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21 Cards in this Set

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Homology dependent mechaisms- nucleotide excision repair
Glabal genemic repair, bla bla
Glabal genemic repair
DNA mismatch repair
GATC: whenever this sequence is present, T got methylated
Muts, MutA
base pair mismatches recognized by scaning after replications and newly synthesized strand is repaired
New strand recognzed due t time lag of DNA methylation and other modification
Error-prone mechanisms- SOS/translesion repair
bulky additions &/or pyrimidine dimers can lead to stalling of DNA polyerase & cell death
In order to let replication continue, an error-prone DNA repair system is activated that
puts random nucleotides opposite the lesion
ACtivation of bypass polyerases
Large active site pocket, can accommodate DNA adducts
No 3-5 proofreading activity- allowed to make mistakes
Only add a few nucleotides
DNA repair mechanisms, double-stranded break repair
they are problematice since can lead to chromosomal rearrangement'
cab lead to nonhomologous end-joining ( ends are trimmed and ligated back together) this lead to deletion, erorr -prone)
Homologous double strand break repair
Synthesis-dependent strand annealing: in cells that have already replicated DNA
- End-trimming o double stranded breaks
Rad51 binds single-stranded ends and Rad51-DNA filament mediates search for sister chromaid & strand invasion.Syster chromatid used as template to synthesize missing DNA
Ligase seals nicks
Mutation and diesease
Diseases can be caused by
1. Mutation sthta alter functiona l products of specific key genes (eg sickle cell, CFTR)
2, Accumulation of nuerous mutations in genes with related function ( cancer)
3. Mutation of repar enzyme genes
(xeroderma pign=nent stotum
LEcture 27
The transposable element
Unstable alleles in maize
cross C/Cx c/c parents sometimes get varietigation.
Hybrid dysgenesis in fruit flies
female stock x wild male = sterile
Variegation was associated with a specific chromosomal break that led to loss of the regional function
Genetics & the detection of the unexpected:
Wild type kernal with a section of mutant
Isolated rare unstable c (mutant) alleles caused by Ds
Affected only the C gene, mosaic kernales whee c reverted t wild type
WHat do trabsposavle elenbe kiij like
Many different tupes
DNA transporsons (pre & eukaryotes)
CLass II element
Retrosposon element
General structure of DNA transposons
encoded transposase, terminal inverted sequence .
HOw do DNA TEs jump
Convervative: cut and paste into new location
Most common mechaism
Conservative transposition of DNA TEs
cut at target site
General feature of transposon
Eukaryote elements that junp through ab RNA intermediated, they usually have long termial repeat and ther is no transposase. Transposition requires retrotransposon-encoded reverse transcriptase (pol )
Transposition of LTR retrotransposons
replicative mechamos,
RNA or LTR retrotransposon is reverse transcribed to DNA in cytoplasm then DNA copy returned to the necleus for inseertion into the genome
Viruses make many RNA copies that are packaged for dispersal.