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144 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following issues would MOST likely be dealt with by a physiological psychologist?

What are the brain structures involved in eating behavior?

Physiological psychologists are most likely to believe in

monism and evolution

in the early 1600s, ________ was somewhat radical in his thinking because he believed that the body ________.

Descartes; could influence the soul

While Descartes was walking through royal gardens in France, he saw statues move as he stepped on stone pavers. This gave him his idea of

the reflex

The motor system is ______, meaning that to move my right hand, the command comes from the _______ cerebral hemisphere of the brain.

contralateral : left


likely comes about through natural selection

The left hemisphere is unusually responsible for analyzing and producing


if a blindfolded split brain patient smelled a lemon with only her right nostril (the left nostril is plugged), all of the following would be true except

she would be able to say "lemon".

The phenomenon of blindsight suggests that

consciousness is not a general property of all parts of the brain

A patient suffering from unilateral neglect usually neglects stimuli

contralateral to the damaged hemisphere

in the video clip we saw in class the other week of Peggy trying to draw daisies, Peggy said that we must have two _____, and for her one side is taking over the other.


The ______ part of the central nervous system

spinal cord is

_______ was a Spanish histologist who painstakingly drew neurons from many brain areas from many different areas


_________ part of the neuron primarily responsible for gathering information from other neurons.

Dendrites are

_________ are organelles responsible for making ATP with _________.

Mitochondria : glucose

The organelles in neurons responsible for creating protein molecules are the


The best name for a neuron with two stalks or processes coming out of the soma would be a(n)

bipolar neuron

Neurons that conduct impulses from the spinal cord to the muscles are called

motor or efferent neurons

A neuron entirely located within the gray matter of the spinal cord would best be called

an interneuron

In anterograde axoplasmic transport, molecules are moved from the _______, along the neuron's _________.

some to the terminal buttons : microtubules

_______ build myelin sheaths around axons in the central nervous system by wrapping _______.

Oligodendrocytes : paddle-like extensions around axons

_________ provide nutrients to neurons, and _______ are an important component of the brain's immune system.

Astrocytes : microglia

The blood-brain barrier prevents _______ from flowing freely into the brain.

water soluble and large molecules

The blood-brain barrier appears to be, in part, formed by

tight junctions of the cells that comprise the brain's capillaries

A weak area in the blood-brain barrier at the area postrema is for

checking the blood for poisons.

_______ axons were used by _______ to investigate the nature of the action potential.

Squid : Hodgkin and Huxley

The difference in voltage between the inside and the outside of a neuron that typically exists when the axon is at rest is best described as the ______, and is about _______ mv.

resting potential : -70

When the insides of the axon becomes more negative in voltage compared to resting potential, we say that the axon is


When the neuron is at rest, which of the following forces acts to move chloride into the neuron?


When the neuron is at rest, which of the following forces acts to move sodium outside of the neuron?

the sodium-potassium transporter

The threshold of excitation is actually the voltage necessary to

open sodium channels.

Which of the following movements of ions would produce a depolarization in a neuron's axon?

sodium ions into the axon

The action potential is a good signal for the nervous system to use to transmit information because

the signal of the action potential does not degrade as it travels down the axon.

In an action potential, the hyper polarization is due to

potassium leaving the axon.

Sodium channels become refractory when the axon's voltage reaches about _______ mv.


When action potentials are conducted down a myelinated axon, all of the following are true, except

the action potentials occur under the beads of myelin.

In decremental conduction

the electrical signal decreases in strength as it travels down the length of the axon.

How does the brain differentiate between a weak stimulus and a strong stimulus?

the rate that action potentials are being fired will be less for the weaker stimulus.

Transmission of information between neurons is _________ and within a neuron is _________.

chemical : electrical

Within the terminal buttons, _______ contain the neurotramitters.


In the presynaptic membrane, which is the correct order for synaptic transmission to occur?

action potential arrives at the terminal button, calcium rushes in, vesicles release neurotransmitter

In the terminal buttons, an action potential causes _______ to enter the cell, which allows the vesicles to release neurotransmitter into the synaptic gap.


in synaptic transmission, it is helpful to think of the ______ as the key, and the ______ as the lock, which then opens the ion channel.

neurotransmitter : receptor

Most neurotransmitters are removed form the synaptic gap by

reuptake into the presynaptic membrane.

