant and non-dominant parts of a trait
Recessive: The trait that is non-dominant
Genotype: How a trait is put together
Phenotype: How a trait shows up in a person
Simple inheritance with dominant-recessive traits – do Punnett squares and answer questions, be able to identify an example
self explanatory
Incomplete dominance – do Punnett squares and answer questions, be able to identify an example
self explanatory
sex linked traits – do Punnett squares and answer questions, be able to identify an example
self explanatory
correct answers for T/F questions about pregnancy and STDs
Activities that can still lead to sperm fertilizing ovum and possible pregnancy (from planned parenthood video clip)
Any activity where semen/sperm could possibly make contact with vagina
Where and when fertilization occurs & definition & number of chromosomes involved, type of cell fertilized
Falopian Tubes

23 and 23

Where and when pregnancy begins
Uturus wall
Symptoms of pregnancy
Throwing up,
weight gain
. Human life cycle – when mitosis occurs and when meiosis occurs, number of chromo
somes in initial and final cells for both processes, haploid, diploid, function of each, where each occurs (cell type), number of cells produced for each
meiosis Haploid make reproductive cells, starts with 46 ends with 4 23 chromozones

Mitosis 46 chromes, ends with two 46 daughter cells
body cells
Spermatogenesis: definition, names of different stages of the cells, number of cells produced, where it occurs, number of chromosomes in each stage of cells
Production of sperm
Male and reproductive system anatomy – location (on picture) and function of each structure, order that sperm travels thorough male
Pre-ejaculatory fluid facts
Semen facts
contains sugars, drink up ladies
Purposes/functions of male reproductive system, when gametes are produced during male lifetime, what sperm count is related to and how
Oogenesis: definition, names of different stages of the cells, number of cells produced, especially remember about polar bodies vs. egg, where it occurs, number of chromosomes in each stage of cells, what type of cell is ovulated/penetrated/fertilized
female reproductive system anatomy – location (on picture) and function of each structure, order sperm travels through female, order secondary oocyte travels through female
Purposes/functions of female reproductive system, when gametes are produced during lifetime
Stages of development – definition and order: zygote, morula, blastocyst, gastrula, neurula, embryo, fetus
Characteristics at each week for embryo, what developmental events begin to occur during fetal period, weeks of embryonic period and fetal period
when birth occurs, developmental difference in timing of birth for males and females
Twins – how they occur, chances of getting them, two types, how similar is their DNA? How similar is their physical appearance?
birth defects: causes, most sensitive developmental period
Why is classification needed and how this relates to the plague
Define classification in general and for biology
List biological categories from most general to most specific
Explain how related organisms in the same biological category are related
List characteristics for each kingdom (archaea, bacteria, protista, fungi, plantae, animalia). Include cell type, true nucleus present/absent, cell wall present/absent and type if present, mode of nutrition, motility, muticellularity present/absent
Identify which kingdom or domain an organism belongs to based on a picture or description of it
Define the following terms and identify examples of organisms that are/exhibit prokaryote, eukaryote, nuclear envelope, cell wall, cell/plasma membrane, autotroph, heterotroph, nutrition by photosynthesis, nutrition by absorption, nutrition by digestion, flagella, cilia, contractile fibrils, ameboid (pseudopodia), multicellularity, unicellular, colonial
1. Define and give examples of ancestor, descendant, common ancestor, most recent common ancestor, shared characteristic
2. Interpret an evolutionary tree in terms of how long organisms lived, when they lived, most closely related organisms, most distantly related organisms, when extinctions occurred, when new species arose
3. On an evolutionary tree, identify ancestors/descendants/common ancestors/most recent common ancestors/shared characteristics