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37 Cards in this Set

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1. Enzyme cofactors

2. Structural functions (Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium in bone)

3. Electrolyte balance (Chloride,
Sodium, Potassium)

4. Nerve and muscle function

5. Unique functions: heme,
hormonal responses, muscle contractility..

Inorganic elemental atoms that are essential nutrients.

Not changed by digestion or metabolism
Name the classification of mineral:

- Sodium
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Phosphorus
- Sulfur
- Chloride

Present in body tissues at concentration >50 mg/kg

Humans need >100mg/day
Name the classification of mineral:

- Chromium
- Manganese
- Iron
- Molybdenum
- Copper
- Cobalt
- Zinc
- Fluoride
- Iodine
- Selenium
- Tin
- Nickel

Present in body tissues at a
concentration <50mg/kg
Trace or Microminerals

Humans need <100mg/day
Name the mineral:

Bone structure
Nerve function
Blood clotting
Muscle contraction
Cellular metabolism (enzymes)

Recommendations: 1000-1500 mg/day (AI)

Most abundant mineral in animal tissues 99% in bone, also in blood and other tissues
Three “hormones” involved
in regulation of this mineral

1. Vitamin D (increase plasma Ca++)

2. Parathyroid hormone (increase plasma Ca)

3. Calcitonin (decrease plasma Ca)
Name the mineral


Found in bones and teeth

Found in all cells as part of a major buffer system (acid-base balance)

Forms part of DNA , RNA and ATP (necessary for all growth)

Energy metabolism (enzyme activation/inhibition) second messenger (cAMP, IP3)

Structural component (phospholipids in membranes )

Second most abundant mineral in the body (phosphate form).

85% is found combined with calcium in the hydroxyapatite crystals of bones
and teeth
Name the mineral:


Formation of bones and teeth

Aids in absorption of calcium and potassium

Enzyme function. Also as a part of the utilizable form of ATP

Involved in muscle contraction and blood clotting (inhibition)

Support the functioning of the immune system

Barely a major mineral (1 ounce in a 130-pound person)

50% in bones (reservoir) and the rest is in muscle, soft tissues (only 1% extracellular)
PTH controls ________ of phosphate.
Minerals that comprise < 0.01% of the body weight

Needed in concentrations of < 100 mg needed per day

RDAs have been established for:

Iron, zinc, copper, iodine, selenium, and molybdenum

Adequate intakes estimated for
Manganese, fluoride, chromium

Many are involved as cofactors in enzymes
Minerals that comprise < 0.01% of the body weight

Needed in concentrations of < 100 mg needed per day
Recommended _______ allowances have been established for:

- Iron
- zinc
- copper
- iodine
- selenium
- molybdenum
Recommended daily allowances
Needed in concentrations of < 100 mg needed per day
Adequate ________ have been estimated for:

- Manganese
- Fluoride
- Chromium
Adequate intakes
_____ is important in a multitude of chemical reactions in the body

Part of the catalytic center of over 300 metalloenzymes (Carbonic anhydrase, Alkaline phosphatase, Alcohol dehydrogenase, Superoxide dismutase..)

Gene expression (zinc fingers in transcription factors and nuclear hormone receptors)

- Important in protein-protein interactions and signal transduction

Found in all organs and tissues; highest in bone, liver, kidney, muscle and skin

Can exist in different valence states but in the body is always found in its divalent form (Zn2+)
Shown to improve the immune status in the elderly

Used therapeutically to promote wound healing and to treat gastric ulcers
Zinc Supplementation
One of the most abundant elements in nature and essential for human health

Potentially toxic: major generator of free radicals

There are disease states associated with having either too little (iron deficiency) or too much iron (iron overload) and are among the most common human diseases

Human iron metabolism is tightly regulated to maintain iron homeostasis
Cofactor to enzymes involved in oxidation-reduction reactions (due to its capacity to accept
and donate electrons readily, interconverting between ferrous (Fe2+) and ferric (Fe3+) forms.
Roles of Iron
Present only in animal foods derived from flesh (good absorption)
Heme iron
Present in plant and animal derived food (poor absorption)
Non-heme iron
At physiological pH ferrous iron (Fe2+) is oxidized to the insoluble ferric iron (Fe3+)

The acidic gastric compartment lowers the pH in the proximal duodenum helping to solubilize the ferric iron (=> pH is important)

This facilitates the activity of the brush border ferrireductases (reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+) and subsequent transport into the enterocyte by the DMT1* transporter
Nonheme iron:

Absorption occurs mainly in the duodenum
- Absorption is independent of pH.