Metabotropic receptors ______ compared to ionotropic receptors.

take longer to open ion channels

Neural integration refers to

the way IPSPs and EPSPs summate to control the firing rate of action potentials of a neuron.

Which of the following movements of ions creates an IPSP in the postsynaptic membrane of a neuron?

potassium ions out of the postsynaptic membrane

If you have more IPSPs than EPSPs at a postsynaptic membrane of a neuron, this neuron will likely


The _______ nervous systems compose the autonomic nervous system.

sympathetic and parasympathetic

The branch of the nervous system that controls our "vegetative" functions is the

autonomic nervous system

A plane through the brain parallel with the floor would be a ________ plane, and a plane going through the top of the head that can split you from ear to ear is the _______ plane.

transverse : coronal

The pons is ______ to the spinal cord.

superior or rostral

The amygdala is _______ to the hippocampus.


The thalami are ______ to the third ventricle.


The cerebellum is ______ to the occipital lobes.


The cortex of the _____ considered to be neocortex and the cortex of the _____ considered to be limbic cortex.

temporal lobes are : cingulate cortex is

The _____ is absent in the peripheral nervous system, and the _____ is the tough outer meninge.

arachnoid : dura matter

The subarachnoid space is a space between the ______ and contains ________.

pia matter and arachnoid membrane : cerebrospinal fluid

Cerebrospinal fluid does all of the following except

creates the correct chemical environment of the intracellular fluid

Which is the correct order of flow of cerebrospinal fluid?

third ventricle...subarachnoid space....sinuses

Cerebrospinal fluid is largely produced in the _______ and can be reabsorbed in the _______.

ventricles : dural sinuses

In the ventricular system, the ______ are directly connected.

fourth ventricle and the cerebral aqueduct

The lateral ventricles are located deep within the

cerebral hemisphere

The fourth ventricle is

ventral to the cerebellum.

The _______ is part of the forebrain.


The tectum and tegmentum make up the structures of the


All of the following are true of the hypothalamus except

it activates the somatic nervous system.

All of the following structures deal with the processing of emotions except the

red nucleus

The temporal lobe houses the


Phineas Gage suffered damage to his ______ lobes, severing connections with the _______.

frontal : limbic system

The primary visual cortex is located in the ______ fissure of the ______ lobe.

calcarine : occipital

The primary motor cortex is located ______ to the central sulcus in the _____ lobe.

anterior : frontal

In a class video, Charles Landry, a lawyer, suffered from a stroke that damaged _____ of the _______ lobe.

Broca's area : frontal

When one thinks about the type of information being processed in the parietal lobe, one should be thinking about

touch and vision.

All of the following are visible on the ventral surface of the brain except the

parietal lobes.

If you cut into the longitudinal fissure, the first structure you would encounter with your knife would be the

corpus callosum.

If you pull open the lateral fissure you will find the _______ which is responsible for _______.

insula : complex social emotions

Damage to the inferior temporal gyrus would most likely lead to problems in


If you stimulate the "thumb" area of the primary motor cortex you would

move your thumb.

What is the best description for the location of the thalami?

deep within the cerebral hemispheres

of the following, the _______ is considered to be a subcortical nucleus.


Some of the first motor symptoms of Parkinsons disease are due to the death of neurons in the

substantia nigra

Caffeine in your morning cup of coffee is stimulating the ______ for increased wakefulness.

reticular formation

The _______ connects the hippocampus and mammillary bodies.


Damage to the hippocampus would likely lead to problems in

forming new memories.

All of the following structures are commonly considered to be structures of the limbic system except the

reticular formation

The superior colliculi are nuclei of the ______ and deal with _______.

tectum : reflexive visual behaviors

Coughing, sneezing and vomiting are all controlled by the


All of the following are white matter except the


All of the following are visible on the medial surface of the brain except the


Sensory information enters the spinal cord on its ________ surface.


Cell bodies of neurons for touch are located in the

dorsal spinal root ganglia

There are ______ pairs of cranial nerves, with _______.

12 : only some containing both sensory and motor information

The sympathetic nervous system has ______ postganglionic fibers that release _____ at their target organs.

long : norepinephrine

Sympathetic arousal includes all of the following except

stimulates digestive system.

