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101 Cards in this Set

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Floral structure that produces pollen grains


A sweet liquid that plant produce in flower to attract insect in a flower


When a two gametes or sex cells fuse, the full number of chromosomes is restored to form a ... zygot


Floral structure that has a function to attract insects for pollination is


Stamen's " stalk " structure


The structure in carpels which contains ovum or female gametes


On arrival at the ovary, the end of the pollen tube enters an ovule through a small hole


Is a form of cell division that occurs during gametes production in which the number of chromosomes is halved (also known as "reduction division")

Asexual Reproduction

A way of reproduction of genetically identical offspring frome one parent

Cross Pollination

This is when pollen grains are transfered from an anther of a flower to the stigma of a flower on a different plant of the same species


An environment condition which could germination by activating the enzyme on the seed. what is it?


Male or female sex cells is called... these structure is involved in sexual reproduction


A flower with a small and light pollen in vast quantities and usually has small or no petals is ...


Floral structure that is a surface on which the pollen landing during pollination is


Anther and filament structure


Floral structure that protects the flower when in bud


Floral structure that allows the passage of the pollen tube to ovary is


A flower that has large,colourful,scented petals with the presence of nectar and nectar guide is a


This formed when two nuclei of sex cells (gametes) are fused what is it


In asexual reproduction it involves cell division almost always by this process


A way of reproduction when the fusion of nuclei of gametes occurs to produce a genetically different offspring(zygote) is called this


The floral structure in the carpels which lie the ovules in it are called this

Pollen tube

Germination of the pollen grains after the pollination involves the growth of a structure called a... which reduces enzymes of its tip digest the cell in the style


Pollen grains from an anther of a flower that is transfered or fall on the same stigma on the same flower or on to the stigma of anther flower in a same plant is describe as...

Suitable Temperature

An environmental condition which affects germination by providing a ... ... for enzymes in the seed to work / operate efficiently


An environmental factor or condition which affects germination by allowing release of a great deal of energy from respiration to fuel the greatly increased growth rate. What is the factor

Uses of sex

Make new organism or generation or individual or offspring

Percentage of organism that reproduce sexually


Key different between sexual and asexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction needs fusions of gametes while asexual reproduction make a genetic clone while sexual reproduction organism is a bit different

Various method of asexual reproduction

Fragmentation, budding vegetative, binary fission, parthenogenesis or arthropods

If organism can use asexual why use sexual ?

Gene variation makes a population of an organism less susceptible to disease and more able to survive if condition goes crappy

What is the red queen hypothesis

It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place

How is the red queen hypothesis linked to advantages coffer by sexual reproduction

Keep up with predators, the variation genes is one of the way to keep up a species as the environmental condition can continuosly changing and would wiped out a whole species that probably all of those species that reproduce sexually has the same genetic type, therefore to survive in continuously changing environment sexual reproduction can be beneficial. Although it requires energy and takes more time.

Adaptation for leaf in desert

Thin waxy cuticle

Direction of particle movements of simple diffusion, facilated diffusion, osmosis and active transport

Againsts concentration gradient

Needs of energy in simple diffusion, facilated diffusion, osmosis and active

Only active transport need it

What kind of molecule is in simple diffusion

Unchanged molecules, small sizes and non-polar molecules (CO2,H2O,urea,etc)

What kind of molecule is in facilated diffusion

Unchanged molecules, small sizes and non-polar molecules (CO2,H2O,urea,etc)

What kind of molecules are in osmosis

Water (solvent)

What kind of molecules are in active transport

Ions/charged molecule, large molecule (molecule with high mass /MW)

Structure of simple diffusion

Could involve semipermeable membrane or not

Structure of facilated diffusion

Using protein channel

Structure of osmosis

Involve semi permeable

Structure of active transpot

Using protein pump or protein carrier

Example of simple diffusion in daily life

You drop an ink into a glass of water or you spray a deodorizer to a room

Example of facilated diffusion in daily life

Water enters the root cell using aquaporin(protein channel)

Example of osmosis in daily life

A potato cut increase on its mass and length after submerged in a bowl full of tap water

Example of active transport in daily life

Glucose absorbed by the epithelial cells in the vili of small intestines

Cholera pathogen

The bacterium reproduce a toxin that causes the secretion of chloride ions into a small intestine,drawing in water by osmosis

Rate of transpiration as humidity increase


Water loss is greater than water uptake

Controlled exercise is a method of

Method of reducing the risk of coronary heart disease

Sequence of nerve cells through which an impulse passes during a reflex action



Plant cells that build protein molecules under the control of nucleus

Nitrogen fixation

Process carried out by bacteria in the root nudules of leguminous plants

Genetic engineering

A gene for insulin is taken from a human cell and place in a bacterium. The bacterium can then make human insulin