Mechanism of absorption not well characterized(endocytosis?)

Once absorbed, the porphryin ring is hydrolyzed by heme oxygenase into inorganic ferrous iron and protoporphyrin
Heme iron:

Absorption occurs mainly in the duodenum
The average adult stores about 3-5 grams of iron

About 1-2 mg of iron is lost each day through sloughing of cells from skin and mucosal surfaces, including the lining of the gastrointestinal tract
Iron distribution
Iron distribution:

60-70% Hemoglobin
10-15% Myoglobin
2% Heme enzymes
2% Non Heme enzymes
Functional iron:
Iron distribution:

Circulates in plasma bound to transferrin (0.1%)
Transported Iron:
Iron distribution:

Ferritin & hemosiderin (3-10%)
Stored Iron*:
Inhibitors of heme absorption

Prevent conversion of Heme -> Fe2+ -> Fe3+
- Phytates
- Tannins,
- Antiacids

Strong chelators, ↑ pH
Facilitators of heme absorption

Promote conversion of Heme -> Fe2+ -> Fe3+
- Ascorbate,
- Citrate
- Amino acids

Weak chelators
Competitors of iron absorption
- Lead
- Cobalt
- Manganese
- Zinc

Compete for the divalent metal transporter (DMT)
The average adult stores about ____ milligrams of iron
3-5 milligrams
About ___ mg of iron is lost each day through:

Sloughing of cells from skin and mucosal surfaces.
- Including the lining of the gastrointestinal tract
1-2 milligrams
This type of heme is stored in parenchymal cells of the:

1. Liver,
2. Spleen,
3. Bone marrow
4. Reticuloendothelial macrophages
Stored Iron
Ferritin & hemosiderin (3-10%)

These macrophages provide most of the usable iron by degrading hemoglobin in senescent erythrocytes and reloading ferric iron onto transferrin for delivery to cells.
Normally, iron binds to _______.
Ferrin (instead of plasma bound transferrin)
1. The average red cell life span is 120 days (0.8–1.0% of red cells turn over each day)

2. The senescent red cell is recognized by the cells of the RE* system and undergoes phagocytosis

3. The hemoglobin from the ingested red cell is broken down and the iron is shuttled back to the surface of the RE cell, where it is presented to circulating transferrin

4. This highly conserved recycling of iron from senescent red cells can support steady state erythropoiesis

5. Any additional iron required for daily red cell production comes from the diet
Recycling of heme.

Approximately 70% of total body iron is incorporated into red cell hemoglobin

An average adult produces 2 x 10^11 red cells daily

Each red cell contains more than a billion atoms of iron
- Iron is a critical element in the function of all cells

- The amount of iron required by individual tissues varies during development and under some circumstances (increased erythropoiesis). RBC require very high levels of iron daily.

- The body must protect itself from free iron (participates in chemical reactions that generate free radicals => toxic)

- Consequently, elaborate mechanisms have evolved that allow iron to be made available for physiologic functions while at the same time conserving this element and handling it in such a way that toxicity is avoided
Reasons why iron is important in homeostasis
1. Absorption:
- Dietary regulator
- Storage regulator
- Erythropoietic regulator
- Hormonal: hepcidin (inhibit absorption)

2) Transport and storage: regulated by iron at the protein synthesis and mRNA stability level (ferritin and transferrin receptor)

3) Recycling

4) Losses: blood loss (via gastrointestinal bleeding, menses, or other forms of bleeding) and the loss of epithelial cells from the skin, gut, and genitourinary tract
Regulation of heme homeostasis
What is the purpose of the hormone hepcidin?
Inhibit iron absorption

Binds to ferrocortin
Transport and storage of iron is regulated by which two receptors?
ferritin and transferrin receptor