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37 Cards in this Set

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To survive, all animals must...

Balance consumption of food with use and storage of nutrients

The "essential nutrients" for proper human nutrition include...

Calcium, sodium, potassium, and other minerals

In a well-fed human eating a western diet, the richest source of stored chemical energy in the body is...

Fat in adipose tissue

Certain nutrients are considered "essential" in the diets of some animals because...

These animals are not able to synthesize these nutrients

List the 4 kinds of feeding and give examples

Bulk feeder- snake

Suspension feeder- baleen whale

Fluid feeder- mosquito

Substrate feeder- aphid

An advantage of a complete digestive system over a gastrovascular cavity is that the complete system...

Allows for specialized regions with specialized functions

The function of mechanical digestion is to break down large chunks of food into smaller pieces. Why is this important? Smaller pieces of food...

Have more surface area for chemical digestion than do larger pieces of food

True or false? One advantage of having a tube-like digestive tract is that digestion of all compounds can take place simultaneously down the tract.

False, the digestive processes with different requirements can be separated within the tract

True or false? The liver is a component of the alimentary canal


True or false? Free fatty acid absorption occurs in the small intestine


For ingested foods, the first opportunity for enzymatic digestion occurs in the...

Mouth (salivary amylase)

True or false? The stomach functions as a protein digester


Digestive secretions with a pH of 2 are characteristic of the...


Among humans, increased interest in food intake normally occurs...

Via chemical signals released when the stomach is empty

An enlarged cucumber is typical of...

Rabbits, horses, and herbivorous bears

Fat digestion yields fatty acids and glycerol, whereas protein digestion yields amino acids. Both digestive processes....

Add a water molecule to break bonds

In an open circulatory system, blood is...

Not always confined to blood vessels and is under lower pressure than in closed circulatory systems

Blood returns to the heart via the...

Pulmonary veins

From the pulmonary veins, blood flows to the...

Left atrium

From the anterior vena cava, blood flows to the...

Right atrium

From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the...

Posterior vena cava

From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the...

Posterior vena cava

True or false? Pulmonary veins carry oxygen rich blood to the heart


Name the sequence of blood flow in birds and mammals

Vena cava - right atrium - right ventricle - pulmonary artery

A human red blood cell in am artery of the left arm is on its way to deliver oxygen to a cell in the thumb. To travel from the artery to the thumb and then back to the left ventricle, this red blood cell must pass through how many capillary beds?


The velocity of blood flow is the lowest in capillaries because...

The total cross-sectional area of the capillaries is greater than the total cross-sectional area of the arteries or any other part of the circulatory system

If, during protein starvation, the osmotic pressure on the venous side of capillary beds drops below the hydrostatic pressure, then...

Fluids will tend to accumulate in tissues

An advantage of gas exchange in fresh water, compared to gas exchange in air, is that...

Water loss through evaporation across respiratory surface can be minimized

Concurrent exchange in the fish gill helps to maximize...


Compared with the interstitial fluid that bathes active muscle cells, blood reaching these muscle cells in arteries has a...

Higher PO2

How has the avian lung adapted to the metabolic demands of flight?

Gas exchange occurs during both inhalation and exhalation

True or false? The lungs of a human form from the embryonic foregut

True (so do the stomach and part of the small intestine)

Which barriers must OF and CO2 cross to pass between air and blood inside lungs?

The capillary wall, extracellular fluid, and epithelial cells

True or false? The driving force for the unloading of oxygen from hemoglobin into tissues is the difference in PCO2 levels between the blood and body tissues


How is most carbon dioxide transported from tissues to the lungs?

As bicarbonate ions (HCO3-)

True or false? The binding of one oxygen molecule to hemoglobin stimulates the binding of other oxygen molecules


The amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin increases when...

In the presence of high concentrations of oxygen