The _____ is a gland that secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine to further activate the ______ nervous system.

adrenal medulla : sympathetic

All of the following are true of psychoactive drugs except

they must be taken in large quantities to have an effect.

______ is the study of the effects of drugs on the nervous system and behavior.


_____ are two common ways to administer drugs to small lab animals.

Intraperitoneal injection and intracerebral injection

Of the following pairs, the fastest method of getting a drug to the brain is by ______, and the slowest method is by _______.

intramuscular : oral ingestion

Psychoactive drugs are usually either

lipid soluble or very small molecules

Drugs are mainly metabolized by ______ in the _______.

enzymes : liver

THC found in marijuana binds to fatty tissue in the body. This ______ the effects of THC.


Drug excretion means

removing the drug from the body.

When a drug is swallowed or ingested

enzymes in the stomach can metabolize the drug.

All of the following are true of the LD50 except

it is calculated during human trials with in the drug.

The therapeutic index is all of the following except

the amount of a drug that causes some harmful or toxic effect to the individual.

If Bob the Builder took 2 pills instead of the prescribed does of 1 pill and consequently suffered damage to his liver, we would say that the medication

has a very small safety margin.

A drug's withdrawal symptoms are usually

effects that are opposite to those of the drug.

An increase in psychomotor disturbances with the same dose of cocaine is refereed to as


Drug effects that are not due to the drug at its site of action are referred to as

non-specific effects.

If a drug blocks the reuptake mechanism of a neurotransmitter, it is best classified as _______ for that neurotransmitter.

an agonist

If a drug blocks the metabolic enzyme of a neurotransmitter, that drug would be considered ________ for that neurotransmitter.

an agonist

A drug that non-competitively binds to a postsynaptic receptor and does not open ion channels is best described as ________ for that neurotransmitter.

an indirect antagonist

Select the incorrect statement:

Drugs that cause the vesicles to empty neurotransmitter into the synaptic gap are antagonists.

The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is directly implicated in all of the following except

drug addiction

Acetylcholine is released by all of the following neurons of the peripheral nervous system except

sympathetic postganglionic neurons

______ was the first neurotransmitter discovered because it is widely found throughout the peripheral nervous system.


Which of the following drugs acts as a direct agonist for acetylcholine?



controls the contraction of voluntary muscles.

Acetylcholine controls the formation of some memories through its pathway from the

septum to the hippocampus.

Botulinum toxin

prevents the release of acetylcholine from vesicles.

The following drugs cause paralysis:

botulinum toxin, black widow spider venom, and curare

Which of the following neurotransmitters is a monoamine?


Cell bodies of neurons that release dopamine are concentrated in the


The mesolimbic dopamine system is highly implicated in

reinforcement and reward.

Of the following pairs of drugs that affect the dopamine neurotransmitter system, _______ is an antagonist, and _______ is an agonist.

chlorpromazine : amphetamine


reverses the transport molecules for norepinephrine.

Cocaine's mechanism of action for norepinephrine is the same as its mechanism of action for

dopamine and serotonin

Dopamine is commonly implicated in

schizophrenia and drug addiction

An excess of dopamine is associated with all of the following except

inability to initiate movement.

________ is neurotransmitter implicated in the regulate of pain and sleep.


Most neurons that secrete serotonin have their cell bodies in the

brain stem.

Which of the following is true of Prozac?

it is an agonist for serotonin

____ is an hallucinogenic drug that appears to exert its effects through the serotonin system.


Glutamate and GABA are

amino acids.

________ is a principle excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and _____ is the principle inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain.

Glutamate : GABA

A major action of PCP is that it acts on the ____ receptor complex as an ______.

glutamate : indirect antagonist

GABA agonists are commonly prescribed to treat


GABA _____ in the postsynaptic membrane.

causes IPSPs

Barbiturates' effects are similar to those of alcohol in that barbiturates affect

both GABA and the glutamate neurotransmitter systems.

Picrotoxin acts as _____ to the GABA neurotransmitter system.

an indirect antagonist

The goal of lesion studies is to

discover what functions are performed by different regions of the brain.

______ are lesion methods more likely to produce collateral damage when targeting a specific brain structure.

Aspiration and electrical current