Can be a place to lost water vapor in the leaves

As water vapour is lost from the leaves this reduces

Water potential

Water molecules are attracted to each other by


Walls of the xylem vessel by


What is 1, 2 and 3

1 is xylem 2 is floem 3 is midrib

What is x,p,q,r,s

X = waxy layer cuticle

P = upper epidermis

Q = palisade mesophyll

R = xylem

S = floem

Effect of air movement (wind speed) on transpiration rate of plants


What is this thing called? And its function

Potometer, to measure rate of water by the plant and not rate of transpiration

Two structure features which plants have in dry environment to survive and adapt

Small surface area and less stomata

Are xylem vessel living or dead structures? Give one answer for your reason

Dead structure do not have protoplasm

Main function of xylem vessel

1)conducting water and dissolve mineral salts from the roots to the stems and leaves,

2)providing mechanical support for the plants

3 ways xylem vessels can adapt to their function

1) no protoplasm to offer resistance to water flow

2)xylem vessel has an empty lumen without protoplasm or end walls to resist water flow through the xylem

3)its walls are thickened with lignin (har and rigid substance) prevents the collapse of the vessel

4)mechanical support to the plant

Path of water takes through a plant experiment

1)celery plant and wash to remove soil

2)plant's stem immersed in red diluted ink(or methylene blue solution)

3) after a few hours red ink has risen up. Cut thin transverse section of the stem and see it under microscope and see that xylem tissue stained red


Transport of manufactured food substance such as sugar and amino acid in plants

Ringing experiment

1. cut off a complete ring of bark including the phloem and cambium from the main stem of a woody twig (e.g. Hibiscus) This will leave the xylem exposed. Place the twig in water with the cut ring above the water level

2. Set up a control using an unringed twig

3. Observe the twigs daily. Note where roots or swellings appear Make drawings of your observations. the phloem? .

Root pressure

Water passes from the living cells into the xylem vessels by osmosis and flow upwards with help of capillary action and transpiration pull

Capillary action

Water tends to move up inside very narrow tubes (capilary tubes) due to interraction between water molecules and the surface of the tube and upward movement of water in small plants


Loss of water vapour from a plant, mainly through the stomata of the leaves

Transpiration pulls

Suction force due to transpiration

Transpiration steam

Stream of water up the plant


Cuticular transpiration

Small amount of water evaporates from surface of epidermal cells

Importance of transpiration

Transpiration pull draws water and mineral salts from the roots to the stems and leaves.

Evaporation of water from the cells in the leaves removes latent heat of vaporisation. This cools the plant, preventing it from being scorched by the hot sun.

water transported to the leaves can be used in photosynthesis; to keep cells turgid; and to replace water lost the cells. Turgid cells keep the leaves spread out widely to trap sunlight for photosynthesis.

(Pls memorize this)

Rate of transportation

Loss in mass (g)

_________________ = g/h

Time taken (h)

Factor effect on transpiration

Humidity of the air

Wind or air movement

Temperature of the air



Transpiration rate exceed the rate of absorbtion of water by the roots or soft stems ( Balsam plants ) mesophyll cells lose water

Advantage of wilting

Reducing the rate of transpiration (stomata close and guard cells flaccid)

Disadvantage of wilting

Photosynthesis reduce because water is rare and because stomata is closed then carbon dioxide also reduce and because folding leaf reduces surface area exposed to the sun

Blood group A antigen? Antibody?


Blood group B antigen? Antibody?


Group AB antigen? Antibody

AB, non

Blood group o antigen? Antibody?

Non, a and b

Function of BLOOD

1) transport medium carrying substance

2) against disease carrying organism (pathogens)

3) blood clotting seals wound prevent bacteria in blood stream

Blood system as transportation system consist of?

Blood vessel through entire body


Heart ensure fluid flowing through vessels

What consist in blood

55% plasma

45% blood cells(corpuscle) and platelets

Main constituent of blood


Red blood cells

White blood cells



Yellow liquid 90% water

Soluble protein of fibrinogen pathogen antibodies, hydrogen carbonates (calcium for blood clotting), food substances, excretory products,hormones(insulin)

Red blood cell or erythrocytes

Pigment haemoglobin(iron containing protein) combine reversibly with o2 enabling rbc to transport o2 from lungs to all cells of the body

Biconcave disk(shape) absorb and release faster rate

Not posses nucleus


White blood cells or leucocytes

700(rbc): 1(wbc) 5000-10000

Colourless, does not contain haemoglobin, irregular shape and contain nucleus, move and change shape, fight disease, lifespan only days, two main kinds of this : lymphocyte and phagocyte


Large rounded nucleus and relatively small of non-granular cytoplasm and produces antibodies


Ingest foreign particle like bacteria

Blood platelets or thrombocytes

Not true cell, membrane-bound fragments of cytoplasm from certain bone marrow cell and clots blood

Blood transport oxygen to cells of the body

O2 diffuses from alveoli into the blood, haemoglobin(purplish -red) in the rbc combines with o2 ( combining happens in lungs) to make oxyhaemoglobin(bright light) and as blood passes oxyhaemoglobin release its o2

Protective function of blood

Blood clotting


Antibody production


Normal blood clotting greatly impaired can cause exsanguination(or to bleed to death)